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Big Daddy has ARRIVED

Guest dreynsol
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Guest dreynsol

Hi Big Daddy,


I can imagine Maria being very glad to see you. You were the first Americano she asked about when I saw her last.


Have a great trip, and if you're in the Sao Paulo area Memorial Day weekend, give me a shout. :-)


- Drey

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Went to Rogers last night while meu bebito did the novela action on TV. His new favorite is AMERICA, which is all about Brasilians getting into the US via Mexico and I guess other locations.


I really enjoyed Rogers. They have spruced it up even further and is definitely first class. Yes it is smaller and has fewer boys, but for my taste, it was just fine. I already knew most of the garrotos, and they all seemed very happy to see me again. Before any of you get your skirts in an uproar, Wan Hallen is my baby and I love him very much. He returns my love in a thousand ways. He knows that I really enjoy going to the saunas, and as long as I come home to him by the end of the novelas each night, he is fine. We have the Clinton policy, don`t ask, don`t tell.


Tonight is the 25th Annaversary of Club 117, and I am headed that way. I will keep you posted. Again, the weather is great. We went and looked at the apartment that I have rented, and it is very nice. It is very centrally located and only $30 per day.


PS The viagra was wonderful.

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Club 117 continues to amaze me at the number of really stunningly beautiful men. It was the 25th Anniversary, however the crowd was decidely local. There are gringos here, but not in large numbers. I hooked up with Anderson and he continues to provide fantastic sex. You are the focus of his attention. Also went with Luciano (Bruno)who is also very good. Not as good as Anderson. Also went to Rogers. Yes it is quiter with fewer men, but have a good time there, with no pressure at all. Ekay, a blond twink is there. He has replaced Anderson as the best sex in Rio. In fact, the saunas should hire both Anderson and Ekay to give lessons on how to make a lot of money by making their clients exceedingly happy. Tonight we are heading to Spa 73, which I have only been to once.


We have not ventured out in terms of restaurants. Have been to Siguierra Grill twice, and the chorrascuria across the street once. We are moving to the apartment today, and will start expanding our restaurant experience. Will report any especially good places I come across. Wan Hallen younger brother is coming for 4 days and he is complaining that we cannot have sex while he is in the apartment. He did not tell me, but I heard him telling Joan the waiter at La Maison, who has become a good friend.


Corujinhas has been very slow, but still fun. It was open last night (Sunday) and did not get busy until midnight. Jabba was again holding court. There was a minor scene becasue he refused to shake hands with a Brasilian. Have no idea why a Brasilian would want to shake hands with him.


Weather is geat and the men are HOT.

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Can't say for sure why a Brazilian would want to shake hands with Jabba, but I'm sure most of you who've visited Brazil have noticed this by now: It's customary courtesy to shake the hands of ALL people present in a group that you're meeting, even if you don't know the person whose hand you're shaking. It's also common to shake hands again with each person when you're leaving. Refusing to shake someone's hand is considered rude and insulting. (Which seems to apply to Jabba: consensus among the working guys is that if Jabba were penniless he'd be gettin' around on his own, and if he COULD manage to waddle to a table he'd be sitting alone! He's not known in Rio for being a nice person! In contrast, many M4Mers have become popular with the working guys, regardless of our wealth or the fact that we don't hire them repeatedly, because we treat them courteously and respectfully. And we shake hands with them!)

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Also went to Rogers. Yes it is quiter with

>fewer men, but have a good time there, with no pressure at

>all. Ekay, a blond twink is there. He has replaced Anderson

>as the best sex in Rio. In fact, the saunas should hire both

>Anderson and Ekay to give lessons on how to make a lot of

>money by making their clients exceedingly happy.



Dammit! And Rogers was closed when I was there. Blond twink. I found one with my favorite Raphael... but I WAS looking for another!!!! :)




>Corujinhas has been very slow, but still fun. It was open last

>night (Sunday) and did not get busy until midnight. Jabba was

>again holding court.



Having finally seen it for myself, I now know what the phrase "Jabba was again holding court" means. The imagery is unforgettable!!!


Too funny.

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We went to Spa 73 and had a good time. It was bingo night. Getting there was an experience in itself. The taxi driver did not have a clue, even where Praca Banderia was. Finally told him to take us to Chopperia Banderia, which is just a few blocks away, and we found someone who could direct him.


