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A few extra dollars well spent - -

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Over the past week, there was an incident where a tour bus carrying dozens of foreign tourists was hijacked en route to Copacabana Palace. Some news reported 40 tourists other news articles had various numbers of tourists. The tourists were robbed at gun-point of their money and personal property then were allowed to continue on their way to the hotel.


Moreover, two SEPARATE instances were reported last week by tourists who took a yellow cab from the international airport in Rio. The tourists were robbed of their money and belongings (again at gun-point) and were told to get out of the taxi by the driver who apparently had stolen the taxi. The tourist was not aware that the taxi had been stolen. The tourists said the taxi was waiting out by the exit area along with other yellow cabs.


The above instances are rare but have happened close in time and each incident started out at International airport. As we all enjoy Brazil, it would be a shame to begin a trip there by getting involved with such terrible events.


Purpose of this post - -


When you arrive at Rio International, either have a hotel car meet you or purchase a prepaid taxi voucher.


Although following the above recommendation costs more money than a yellow cab meter fare, the safety of a private car or prepaid tsxi voucher is worth the extra bucks.

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>Thanks for writing, but the article and responses have

>already been noted at the first forum that graces this

>website. There are approximately five or six responses after

>the initial update.



Thank you for bringing to my attention that the issue had already been posted. However, I am puzzled why the subject was not posted in this South of the border section where it would most likely be read by those effected. Posting this critical information in the Lounge area is a mistake. Most likely the information would be missed by those who only read the South of the border postings or those who actually visit Brazil.


The responses, posted in the Lounge, did not discuss that there were two instances in the past week where yellow cabs were stolen and used to rob arriving tourists at international airport. Visitors to Brazil should be aware that this has happened over the past week.


My purpose of posting this message is to encourage readers to always use a prepaid cab voucher or be met at the airport on arrival. This purpose seems to have been lost in the Lounge and responses.

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Your post was appreciated here, do not get me wrong, please! Also, when I first read about the misfortunes of the tourists in "The Lounge"-- I, too, asked myself why is this here? It definitely would be more appropriate in "my" or "our" area!


Since I usually read through or scroll almost all of the forums, the thread did not miss my eyes! Again, muito obrigado! :-) Axiom

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>Thank you for bringing to my attention that the issue had

>already been posted. However, I am puzzled why the subject

>was not posted in this South of the border section where it

>would most likely be read by those effected. Posting this

>critical information in the Lounge area is a mistake.


I started the thread in the lounge because it was not about Escorts. The title of this section is "Escorts South of the USA", so I posted it there. (shrugs shoulders). I am headed to Rio for the first time and of course this sort of thing concerns me. I know of 4 M4M'ers that had been robbed or had things stolen and have received an e-mail from another since posting the link to the bus incident in the Lounge. Seems like a very high percentage of robberies among a group of people.


I appreciate the input and suggestions from many here, I want my trip to be a very special and enjoyable trip for me. I plan on taking the suggestion given here, and privately to me in E-mail, and will contact the Hotel to meet me with a car at the airport.

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>I started the thread in the lounge because it was not about

>Escorts. The title of this section is "Escorts South of the

>USA", so I posted it there. (shrugs shoulders).




I understand your confusion about where you should have posted the information. I believe your confusion arose because the Escorts -South of the border area of the message center is misleading in its title. This is because only a small portion of the South of the border section includes discussions about escorts. There are many discussions about saunas, however.


Most people (particularly me) who read the South of the border section of the message center are looking for travel information about Brazil or other South American countries. Discussions about specific escorts in the South of the border section is rare and, except for information about the saunas, is often ignored.


Although this is your first time to visit Rio, you should not be overly concerned about crime. I have traveled to Brazil more than thirty times and have had only petty problems with robberies et cetera. Once, my locker at Lagoa sauna was opened and money stolen and twice I was pick-pocketed. These were non violent petty crimes that did not spoil my trips to Brazil. These are the type of crimes that could happen in any city.


If you are cautious and remain aware of your surroundings, you should not have any safety problems. Of coure, if you do as some of the Americans have done before you, e.g., going to Corujinha´s restaurant, drinking heavily then inviting two or three strange guys to your hotel room, you will likely have a problem and be robbed and drugged, as were those Americans who displayed poor judgment in the past.


If you are cautious without being paranoid, you will have a magnificent time in Brazil. Remember, you will be in a foreign country that has a high crime rate. Just make certain you do not become a crime statistic.


I feel confident that your first trip to Brazil will result in a great time for you. Who knows, you may find yourself returning to Brazil again and again and again.


Boa viagem.

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While being "cautious and aware of surroundings" is important, sometimes incidents just happen. Last year I returned to Rio from BA and had a driver waiting for me at GIG to take me to my apartment in Copacabana. The time was 9:00PM. The trip was uneventful until we were in the tunnel across from Rio Sul. Suddenly, a car pulled up to the drivers side, immediately "whipped" in front of us, and slammed on their brakes. I was amazed that the driver didn't rear-end the car in front. Two men jumped out with rifles that, to me, looked more like cannons. They pointed the rifles at us and started shouting for us to get out of the car. I shouted for the driver to pull around them and GO, GO, GO. Luckily, there was no cars behind or on either side of us. We arrived safely at my apartment in Copa. Those guys were not after me or the driver. It was random incident that could have happened in the US. Apparently, I haven't forgotten the incident. However, it didn't keep me from enjoying the remaing 2 months in Brazil. As they say, "Shit happens".

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