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Big Daddy Returning to Paradise

Big Daddy
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On the 13th of December I am returning to Rio to be with my bebito. I speak with him everyday, and I still get warm and fuzzy when he tells me "te amo bebito, te amo". Wan Hallen has been my namorado for over two years and all I can say is that he has made life special again for me. We are going to stay at the Othon Palace (5 Star) and will be paying $R130.00 per night. I got the rate from Skyauction.com. We will be staying in Rio until the 26th. From there we are going to Goiania where we will bring in the New Year with Wan Hallen's family. We then have two weeks to check out other parts of Brasil or perhaps go to Buenos Aires. I am going to buy a All Brasil Air Pass from TAM for $440. It will let me travel to up to 4 cities before returning to Rio.


I would appreciate any suggestions as to what places to visit. I am thinking of staying 3 or 4 days per stop, and want to include Sao Paulo and a southern city and a northern city.


To be honest, I stopped posting as I semed to generate controversy and felt I should lay low for a while.


Since I cannot bring my bebito to be with me in Arizona, I am resigned to my bi-yearly trips to see him. I am not complaining as I dearly love Brasil, and look forward to the day that I can spend far more time there. I am working on setting up a business in Rio and will be able to travel more often to Brasil. I will again start posting and hope I do not upset anyone with my rants and stories of lust and debauchery.

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BD, great news about your trip and parabens on the success of your relationship with VW. I bought an AirPass from TAM - what a great deal! - last year and visited 3 cities in the Northeast: Belém, São Luís, and Salvador. I had friends in Belém and São Luís, so they might not be on most peoples list of cities to visit, but the state of Maranhão is full of natural beauty, and São Luís has wonderfully preserved colonial architecture. However, Salvador has much more to offer the tourist, Brazilian or gringo, looking for the best of Brazilian culture - music and dance, architecture, natural preserves nearby, restaurants (Paraíso Tropical), and, of course, people.


If you're looking for a super-relaxing beach-resort place, Brazilians I know in the US all rave about Fernando de Noronha. It has its own web site (you can Google it), but they say it has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. I'd love to go there one day. It's definietly a quiet place, and is best for a family, couple or group of friends to visit.


Of course, wherever you go, I have a feeling that you'll have an amazing time, especially with your bebito at your side.

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Big Daddy, If schedule permits, I arrive in Rio on the first of the year for two months. Look me up on your return from your tour of Brazil via Tam.

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Big Daddy, While Fernando de Noronha is great for some, I wouldn't recommend it for you and Wan Allen. It's all about the diving and snorkeling--if that's not your thing, it's a waste of time and money, and it is the most expensive place in Brazil by far. If you are a diver, however, it's paradise--my friends adored it and I was bored, although the views are spectacular. I'd recommend Salvador toward the north for its cultural and food attractions and Curitiba in the south as it's always referred to as the most livable city in Brazil. Florianopolis is smaller and prettier though, and on the coast, so it would be a good alternative in the south. I would not recommend Porto Alegre since there's not much there of interest to the tourist. Hope this helps SF Traveler

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Welcome back, BigDaddy! I would suggest going to Salvador, Bahia, too. Carlo has a superb guide there; his name is Josuel, and he was really a sweetie in terms of accompanying and aiding and guiding me around his city and encouraging me to make the better of my experiences while there. I've been to this city twice and plan to return.


As SF Traveler stated, I'd suggest and recommend Curitiba, too. Read what has been written about it on this site. Carlo made reservations for a friend and me; we were there for five days: ...went on that train ride through the rain forest and down to the coast, spending a day touring the smaller towns. I plan to return here, too, as the first class coach on the train was crowded, and I had an aisle seat vs. one by the window, so picture taking for me was virtually impossible without my manuevering myself. (Check to see what 2nd class is like: I know there were seats available in this car which was immediately next to ours...)


Curitiba itself is a different, different mix of Brasilian cities: its European influence is quite, quite pronounced as contrasted with Salvador's African influence. Do the bus tour; it should take a day if you partake in spending some time at each of the 26 stops. You can do this without making reservations, and I personally liked this part of my trip in seeing Curitiba instead of taking the city tour with a company. Of this experience-- that is the least part that I enjoyed; I did the bus twice: once during the week when all venues were quiet and on a Sunday when some venues were quiet and others vibrant with activity and life.


