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Latest Rio Trip

Guest Tomcal_
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Guest Tomcal_

I arrived here Friday morning, made a connection in Miami, where Jake and J. and Hank, got on the plane. All coming from different cities, taking the American flight out of Miami at 11:00pm that gets into Rio at 8:30a.m. Gulliver had arranged for a car to meet me, I will get him to post the name and number, this guy used to work at the Atlantico and drive a cab now, he charges $50. reias. FloridaRobb was already at the apartment(we are staying at Gulliver's)Even though I didn't sleep much on the flight, I wasn't tired, I think the adrenelin had kicked in, we went to "tap beer" for lunch, it is a restaurant about 1/2 block down from Maxim's.

At 4:30 we headed to 117. There were alot of very hot guys there and since this was Hank's first trip to Rio, I figured that would be a good place to start. He is a quick learner!! in about 5 minutes flat he was upstairs doing a 3way with Anderson and the massage guy there.

I found a couple of new guys I didn't know, and being the goodwill ambassador I am, I decided to try and get to know them better. I think I can say that I furthered American/Brazilian relations!:9

We then stopped by Pointe about 10:00 to meet up with some of the other M4M's here, and then headed to Corujinhas

There were alot of guys hanging out there Friday night.

to be continued.....

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Guest Tomcal_

We got to Corujinhas last night about 10:30, kind of early, but we were already to eat and there were some guys already there. At 1:00 we decided to go back to the apartment with no boys in Tow!! Shocking as that is, it was true, Myself, Gulliver and Hank didn't see anyone that we really wanted to be with. At about 2:00 am I still wasn't tired, so decided to walk back over to Corujinhas, which is only about 2 blocks from the Apt. Hank and J. were still there, but most everyone had left. After about 30 minutes, we decided to leave, but saw a hot looking guy standing on the corner across the street so we decided to head that way back, as we got closer, we realized that he wasn't as "hot" as we thought, but we walked around the block and saw 4 guys standing on the corner and I recognized them and we started talking. One of them who I had been with previously. He is about 5'5", but has a very large dick, lots of personality and I remembered that I had really enjoyed my time with him. So he went back to the apartment with me.

Today, Sunday, we got up early as Robbguy was coming into town. After Lunch we got back to the apartment to find Julio sitting on the front step waiting for me. He is the current Rio "street fighting" Chanpion and he brought me over a Shirt with the logo from the Gym he trains at.(very sweet guy) He will be fighting in NYC in Sept. He is one of the most handsome guys here with a incredibly hard body(think Oscar DeLaHoya with a better body!). We went into the bedroom to "try on the shirt" LOL, for about a 1/2 hour and then he had to leave. I am going to one of his tournaments next Saturday here. He has a car and he takes us to the airport when we leave each visit.

We went to SPA73 at 5:00 but found out it is closed on Sundays! So we went over to 117. It was very good there and we all found guys that we liked! From there we went to Pointe at 10:00 and it was very dead! maybe 10-12 guys working. We then went to Corujinhas and I ran into a guy who I think was my hotest date ever in Rio, absolutely the best kisser I have ever met here, I hadn't seen him since last March. He came back to spend the apartment and asked me if I wanted to have him stay the night or go home....wow what a tough question...lol ....to be continued

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>After Lunch we got back to the apartment to find Julio

>sitting on the front step waiting for me. He is the current

>Rio "street fighting" Chanpion


I know a few straight guys who are serious fans of Brazilian Jujitsu and street-fighting. They all take fighting lessons, watch pay-per-view Pride fights on satellite TV, and even hold amateur wrestling nights at their homes.


When I mentioned that the current Rio street-fighting champion is apparently wlling to mess around with guys, they nearly hit the ceiling.


I tried to explain what the guys in Rio are like from what I've learned on this board, but they wouldn't believe me; they insisted that someone was lying.


Of course, the "Brasil Nuts" here know better :)



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Perhaps you're right; it might have been a bit indiscrete. I'm sorry if I offended anyone.


The guys in question are always badmouthing gay people, and when I mentioned recently that I thought one of the fighters (visiting from Rio) was hot, they all said that I'd better not tell the guy in question because he would kick my ass.


It seemed like a bit of consciousness-raising was in order.



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Tom, my guide for two days, escorts, but he told me that he stayed away from saunas and other gay venues in RIo because he had family in the area. Perhaps the same situation exists for the young guy who awaited TomCal; he might fuck around with guys, but does his family know it! Thought I'd write this to enlighten you!

