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cMy first trip to Rio

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Newsflash----Lurker has made it to Rio.. Arrived here Thursday afternoon..Did a stroll down to beach and around the general area of the Atlantico Copacabana.. Overcast skies and light to moderate rain..

Took the subway to 117 for my first sauna experience. What can I say but OMG... many, many hot men (and boys, legal aged of course)

Had programas with two. Pardon me if names are not exactly correct, I dont speak Portuguese and the boys dont speak English. First was Ian.. a short, small, young looking guy. Nicely agressive in the cabine, but we did not do anal. Second was Mateus. He was very affectionate in the lounge area, but in the room was a dud. Didn~t want to do much of anything. Only sucked with a condom, and then for only a minute or two..Kept asking for more money... So one thumbs up and one thumbs down for day one.. Oh, and pricing. both boys asked for more, but accepted 50R... It was free cabine nite at 117..another fyi.. red bulls cost 10R...gatorade was 5R.. they charge for condoms and lube as well, so if you are watching the budget, bring your own.


It is rainy again today, so not sure what the day~s plans are yet. Tomorrow is my birthday, so we are planning on going to some bbq steakhouse ( I forget how to spell the brazilian word for it)

I will post more when I get a chance...

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Guest dreynsol

Hi Lurker, and glad you finally made it!


The Brazilian saunas are amazing aren't they! It's hard to describe in words, but to experience it is remarkable.


Try to find someone that can negotiate on your behalf and describe exactly what you would like in every detail.


I know it sounds boring, like negotiating a contract, but it gives you a good idea as to their motivation to please you. If you see a sign of hesitancy, simply go the next one.


There are lots of gorgeous Brazilians that actually do enjoy the company of being with an Americano and are more than willing to please.


It's your birthday, and you deserve a special event after the long wait.


Hope your arrangements worked out well, and Feliz Anniversario!


- Drey

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Lurker, I had planned not to write, as I'd wanted this spot to be reserved for your orientation and overall adventures, but since Drey chimed in here in his making you comfy in your very new environment, I just wanted to say a Happy, happy birthday to you. Enjoy it to the fullest regardless of the sunny or overcast clime.


Take a helicopter ride if it's sunny! Have lunch at the restaurant that is right at the helioport, and if you manage to do this-- board in Flamengo. It's much better than getting it near SugarLoaf!


And remember to keep your wits about you and be mindful (but not paranoid) at all times. That way your trip should go well!

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Thanks to both of you for your well wishes. It is going great, just passing much too quickly. Thursday and Friday were both overcast/drizzling rain, but Saturday and today are beautiful, sunny days. Texalphadog and I have had a great time. Thurs was 117, Friday was Meio Mundo, Saturday was 202 and then 117. For a quick recap.. 117 has by far been the best experience. Many, many boys, nicest cabines...Meio Mundo had a good number of boys, but the cabines were reminiscent of a basic bathhouse--cheap plastic mattress and sheets which come off at the first movement. Combined with little or no a/c in the rooms and no bathroom/shower, they were minimalist at best. 202 was virtually empty... around 10 boys and the same or fewer customers at 6pm on Saturday. Plus, none of the boys were spectacular. I almost forgot.. Last nite at 117, they had a live sex show...yet another birthday present for me..


We visited Corinjuas on Thursday night. The copacabana beach on friday.. and today are planning on heading over to Ipanema..


Sadly, we depart Monday night..so today is the last full day..

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naming names and a little bit more


I already briefly talked about my first visit to 117. On Friday night, we (txalphadog) and I went to Meio Mundo. There were probably at least 30 or so boys there. They were what I would call more `natural` types. Some very cute ones. I only hooked up once that nite, with marcos. He was this little ^hiphop type boy with a real cocky swagger. He was one of the dancers in the show and the boy has some moves. He told me up front that he was versatile and in the cabines, he proved it..He flipped from top to bottom with little trouble at all. I would definitely rate him highly if you like the smaller, smooth type..while chatting with him afterwards, I found out he is 20 years old and has 2 daughters..


