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Oliver’s Travels – Rio – November 2006 - #3 (Final )

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“Monkey Business” – (Sorry I’ve not posted the final chapter – returned home and went to Michigan for Thanksgiving, and acquired a new “companion” – the four-legged kind. He’s a two-year-old miniature Schnauzer and great fun. It’s easy to say “I’ve been busy”)


After a leisurely Tuesday with great meals, Groucho (J) stays in while I (Harpo) decide to try Estacio again. Again it’s closed. So off to Pointe 202 I go – cannot waste the opportunity. And once again there is Fabio. Much better than any others, although it is nice to view the “merchandise”. And once again, Fabio almost overwhelms me – what a beautiful man, not only to look at, but also to feel. So many beautiful men and so little stamina!


Wednesday is a beautiful day!!! It’s also a holiday (November 15) to celebrate the end of the Empire and the beginning of the republic. After another delicious breakfast served by the gracious and happy hotel staff, Groucho and Harpo head to a shopping mall that overlooks the bay and Sugar Loaf. We meet J’s beautiful man at another sushi (I may become addicted the stuff) restaurant with a gorgeous view of Sugar Loaf. Then we are off to ascend SL via the tram. Because of the holiday and the beautiful weather, lots of people have decided to do the same. We don’t have to wait long, though. Fortunately for me, the tram is well enclosed (I’m not great with unprotected heights). At the first level we stop for refreshment and there are the little monkeys scampering about finding whatever scraps of food that fall to the ground.


Then on up to the top on the second tram – OMG – the view is spectacular and you can see forever. Out comes the digital and I’m clicking all over. After getting our fill of the views, I must stop for family presents and the shop there is perfect for that. So ends a wonderful day in this beautiful country.


So now it’s Thursday, my last day! Again the sun is shining brightly and after I move from my room (J allows me to use his room until I leave that evening), we spend the day by the pool soaking up rays (finally!). I must have SOME color or people will never believe I was here! Time out for lunch in the hottest part of the day, and then back to it.


Around 5 pm, Roberto picks me up for the airport. A sad ending – I must go home… Say goodbye to J (he’s staying on). Arrive with plenty of time and proceed through the maze of Brazilian security without incident. The flight home, though long, is uneventful. Back home in Ohio and 40 degrees. Why did I decide to come back?


Overall – A beautiful country with beautiful people (especially the men – the women may be, too, but who was looking?). But the dichotomy between rich and poor is extreme. Having seen the “favellas” from afar, I am saddened by the situation of those people. Otherwise, did I like it? Oh yes, and am overjoyed for the experience. And to have had J as my mentor was great – Thank you J! I may not be a “sauna” type of person – my intimate preferences are for more extended romantic interludes. But I would not have missed the chance to enjoy this new pleasure. And I was in Rio – and I did RELAX!

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Oliver....WELCOME HOME! Belatedly of course...


"Gulliver" had nothing over you. Even the part where he was "Tied Up" by 200 "Little Men"! I'm sure you possibly have been tied up by that many BIG MEN over time? LOL


Great to read of all the Memories you will now have of Brazil...


My Fondest..A Brazilian Lover, The Boys from that Country are the Sexiest! And when they are Goodlooking, the Best in the World Overall!


HAPPY NEW YEAR to you my friend! :p :P :p

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Geesh, was worried these last observations would be published posthumously. heheh


I am so glad you had a good time. I was concerned there for a while.

The weather didn't seem to cooperate as on my previous trips. But after all, most of our activities were of the indoor variety that first few days.


I hope on your future trips you can find a local like my S. I know that is your preference as well.


Thanks for letting us share your first timers experience. Next year will be even better.

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Oliver, where have I been? I usually read this board on a daily basis when I am not traveling, but I just found your ending today! Thanks for sharing and writing it.


Might I cordially suggest that when you are in Rio next time try to take a Marcelo Armstrong tour to 3 of the largest favelas. (His telephone number is in Fommer's travel guide.) I did a favela tour on my first trip in 2002; they, the favelas up close, were NOT what I'd envisioned. Yes, the people were of very limited financial means, but the favelas, per se, were NOT squalid. Experience the tour with the man who originated this facet of tourism in his country and origin of birth. I think you and others would be the better for it. (I'm not being critical!)


I am seriously thinking about getting a completely different point of view and slice of life of Brasilian culture by perhaps doing volunteer work through an American or British agency or by going to Rio or to Salvador (Bahia) and teaching English as a Foreign Language. If this happens, of course, I will have to force myself to be tutored and to learn Brasilian Portuguese.


But, all in all, I am elated that this trip was enchanting and enriching for you. I know that you will have plans to return. Although I have stated other travels for 2007, I am checking into prices of a one way ticket from Buenos Aires onward to Rio and to San Francisco, my beginning point.




:-) :-) :-)

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>Oliver, why didn't you bring any of these hunks back with you

>to warm these cold nights in Palm Springs?


Charlie -

I intend to "import" some very interesting "hunks" while I'm there. :9 And they speak English - although I realize that's not really necessary! }(

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