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A novice in Rio

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I have very full days since arriving. 4 hours after checking into my Hotel the first day I was in sauana 117. The first guy that I saw and that approached me, my jaw dropped. He was talk, dark, handsome, built like a greek statue, hung like a Kentucky thoroughbred, and he was a BOTTOM (passivo) :+ . I was upstairs with him within 20 minutes of entering the sauna. AWESOME, Have been with him 3 times and the last was a 3way with another awesome stud. I told my guide, Danilo, afterward that he could contact my daughter where to pick up my body, for I had now died and gone to heaven.


I have many adventures and stories to tell but I am off to Sugarloaf Mountain. My days are very full with tourist things in the morning and then getting to the sauans in the early afternoon.


Sorry gotta go, not enough time in the day.

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I gotta say after talking to KY for so long now about trying the RIO experience, I had a big grin on my face when I read this first post.

Buddy, that's how it's going to be for you from now on. So many to do, not enough time.


Have a ball my friend and don't worry about filling us in, just experience everything and when you get a chance you can catch us up.


Hope you can join me again in St Augustine in May.

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Last summer a lot was written about Danilo. When I was in Sao Paulo in October of 2005, I hired him on four occasions, and he was excellent. This year when I return to this "businesss and cultural capital"of Brazil, I hope to see him again. He was excellent company, professional, and indeed reliable. During the time that I was there, he had difficulty with his auto, but before I left, these problems had been rectified; he took a friend of mine and I to the airport for our journey to Curitiba.


Check the archives for additional information regarding Danilo;I think it's here or at GayTravelBrazil.com.


One thing that one must remember is to treat him with respect and DO NOT expect ANY sexual favors from him;that was NOT my intent, but one day D- decided to confide in me and tell me about several unfortunate situations in which he had found himself with some of his clients; he DID NOT reveal names nor their location, just the experiences that had transpired.


Because of his age, eighteen, I viewed him as one of my former students and related quite well with him. I hired him to serve as a guide, not as a guide and sexual, and before he proceeded in his guiding activites, money arrangements had been made in writing. Danilo did not seem averse in complying with my request which I made discreetly as well as tactfully. :-)

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Guest dreynsol



After chatting with you briefly, I'm also glad you're experiencing Rio for the first time like I did.


Going to Rio thinking that I might meet a couple of guys I would find interesting, I was up in the cabine in less time than you.


Welcome to heaven, and enjoy every moment! :-)


- Drey

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>After chatting with you briefly,


When talking with you I figured we should have shared Hooville handles, you just knew you had to be one of the gang.


And yeah I saw how quick you were headed up those stairs. :+

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A novice's view of Rio Part 1


I've received several e-mails asking for details of my Rio trip. I was too busy while there to give updates and I was only home 24 hours before heading out on a business trip. I'll try to give my view of Rio and tell of a few of my adventures that are still fresh in my mind.


Over the past few years many of my friends here had strongly suggested that I head to Rio one day. But mixed amongst their hot stories were also stories dealing with their own safety that scared me from traveling there. I've had people tell of being robbed at ATM's, robbed at gunpoint, being drugged and robbed, seeing someone lying dead after being attacked, having things stolen by people they had trusted and befriended. So I decided that if I went it would be while I could be there with someone I knew to help orient me to the city, saunas, and customs. Luckily I was able to plan a trip while a friend was to be there. Unfortuantely due to a personal issue he had to leave before my arrival. At that point I felt I needed to hire an interpreter/guide on short notice.


My trip was to be for 9 full days and I decided to hire Danilo for all 9 days. It cost me $100USD per day plus covering his travel expenses from Sao Paulo. It was worth every penny, as I will probably note as I try to point out some tales of my trip.


When arriving in Rio the immigration line reached out of the hall past the boarding gates. After about 1 hour I finally made it to the front of the line. The only words said to me in the whole process was "next". Looked at my passport and visa, stamped it, inserted a copy of a form I had filled out and that was that. I had arranged for the car from the JW Marriott to pick me up and he was patiently waiting as I exited customs. My flight arrived in the morning so of course my room was not ready. I advised them there would now be 2 people in the room, no problem I'm told and was advised I was set for an upgrade. After setting in the exexcutive lounge for 2 hours they put me in a room. The room was small, worst upgrade I've ever seen but no time to argue. I had many more issues with the hotel during my stay and sent a 4 page letter to the Manager expressing my problems before leaving. He met me at checkout and gave me one night free. asked if we are OK and if I would kindly come to see them again. I told him I was undecided. I had enough time to shower and unpack before Danilo would be there. He arrived at noon, exactly as promised. He professionally introduced himself, gave his info to the Hotel desk, unpacked and by 12:30 he was dragging me thru the streets of Rio to get some lunch. He was very big on wanting to know what sights I had an interest in seeing. When it came to visiting the sauna's he wanted to know what I was looking for. I advised I liked a variety of men types but I liked guys that kiss, suck and bottom. From that point on he took care of the talking at the sauna's after I expressed interset in someone. I needed to change money, Danilo took me to a place that had a higher exchange rate and charged no fee if I changed over $500. I checked rates, as did he, a few times during the trip and the place he took me to was always better.