We returned to 117 on saturday night. There, we once again saw the boy I had nicknamed DonkeyDick. This boy, while around 5´8´, had the largest penis I have ever seen in person. Long and thick..It could make even the most talented size queen get weak in the legs. He told us he has done photos for Inches and also advertises on rentboy.. sure enough, he is one of the two listed for Rio--Ricardo big dick.


too big for me to try on.. but I was thinking about hiring him to do a show for me with another boy.. Lets see if he is there tonite.


as far as my adventures, since it was my birthday, I wanted two boys at once. shortly after entering, Ian from thursday night came over. Remember, Ian is a little boy with a big toy..I told him of my wish for two boys and asked him to pick out a boy who he could work with. He pointed out one (chiago??) who was versatile and would get fucked by him..I agreed to have the two of them.. They put on a good show, but i found it funny how while ian would and did fuck chiago good and hard, he wouldnt touch him any other way, and did not suck me this time either..I guess it was just the machisimo of not in front of another boy..


later in the night, they had a live sex show with three boys from Sao Paolo..It seemed funny to me that while they had actual live sex, whenever the regular boys danced on stage, they could not or would not show penis, yet off stage they had no issues with stroking in the open. we were sitting on the front row table, so I had the honor of having the bottom for the show come over to me with a lube packet to lube him up for the first of many fuckings.. My finger was swallowed up by his hungry hole while the room full of people watched.


I had gotten the attention of another boy shortly before the show started and he had come over to join us at our table. I initially called him Ralph, because physically he reminded me of Ralph woods..but later learned his name was Willian,

after we had had enough of the show, we got a cabine of our own. It was a little after 11pm...I wish I had better news but it seems that the late hour had gotten the best of him and he had some issues with staying hard. He was a very sweet boy and he promised me that if i come back today, things will be better. Not sure if i will risk it again with him or not. Guess I will just wait and see who else is there. Once we got to the cabine, I discovered that he most definitely was not related to Ralph Woods, as he was more on the small side of average. For me, the infrequent bottom, that is fine. The big boys scare me. I want to feel pleasure, not pain..


Oh well, it is now 4:30, so i better head back to the hotel and get ready for tonite´s adventures.. Oh...which brings me to one last topic... the Hotel Atlantico Copacabana...For anyone considering a first time trip to rio.. If you have not done much international travel, as i have not, dont expect the same standards we have in the US. the rooms here are very small, very plain and would probably rate a 2-star rating in the states. But the location is very convenient, the staff is friendly, the breakfast is complimentary, and they allow overnight guests if you so desire... Just don´t expect the Hyatt or even the Holiday Inn as far as room goes..


Signing off for now..this is our last night in town... gotta make it count.

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RE: naming names and a little bit more


Did you have a standard or budget room? If so, yes, it is small. Their deluxe rooms are quite spacious, and I think these are the rooms that have the sauna or whirlpool or whatever. I've been in both.


The penthouse suite on the top floor nearest the swimming pool area is suppose to be quite magnificent from what I gathered from a friend who'd been in the hotel a few times and had planned to have the penthouse on his next visit.


Yes, this hotel is centrally located: the staff quite friendly and magnificent, the rooms vary in size and amenities, the breakfast quite acceptable (Except it can become a little too routine if you stay more than three days!); the foyer (I don't like because I think it is in need of a new look.) But the hotel is DEFINITELY NOT two stars, it's more like 3 or 4-.


I've been at this hotel on five occasions, staying in rooms of varying size, etc., and I've stayed at the Royal Rio which is definitely of 4 star quality, but I think one has to pay if he has male or female company.



Lurker, I'm glad that you have caught the Rio de janeiro spirit and have enjoyed its flavour. You will return!


I thank you for your assessment and recapitulation! I wish more guys would post, but I have begun to think that either they are not traveling, or they are unaware of this site and forum. Or perhaps they would rather read than post!

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Guest dreynsol

RE: naming names and a little bit more


Hi Lurker, and it sounds like you've gotten into the swing of things :-)


Sounds like a fun time!


Yes, the Atlantico is not the Hyatt, but you're staying in one of the most expensive areas of Brazil. Think of Manhattan for example.


I'd agree with Axiom and we typically rate it a 3 star hotel, even better by Brazilian standards. There are a lot worse in Rio! LOL


You should have been booked in a standard room. The Junior Suites are more roomier along with the dry sauna and jacuzzi.


And actually, I believe the rooms at the Atlantico are larger than the Royal Rio Palace standard rooms which go for around US$ 50 more for night. And they charge R$50 for each guest allowed in your room the last I heard.


So for around US$ 90, you can't beat the location, the convenience, the staff, and the breakfast spread.


- Drey

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Thanks for sharing your experiences during your first visit to RIO.

