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Aaron Scott in Rio ?

Funseeker 22
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Hey Funseeker,


Yes, indeed, I was in the land of paradise for the Holidays. Unfortunately, I was staying in an apartment with a couple of long time friends (they are a monogamous couple... yeah, I know, can ya believe it?) so I didn't have as much of a chance to go out and be as wild as I would have been on my own. Nor did I have good access to a computer, so my ability to post my experiences on HB's message center was limited.


However, having said that, I did have the time of my life in Rio! My friend's apartment was a block behind the Copacabana Palace Hotel, two blocks from the beach. For those of you who have been there, I was literally a stone's throw away from the Rainbow quioske on Copacabana Beach. Which, is where I spent the majority of my time. Mostly trying to clean the sand off my tongue, because it kept dragging the ground every time a frickin' hottie carioca in speedos walked by!!! Oh my God, those Rio bois are HOT!!!!


I also made several nightly trips to Le Boy and Incontrus. Wow, what fantastic clubs these are. And, they were packed every night until about 5 or 6 AM. Amazing bois showing off their yummy bodies everywhere. Needless to say, I amply sampled the local smorgasbord of bois! Umm, umm, finger lickin' good! I also very much enjoyed taking the cable car up Sugar Mountain, riding the trolley on the Lapa Arches, hanging out at Ipanema Beach, and meeting all of the wonderful people that live in Rio.


As has already been mentioned in another thread, the fireworks show on New Year's was a bit of a disappointment. The bazaar smoke cloud that hung over the beach completely obscured the view of the wonderful fireworks display. But, just being there was well worth it in my opinion. I have never experienced a crowd of that magnitude before. It was quite a sight to see, even if the fireworks show sucked.


However, New Year's on the beach also led to my only negative experience in Rio. As I was snapping some pics of the fireworks, and hottie bois on the beach, someone suddenly burst through the crowd and snatched my digital camera out of my hand and attempted to flee by disappearing into the hordes of people. Little did my would be thief know, but this hardened DC boi doesn't take lightly to getting his stuff ripped off. So, despite my better judgment, I immediately took off after him, grabbed his hand and attempted to get my camera back.


At that time, another guy started pushing and pulling me from behind, yelling something in Portuguese. In all of the wild confusion of the event, I am not sure if he was trying to help the thief get away, or was just pissed at me for grabbing the guy. But, he caused me to lose my grip on the thief and I fell to the beach. This only pissed me off even more. So, I jumped to my feet, rushed the guy again, and this time practically tackled him to the ground as I grabbed him. I pried his fingers off my camera while yelling "Give me my fuckin' camera!" at the top of my lungs. I think my ferocious attack on him took him a bit off guard, as he finally let go of the camera and quickly fled off through the crowd.


As I returned to my friends who I was originally watching the fireworks display with, they didn't even realize what had happened. After explaining the whole event to them, they thought I was completely nuts for going after the guy. But, I haven't lived for many years in Washington, DC, one of the most violent cities in the world, for nothing. Rio doesn't have anything on this city. Yes, there is a lot of crime there, and yes you could easily get robbed, but I face that same kind of crap every day right here in my own neighborhood.


So, all in all, I would have to say that I am in love with Rio and the cariocas that live there. It truly is a fantastic city. I can't wait to go back again!!!



Aaron Scott DC



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Hey Aaron. Welcome Home !,

Glad that things went well apart from the camera snatching incident. Think you were pretty brave with the "no messin` with a DC boi" approach but great that it worked. Also, smart to use the yelling out load.

Too bad that you didn`t get to a sauna for a look see and some relaxation after that incident.

Happy New Year. :)

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>Hey Aaron. Welcome Home !,

>Glad that things went well apart from the camera snatching

>incident. Think you were pretty brave with the "no messin`

>with a DC boi" approach but great that it worked. Also, smart

>to use the yelling out load.

>Too bad that you didn`t get to a sauna for a look see and some

>relaxation after that incident.

>Happy New Year. :)


I just hate having things stolen from me. Over the past few years here in DC, my car has been broken into at least 5 times, my bike tire was stolen, people have tried to steal my motor scooter twice, and my garage was broken into. I also have many friends who have been mugged or whose houses have been broken into. This is NOT a safe city, but I can deal with it.


Last year, I actually got a cat burglar arrested as he was trying to break into the house next door to mine. I heard him on the roof trying to get in the skylight and I called the police. I then kept an eye on him through the window as he entered the house and began to stuff things into his jacket. It was very gratifying watching the cops put the cuffs on him and drag him away. Gotcha!


As far as the saunas go, I originally planned on going to them while in Rio, but I was having so much fun meeting guys on the beach and in the clubs, that I just didn't have the time (or energy) to do it! :p }( :* :D ;-)


Aaron Scott DC



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Where is everybody? I, too was at the New Years eve party on the beach. I actually had to go out of my way to find the good eye candy ( am I in the marvelous city?) The area of the beach where I was seemed to be populated by old woman and very small children. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but where are the dudes?


Unfortunately the theme of my trip here this time seems to be concentrated on post-menopausal ladies. How out of place can one party guy from the Big Apple feel?


If I were a citizen I think I would sign up for the military just to immerse myself in an all male environment.


Even Incontrus seemed to be invaded with women. Younger yes but women just the same. One point of excitement there was seeing a guy with a shaved head throw a drunk guy to the other side of the dance floor. The drunk looked like a rag doll in flight.


Cotujinhas, you may ask? Seems to be taking a teeny bopper tone. I actually saw a popular high school girl there popping her chewing gum and twirling her hair in her fingers. Shouldn´t she be at the school dance trying to meet a high school jock?


At the present time I am trapped in a basement room with no windows and no television. Don´t ask me what I am paying for this, there are some things that you do not want to know.


Can anybody hook me up with budget lodging in Copacabana? There is only so much I can take. Oh, and one other thing, I even think my hair is starting to look only great instead of oustanding. Sympathy amyone?


Contact me at rapaz59@yahoo.com, please. If you have a penis I want to talk to you.



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>God Forbid if his hair doesn`t look great, he`s not a happy

>camper. :)


Correction on the hair. It`s got to look outstanding (lol).

Totally Oz has Rio as part of his World Tour for next month so maybe he`ll bring some gel with him (hair gel that is).


Sorry Aaron. You got home safe.

Jack is apparently "Lost in Rio".

Hope he`s staying away from that Gayligula Theatre.

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Yes, I was lost but now I am found ( in Rio!, what were you thinking?). I am in the Labirynth known as Copacabana. Searching for a room at the inn ( any inn!, that means a hotel, damn it!)


Stay tuned for further adventures. My hair is back now all I need is my identity.



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When I was in Rio for Xmas/New Year's, I certainly didn't find the place to be overly crowded with chicks. In fact, I hardly even remember seeing any women there..... of course, this could have something to do with the fact that I kept getting whip lash from constantly gawking at all of the absolutely beautiful bois that I saw there!


Seriously though, I hung out mostly on the beach and in Le Boy and Incontrus. And, there were many, many gorgeous bois everywhere that I went. It also seemed to me that the local bois really enjoyed meeting up with an all-American type guy such as myself. Its been a while since I have had such passionate make out sessions on the dance floor as I did on a regular basis in Le Boy and Incontrus! :D:p }( :9


Aaron Scott DC



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