I have since concluded that Rio is the most diverse of all of the Brasilian areas that I have traveled, not taking away from the other two cities to which I alluded.


Have you been to Manaus and to the Amazon? It will probably be scorching in December will it not? What about Foz Ig? I can't remember your experiences as well as you! lol :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I arrived yesterday tired but so happy to be back in Brasil. I have more friends here than in the US. I guess I return often enough that people recognize me on the streets.


I have to once again compliment Continental on its outstanding service and really great people. This was one of my coach trips and they did everything possible (short of bumping me to Business) to make me comfortable.


Eddie my driver met me at the airport and took me to the Othon Palace. In checking in, they asked if I wanted a complete ocean view for an additional $R80 per night. I said no, not at the current exchange rate. Got a king room on the 16th floor, but when the bell boy opened the door, it appeared to still be occupied. He was very apologenic and 5 minutes later returned with an ocean view on the 14th floor, no extra charge. Fantasic view, very romantic.


We rushed to Santos Dumont to pick up Wan Hallen, who was to arrive on a TAM shuttle from Sao Paulo at 3 PM. No Wan Hallen. We waited for 3 more flights and left at 4:30. He had all the hotel information and I was tired. Decided to take a nap and then head to Estascao for a pick me up. About 6:30, I woke up to my door opening, and in walks meu bebito. He went shopping in Sao Paulo and missed his flight. The hotel had his information, so allowed him to register and gave him a key. I asked if he was concerned that I would be out of the room and at a sauna. He said yes he thought of it, but decided I would be too tired, and besides he knew I was waiting for him.


Went to La Maison for dinner last night, but we are going to Corrujinha's tonight. We said hello to Berts really nice B/F Moises while at La Maison. I have my new notebook, so hope to keep those of you interested, posted. Does not look good for the sauna tonight as bebito is watching me like a hawk. He wants to spend time with me since I have not seen him for 4 months.

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Not really much to post other than the garrotos are still spectacular. We went to Corrujinha's last night, but it was pretty slow. Just as we were leaving Luciano, whom I have posted about many times drove up and offered us a ride back to the hotel. He is such a nice guy, and some of the best sex in Rio. He just produced a CD, and he is a very good singer. He writes all his own songs. The CD will be available in January. Wan Hallen got me a Brasilian movie, The Two Sons of Francisco, which I highly recommend. Not nearly as tragic as the City of God, but still gives a very good feel as to life in rural Brasil. It is about two brothers from Goiania who become big Country stars here in Brasil.


Have only been to Estacao, it was very festive on Saturday due to a birthday party for the manager. Many of the boys from Rogers are now there.


Will post later.

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Yesterday two Brasilian friends took Wan Hallen and myself to a small city in the mountains, about 3 hours north of Rio called Novo Friburgo. We had a great time, and the countryside and the town were beautiful. Novo Friburgo was settled by Germans and Swiss and the city has a very European, laid back feel. If it were not for the language, you would think you were in some Swiss village.


I went to Estacao on Monday very early, but there were several choice garrotos. Do not know what we will do tonight, but will probably go to 117 to see Luciano.


For me the weather has been nice. Somewhat overcast, but not raining. Thunderstorms at night with spectacular lightening displays.


Wan Hallen now wants to stay in Rio over New Year's so must find a hotel. Will post later.

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It is Thursday afternoon and am thinking about going to Estaqcao for a quickie, especially if Eyki is working. I get hard just thinking about him. He is such a choice guy and really likes sex. Wan Hallen has been keeping me on a shorter leash, but I can still get away.


We have been staying at the Rio Othon Palace and I have really enjoyed it. Top service and a great bed and pillows. We have a beach front room on the 14th floor, and I can just sit there for hours (ok maybe minutes) watching the beach and the waves, especially at night. The big cruise ships steam by each day, blowing their sea horns warning the smaller boats away. Did I tell you that the hotel put in a roll away for bebito. At least they do not insist on him using it. Actually, it was a great place to store luggage.