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Guest Tomcal_

I don't think it's an issue, he wears a T shirt that advertises the gym he works out of, he gave me one with the Street fighting logo on it, he took me to the airport the last trip and kissed me goodbye on the curb. But like all of the guys here, says he is mostly straight! and he showed us pictures from his latest tournament and we are going to watch him compete this Saturday. I doubt he worries about the other guys,

Again, I think the simplist posts always seem to get blown out of proportion!! While I agree that if you are with a bunch of Straight guys and you tell them someone in the same activity/hobby/sport as them is gay, you are probably going to get that kind of reaction and no one is going to believe you! My best friend had a Navy seal as his lover for 2 years, but if you told other Navy seals that, they would go "yeah right!". So I probably would not have said anything but I can understand Hoover's reaction.

Secondly there are many guys here in Rio that are involved in the Boxing/street fighting, so I don't think they will now who it is, unless they know his weight division.

I had alot more things that I was going to post that went on the past two days, several very funny incidents, but think I will save that

for the "in person" conversations with the M4M's that i know, so I don't set off anymore "discussions" on things that are just supposed to be informative!

Great weather here, have been to Leblon and Ipenema today.

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What a bitch! Now I have to travel to the USA or South America to hear TomCals tales. Talk about the mountain coming to Mohammed.


Oh well time to sort out those ruby slippers again. (don't say you were not warned)

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Guest Tomcal_

Driver, lol, you wont' have to wait that long to hear them! I think I will be back in London this fall. As long as you take me back to that bar in Earl's Court again, I will tell you All the stories!


Ok, here's one last one, yesterday, I was at the construction site for Gulliver's house, several very hot guys working on it. One in particular I really liked, 19yr., lean body with great chest and arms, I asked gulliver and his foreman to see if a "programma" was possible?.........He spent the night last night!! He was a little shy in the beginning, after about 15 mins of talking, practicing english/portuguese words for body parts, he warmed up fast! He's coming back for another overnight tomorrow. I asked him how much for overnight, he says Cem!($100. reias)

Driver, I will send you a pic when I get back!

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Hah - you think I'm waiting that long.


My flight landed at Sao Paulo last night at 20:00 Luckily I had to retrieve my luggage before my flight to Rio. I also changed my shirt and got some money from the cash machines on the third floor.


I used a tip from someone here and asked for R$990 thinking I would get 9*R$10 but I got a R$50 and 2*R$20.


My luggage was third off the carousal at Rio so I jumped to the taxis. One wanted $65 so I told him I was going to a yellow metered taxi. He dropped immediately to R$45 but the yellow metered fair (at 23:00) came to R$29


I sent my bags straight up to the room (hotel Atlantico copacobana) and legged it to the Coruljuhnas where Tom was holding court.


I said behind him "I see the empress of California is holding court tonight". The range of expressions that crossed his face was amazing.


I met Robbguy there for the first time. They are having a party tommorrow, I have been invited but if tomcal has rang the room, i must have slept through it. Tomcal suggested it wold be a nice touch for the first night if I took one of the guys at the table back to the hotel. Strangely for me I did, overcomming my embarrassment at the hotel.


Whilst at the restaurant I met my barman friend Herivelto (spelling very suspect) he works at 117


When I got to the room it was a triple with single beds. The conciege pointed out that I asked for a double and got a triple so I hand'nt really lost out (given I didnt specify a bed size DOH)


The next day they changed it for a double bed room. The 19yr old I took back was sweet and although I was very tired (17 hrs flying) we did have sex. He went early the next morning (i guess my snoring kept him awake). i gave him R$100 but he said he normally takes R$200. DOH my mistake again for not securing the price beforehand.

I put that one down to tiredness - its not a mistake I will make again.

I have a headache this morning (not alcohol related as is normally the case the first morning)but 2 paracetamols and 2 aspirin saw that off. Ate at the sequiro grill and stuck to my aim of having low fat food by taking sushi - very filling and a diet coke (no alcohol before 6:00pm)

Mind you the mozzarlla cheese(small ball)-battered shrimps (4 of) and the little pastry thing wont have helped. R$25.50 including diet coke.


Tom if you read this before tonight I am now in room 403.


This is the first trip where the hotel didnt ask for any money up front (he said he knows me) and two of the waiters at Coruljinhas came up to say hello and shake my hand. A nice moment.


More later.

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Driver, I read what you last wrote, and now I read this! I applaud you for being able to make it back to paradise in such a short time! Experience! Experience!


Also, it's weird that you've had to pay upfront for your hotel before hand; on my three stays at the Atlantico, the only thing that I've done each time was to check in and take care of the bill upon my leaving the premises! So, I'd have to deduce that this system is done on a slight whim, depending on who's at the desk upon arrival! Axiom



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Great Story and a good surprise plan. I`m sure that Tomcal did the "deer in the headlights" expression.I`ve seen that one before when a stunner will be walking down SMB.The conversation comes to an abrupt halt.

How thoughtful of him to "pimp" a boy for you as a Welcome Wagon gift.(lol).

