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Oliver’s Travels – Rio – November 2006 - #2 11/14/06

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“Singing in the Rain” – I know that most of Brazil is a rain forest and that it is Spring here – but one sunny day in eight days? If Spring showers bring Summer flowers, it will be so lush with blooms here, everything will be a riot of color.


Saturday afternoon Gene (aka J) and Donald (aka Oliver) strolled to Copacabana beach, through an open bazaar, and on to observe the beautiful men sporting on the beach in spite of a few sprinkles. Took a few pictures of some playing a form of volleyball/soccer – played like volleyball, but no use of hands allowed – feet, heads, knees, and chests (yummm). I do like the bathing suits here! Had a light lunch of soup, bread, and beer across from the beach at Maxim’s. leisurely stroll back to the hotel, where I try my computer in J’s room, and it works! Rene at the front desk says will take care of tomorrow. Meanwhile J must learn how to open doors. Dinner later with J’s special man joining us and I am envious.


Sunday begins with a smorgasbord of a breakfast, and attended to by Sheila. Afterward the hotel suggests changing rooms to handle the computer problem, but the manager fixes the hub, and I don’t have to move. I then can ascertain that my Buckeyes are still in a winning mode and The Game with “the team up north” next Saturday (for which I must be home!) will pit two undefeateds. GO BUCKS!!!


Again it’s raining (not heavily) and I decide to revisit Pointe 202 on my own after dinner. Good decision! I soon meet Fabio (Pit Bull) and his name is right on. He is shorter than I (maybe 5’ 7 or 8”) but muscles all over! And he really knows how to kiss (among other things!). We spend a longer than usual time upstairs. He’s almost (!) more than I can handle, but I manage … lol. Well spent, I return to the Atlantico for the needed rest.


Monday after another great breakfast, the sun is actually shining for a while and we decide to visit Petropolis. We engage Marcello again for the trip in his Jeep. (Too bad he doesn’t play for our team – he’s gorgeous!) Of course, as we go up into the mountains, the weather returns to its usual bent. Up into the clouds, but the views are spectacular – so lush and green. Petropolis is a beautiful city with a distinct European flavor. Because it was built as Don Pedro II’s summer home, the architecture is beautiful with many colorful and palatial homes, many of which have been restored and are now used for businesses (Microsoft has one that looks like a stone castle). We visit a grand art-deco hotel with enormous chandeliers, ballrooms, and a night club. The cathedral of Sao Pedro Alencar has beautiful stained-glass windows (but then, most cathedrals do). We see the house where Santo Mundo (sp?), a contemporary of Thomas Edison, lived. After a delicious late lunch at Falconi’s (Italian) we head back, but not before stopping at Patrone’s chocolate factory! We are offered a few samples - we have to buy! We find upon returning to Rio that (gasp!) it has rained there, too. We have a light supper and I make myself scarce so that J has time with his beautiful man. I ready myself to see what Estacio is like, but as I am about to leave, it’s pouring! An hour later it still is and I give up. Use the sauna and Jacuzzi in the suite instead – not the same, but satisfying.


Tuesday morning and guess what –it’s raining – who would have thought. At least it is warmer, but I’m going to return home as the same “snowbird” as I left. I was supposed to get some color here! Of course, the weather report shows sun Friday on into next week and I’ll be on my way home. I think I’ll have a barber shave – never had one before. And J’s sweet man has left me a box of candy. Will try for Estacio again tonight.


But in spite of the rain – RELAX – it’s Rio, and I am having fun! :D

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>Oliver, after some relaxtion, rest, and reflection, I hope

>that you'll write a culminating saga to your experiences that

>you had while in my favorite city and country (Rio and

>Brasil). Personally, I appreciated your previous takes. Muito

>obrigado! :-) :-) Axiom






I erred in writing: I should have proofread prior to posting. It's "relaxation," not as I typed initially.

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Guest msclonly

Point 202 should reduce the LOUD NOISY sound system to a listening level, reduce the BURNING HOT steam room temperature, that heats up the whole place until there is no place to cool of and relax. Yes it gets hot and humid on the lower main floor! The deafening music keeps the guys standing around the refreshment bar seperated from the clients at the tables. ALL unable to carry on a conversation to get to know one another, so the tourists leave or do not bother to even show up to take a look!


Ever sit under the steam room in front of the stage on the main floor, where you can HOT and DEAF at the same time?

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“The deafening music..."


I have often thought that this was how bars and clubs kept the older crowd out. Splash Bar in New York being a good example! If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the steam room!”



The only thing wrong with the above concept is that the older crowd pays the bills by spending money in the establishment. Without the older crowd and their money, the business would soon close its doors. This is not a wise decision by any method of measurement.

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Guest msclonly

You always have such nice things to say, that add little for growth! I don't know you how you can be so consistant!


To make it simple, the point is if the music is in the background, the guys and visitors can interact and socialize, which will increase the revenue, so that shutting the operations is NOT a consideration, since it will be more successful.


