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Well, I've been back in the States for about one week, so it's well past time for me to post a travelogue of my adventures in Rio. While the saunas are a big draw, I also am interested in whatever else I can learn there about the people and the country. So some of those elements appear in my report as well. I hope readers find it both informative and interesting.


Sunday Nite. The overnight flight from Miami was horrible as usual, but I survived. Fortunately, passing through Customs was uneventful. No finger-printing or picture-taking. Just the usual "Welcome to Brazil" that, with appropraite changes, one finds just about everywhere in the world.


But, if Customs was quick, baggage retrieval was not. It sounded like only one guy was working the plane, so it took forever. Hector, a representative from Carlo Romanus was waiting for outside, and quickly whisked me to the Atlantico.


I rested a bit during the day and then had dinner at Rondinella, at the corner of Altanico and Siguiera Campos.


I wasn't sure Pointe would be open since it was Sunday, but was delighted to see that, as usual, they welcomed all who entered.


Almost right away I connected with Apolo, a light-skinned guy who speaks excellent English. He gave a relaxing massage followed by other additional services. I found his behavior to be both friendly and professional.


After that I met Henrique, whom I remembered from my previous visit last Fall. He seemed to remember me, but I couldn't be sure. He speaks only Portuguese which I can usually understand. He is very dark, has a shaved head, is somewhat short and very thick, but in a muscular sense rather than being fat.


I also talked with Denis, with whom I have kind of a funny history.


I had noticed him last Fall when I visited Pointe. It was rather late in the evening and he was working out in the exercise area. After he was finished, he took off his bathing suit, and right there, in the open bar, began oiling himself all over. At that time I had wanted to say, "Can I help you with that?" but was too timid. This time there was going to be none of that!


Denis has a pierced eyebrow and is rather dark. He's about 5'8" or so and has a charming personality. His English is rather limited to what he has learned by listening to Hip Hop artists (wanted to know what Motherfucker" and "Bitch" meant) but he speaks excellent Spanish. Since I do as well, we had no trouble communicating. Upstairs with him as well.


By now I was out of money, and nobody seemd to know what an ATM machine is. But still there was one more guy I had ben eyeing all night long. Couldn't let him get away.


The "one-more-guy" was Leandro. He is tall with classic cafe-au-lait complexion. His hair is cut very close and he has a small, diamond-shaped birth mark on the top of his head. His very good looking, but also very masculine in appearance. His body is smooth and he has a large 8 or 9 inch dick with a tasty mushroom head.


Although he would from time to time come out with English phrases that had a curious inflexion, his main language was Portugues which he spoke in a very rapid and clipped manner that is hard to understand. Nevertheless, I managed to convince him to come back to my hotel.


Fortuantely he said, "Yes." He had a chocolate milk from the mini-bar.

Even though he is well endowed, he is good in bed and a real pleasure to be with.


After we were done, and he was dressing, he joked (in English) that I loved him. At that moment it certainly seemed true.


Stay tuned for more.

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I'm sure there's not an escort, or practically anybody else in Rio, who doesn't know what an ATM is! :D But if you call it "an ATM" that won't mean anything. The expression in Portuguese is "Caixa Eletrónica." (Pron. KAI-shah eh-leh-TROH-nee-kuh, where the KAI rhymes with English "pie".)


There are a number of them near Pointe and Estação (like the ones in the big Bradesco branch near the Atlântico hotel) but because of security concerns most Brazilian ATMs are closed at 10:00 p.m. There are a few that are open later. There's one, as I recall, in the 24-hour Pão de Açucar supermarket on Siqueira Campos. There may be one, also, in the Pão de Açucar on Av. Copacabana, around the corner from Corujinhas.

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Monday. Called up Johnny (or Jonathon as he often seems to be known in Rio) and went to dinner with him at Maxim's. Had first met him online before my first visit. He is an American from Philadelphia (?) now living in Brazil. His mother is Brazilian and his father is American. He is about 40 y/o. He is tall and in good shape. Does a lot of things to earn a living. Doesn't escort himself but will arrange for someone to come to your hotel. Knows just about everyone and evereyone knows him. On my first visit I hired him to be my guide on my first visit to the saunas. (Sort of a Cicero to my Dante in search of my own personal male Beatrice, if memory serves me correctly for that reference.) This time, after dinner, he came along to Pointe with me as a friend. Each of us, in our own way, had a good time.


I went with Leandro and Denis. Johnny helped me make arrangments with Leandro to come to my hotel room on Friday.


I had previously arranged with Henrique to come to my room this night, and he did so, but things didn't work out too well. Even in the paradise of Brazil, things occaionally go awry.


More later.

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Tuesday. Denis earlier had given me his phone number, and invited me to visit him at his home in Gloria. As part of the visit he would take me to Niteroi, or around Gloria or Sta. Teresa. On my first viist I had walked all over Copacobana and taken two organized tours of the city. This time I wanted to expamnd my knowledge and understanding of the larger city and the people who live here. So Denis' offer worked well.