Tonight is cabine gratis night at 117, so off we go. Have several in mind, but usually end up with Anderson. Damn, he is so fucking hot.


We moved into our apartment and it is very nice. It is fully furnished with cable, 2 blocks from the beach, $30 per night. Took Wan Hallen shopping today. That boy does love to shop. No way can he be straight.

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We went to 117 last night and had a good time. I finally met Rapheal and he was very nice. It was cabine gratis night and I went with Rapheal. He is shy, and at first I thought he was not interested in going to the cabine with me. I had see him before and he thought I was not interested in him. Ekay over at Rogers is still the best sex in Rio.


Corrujinha´s continues to be very slow. No Jabba last night. We see Ceasar each night and he get a beer from one of us. He talks about going to Sao Paulo for Memorial Day.


Wan Hallen is learning how to use his MP3 player. He is in a rush to get back to the apartment so will close for now. Rogers is on the schedule for tonight.

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>We went to 117 last night and had a good time. I finally met

>Rapheal and he was very nice. It was cabine gratis night and

>I went with Rapheal. He is shy, and at first I thought he was

>not interested in going to the cabine with me. I had see him

>before and he thought I was not interested in him. Ekay over

>at Rogers is still the best sex in Rio.



Getting this thread back on track...


I really had a great time with Raphael. He is shy... it is not an act. But he is an honorable and delightful boy. When I was there, I took him out with us every night, and home with me every night. Everyone in the group loved him. He has a good sense of humor, and he is an appreciative and trustworthy companion.


I have found (in all venues, not just the Brazilian saunas) that a good sign as to whether to boy is truly a decent person, is whether or not the other WORKERS like him. It is especially compelling if workers of all types and ages like him. In Raphael's case, it seems that all the other sauna boys, young and old, love to interact with him.


Good sign.


Another good sign... not greedy. Gave him 50R for cab fare home on the last night. He said he did not want to be wasteful and spend that much money on a cab when he could easily catch the bus, and offered to return most of the money. Of course, I told him to keep it... but believe me, I was impressed.


Now I hope when I return, Ekay is still there as well....

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To my dismay, when I opened the message board I saw that once again I stirred up crap that I had no intention doing. I do not force myself on anyone, and tend to be overly generous to those who have been very kind to me. I am posting becasue I truly love Brasil, her culture and her people.


Yesterday I met for five hours with the movers and shakers of the profession that I am in. Those of you who are my friends, know what I do in my professional life. I do not feel comfortble sharing that here, especially in light of the many idiots that lurk here. I bring this up because when I was getting ready to go to the meeting, Wan Hallen assumed that he would be going with me. I was very hesitant, as I was using my American mindset that I would be looked down upon for being gay and having a Brasilian BF. Eddie, my driver, who again is very reliable, by even our standards, told me that it would be ok to take him. Eddie was right. I introduced Wan Hallen as my significant other. Each of the Brasilians in the meeting treated both myself and Wan Hallen with great kindness and respect. In fact, it actually helped having Wan Hallen there. It demonstrated that I have ties to Brasil and that I truly want to help her people. We have started a process which they tell me will revolutionize elements of my profession in Brasil.


We went to Rogers last night and it was very good. Bingo night. As usual, only needed one number to win the coverall and a free cabine. Went with Ekay and he continues to be amazing. He recently returned from Paris, where he was photographed by some of the leading photographers there. Tomorrow, Ekay, Wan Hallen, Bob (gringo friend) and myslef are going to Pao Azucar to see the lights of Rio come on.


Tonight is cabine gratis night at 117, so will head there. Last night we went to La Trattota, near Maxims. To be honest, I thought Corrujinhas's is better. Tomorrow we head to Ipenema, probably Garrota do Ipenema.

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Well, it seems that a consensus has emerged here. I'm pretty surprised, actually, because we're not actually such a homogeneous bunch! However, if this many guys representing a wide part of the spectrum of opinion in Escorts South agree about this, I feel OK about deleting the offending posts. I'm also going to delete the other posts, too, so this can go back to being a journal of Big Daddy's experiences in Brazil. In a day or two I'll delete this post, too!