Sorry you missed all this in my previous posts.

You wouldn't have, if you were so preoccupied to make put downs!

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Hi guys,


Just wanted to elaborate on Oliver's travels and my own experiences.

Went to Point 202, ESTAÇÃO and Clube 117.




Usually the guys come in around 3 to 5 PM. That's more or less the time they get back from a day in the sun on the beach or regular work. Most of them leave around 9PM because they have to get back home with a bus. The ones who stay longer than 9PM live closeby or are less popular or just have more options to stay overnight in Rio.


Check out the locked topic on brazilian sauna's for details on pricing. Untill today the price for 'a programma' is about 50 Reals + a tip of 20 to 30 Reals for 'good service'. If you liked the guy offer him a drink or a sandwich. They really are there for the money and appreciate your offer. On top of your boy you have to pay the sauna's entry which is 25 Reals, your drinks and the cabine you rented for your 'programma' which on average is 25 Reals for 40 minutes. Staying more then 40 mins will set you back some more Reals but what the heck ... you're having fun right ?


I experienced that most guys are very friendly, keen obviously on making money and all have a story to tell. Some come as far away as the Amazone-region.


I did find it scary to see that most boys kiss their prospective clients with more then a kiss on the cheek... I'm aware that it obviously is a rentboy place but to see how easy sex for money is in Brazil is a bit scary. I guess on average a guy has about 2-4 clients per evening. So he goes home with about 250 reals a day taking in account the money spent being there, transport etc...


From talking to the boys most come there 3-4 evenings a week untill they have enough money to do what they planned to do with their money. Then they simply go back to their wife (yes!), their family or whatever situation they are in.


So if you make the simple calculation that a boy has 'sex' 3 times a day and on average a client has 2 boys per evening, the 'six degrees of separation' story comes pretty close to being less then six degrees... If you get my point.


On the other hand all the boys are squeeky clean, shower almost constantly and show off their huge dicks which I must say most brazilians are blessed with ...




Simply said : There's no other place in the world to see so many beautiful men ranging from vanilla white to dark chocolate, ranging from swimmers build, A&F types, toned dark, well muscled to huge bodybuilder types...


Point 202 :

The guys here are more aggressive in approaching clients then Clube 117. There are about 20-40 guys there on a regular afternoon.

I'm not particular keen on Point 202. I guess it's a personal thing.

Just like Clube 117 more.


Estacio :

Or I did'nt find it or it is closed. One boy mentioned that it was closed. But I can't confirm this.


Clube 117 :

It's located in the Gloria district in a busy street.

It's easy to grab a taxi coming back from your adventures when it's later in the evening and you don't want to walk the streets there.

It usually set's you back about 20 Reals to get there from Copacabana.


It's a fantastic place. Yesterday around 6PM I guess there were about 100 guys working. It's a feast for the eyes. You will be shocked to see soo many gorgious guys.



If you still want to go through the clubbing scene to pick up a guy for free, this is more tricky. First, it's difficult to know the difference between who's really interested and who's a rentboy off-duty. Most brazilians earn almost nothing, so you being the wealthy tourist from wherever, is expected to pay up for your night in wonderland. This gives you the feeling that you're renting while this is probably not the case.


Even my brazilian friends, who live abroad and could easily be rentboys themselves as they all look fantastic, have problems picking up men because as soon as they know they live abroad, they are supposed to pay.


Then you have the problem to get your wonderboy in the hotel.

Don't even try in the regular 3-4stars. They smell 'guests' from a mile away and just won't allow it. Most hotels are scared of bad publicity if something happens to you in their hotel, secondly they don't want to be known as a love-motel. Go to the motel's which rent out for 40 reals per session. It's safe and a cheap solutions.

If you do want to bring your guest to your room (which is not a good idea) it will probbly set you back an extra guest's rate.


Anyway, I guess Rio and other places are absolutely amazing.

Just take in mind that it is an extremely poor country. Respect your prospective latino-lover and enjoy the country, the men and it's flavours ...

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>Anyway, I guess Rio and other places are absolutely amazing.

>Just take in mind that it is an extremely poor country.

>Respect your prospective latino-lover and enjoy the country,

>the men and it's flavours ...


Considering a Brazilian firm has just bought Canada's largest nickel and copper mining company for $22Billion in CASH (competing American and Swiss companies were offering shares and some cash, the usual buy on credit approach),I would say Brazil is not very poor. The problem is just that the money is not spread around very equitably.


I enjoyed your post though, it brought back some pleasant memories and I agree it is just a very beautiful country with some beautiful people (inside and out) living there. I wish them luck and hope more of them get to enjoy their own country more in the future, as tourists do now.

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Guest msclonly

Your Way OFF the Mark!



Your estimate of income is way over the average, as far as I see it. One nite 4 guys, that I didn't know asked me for enough to cover their door charge, since they had not been lucky. Last month, I even had one I crossed paths with at the burger shop ask for some money. He is one of the more popular dancers, who did not get lucky, the same as many others. And I am not or look like an easy mark!