I would strongly suggest hiring a guide for a first time trip to Rio and there are soem gay Brazil websites that will help. As for myself I plan to hire a guide on any trip to Brazil I make. He checked multiple options for transportation to the Christ statue trip, giving my options. He was able to tell the cab drivers were we wanted to go and sometimes suggested certain ways to go. Danilo was great in planning trips to the Christ Statue, Sugarloaf Mtn, the mall, the gay beach and other outings. On Sunday he suggested a Fair (Flea Market) that was set up in a park close to the Hotel. Great place to buy gifts for back home.


A few random notes and some comparisons to Thailand. I find that the people of Rio are not nearly as friendly as people in Thailand. Thailand is much safer and it is easy to get by in Thailand with English as your only language. It is very hard to get about in Rio with English as your only language. The cost to hire a go-go boy in Thailand is about the same to hire a sauna guy. I pay about 1500-2000 Baht (about $35-$50USD) in Thailand. Of course many of the guys stay overnight for that. Most sauna guys asked 100reals but negotiated down to 70 most of the time. 70-100 real is about $35-$50USD. I must add that finding a 50 real sauna boy that would bottom was near impossible. Travel to Rio from the USA was about 9 hours versus 24-27 for Thailand, and no jet lag in Rio. Actually with them being 2 hours ahead of my home it was perfect. I stayed out to midnight or 1am but it was only 10-11pm at home. My normal bedtime. Airfare is cheaper to Rio but Hotels are more expensive. So which place do I like the best? Not sure yet, thing I need to sample the goods a few more times. :+


I was advised by some people in the immigration line about corrupt police and also by Danilo. On a trip one afternoon to buy some CD's the police motioned for our cab to pull over. The driver was asked to step out of the car and after some discussion the passengers doors were opened and Danilo, a guest I had from a sauna, and myself were ordered from the car. Not knowing what anyone was saying was abit scary. We all showed the police officer our ID papers and were soon allowed back into the car. He took the driver abit away and so the driver returned and we left. Ended up the driver had given the officer 10r and we left. Apparently the only thing he could come up with was that Danilo in the front seat did not have his seat belt on. I gave the driver his 10r back. The guy at the airport line had alreday told several of us to just offer to "pay a fine" if encountering the police, guess it worked. I also saw a commotion while eating one night at a Copacabana beach restaurant. People were chasing 2 guys that had stolen a woman's purse. no one seemed to be hurt.


Rio has absolutely some of the most beautiful people in the world and what I saw of the country it is also beautiful.


Will I return to Rio, yes, but I want my guide along.


My trip was awesome and in my next post I'll fill in about my sauna adventures, which is what everyone wants to hear about anyway.

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RE: A novice's view of Rio Part 2


Within 5 hours of getting to Rio, I found myself in Sauna 117. As soon as we arrived and Danilo was showing me around a tall beautiful Brazilan stud with a big tent in the front of his towel, stood beside me and tried to talk to me. He learned quickly I only spoke English and Danilo talked to him abit. I informed Danilo I was abit nervous and he relayed that to my new friend. The stud then started deep kissing me, said "relax" pulled his towel aside and I thought I would pass out. Danilo asked if I was interested, YES, found out that the guy bottoms and said "it is obvious he can kiss". He wanted 100r, we settled on 70r and I was upstairs in less than 20 minutes from getting there. I must add he was awesome. I saw him 5 more times during my trip, including twice with the next stud I saw later that day. He offered his phone #, which I wish I had taken and he started to calling me "my baby" when I walked in the door.


After a few hours it got really busy since they were having a party to celebrate their 8th birthday. I saw many guys I had an interest in and made it up stairs again with a dark stud that would not bottom but would kiss and do mutual oral. We had a hot time and thought what a hot time it would be to do 3 way with this guy and the first guy I'd seen. Well that became really twice over the next few days. Probably the hottest sex I've had in my life. I advised Danilo he could contact my daughter as to where to pickup my body, for my life was now complete and I could just die and go to heaven. We were there over 6 hours and I would have made it upstairs a third time except that there became a long wait for a room due to the crowd.