I would agree with those who say that Atlantico is the best place to stay for the price and location. I have always booked a corner suite (any of the 01 rooms) and have always been happy with the amount of space: a front sitting room with dining table and TV and then a larger bath with dry sauna, walk-in shower and jacuzzi tub. The staff have always made me feel like I am at a home away from home. Perhaps you can ask Rene at the desk to let you see an 01 room if it's available.


If you are still there, be sure to try and visit the Por Cao restaurant (there are two) The food and service are great.


Wish I was there.

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This is my last morning here. I leave this evening :( I didnt mean to sound as though I didnt enjoy the atlantico hotel. It was fine, but I was merely trying to let anyone who has not visited before to not come in expecting the Hyatt. I was very pleased with the hotel overall. Besides, how much time do you really spend in the hotel room unless you are in the bed...:D


On my Friday trip to Meio Mundo, I had met a boy, Marcus, who I had talked to about meeting up on Sunday. I gave him my hotel name and room number and told him to call me. I had not heard from him so I figured it wasnt meant to be.. Well, TxAlphadog and I went to 117 last nite (Sunday) and afterwards, walked over to Corijunha for a bite to eat.. Who should be waiting there for me but Marcos. He said he came to the hotel looking for me and when I wasnt there, he figured I would end up at Corijunha~s..He joined us for a bite, then came back to my hotel for a couple of hours before having to get home to let his babysitter leave (remember, he has two small daughters)...


117 had their bingo nite..It was fun.. seems like locals come in just to play bingo as there were many `new faces`in street clothes just for the game. My only boy for the day was Junior/Edy. He was the best of the trip.. Very loving, sensual as well as sexual, and beautiful.


I have some pics of the sites I saw as well as a few boys. I will post them after I return home tomorrow morning..

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RE: naming names and a little bit more


I have visited friends in the Royal Rio rooms. The hotel is more elegant and upscale in feel. More of a big-city feeling. Pergo floors instead of natural stone. Keep in mind that the rooms are much smaller, dare I say claustrophobic in comparison. Although you might think you might not be in your room much, the point is you will and they are much smaller than the Atlantico's rooms. Certainly smaller than the Junior suites. I visited a friend in one of the Atlantico's presidential suites last month and they are just gorgeous. Outdoor private pool, beautiful sauna, enormous shower room to party in, jacuzzi tub, plasma TV, etc. Just spectacular. And being so high up, NO NOISE.

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Pics of Rio


Ok.. Here are some pics of spots around the Hotel..To give any people who haven't visited a feel for the area, and to give those who have visited a reminder of what they are missing..



this is a view down the street in front of the Atlantico Copacabana



The famous wavy sidewalks-this one on the Copacabana beach.



Intricate sandcastle being built on Copacabana beach.



Ipanema beach



A view of the beach, taken from the rooftop pool area of Atlantico Copacabana



The now infamous Corujinha's..a place for a late nite bite..or more if you are brave enough.



In the states, we have Starbucks on every corner, but in Rio, it is the "sucos" or Juice stands.



this was the view I woke up to every morning from my hotel window.

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A couple of boy pics


Sorry, but I didnt get many pics of the boys, I was always too busy with "other things" to remember to ask for pictures. Here are the few I did get, with names/locations after each pic.



Fred from 117. Nicknamed him "sad boy" because he always had a sad look on his face. Did not have any personal experience with him.




Goes by Junior, real name Edy, from 117. He was the most memorable in the Saunas, I told him I wanted something more "namorado" and less "sexo" and boy did he deliver. I felt like we were long time lovers..




Marcos from Meio Mundo..Very versatile boy who ended up coming to my hotel not once but twice on Sunday nite and Monday morning.


Hopefully these pictures might help others who had the same hesitancy with Rio that I did. Usually all the pictures you see are of the bigger, more muscular guys, but there are all types, shapes, sizes and colors there. Tall, short, blondes, brunettes, smooth, hairy...Run...don't walk.. to make your reservations to visit this magical city..(I would recommend Gaytravelbrazil.com as a great resource when booking hotel/etc)


Obrigado (thank you) for reading, and feel free to ask any questions..

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RE: A couple of boy pics


Lurker, I want to shout out "muito obrigado" to you. I am elated that your trip, although very brief, went extremely well for you, and I also thank you for such beautiful shots of the places we've been while in Rio. I love and keenly remember that street which is left as one leaves The Atlantico. That street saw much of my foot traffic because I liked its ambience and basic feel. I also took that street to avoid the rush and the crush of traffic and people that prevail in front of the hotel.