Your post leads one to believe, that they are making a good living at what they do, and that is just not the case except for very few.

I would hate to see new readers get the wrong impression of the way things are for them. They are under pressure to feed their families!

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RE: Your Way OFF the Mark!


"Your (sic) You're..." I read your post and found it of some interests although I now feel like an "old" hand, no pun intended. I also would appeciate less generalizing.




Point 202 "The guys here are more aggresssive..." This is no more so than at the other saunas. There are variables which dictate this mode of activity/action.


Last month my friend and I went here only once. Some guys came to us but gently and left in the same manner as they approached us.




Estacao is NOW CLOSED to men who desire to have sex with other men. Again, last month my friend and I saw a definite decline in this venue although I'd gone here each time I've visited Rio during the past five years (on six different trips).


We went twice: it was dead, dead, dead, dead in terms of clients as well as sauna guys.



Club 117 I've always liked this club because of its size. Normally I

don't care about the number of clients who frequent and/or visit, I care about each place having ten or more guys from which one can meet and/or be entertained royally.



Lastly, many clients like to be kissed; thus the fellows accommodate their wishes. If you have a problem with all of this open-mouth activity, then DON'T kiss the guys with whom you get involved.


(My take is not a put down or a criticism; I just have a thing about generalizations. Go to the saunas and make the better of the situation based on your desires, likes and dislikes!!!!! Don't overpay! But, I would not concern myself with the amount of money a guy makes. It's his business, and in many cases his livelihood, so JUST GO AND ENJOY!

Just don't overpay!)


(In terms of tipping-- there is no set amount-- R$10 or upward, depending on guy and situation and other factors.) :-)

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Guest msclonly

RE: Your Way OFF the Mark!


If you are TOO TIGHT FISTED, there won't be any clubs left or guys to play with!


They know very well what it costs to fly to Brazil from the North, and if not, they can tell from which hotel you are staying at. So there is little use of playing poor mouth, or watching the pennies TOO closely. Give them a break and surprise them with a larger tip, if you are unable to AGREE to a little more then the basic R$50.


Personally, I don't blame the top picks for holding out for more. It is no different from what we do at home in any of our jobs or contacts. They are just better at it, and more needy.


Remember RESPECT is priceless and use it often!





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RE: Your Way OFF the Mark!


"If you are too tight fisted..." Thanks! I'm so elated that you wrote what you did. When I read the responses yesterday regarding how much money one forks out while he himself has decided to patronize the Brasilian saunas, I found it perplexing, almost ridiculous.


No one has put a gun to the head of the gringo or any other non-Brasilian to fly to Brasil to imbibe in sexual encounters. If one chooses to do so, then he has chosen to pay whatever fees are in order, from entrance all the way to paying the guys.


One can go to the saunas and not engage in any sexual activities if he chooses not to. He can go-- observe-- converse-- or remain silent/mute-- buy food and drink/s-- or just be blissfully entertained.


Thus, I really could not fanthom some of the previous comments regarding having to spend money. One is not OBLIGATED! Plus, the Brasilian saunas are still lower in price than one's paying $150 - $500 for a fuck in the US. :9

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RE: Your Way OFF the Mark!


Hey guys,


My own experiences shared on this board with the sauna's seemed to have caused quite a stirr.


It has certainly not been my intention to judge in anyway (rentboys nor clientele).


I just wanted to share my own personal experiences and share the information with the board. That's what it is for, right ?


I explained brazilian sauna's more detailed as some questions by fellow members were left unanswered, specifically as some members felt they were tricked in the past by sauna's in paying confusing entry-fees.


Brazilian sauna's are a fantastic and safe place to have fun.

Take everything in account, handle to your own best judgement, be respectful and most importantly HAVE LOTS OF FUN !



:-) :-) :-) :-)

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RE: Your Way OFF the Mark!


You're ok in your take and perceptions. I think none of us who wrote some slightly different views castigated you for writing what you wrote. Always feel free to write what your head and heart dictate. If, at times, you think that you do not want to share your thoughts and ideas and queries with all readers, then write private e's to some of us.


The other day a man who wrote in another forum asked a question which I answered, but I did not want all eyes to read my remarks; I sent him a private e since he was/is available in the "Profiles."


Thanks for writing what you did write, and thanks for allowing us to express slightly divergent views!


In unity- (...as I'd write when I'd address my former colleagues in letters and memos and in newsletters.) Axiom :-)

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RE: Your Way OFF the Real!


With all due respect, if I go to a Brasilian sauna, I am going there to get laid, not solve socio-economic problems. Thus I pay the going rate. It shows RESPECT to the locals when you do not bump the prices up beyond what they typically pay. As others have pointed out many times, the sauna boys are making good money in comparison to other wages paid in Rio.


However, you can pay whatever you want. That's your choice and no one is trying to take it away from you.

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