We had planned to make it to Sauna 202 but due to the party we just stayed at 117. We did stop by Corunjna's (spelling?) for a late meal. I was amazed at the game that took place on the sidewalks outside with all the street guys trying to find a hookup. Many were attractive, but I never considered approaching one due to the warnings and stories I had heard from others.


The next day we made it to 202 early but it was super dead so we returned to 117. Within in a few minutes I was back upstairs with my first guy again. I ended up seeing 3 different guys this day.


On day 3, a Monday, we stayed at 202. It took us talking to 5 guys before I finally found a bottom, and was he a Hottie. He is the only guy that I asked to my hotel during my trip. He came by 4 times and ended up staying over night with me twice. Danilo also found him very attractive, so I was ok with him hooking up with my guest during one of his stays. Now I wish I had some pictures of that. If you see a dark haired stud at 202 wearing a khaki baseball cap with USA and Key West written on it, he is awesome. BTW, the hat was my favorite ballcap, he liked it, it is now his.


Tuesday is free cabina day at 117 and also the day of my first awesome 3-way. I also saw another guy before we headed off to meet Trilingual for dinner. It was great to meet him over dinner and hear his voice of experience on the Rio scene. The second guy was a very short, tight bodied guy and one of the most awesome bottoms I've experienced. He was now on my daily list and I saw him 4 more times before leaving. My last day in Rio he knew I would only be there a few hours before heading to the airport and he came early just to see me. As we said our good-bys he said "when you return to Rio, I marry you". AWE, I only wish.


Basicly I spent each morning and early afternoon doing tourist stuff. We would head off to 117 by 4pm and stop by 202 about 9pm each day. Then stop by Corunja's about 11pm for a late night meal.


I ended up with 3 favorites at 117 and 1 favorite at 202. Almost all the guys were asking for 100r but most would settle for 70r, which is what I paid most of the time. Of course my favorites also got a tip added. Getting a passivo for 50r is hard to come by and 70r was the going rate I found. There was on guy with dark curly hair that looked like the statue David. He would do everything, but wouldn't budge from 100r, saying he was a model. He seemed abit arrogant but after a good bit I finally agreed. Mistake, dry kisser, his sucking was not good and he was passivo for a whole 2 minutes before saying "hurt" and then trying jack me off quickly. But really, it was worth 100r (less than $50usd) just to play with his perfect body. BUT there were many perfect bodies that I had a lot of fun with. I only really had a bad time with 3 different guys, all at 202. 2 agreed to bottom but stopped me as soon as we started and 1 wanted to double his price upstairs to passivo after agreeing thru Danilo, to bottom for the agreed price before going upstairs.


I really don't know what I would have done without Danilo to interpret for me with all the guys. He truly helped me maximize my trip and he was a great companion to have around. I had worried about spending 9 days in a small hotel room with a 19 year old without getting on each others nerves fairly quickly. We got confortable iwth each other quickly and would joke and pick at each other by the second day. By mid week we'd joke with others that we hadn't killed each other yet. I cannot not say enough about this young man and his ability to help me have the time of my life.


Lastly, our last night in Rio we were at Corunja's having something to eat late with my favorite 202 guy and a kid that looked to be 11 or 12 was hanging out with a shoe shine kit. I mentioned to Danilo it was late for that and Danilo realized he knew the kid. (He ended up actually being 15). Danilo said he was very poor and lived far away. He was working to take care of his mother, who couldn't work, and his 6 brothers/sisters. He had no dad. I asked Danilo to ask him to set with us and eat. Danilo talked with him a long time and said he said he had eaten but Danilo asked me to loan him 10r until we got back to the Hotel so he could give it to the kid. The story broke my heart. I figured I could give this kid at least what I'd give a sauna boy, so I did. Danilo gave the kid the money were none could see and the kid then came to the table to shake my hand. He sat and had a pepsi and Danilo got him a sandwich to go on my bill.


Although, I think of the hot studs and good times I had in Rio. That kid comes into my mind almost daily, I wish him well.

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Guest Gringo

RE: A novice's view of Rio Part 2


Sounds like a great 1st trip to Mother Brasil. And yes, when you return there always seems to be the "one special moment" that haunts you until you return again. It's kind of like "three coins in a fountain," but in Rio its more like "three bois in a sauna." I look foward to meeting you tomorrow and hearing even more of your tales in person.

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RE: A novice's view of Rio Part 2


Thanks, KY for responding! I wondered if you were still in Rio or at home, and to Traveler North, if you keep your wits about you and do not let this South American culture with the gorgeously-looking men overwhelm you or let someone "take your heart," you will have an immensely enjoyable time.


I've been blessed. As a non-Portuguese speaker who've traveled to Rio on five different occasions during the past four years, I've encountered NO PROBLEMS at all. I've traveled solo on four of the five occasions!