Since I do not know these specific directions, I can't write in those specific terms.


When I stayed at The Atlantico Hotel, at times II would walk for several blocks on that street t before heading in the direction of the Avenida Atlantica, that avenue that runs parallel to the water. Your pics here did bring back very fond memories as well as a keen yearning to return.


Again, "muito obrigado"-- thank you very much. I know you now will return to Mother Brazil as many of us call this country and take "the plunge" many times in the future since your orientation seemed to be mighty productive.


(Thanks for the pics of the bois, too! I found all of them to be rather "cute" and quite, quite easy on the eye! I see you have a great eye,too!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

RE: My first trip to Rio


Hi Lurker,


Thanks for sharing your trip with us and especially the photos. I too have been thinking about going to Rio for a long time and hope 2009 will finally be the year.


I noticed you mentioned that you did not speak Portuguese and the boys did not, for the most part, speak English, yet you seemed to be able to communicate with them very well, not only for their services but even to learn a little about them.


If I were there now and walked into sauna, I'd have no idea what to do as I entered. How did you know what to do and say?


I was hoping you could pass along some tips on how you communicated back and forth and what recommendations you have as a first time visitor for others who are planning a trip. I'm planning on learning a little Portuguese to get me by and enhance my trip.


I'm aware of the various websites and forums mentioned in the past and will be reading them, but wanted a recent firsthand fresh perspective too.

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RE: My first trip to Rio


First of all.. Hurry up and plan your trip..You most definitely will be planning your return trip before you make it back to the States.


As far as language, I speak quite a bit of Spanish, and that really helped me with the Portuguese. Other than that, I just read, re-read, and then re-read again all I could on this website and on gaytravelbrazil.com ...


There is so much valuable info to be gained if you just take the time to read it. One thing I did was to print out some of the postings that I felt would help me, such as directions around Rio to the saunas, etc, recommendations for restaurants, and even some of the "naughty but necessary" words/phrases. I will admit to being apprehensive over the language barrier before going, but most if not all of the sauna boys are very eager to please and make every effort to understand you and to make themselves understood.


The Hotel Atlantico had front desk clerks who spoke English so that was not an issue there. The vast majority of the people I came into contact with on my visit were friendly and all seemed patient and willing to try to comprehend what I was trying to say.


As a side note, Other than quick trips to Mexican border towns, and my experiences in Montreal, I had never left the US before. So this was an eye opening experience. As I stated earlier, at first appearance, I found my hotel room to be considerably "less" than what I was accustomed to here in the states. Not saying it was bad, just for someone who is used to Hyatt, Marriott, etc here in the states, the room was small and in need of updating.. But it was clean and functional, and most definitely in a great location. But the room did seem to grow on you..My comments were merely meant to hopefully keep someone who made the trip and expected the Ritz Carlton from being disappointed.


Another very valuable tool for me was the advice from fellow posters. I had the pleasure of meeting Tomcal in person who actually convinced me to make the trip a reality. A subsequent phone conversation with him as the trip date neared enabled me to ask more questions that had come up.. Another great resourse was Gary from gaytravelbrazil. He helped me arrange for my hotel and airport transfers, plus thru numerous phone conversations, he helped me overcome most of my trip anxieties. And from postings I made here, I received even more advice...


So, bottom line is take the plunge, start making plans.. Make a list of questions that come up, and then you can ask the questions here or else email/private some of the posters and get more input..I will gladly answer any questions that I can, but as a one-time only visitor, there are many others who are more qualified..


I almost forgot.. I was very lucky to be able to convince a "travel friend" of mine, Txalphadog, to make the trip to Rio with me. I met Txalphadog in Montreal, thru this website, over a year ago, and we hit if off as great travel buddies. He is very easygoing, easy to get along with, and we both like the same general type of boys..He had made 4 trips to Rio before, so he was able to help me get used to things quicker. Also, thru the gaytravelbrazil messageboard, I was able to meet a poster from there who's travel dates co-incided with mine. He also was a frequent visitor to Rio.

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RE: My first trip to Rio


Thanks! I have been checking this thread from time to time and have started looking at the GayTravelBrazil.com site too. I've travelled outside the US many times, but never to South America.


Even though I do have some apprehension about making the trip, what put me over the top was your picture of Fred from 117! So cute!


That's exactly the type that interests me. Not that he'll be there when I am, but all the same, it was an incentive to move forward with serious plans.

