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Driver returns to Rio in September

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Just a short trip after two years (it goes so quickly).


Had some airmiles and a voucher which required me to book a hotel through airmiles so i will be staying on the beach front this time. My first visit in 2002 was also on the beach front (the Debret) and it is nice to pull back the curtains to see the sea in the morning.


Will feel odd not to be at the Atlantico.


Is Coruljinhna (spelling?) still shut on a Sunday?


Is the manager at 117 still the former barman whose name sounds like erryveltoe? (I usually bring him a gift).


Meia Mundo (spelling?) used to be more the darker Brasillian, from what people have posted recently this seems to have changed to more of a range of Brazillians, is this how others find it?


Does the metro go to Ipanema yet?

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Welcome back, Driver,


It has been almost three years since we "Mother Brasil" lovers have heard from you. As you will see-- things are a lot different in the "Land of the Cariocas" than they were five years ago when we had that wonderful "Soiree II" as Jackhammer alluded.


I still remember your coming into the room and making some suggestions as to how the gifts should be distributed! I kept my mouth shut when I saw the looks on the faces of some of the organizers! :-)


But more importantly-- I always enjoyed reading your daily or every-other-day recapitulation of your stay while you were in Rio before and after that memorable time and do hope that you keep us abreast of what's happening in "That Other Land Down Under" while you're there, and I extend my very best to you. ...only wish I were able to be in Rio in 2008!



Axiom :-) :-)

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Driver, I went back and read your initial post after posting the one that precedes this one.

In terms of some of your queries-- the subway hasn't gotten to Ipanema as yet, and far as Meio Mundo goes-- it is quite diverse in terms of the complexions of the guys. There is a wide range of hues.


At Clubn 117 a few changes have been made. I know the physical layout has changed, especially the once large lounge area that was downstairs; the upstairs lounge has had a few make overs during the last two years. I only mention this because I have seen a great change in the saunas, esp. the demise of Rogers and Estacao. Point 202 has undergone a myriad of changes, but I chose not to go there when I was in Rio in November of 2007 because in 2006 it was the pits on the two occasions that I went: dull, dull, dull!


Lately I've just gone to Club 117 and to Meio Mundo. Check out: http://www.gaytravelbrazil.com. There you'll find some up-to-date chats regarding the sauna scene and some other things.


Lastly-- the restaurant with the yellow awing is NOT as much fun as it was in 2002-2003-2004-2005. The crowd that formerly converged across the street has become slim, slim, slim, and the entertainers (Samba band) have not appeared in two years.


When I was last there in November of 2007, I found the place to be dull and unexciting! :(

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I didn't realise Estacion had closed. Although it was claustrophobic at times when not many customers, occasionally you would get a very cute stranger in there. Some of my cutest shags had been there.


My last visit was two years ago but I did not post as it was a mundane visit and I had nothing much new to add.


FloridaRob I arrive Thursday 11th September and leave the next Wednesday.

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will do. But I also wanted to say that I've been having a better time at Meio Mundo than at any of the other saunas. The place has some lacks in the physical layout, and the true beauties are usually somewhere else, but it more than makes up for these faults with energy and a more fun, less pushy, atmosphere. the boys are not really much darker, although the average might be in that direction, depends on the night. But they're polite and very happy with R$50, which is a lot more money than it used to be, at least to the Americans. (Some may disagree, but I have noticed a distinct increase in whining about the R$50 price, which is about the only thing in Brazil that hasn't gone up in the last 6 years.) And the bill to the house is always a lot less than at 117 or Point. I have been avoiding 117 altogether because, even though they're way hot, I just find the place to be full of overly aggressive pests. SF Travler

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the problem with that barman, since he became "manager" it's gone to his head.... I used to get along with him as a bartender but can't stand him as manager.


I agree with SFtraveler....meio mundo is good, especially with no towel night...Acir has done a good job with that place.

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RE: Prices in the Saunas


Prices are always negotiable and of course it depends on the guy. If they know you are a foreigner and a "newbie", many will try to convince you that R$100 is the normal price etc. What I tell them, if they ask for more than R$50, is that I won't promise more than R$50 to somebody I don't know since some boys talk big and then fail to perform. But I tell them that if their service is good, I will take care of them. If they still whine, I know they really don't want to do anything and so I gracefully manage to move on withou them. Usually they express confidence in their ability to please me (that isn't that difficult really and I am totally upfront about what I want) and I've never had a problem afterwards. For me personally the big problem at 117 is that I know a few of the guys very well and they treat me as their personal property. A few, although not that many, have actually tried to renegotiate the price in the middle of things. One guy started telling me about his bills with his dick still in my ass. I just got tired of fighting it and stopped going there. I should add that it's a bit worse for me since I speak Portuguese fairly well but still have a distinctly foreign accent. I can always communicate well but they know I'm a foreigner. If you spoke very little Portuguese I think they don't try so much negotiation--and if they do, just pretend you don't understand. Bottom line--if you want fun for a more reasonable price, go to Meio Mundo. If you want the most muscular beautiful boys, you may have to pay more. And you may also get less. SF Traveler

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RE: Prices in the Saunas


I just returned from a trip to Rio. About the negotiating process - after an agreed-upon price:


I was at Meio Mundo this past Monday night and a particularly cute twink caught my eye and after establishing he was a bottom and was willing, for R$50 bend over for a session - we got ourselves a room, started kissing and he had a change of heart and asked for R$70 . . . because he'd be bottoming. As if such an exercise would be new to him! So, sporting wood and anxious to get on with it I agreed to the R$70.


As we continued to kiss and I suggested a bit or mutual oral before the fucking he balked and asked for R$30 more - for a total of R$100. At that point I lost interest in him, was a bit pissed-off with the charade and wrapped myself in my towel, opened the door and told the attendant I'd not be using the room, not to charge me, and walked away . . . with the twink trailing behind me offering to do whatever, for R$50 total. I let him protest all he wanted, ignored him and focused my attention on others.


As I was dressing to leave the boy came to my locker asking for money for the kissing, to which I said no. A Russian fellow dressing next to me and who spoke Spanish (I don't speak Portugese, but do speak Spanish) asked me about the problem, because he knew the boy - and I told him what transpired . . . and he told the boy he was wrong and to move along.


I'm tolerant of situations to a point . . . but when the modd changes and I'm convinced it's all just a con . . . I drop the guys quickly, and have done that before . . . at Club 117.

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