As often happens in life, initially there were some problems. But it's good to see these things as a challenge. How one responds shapes the type of person you are and become.


The plan for me and Denis to meet was that I would travel to the Gloria Metro station and call him from there. First I had to buy a telephone card, which wasn't too difficult. Then I had to navigate the metro system, which, again, wasn't too difficult. This is because the metro system both in RJ and S. Paulo has large, clean stations with clear signs to direct you on your way. All that has to be done is to find your destination on a map, and then be alert for its arrival. These are typical skills anyone needs even at home in the States.


I arrived at Gloria ok, but couldn't manage the phone system properly.


To get something out of the trip I decided to locate Club 117. I knew the address and that it wasn't far from the station, but coudln't locate the street on my own. To solve this problem, I approached a young teen boy hanging about on the street. I held out a one real coin and asked if he knew where one could find Rua Candido Mendes. He didn't know but found someone who did give me directions. I found Club 117 and noted that it's exterior was covered with a scaffold as it is being repainted.


Back at Atlantico in Copacobana, I figured that coutresty required that I call Denis and tell him what happened. To my surprise he replied that he would meet me at the hotel in 20 minutes. Good deal.


When Denis arrived, the front desk called to let me know he was here, and then sent him up. We hung around a bit and then moved to the bedroom. Sex with Denis is wonderful. He takes me to some areas where I've never been, and wouldn't trust just anyone to lead me there.


Afterwards we hopped on the Metro once more, and went downtown to where the ferry leaves for Niteroi. It's about a 20 minute trip and passed quite pleasantly. Denis speaks some English, but not much. Since my Portuguese is also quite limited we conversed in Spanish with little or no trouble at all.


Denis was a good host and guide, and was never at a loss in presenting topics for converstion. Not surpirsingly, he wanted me to buy him a shirt, athletic style pants, and sneakers. No problem. The whole outfit didn't cost me more than thirty dollars. Then we went to a nice restaurant (Viena) in a mall food court. A bottle of wine helped to continue the cementing of good inter-American relations.


The possibility of exploitation is always present in such a relationship, whether it's at home or abroad. But if one is sensible, and the person with whom you are dealing is honorable, what is gained is great in relation to what is expended. For example, on the ferry ride back, Denis looked around a bit and then laid his head on my shoulder. As those MasterCard ads say, "Priceless."

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Knabegeil, since I am a man of leisure who reads this site almost daily, I am enjoying your sagas. The preceding one had me reminiscing about my freelance professional (escort) guide who took me to Gloria, to Lapa, Santa Teresa, and to Nietroi. I got to experience some cultural as well as personal (people-to-people) situations!




PS I definitely know what it's like if one can't figure out something in a culture and language that is completely alien to him! I also identified with you immediately when you stated that the young boy got help for you! These experiences (although a little unnerving at the time) are indeed PRECIOUS! :-)

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To Axiom: Glad you are enjoying the tale of my experiences. Good word for meeting the sidewalk boy in Gloria, "Precious."


Here's today's installment.


Wednesday. Went to the beach today. The weather has been a bit cool and consistently partly cloudy. But I went anyway. It was about 3 PM that I set out. "So what?" I thought. There's still a couple of hours and the sun was high in the sky. Imagine how puzzled I was when the workers began packing up their equipment at 4 o'clock.


I forgot where I was.


In the Southern hemisphere, at this time of the year, the sun is almost as far north as it goes. Hence it gets dark around 6 PM. Still I managed to get a few rays, which was noticed by the boys in the sauna that night.


Wednesday is Bingo nite at Pointe. If this is a strange statment to any reader, let me explain.


Clients at the club play Bingo. But the prize is not money, nor some stuffed animal. Instead it's a hunk who stands near the Queen who calls the numbers. Mauricio was the number-caller, and quite attractive in drag.


I didn't win, but had lots of boys hanging around me (and on me)who were only too willing to assist in my comprehension of the numbers.


I think the only boy I went with at the Club that night was Leandro. As I think I mentioned before, he is quite well endowed. This time, unfortunately, his initial entrance was quite painful. I guess I wasn't ready enough either mentally or physically. In any case, I couldn't take it. But, after an apology, he went at it again. This time everything clicked perfectly. This dude wound up giving me one of the best fucks I've ever had.


The only problem with Leandro is that he speaks very little English and no Spanish. So verbal communication with him is limited, and this imapcts negatively on the degree of human intimacy that makes all sex so much better.


Of course, to the list of language problems, I should add that I speak very little Portuguese. All of the linguistic difficulties cannot be loaded on to the boys.


I guess around 11 PM or so I left the Pointe with Denis. It should be clear by now that some kind of a pattern is in the process of being developed. We spent the whole nite together.