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RE: My first trip to Rio



Thanks again for sharing your experiences.

If you met Tomcal, you met the Rio Pro.

He was my guide during my first visit years ago.

Don't want to say anything about his age, but let's just say he has always been helpful to us younger guys on our first trips. heheh.


You gave good advice to the new poster regarding planning his trip. You don't need to know Portuguese to communicate. Most everyone you meet will go out of their way to try to understand you and if that fails they will try to find someone to help translate.


Guys, don't underestimate the wealth of information in the FAQs section of THIS forum. Much if it is reproduced on the other site, but it is a trove of information along with some of the older threads here.

Drey and Tri's site is a great source as well but be sure you get the right site since there is a copy site using a different spelling run by another travel site.


A funny story regarding the language;

Before my first trip, an employee of mine from Recife taught me a phrase he said would be all I needed to make friends once I arrived. I learned the phrase and carefully reproduced his pronunciation so that I could really impress new friends. I began to use the phrase right away and realized almost immediately that I had been set up. The phrase? Voce Pedo which roughly translates to "Did you fart?" When I explained how I came to learn this phrase, most everyone laughed at my situation and then many became fast friends. I guess it was my trusting nature that made them decide to take me as a friend. i was invited into many homes and the story was retold as I was introduced to their family and friends. The laughter continues even to this day as the story is told and retold.

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RE: My first trip to Rio


I would recommend a guide for the saunas.

Not speaking Portuguese, I was a little

apprehensive on going into a sauna and

negotiating programas. My guide safely

brought to the saunas and translated for

me. After three evenings I was comfortable

enough to solo.


I was also fortunate enough to meet several

fellow travelers and we've become friends.

Whenever I go to Rio it is with them.




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RE: My first trip to Rio


>I almost forgot.. I was very lucky to be able to convince a

>"travel friend" of mine, Txalphadog, to make the

>trip to Rio with me. I met Txalphadog in Montreal, thru this

>website, over a year ago, and we hit if off as great travel

>buddies. He is very easygoing, easy to get along with, and we

>both like the same general type of boys..He had made 4 trips

>to Rio before, so he was able to help me get used to things



You are too kind! The same goes for you! Very easy-going, great to travel with, very agreeable and "low maintenance" :-) I enjoy these trips with you very much. I guess it helps that we like the same general types of boys.


Thanks again for suggesting that I go to Rio when you went - it was indeed a lot of fun.


OK, where next? :-)

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RE: My first trip to Rio


Good advice. How would I go about locating and contacting a guide prior to traveling to Rio? Do they also function as tour guides and/or dinner companions, or do they just escort you to the saunas and translate/negotiate for you? What's a typical fee for such a service?

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RE: My first trip to Rio


I requested a guide solely to escort me to

the saunas, show me the ropes and help translate.

But I know that others have hired guides to take

them to discos, fancy restaraunts, and other



I hired my guide through Gay Travel Brazil

the one with the "Z" http://www.gaytravelbrazil.com


As far as the price, I had booked my entire trip

through Gay Travel Brazil (airfare, hotel, transfers,

tours, sauna guide) so I don't remember the exact

price. But it was not unreasonable.


You might also, if after you visit the saunas

you meet a special sauna boi, consider asking him

to show you around Rio. While not a professional

tour guide and with limited english ability,

traveling around Rio with a sexy sauna boi

as security and also to make sure you don't get

lost is fun. Now the sauna boi may never have

visted the sites you want to see but if you

bring your Fodors, Rough Guide, Discovery,

Let's Go, etc with you, you will have an

enjoyable tour.


In the past I visited the Oscar Niemeyer Museum

in Niteroi, and rode up to Sta Theresa on the

bonde with my favorite sauna boi.




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RE: My first trip to Rio


When I have traveled to Brazil, I have in most instances had a guide who has been associated with http://www.gaytravelbrasil.com. The guides from Carlo's business were professional and multilingual and traveled with me except to the saunas. I always went alone and managed to do well in spite of the language barrier.


My guides took me on tours and to other places of my desire, and I always treated them to lunch, as our journeys were primarily during the day.


Freelance guides have been difficult to come by for me except for cutie (Danilo) in Sao Paulo.

He was excellent. If he is still guiding-- I'd hire him for your Rio de janeiro experiences.

Information about him is in the archives at this site.


Now he should be in his early twenties. When he was my guide-- he was a mere eighteen and was just a delighful chap.

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