Did the hotel ask for your guests ID ?

I also recall that I prepaid the hotel on check in but thought it was because I had made reservation through Carlo. It didn`t matter to me anyway since I was staying for the long run.

Have a Great Trip and remind Tomcal that pics are to be provided when we next meet in WEHO.:) :)

Also, keep those posts coming. Your previous "don`t fuck with me" posts are highly entertaining.

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Guest Tomcal_

It is Friday morning at 7:15 a.m., I have never been up this early down here, but my overnight guest(the "street fighter") just left to go to the gym and I can't fall back asleep! Last night Gulliver and Florida Robb threw a dinner party/birthday party, My self plus another M4M have birthday's this week.

Both of them are excellent cooks and we had gone out yesterday to the thurday open air market which takes up several blocks next the Royal RIO HOTEl it is excellent. Tremendous selection of fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and meat.

We invited the 8 M4M's here plus Carlos Romano and his BF and had 14 suana guys plus the three construction guys from the building site!!

Alot of Food, wine, beer...and this morning 4 guys sleeping in the living room, one in the kitchen and of course the bedrooms are filled up with "couples"!

It was a really nice time with alot of conversation and everyone mixing well. One of my favorites, Marcos, tried to get me to go with him to LeBoy at midnight, along with several other of the boys to celebrate, at this point, it hadn't been detirmined yet which guy I was going to spend the night with....tough decision!

Finally, my boxer friend, said he wanted us to go to bed and he wanted to stay the night, as his house is 1-1/4 hrs away. So my decision was made for me!

Having "Driver" show up from London was a really unexpected surprise! I was talking to Junior and his BF outside Incontrus when he tapped me on the shoulder! I convinced him he needed to unwind by taking someone back to the hotel after that long a flight! }(

Prior to our dinner party last night which started at 9:00 I went to Pointe, there were at least 30 guys "working" and maybe 6 customers, so the competition was keen! many of the guys said they would be "passivo" for me, right in the initial conversation, which usually they won't mention until you are in the room with them.

I ran into the guy who the previous week had been working behind the desk at Roger's, now he was at Pointe working as a "programma".

I asked him why(I had noticed him at Roger's as I had thought he was very handsome) He said he got paid $100. reias a week for working from 2:00 pm to 1:00 a.m. every day at Rogers! with one day off. He can make that in one night at the sauna. Same with the construction workers who typically get $35 reias for a 8 hour day of picks and shovels.

Today, 2 M4M's who have never been here are arriving and i am meeting them for lunch and then we are going to Club 117 tonight, and possibly pointe later. Tomorrow night is a big party at Spa 73 and then Sunday we are doing the Brunch at Copacabana Palace, which if you haven't gone is really work it. I am taking a new guy I met last Tues, his first day working at the sauna, , a really hot, but extremely nice guy, probably one of the best bodies I have seen here! While very gdlkg, he has not had any customers there as he is too shy to approach a prospective client and the numerous more aggressive guys end up talking to them. I met him only because his best friend, who talked him into going to work at the sauna, knew me well and suggested we do a 3 way. The next two days I had him come to the apartment rather then meet at the sauna, he was much more comfortable with that and much more interactive!

Last evening was slightly marred by one incident, one of the guys stole my camera(sorry funseeker, no pics this trip!) and stole the cell phone of the women we hired to serve the food and clean the kitchen! After we notice they were missing about 10:30pm, we started looking around and I found her cell phone under MY toiletry bag, on the bottom self in the one bathroom, obviously were neither she or I put it! The thief was smart, if we started checking the guys for it, the phone wouldn't be found on his person and he could retrieve it from the bathroom before leaving. the only reason I found it, was because Hank asked for a aspirin, when I took the back off the slelf, there was the phone UNDER it! Unfortunately, no such luck finding the camera. But I was at fault, I had it out on the table in my bedroom.

I know what guys would not have stolen it, they had been to the apartment numerous times this week, but which one of the several boys we did not know well, took it, is hard to detirmine. Several of the boys(the ones I know best) wanted to start searching everyone right there! I told them no, if the thief had hidden it, we would find it and several had left already. Then two of them took me aside and were mad at me for leaving it out! they said they don't even trust other boys not to steal from them, and I should have had it on me to take pictures or had it locked away! It was kind of humerous to be seen being scolded by two 22yr.olds!

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I'm sorry to hear about the camara, it spoilt what was a nice party. The food was excellent and I have undone any good I had done at lunchtime by abstinance. It was nice to see the apartment also.


Tom was right in that 202 was very quiet. Carlos, a previous shag latched on to me very quickly which whilst on the one hand it was a nuisance, on the other I couldn't see anyone else I would go with. Very few clients. We went upstairs and during a massage I realised I was still quite tired. (In fact I would later leave the party at 10:30 pm for bed feeling like it was midnight)


One other nicelooking guy I wanted to go with but didnt have time to, Matt went with (from California). He turned out to be not very interactive and expected to get serviced by Matt.