FourAces, taylorky's rampage had nothing to do with you. It started because I deleted virtually identical posts he made in the thread about the Nebraska district court decision in the Politics forum. He just decided to take revenge in every forum he could think of, leading to the present brouhaha.


BTW, I learned this evening that my recently-gained moderator privileges in the other forums have been terminated by deej (unilaterally as far as I know) because he doesn't see eye-to-eye with me about the role of a moderator. I don't particularly mind, as I didn't ask to be a moderator in the other forums, and now I don't have to feel in any way responsible for them. Also, my understanding is that taylorky has been "put on vacation" by the powers-that-be, so I hope things will return to the usual dull roar instead of the high-decibel cacaphony we've had in the past few days.

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I have returned to what feels to me HOME. It is a long ass trip, even in First, but well worth it. Wan Hallen was waiting for me outside of customs and when he saw me his eyes lit up and he rushed over and hugged me. He had arrived earlier from Goiania. He is meu bebito and I love him very much.


We checked into the Atlantico and the staff as usual was very welcoming and gracious. They sent a bowl of fruit to the room, and Maria almost did cart wheels when she saw us. Actually spent most of yesterday relaxing and sleeping. Finally ventured out to Corrujinhas and met 2 gringos. Jabba was there, but he seemed somewhat subdued. He was dressed very nice, and did not have the usual 5 or 6 stud bodyguards with him.


We had lunch at La Maison on the beach, and the scenery was spectacular. It is a bit humid, but otherwise the weather is great. I do not understand why this is the low season. God, the men are beautiful, and they really enjoy being viewed.


Am going to Rogers and then maybe Estacao later. I really want to go to 117, but may have to save that for tomorrow. Ther were some very hot guys at Corrujinhas last night, but that is nothing new.


I will post often for those of you who may have an interest in the rantings of a gringo in paradise.


PS Wan Hallen found my viagra and he thinks it is for him. Little does he know :-) .

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Guest dreynsol

Please Big Daddy, do not let a poster here discourage you from sharing your wonderful adventures in Brazil. Just keep in mind that there are hundreds of us that appreciate the stories of your return to Mother Brazil. I realized that from my last trip, when I communicated privately with a great many individuals that thanked me for sharing -- even though publicly it would appear there were not many.


Many thanks to Tri and Deej for looking into this problem which I equate to Spam. And I strongly approve of the changes that you mentioned Tri.


I will be the first to volunteer that my posts be deleted if they do not add information or value to the board. Isn't that our goal here! :-) It may be sexual in nature, but as Big Daddy said it allows us to relive the Brazilian experience through someone elses eyes, while we're not actually there.


Even though I have my moments of doubt :-), I will continue posting in spite of some when I feel I have information to add to the board.


Um forte abraço,


- Drey

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Big Daddy,

Please continue to share your experiences here now that it is safe to do so.

As one who used to share a journal of my trips, I can appreciate the moderators taking out unrelated rants in order to leave the thread clear.

Shouts of censorship notwithstanding, I applaud the decision.

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I applaud the decision that was made! I'm glad that this particlar thread is back to its initial intent! Along with Jackhammer, I, too, encourage BigDaddy to continue to write.


I've always enjoyed reading about the experiences of those here in anticipation of my future trips to Brasil and other parts of South America.

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Guest Gringo

being a moderator is a thankless and uncompensated position. i have every confidence in Tri's abilities to execute those responsibilities in a fair and impartial manner. please share more of your adventure with us Big Daddy. :+

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We again went to 117 and had a great time. It was always a fantasy of mine to be sitting in a room, surrounded by breathtakingly beautiful men, any of whom would go with you for a moment of paradise. 117 and the othe saunas provide that fantasy, in a safe, sane environment. It is virtually impossible for me, and I would venture anyone else, to describe how an older, bald, fat guy (yes me) can be made to feel like Prince Charming. There is only one way to understand, and that is to experience it for yourself. Please however, do not come to Brasil only for sex. Come so that you can understand what Mother Brasil offers to her children.


It was late, so we went to Corujinha'a last night. You will be happy to learn that they purchased new, very nice looking yellow placements, with the Corujinha Owl on them. It was fairly busy last night.


