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My first trip to Brazil

marc anthony
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It really is as wonderful as everyone on this board has said.


I love it... just about all aspects of it.


Will gradually post more detail, but I am still in the middle of the trip, so not much time to write now.


Sao Paulo was a very interesting city... bustling, crowded. Wonderful gay scene. Went to one disco that had a great drag and live sex show. Sauna wise, Lagoa is a phenomenol experience. Had a very gorgeous boy (Daniel)with a perfectly toned body, 6'2", beautiful face, long flowing hair, and a sensual enthusiastic bottom. Liked him so much, had him again the next day, plus more.


Alta Rosa was an interesting experience, and there were some hot boys there as well. It made it worth the long drive.


We used a guide named Danilo in SP... I will post his contact info later, but he is a great guide. Very helpful in the saunas for us non speaking foreigners. Thought he did such a great job, we brought him to Rio since Eduardo was not available.


Now in Rio... beautiful beach city. The boys walking the streets of Ipanema beach have to be some of the best eye candy you can ever see in the world. OH MY!!!!!


Discos were GREAT. Enjoyed LeBoy and ?Club Ideal? The boys there are so fucking hot. It is just wonderful to dance and have a nice time with all these boys around. Wanted to take some of them home, but already had my hands full.


Sauna wise, Club 117 is probably the nicest here. The boys are very nice, and it is a low pressure atmosphere. As you know, I am a twink lover, so I decided I better find myself a twink since I was doing jock boys in Sao Paulo! LOL. Found a beautiful 19 yo blond boy named Rafael who was the nicest and sweetest kid. He was so wonderful that I rented him for a couple of days to go dancing and stuff with us. It is really feasible to do that here. The prices are quite cheap, and the kids love the treat of nice meals and discos.


Also checked out 202... it was ok. Rogers closed last night... it was its last night.


Anyway... more later. SPECIAL THANKS to Oz who is making this trip memorable for me and my companion (who got to see his grandmother here for the first time in over a decade).


One last comment for those who have never been... in Brazil, the "labor" aspect of the sex industry is cheap... but don't expect a nickle and dime vacation. Yes, the going rate for boys is quite low, but there are many aspects of the economy which appear to me to be priced like any other vacation destination. For example... for what you pay a sauna boy for an hour of sex... you pay that for one entry and drink at a nice disco. Or you pay that for half a tank of gas. Or you pay that for 4 people to eat extra value meals at McDonalds. My hotel room per night is more expensive than the cost for "offing" my sauna boy for a whole day (and I am not staying at a 5*).


In many ways, this has made me feel a little bad for some of these guys, but there is really nothing I can do about it other than enjoy the wonderful place that it is and make sure that I am nice to the ones who are nice to me.


And yes...to those who worry about such things... I am sticking to the general going rates and not "spoiling" these guys. ON the other hand, when my cute sauna boy saw the hang gliders circling the mountain with mouth wide open and said "someday, my dream"... he immediately got an invitation to join me and my companion tomorrow to jump off that mountain. And I will help make at least one of his dreams come true during my short stay.



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In just 15 days I will be with meu bebito Wan Hallen. I still remember my first trip 2 years ago and understand your excitment. Rio is still a pretty good bargain. Even it were not, it would still be worth the trip. Wan Hallen is not from Rio, and had not seen any of the sights. We still have a great time seeing things together, sometimes for the 2nd or 3rd time, like Sugar Loaf or Jesus. Tried to get him to do the Hand Glider experience and in no uncertain terms he declined. Tried to get him to go with me on the heliocopter at Foz do Iguacu and he got pissed at me for risking my life. As you can see I survived the ten minute ride. He had no problem shooting the rapids of the Parana River in a jet powered raft (yes, like in parana fish), which was far more "exciting" than the copter ride. He is however perfectly fine with a jet airplane around him. Thanks to Tri for posting the information on the new Amazon river cruise. If it does not cost a fortune, I am very interested. Went to the website, but prices were not posted. Wan Hallens father lives in Belen and he could see him. While mom knows about me, dad still has not been informed that no 1 son is gay. He is not going to find out from me.


Really sorry to hear about Rogers. The management was very friendly and I hoped he would make it. Club 117 is still my favorite. Can't wait to see Anderson and Luciano. Both very sweet, very hot guys.

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...always enjoy a "great" read although short and nonspecific in some areas! ...am truly glad that you are enjoying yourself immensely and are ."...sticking to the general going rates..."


I take it that Danilo speaks reasonably good English? Is he posted at any of the sites, eg. rentboy.com or olimpos?


In what hotel are you staying? I, as you know, have stayed at both the Royal RIo and the Atlantico but will one of these days stay at the Hotel Copacabana Palace for a few days to get that experience.


I hope you'll have time to respond to my queries either while you're there or when you return to the States, and lastly, take your guide on the helicopter ride for about 10-12 mins. (which actually seemed longer). You sit in front to get the full command of the magnificent views of Rio from the air. When I return in October of this year, I plan to do the helicopter trip again. And if my friend is there for his birthday, I think I'll have this as one of his presents besides a great dinner and a guy of his choice.....


Again, muito obrigado, fellow traveler! :-) :9 :-)

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Guest dreynsol

Thanks for your post.




>> And yes...to those who worry about such things... I am sticking to the general going rates and not "spoiling" these guys. ON the other hand, when my cute sauna boy saw the hang gliders circling the mountain with mouth wide open and said "someday, my dream"... he immediately got an invitation to join me and my companion tomorrow to jump off that mountain. And I will help make at least one of his dreams come true during my short stay.