We are moving to the Atlantico on the 28th. Carlo got me a very good rate of $R1200 for the 3 day package. This was $R200 less than they quoted me. I think he got me one of the last rooms. While not nearly as nice as the Palace, it has one BIG advantage. Location, location, location.


We are going out to dinner to Santa Theresa. The view of the city from there is spectcular, and I hope very romantic. We are going with Brasilian friends. We still have not been to my favorite, which is Por Cao in Flamingo (near the domestic airport.)


A very good site to check out for tourist stuff is http://www.Brazil4you.com.


Will post tomorrow.

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Another beautiful day in Rio. Went to Estacao yesterday and Eyki was there. Anyone who likes choice and I mean choice, super great personality, blond twink cannot miss out on meeting him.


Estacao for me has the feel of Rogers. Last night in the shower I had four hot guys fooling around with me at the same time. I have learned not to be shy and not to worry about the fact that I am not young and beautiful. If you treat the garrotos with respect and fun, they will respond in kind.


Went to Santa Theresa and enjoyed very much the Carioca feel. We drank beer and told stories until they closed. We then went to Corrujinha's, got there about 1:30 AM. It was pretty slow, but I still enjoyed being there. Jabba is back in Spain, so I now hold court without competition.


I made reservations to park at La Maison on Revilion (New Years Eve). For $R225 each, we get a gourmet dinner, all the booze (they will make money on me, but not on the food)and the equivilent of a private box seat for what is billed as the most spectacular fireworks display in the world. Have seen photos and they are indeed fantastic. Have to get some white clothing as that is the required uniform of the day.


Will post later

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BigDADDY, I always appreciate your updates. I am in THAILAND right now (in Chaing Mai after being in Bkk for a week). Although the people are as gracious and as amiable as the Brasilians, I have concluded that Brasil is the PLACE for me.


...will spend time in PATTAYA and Phuket and back in Bangkok until the 16th of January. Perhaps I'll gain a sense of my wanting to return after having a few adventures......... axiom

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Went to 117 last night, free cabine, and it was mayhem. Over a 100 garrotos and plenty of clients. Ended up with a puppy named Gitullio, who was very good. He however pulled the I gozzo routine after the fact, but paid him anyway as he was very good. Not as good as Tony at Spazio or of course Eyki.


We are moving to the Atlantico today for Reveillon, but return to the Rio Palace on the 3rd. They promised to again upgrade our room to ocean view with balcony. You simply cannot imagine how beautiful the view from our room was. On moonlight nights, my bebito and I was sit on the balcony and look at the glistening bay and the entire beach. In the late afternoon, the big cruise ships would pass, blarring their horns as they headed out to sea.


We have reservations for Reveillon at La Maison, and I am very much anticipating. Workers are setting everything up, and O Glorbo TV is everywhere. It costs $R225 per person, but you get front row seats and a gourmet dinner with booze. If anyone is interested in joining us, simply go to La Maison and sign up, telling them to seat you with us. They all know me at La Maison. La Maison is at the cornor of Santa Clara and Atlantico, center stage for the action.


On Friday, Spazio has a special. You get admission, cabine and the puppy of your choice for $R60. You do however have to show your AARP card (LOL).


Rio is filling up and it is hopping with activity. It got late last night, so we went to Garrota do Ipenema for picanha. While bebito is not that impressed, I think the picanha there is better than most. Wehad to wait 15 minutes just to get in. Do not know what we will do today.




Will keep you posted.

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Sorry that I have not posted. The usual excuses of trying to fit too much into a short period of time. Today we moved back to the Rio Othon Palace. Was very sad to leave the Atlantico, but got a good rate with an upgraded room thrown in. I also highly recommend the Palace. The staff is just as nice, but the hotel is much bigger, so not nearly as personal or intimate as the Atlantico. I felt really bad when checking out as Miriam, one of the nicest people on earth and who is the front desk person at the Atlantico was crying (very discreetly). A gringo skipped out on her without paying his bill, and now she has to pay for it. I am going to get his name and if I know who is is (I think he may be one of us) I will give him hell.