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Guest ihpguy

RE: A novice's view of Rio Part 2


Reliving your life. Like Tom Hanks after he gets hired at the toy company; a little kid let loose in a toy store and given carte blanche. Start studying the tapes and with the improvement in your Portuguese you'll have an even BETTER time being able to chat with the garotos directly. Like me, you'll never want to go back to your old life in the states. Even ordinary Brasilians are great to interact with on a non-sexual basis.Sempre Volta.

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RE: A novice's view of Rio Part 2


are you going to have time for St. Ausustine this year?

After going to these types of places its hard to find time to stay in the USA, no?


I have been spending some time in Mexico City lately, lots of fun and there are just soooo many gay guys living there now, it's very open and they like white guys...I haven't has money involved in Mex city now for awhile...I've even met guys that are buying me drinks (if you know me, thats alot!) and inviting me to go to movies or out to dinner, their treat.


anyway, another place you might like to try that has a lot of cuties is Cuba, before it changes someday.


Back when I was telling you about Brasil the exchange rate was 3.3 to a high of about 4, with prices to the saunas being lower and the guys have been 50R since my 1st trip in 98.


talk to you later and the differences between BKK and Rio are huge like hamburgers and pizza, but both are food.

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RE: A novice's view of Rio Part 2


>are you going to have time for St. Ausustine this year?

>After going to these types of places its hard to find time to

>stay in the USA, no?


Yes I plan to get to St Augustine this year but not sure which weekend yet. I must say that Both Thailand and Rio have spoiled me to anyplace I find here in the USA or even Canada. I also am finding myself hiring fewer Escorts here and just making plans to make it to Thailand and now Rio a couple of times a year.


>Back when I was telling you about Brasil the exchange rate was

>3.3 to a high of about 4, with prices to the saunas being

>lower and the guys have been 50R since my 1st trip in 98.


Too bad the exchange rate isn't still that good. But, I'm not complaining, it is still a bargain compared to the USA.


>talk to you later and the differences between BKK and Rio are

>huge like hamburgers and pizza, but both are food.


Yeah, but I like both pizza and hamburgers, variety is good. My problem is that I am like a kid in the candy store over eat abit. ;)

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RE: A novice's view of Rio Part 2


>All this, and not a single natural disaster. Is the curse

>broken? :p


There is usually a few months between disasters, so I figured I was safe for a few months anyway. :)


My new digital camera froze on my trip but luckily I had also taken my 35mm. Got the film developed today and started wishing I was back in Rio. Looks like I will be trading my annual August California Escort hiring trip for a return trip to Rio this year. That should make you feel safer.;)

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RE: A novice's view of Rio Part 2


. Looks like I will be trading my

>annual August California Escort hiring trip for a return trip

>to Rio this year. That should make you feel safer.;)


Just Announced !!!!

"Big August Sale on California `scorts !".

Cum One - Cum All !!!! :) ;-) ;)

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RE: A novice's view of Rio Part 1


Interesting to hear your comparisons to Thailand. I've lived in Thailand and have been going 2-3x year since my return. I've also been to Brasil once a year for the past 4 years, always ending up in Rio.


I'd say it's a toss-up between Bangkok & Rio, in terms of English. Esp. in the peak season, the level of English proficiency in BKK has improved in the last 10 yeasr, also more of the barboys are from Bangkok rather than Isaan, which may be part of it. In terms of friendliness--both are family oriented cultures where a lot of the hospitality is as much a way to distance as it is to engage. Because I can still speak Thai, I probably do better in Bangkok than in Rio, but I also can spot a "dry smile" a mile away and deal better with the "foreign" aspects of the culture. Most visitors can't and either get put off by the pushiness during the tourist season or confuse the smiles for something more than they really are. Thai culture seems more closed (as the Thai say, it's easy to find "drinking friends", but difficult to find "real friends" in thailand), and its definitely more passive aggressive than Brzilian culture and I say that as someone with deep affection for Thailand. I also found that despite the pressures of Church, family, etc., sexuality is much more "out there" in Rio.

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RE: A novice's view of Rio Part 1


Buckguy, thanks for your response re Thailand vs. Brasil (namely Rio). I wholeheartedly concur. As from my previous posts, I, too, have been to both places, Thailand 4X's to date and Brasil 5Xs. Once I decide where I'd like to live for 1 or 2 years (teaching EFL (English as a foreign language pt or ft)-- my place will be either of the two spots: Bkk or Rio.


When I basked on the gay beach of Phuket, I decided that Rio is my place, my love. I truly love the sensual men in all respects!


Again, thanks Bg... :9

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