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Dreaming of a visit to Sunny Brazil..............

Guest msclonly
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Guest msclonly

If you are stuck North of the Equator in some boring cold town, and are dreaming of a warm sunny trip in Brazil, there is a chance for you to practice your Portugese, and see many sights you never expected in the way of little villages, green mountains, hidden waterfalls, little bars on remote beaches with a few adventuresome English TURISTA, then there is hope for you to spend a cold nite in a theater near you!



There are no English subtitles for the Pr speaking native lines, but the 8 TURISTA speak English in the film with one European gal who spoke languages to do the interpretations, so you won't be kept in the dark very long except for the night scenes!




It will help you get a perspective, when you are dreaming of a wild night out for drinking, dancing and getting lucky (sex) in Brazil.




You could think of it as a travelog or a wake up call. I doubt if the Rio Travel Agency indorsed this one. There will be enough surprises, so that the COLD weather, where you are, won't be so bad after all!




Look for TURISTA in a theater near you. It will help with your heart ache to be in Brazil.

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This film is designed to convince ignorant people that Latin America is a scary, dangerous place. Some will fall for it. Most readers of this forum and those on http://www.gaytravelbrazil.com know that there are risks in traveling to Third World countries like Brazil, but they can minimize those risks by following the common sense advice found on both sites. Needless to say, the farfetched blood and gore in "Turistas" is just there to appeal to the goons who like that kind of stuff. It doesn't represent what really happens to tourists in Latin America, 99.99% of whom go home with nothing more than wonderful memories of wonderful places. Meanwhile, if you want a travelogue of Brazil, you'd be better off buying or renting one and skipping "Turistas," which does a real disservice to Brazil and doesn't deserve your support. x(

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On "The Travel Channel" yesterday,(December 21, 2007) for an hour I relived some of my experiences by viewing the adventures of a single mother who had been in Brasil formerly as a foreign exchange student. Her 13 yr old daughter joined her to get a taste of Brasil, its people, and its enchanting and alluring culture.


Many of the places and areas that they visited, I have been to: Manaus, the Amazonia, Angra dos Reis, and some other amazing areas. While I sat in my leather chair and yearned to be in South America and in Rio especially, I tacitly applauded these two women: the mother for showing her daughter what she'd experienced as a young teenager and who wanted her daughter to undergo the allure of Brasilian culture.


I enjoyed this hour long presentation!!!!!


(From what Trilingual wrote and a few other gentlemen who posted about TURISTAS, I think I'll forego watching it at the movie theater!)

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Guest msclonly

It was more then I had expected, since I was expecting more sightseeing etc. BUt I left with more respect for taking care, watching my back, and enjoying Rio with friends!


There a times, when you need a wake up call, and from the stories I have read on another website, this was a good one,while traveling as safe as possible. Though the movie might have been extreme, it was no Friday the 13th or I would have walked out and asked for my money back!



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I was passing no judgement on the film itself since I have not seen it. I was merely sharing the local Carioca feelings about the film which they expressed in detail on my recent visit last month.


I am glad you were able to see it as a cautionary tale. I hope my friends and their business will not be affected by it. Brasil, and RIO in particular can be one of the most exciting destinations that you can visit (in my humble opinion) even though I have been a victim on two of my four trips. You just have to use your head (the one with the brain) and not your head (the one with a mind of it's own).

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Guest msclonly

Just what to remind those with a monetary interest in Brazil travel, that this was NEVER represented as a reality show! It is no different from the many other movies, whose sole purpose is to get a reaction from the viewer regardless of their age. There was little difference from that Boris thing in evoking a reaction, that got TOO much press. Except this movie is getting very little press and fewer viewers!


Also, I put less effort into analysing the intent of the post or the effect on readers, then those doing in their reviews of the string. If this one movie stops anyone from traveling to BR, then they were not really interested in going. I don't think there is much chance of that, since SO MANY people ALREADY have heard scarey stories about RIO. It is most likely you will hear them also, anythime you mention visiting BR!

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