Its very tempting to ignore the best looking guys sometimes but you do miss the occasional treat if you do that.


Tomcal is calling at 1:00pm to go to lunch with the other M4Mer who we agree we have met before but cannot remember when exactly. Then its 117 later after watching the european soccer probably. 117 is usually my favourite so I look forward to tonight.

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There has not been much time to post for the past few months. I have put a "Gullivers House Update" on another thread.


It was a great party with a very unudual combination. I was kind of busy in the kitchen and did not quite have security of property at the top of my list. It just needs to be stated that whenever you have garotos in your home - you need to always keep valuables locked up or in your pocket. Everyone here is used to this as "just the way life is" and you are foolish to ever keep a camera, cellphone, wallet or other valuables unlocked - a South American would never do this.


I think all in all there wree over 35 people here with some arriving late and the mix worked - the four guys who are day laborers from the new house had quite a blast but of course with free flowing Baccardi and muito vino - Leo (my amigo and foreman) is having a little difficulty getting the crew assembled for their rock busting and pick ax work today. not exactly a surprise.


Really enjoy life in this apartment and it kind of serves as a "home base" for traveling Americanos - especially when Tomcal (who knows all the locals) and Leo (who is known by all the Norte Americanos and does the "arranging" are in full swing) What fun !! It gives me a glimpse into how mch fun it will be having a casa here.

More on that in the other thread.


In terms of security, as of next week a web cam is being installed to monitor activity on the building site and allow me to watch it go up while i am working in NYC. This will be the way public areas of the new house are monitored and the fact will be well known. That is probably the best deterrant to petty theft as it will be obvious that this is the case. It will not help anyone who happens to leave their wallet, camera, cellphone, passport, or wad of money where it is available to visitors. Be vigilant and take the extra minute to secure belongings and make sure your friends do the same.

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Glad you clarified that it was Robbguy, because when you said free flowing Bacardi, well...I naturally assumed...er...em... never mind.:D


Happy Birthday Tom and the others. Glad to hear you guys are having a good time. Sorry to hear about the camera because I was really looking forward to Tom's pics. Oh well.


Tom, see you next week, Gulliver see you in three weeks.

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Well Gulliver I hope you explain to TOMCAL that he can expect at least 2 more things to go wrong since he must've done something against "the Universe"...he is lucky that he recovered the cel phone because they are expensive down there....I hope Leo is guarding his with his life!!!


Anyway when I read tom's post that I was cooking, I almost fell down, I agree with Jackhammer because when I read the Bacardi was flowing freely I thought I WAS there also.


I have gone out 2 nights here in Orlando and I sometimes wonder why I travel outside the US. Tonight with a Colombian and last night with a Puerto Rican and plans tomorrow with a Cuban...why spend the money? I met several Brassillians tonight also and they were quite impressed with my portugues, but that was after a few Cuba Libre's...I showed them my motorcycle also and since I put some Brassillian flag decals on it (quite big) they were all convinced that I am a Carioca...and have a big dick...that goes to show how gullible they are ;->


Oh well, I felt like it was time to go home when I left but no sooner did I land in Orlando and see some cute guys did I miss Rio...Contradict what I said above...yes...but in Rio you could talk to anyone and they would be happy to converse back, here I need to wait until I am in the gay "scene" if you know what I mean.

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Guest Tomcal_

Last night the M4M's were at all the suanas, we all kind of spread out and went to our favorites. After having a good time at 117 from about 5:00 to 9:30, 4 of us decided to head over to Estacau about 10:00, kind of late, but when we got there, there were getting ready for a show. Junior(the owner) was there with his very goodlooking, hot friend from Sao Paulo who I had met last year. As I walked back to the locker area to change, he followed me and asked how I had been and then said he and Junior were going to LeBoy at Midnight. I said "do you want to go back to the apartment with me before you leave for LeBoy?" He said Yeah, let me tell Junior I will be back in awhile. We went to the apartment and really had a lot of fun and talked about the fact that he is leaving to go back to S.P. this morning but when I come back in August, to call him and he will come up here to Rio! This could be love! LOL

He left and then I went at midnight to Corujinhas were all the Americans were and many guys hanging around, I arranged for an overnight with one of the boys from 117, who is very handsome and sweet. When we got back to the apartment, there was the construction worker from the other night asleep in my Bed!! The guy who manages both the house construction for Gulliver plus manages the apartment, said that he showed up because I had asked him to spend the night several days before, but those plans had been changed, as he was going to be out of town last night, but he didn't go and now I had two guys, one bed and didn't know what to do........to be continued!

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