You are perfectly correct in my opinion in respecting their way of life, but also respecting the dreams of the ones that are truly grateful. American dollars cannot buy any of them happiness, but it can create a moment in time that they will remember us for the rest of their lives.


Any more information about Sao Paulo would be greatly appreciated since I'll be there for the first time a month from today. :-)



- Drey

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Danilo does not escort. He is purely a guide, but he is quite familiar with the sauna scene. He is based in Sao Paulo, so likely that is a preferrable location, but he can travel to Rio.


He is cute, 18, and speaks great English. Our group had no problems with him except for the fact that some of them wanted him, and he was not available for that! haha


His email address is dv.hortenci@uol.com.br

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I really enjoyed Sao Paulo. It was great, and the saunas (esp. Lagoa) were phenomenol. One, Alta Rosa, is in a very far removed neighborhood and is much rougher, but there were some treasures there. The restaurants that we ate at were very good.


For touristy type things, there isn't much, but I did enjoy my visit to the Emperor's house museum.


There is a BIG gay scene there, and the boys are cute. But it is a HUGE urban center.


I used Danilo as a guide, and I recommend that if you have never been, it is not a bad idea.


As I mentioned in another thread, his email is dv.hortenci@uol.com.br


Bottom line... for just the saunas, Sao Paulo is superior to Rio. However, because Rio is a beach resort, there is much more to do outside of the saunas for vacation. Furthermore, hard to beat the "view" when walking along Ipanema or Copacabana Beaches... and I don't mean watching the ocean.



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>Alta Rosa was an interesting experience, and there were some

>hot boys there as well. It made it worth the long drive.


Like I said, it is one of my favorites. I love the atmosphere and the boys there. It is a bit rougher than the other saunas but that is the appeal. I have never been there when I did not meet a nice customer that was fun to chat with or a boy that caught my eye.


>We used a guide named Danilo in SP... I will post his contact

>info later, but he is a great guide. Very helpful in the

>saunas for us non speaking foreigners. Thought he did such a

>great job, we brought him to Rio since Eduardo was not



Danilo was fantastic. He is sexy and charming and attentative. I have used guides in many cities around the world and Danilo is at the top of my list. He is excellent in every way. He is not an escort and does not aspire to be one but if you want a great interpreter and someone who knows all the great resturants and clubs in Sao Paulo, he is amazing!


>Anyway... more later. SPECIAL THANKS to Oz who is making this

>trip memorable for me and my companion (who got to see his

>grandmother here for the first time in over a decade).


:) You are more than welcome my friend. I am glad both you and your date had a great time. It was so much fun hanging out with you guys here and spending time with you. I just hope that the pics you took of me and all the boys getting massages at my hotel don't come back to haunt me. :) Or, that the pics of me sitting in Firecat's lap after a few drinks does not make the cover of the Enquirer. Because, unlike that trashy magazine, enquiring minds do not want to know or see! :)

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>He is cute, 18, and speaks great English. Our group had no

>problems with him except for the fact that some of them wanted

>him, and he was not available for that! haha


>His email address is dv.hortenci@uol.com.br


I resemble that remark. :) And, it was hard as he shared my hotel room a few nights. I truly was a good boy and tried nothing as I knew my advances would be turned down. :)


Last night, having him as well as my 2 favorite guys in Rio in my hotel was fun. They all got along great and we went to the movie and then ordered pizza in the hotel and just had fun. After a week of running around with you guys, the relaxing night of just chilling and relaxing was nice. I much prefer the excitement of you and your gang. :) But, my night was lively and active at the end as well. :)

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Marc Anthony,


Went back to Alterosas today. :) Yes, it was lovely and tons of guys there. A Latin twink paradise. Actually, more of a Latin Thuggy Twink Paradise. But, paradise all the same. Remember the guy I liked last week? He and his brother were there. :) So, yes, I did keep things in the family today. :)


Also went to Bon Vivant. A beautiful sauna but not many boys there today. They say Sunday is their big day.


Lastly, I went to LaGoa and many of the guys were asking about you and your gang. I told them you guys had gone up north and they wanted to know if they would see you again. I told them, "most definately." :)


Cheers from Sao Paulo!

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>Marc Anthony,


>Went back to Alterosas today. :) Yes, it was lovely and tons

>of guys there. A Latin twink paradise. Actually, more of a

>Latin Thuggy Twink Paradise. But, paradise all the same.

>Remember the guy I liked last week? He and his brother were

>there. :) So, yes, I did keep things in the family today. :)


Sounds like so much fun. I hope you found that beautiful blond boy that I missed out on because I was too hasty to leave that last day. But please don't tell me if you did. I really don't want to know! :)





>Lastly, I went to LaGoa and many of the guys were asking about

>you and your gang. I told them you guys had gone up north and

>they wanted to know if they would see you again. I told them,

>"most definately." :)



Most definitely yes! Can't wait. I miss it already. But one thing is for sure... I think next time I go down there, it WON'T be on Varig!!!!!



x( x(

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Valleyman

Does anyone know which disco in Sao Paulo features drag shows and live sex shows?


Some friends who are into shows are going with me to Sao Paulo next week -- we would like to know where to go.


Thanks --

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Try visiting the new website http://www.gaytravelbrazil.com In the Destinations option click on São Paulo, and then on bars/clubs for a pretty complete list! Most clubs have drag shows at least once a week (they're an institution in Brazil). Sex shows aren't that common in clubs; but some of the saunas have them on occasion. At the saunas, of course, you can be in your own sex show!


Among clubs, it's a bit downmarket, but you might want to check out Nostro Mundo, especially it's Sunday "matinées." You can also check out Freedom, on Largo do Arouche downtown. . .

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