Wan Hallen's younger brother arrived for a week visit, his first time in Rio. Again was a bit nervous. How would he react to Wan Hallen being my muito especial bebito. Again, should have known better. He is perfectly comfortable with our relationship. Their mother sent me a small present to show how much she appreciates how much I love her baby. In an hour we are headed to Sugar Loaf to see the lights of Rio at twilight. I am hoping to watch the Suns beat Dallas on ESPN Brasil, but have yet to nail the time. It is on in Dallas at 6 PM, so it should be on at 8 PM here. Afterwards we are headed to Ipenema for dinner at Garrota do Ipenema.


Our apartment is very near to the Arcoverde metro station. We take the metro to 117, much better than even a taxi. The station is beautifully appointed, and last night Strauss waltzs were being played. Added greatly to the experience. The weather continues to be great. A bit humid, but not bad at all.

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The weather is absolutely beautiful. Do not understand why this is the low season. We went to Pao Azucar yesterday at twilight and watched the lights of Rio come on. Have not been going to my various favorite restaurants, but we will probably go to Por Cao tonight. Also Wan Hallen wants to take little brother Rikki Wakeman(he is visiting for a week) to see Jesus today. Wan Hallen advised me that tomorrow we were going to mass because Rikki would tell mai that he tends to skip mass when he is with me. Wan Hallen is hesitant to have sex while Rikki is lurking, so he has given me the ok to do a cabine trip or two, but only until Rikki leaves.


I know it should not, but the friendliness of the Brasilians continues to amaze me. We asked a neighbor where the closest market was, and he insisted on taking us there himself. It was a Pao Azucar about 3 blocks away.


Went to Estaco last night for the first time. It ws the annivercao of one of the garrotos, and they were having a festa. I spotted almost immeditely a beautiful stud. He is a dancer at Le Boy, and my gringo playmate and I had to flip a coin who would go first with him. I got the second trip upstairs, but he was really fun. Absolutely no attitude and completely "liberal" (anything goes). His name is Vikor and he gave me his phone number so that I can check with him when he will be at Estacao. I had left my brand new pair of glasses in the locker and did not realize it until I had returned to the apartment. I went back right away, but they had already rented the locker to someone else. The staff tracked down the client and he came and opened the locker and I got my glasses. I have to commend that the staff at Rogers was especially helpful and friendly. The attitude of previous trips that I felt there was completely gone. We have had great experiences at all the saunas so far. They are certainly getting the message that good customer service equall more business. The staff at Rogers remains my favorites. The taxi driver that took me back waited until I retrieved my glasses. He couldnot break a 50, so went inside and brought him back $R10. The staff was hunting down the client with the locker where my glasses were. When I got them, the taxi was waiting. He took me home and the total bill on the meter was $R10.20. I asked him how much more and he said nothing was due as I had already given him $R10. I gave him an additional $R5 for waiting, which made him very happy.


There is a new stud at the front desk at Rogers who got me hard just talking to him. Really nice garroto, and built!!! He is available after work, if any of you wish to know. We still have not gone to Point. In the past the attitude of the staff and to a certain extent, the boys put me off. Will give them a second chance, but not tonight. Meu Mundo is attempting to clean up and attract gringos. They had a special festa last night. Stayed close to home and am very happy, as I mentioned, as I wanted to see the Suns clobber the Mavericks. Fortunately the Suns won. If they had lost I would have felt that I wasted valuable sauna time. We will probably go to Spazio 18 in Gloria on Wednesday. That is their cabine gratis night.


Well, I have to go and do the really tough job of throughly enjoying and loving Brasil. It is a hard job, but someone has to do it.

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>There is a new stud at the front desk at Rogers who got me

>hard just talking to him. Really nice garroto, and built!!!

>He is available after work, if any of you wish to know.


Damn, if I had known! Never seen a more perfect blend of hunky AND cute!



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I am glad also that things are back to normal in this room. I read this site everyday and the posts where getting so nasty. I was afraid that BigDaddy would stop posting and I would really miss hearing about his adventures. I hope to go to Rio this coming January. I have never been before but have been encouraged to go because of you guys posting here. I really hope to meet some of you guys then. I don't post very often but I had to add my two cents worth this time. Thanks Tri getting this mess straightened out.

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  • 5 weeks later...
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Guest dreynsol

Hi BigK,


Big Daddy has been posting on GayTravelBrazil.com From what I understand, he and Wan Hallen are doing well. We chatted a few weeks ago.


- Drey

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