On a happier note, had the most wonderful time at Reveillon (New Years Eve) at La Maison. It was exactly as billed, beyond discription. The beach was filled with two million happy people and the evening was magical. I have met so many great people on this trip and many were at La Maison with us. The food and the booze keep coming and at midnight, the fogos (fireworks) started. We just kissed and hugged everyone in reach. Being with my bebito made it an especially wonderful moment.


Earlier, an older lady from Sao Paulo had got so drunk, she could not get back to her hotel. Her companion, also a woman, asked Wan Hallen to take her back safely to the hotel. The manager at La Maison had said that bebito was a good boy and would take care of them. He helped them to thier hotel, a few blocks away, and returned in time for the fogos. One of the reasons I love him so much is that he has such a big heart. I have come to learn how sensitive he is.


Robert (after several bottles of wine and very good domestic champagn) was very attracted to one of the waiters, Daniel. Freddy, who is a rookie from NYC convinced Robert to give Daniel his hotel phone number. As it turned out, he was interested in a "position" similar to Wan Hallen's. Am not quite sure what that is, but advised Robert that it would probably be very expensive (LOL).


Went to Spazio 18 last night and again had a great time. Tony is such a great guy, he is 20, smooth and knows how to kiss. After he got me off, he again cuddled and made out with me for another 15 minutes. Last Friday I went for the package special and went with Dennis. Another Brasilian stud puppy. The boys at Spazio all seem to know how to treat a client. I suspect it is because it has not been ruined by the gringos yet. The Point was ok, just not my favorite. Because of Eyki, Estacao is still my first choice. He is truly one of the sweetest garrtos around. Anyone who travels to Rio and does not try and spend time with him will be missing an exceptional experience.


We did the Petropolis trip again to show Freddy and his Brasilian bf the Imperial Palce and so forth. It was very cool and beautiful. Went to Por Cao two days in a row. The waiters are without doubt, the most beautiful in all Brasil. They also remember us, and give us such exceptional service. The first night, there were a group of Italian queens who got very drunk and rowdy. A little bit was ok, but they just went on and on. The next night was much nicer.


It has been raining, but luckily for me I am not a beach person. In fact I like the rain. At Spazio last night, one of the Brasilians came up to me and asked, "are you not Mr. Big Daddy" I said yes. He then went on to say he was at La Maison for Reveillon and and remember me sitting in the rain, using a serving tray as an umbrella. I guess I was quite a sight.


Well, have to get back to the hotel. Will post later.

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After being in another area of the world (for almost a month) which is just as far as Brasil in relation to the US of A, I've reflected and have reflected, and have definitely concluded that Brasil has the most handsome and sexiest men, if not the most of both than anywhere else in this world of ours!


I hope to return before the end of this new year of ours! :-)

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It continues to rain, indeed quite hard. Since I am not a beach bunny, it has not been much of a problem for me. It has however dramatically cut down on the beach eye candy, so am hoping for sunnier days. The first sunny day, Wan Hallen and I are going to the beach with Robert, who is a beach bunny.



Went to Estacao, looking for Eyki, and found out he had taken the day off. I went with a garroto named Rapheal, about 28, 6 ft and chiseled. Did I mention his beautiful eyes? In any event, he passed my steam room/shower test with flying colors and so we went to the cabine. (test=great appetizer sex either in steam room or shower. He got hard, kissed amazingly, got ME hard and let me finger fuck him to assure me he was "completo".) If you do not know the puppy, always use these proven test methods.




There is no air conditioning at Estacao and even the fan was broke. Yes it was very hot. He worked up a sweat that made him glissen, which made him look even more amazing. He knew every position, and wanted to try them all. He is definietely on my Highly Recommended list.




Robert is desperate, well not that desperate, to see Luciano at 117. Despite the rain, we are off to 117 via metro.




This is my 6th trip to Rio and bebito is literally getting bored with Rio. Do any of you old hands have any suggestions, out of the obvious, as to where I can take him to be entertained during the day.

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