For me, Denis is a good bed-time companion. I'm not interested in someone who's just going to take up space. I'm used to sleeping alone, so a "space-taker" is an annoyance.


Not Denis. During the entire night his arms and/or legs were intertwined with mine. Most enjoyable.

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Guest dreynsol

Oi Knabegeil,


I am also enjoying your posts. I was in Rio a few weeks ago and my coracao (heart) is still there.


Your experience with the sidewalk boy in Gloria doesn't surprise me, most Brazilians are very friendly and eager to help.


I experienced my first bingo games both at Pointe and 117, and it's amusing to watch how serious they get while they're playing. A little different than here in the states since you have to get all the numbers on your card to win. I was able to whisk Anderson away during bingo at 117, so they do have their priorities! :-)


A few words that might be helpful next time you're with Leandro, devagar (slowly), seu pau er muito grande (your dick is very big), gosto muito (I like it a lot), estou gozando (I'm coming) :-)


In that order, of course! That should help! I too like to wake up with a beautiful garoto in my arms!


Tchau e um abraco,


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Guest msclonly

I won and the prize was a free suite. I was led to believe that the boy who came from the stage and set next to me ready to perform was not fee free! He made it clear, that the usual fee was expected, when I asked.

In addition, got a card for free entry within the week. There was a charge on the account for protection, which we didn't need.


The Drag number caller was on something, and talked SO FAST, that it was hard to keep up with the numbers being calling in Portugese. Yet, she spoke very good English and called the numbers in both languages for short time before reverting back to Portugese.

Must have been on a downhill run, since she spoke faster and faster. I was unable to keep up and even the interpreters could give the English translation fast enough.


The question is - Is the guy included in the prize?

I must say it was a nice prize, even it it cost me.



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To Drey: Thanks for the vocab lessons. Every little bit helps.


To Msclony: I think you're right. The room is free but not the boy. Sorry for my mis-statement. That also would explain why, in this case, I saw the boy hanging around in the bar right after the game was over. Such a short time? How could this be? Now I get it.


Today's entry follows.


Thursday. Today I took a guided tour to Petropolis. It was a very interesting day. The weather wasn't too nice (foggy and quite chilly) but that's about it.


One woman on the tour was from France. Initially she insisted in speaking to me in her own language. Out of politeness, I struggled to dredge up my high school and college French. Finally, though, I heard her speak to two women from Columbia in Spanish. So, in French, I told her that I speak better Spanish than French, and (for the most part)that's how we conversed for the rest of the trip.


The guide worked very hard on this trip. She gave long and informative explanations in English, Spanish and Portuguese, with an occasional French response to questions from my friend.


The tour team also include a very cute boy named Junior. He was the cameraman for the trip. His job was to film the whole day taking lots of footage of what is visited as well as those who are on the tour. Of course, this souvenir is offered for sale at the end of the trip.


As I've said, Junior was very cute. He was another one of those cafe-au-lait boys with dark eyes and sensual lips that scream to be kissed.I tried a few words with him but was afraid too much friendliness would wind up obliging me to buy one of his tapes - which I didn't want. Tho the French woman bought one and got a kiss for her generosity. Maybe I should have sprung for the realais for that extra side benefit. Still, all in all, this bit of eye candy was an extra bonus on the day's trip.


Thursday nite I got back to the hotel shortly after 6 PM. It was already dark after a long day of rain and fog. So I was a bit tired and depressed, but went out anyway. Off to Club 117. Almost right away I ran into Walterli whom I remembered from last Fall. In fact, he was one of the first boys with whom I went. So, let history repeat itself. Off we went to a room.


Later Denis joined me in the Club in a non-working capacity. He took off his shirt but not his jeans. Of course, he knew everyone and everyone knew him. So it was fun seeing him interact with the crowd of boys in the usual slightly agressive guy way. Some of the other customers kept staring at him intensely. But he kept kissing me and affectionately rubbing my arms and legs. So I thought, "Too bad, guy. He's with me."

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Guest msclonly

Weather wise!


The Bingo boy came on strong and was a lighter weight then I like, but he was very aggressive and could be considered one of better experiences. Thanks for clearing up the true value of winning the coverall!


The weather sounds like San Diego's. Foggy and cool without any fireplaces to curl up by.

Am planning a return to Rio on another standard award ticket in the middle of Sept before the humidity returns.

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To grweyers: Petropolis was quite nice and well worth the trip if you're interested in learning more about Brazil. I arranged the tour thru Carlo Romano, who, I believe, has a recent post on the board asking for those who have just come back from Brazil to offer comments on the entry procedures.


Or, you can find him at his website: www. romanus.8k.com.


If I remember correctly, the Petroplis price was $R80.


As to Denis, he has been a recurring figure in this report. He is a guy I met at Pointe. Scroll back for a description. He has appeared on gay 'zine covers and has had a group pic taken at one of the M4M parties, but I don't think he is on the net.


Here's today's report:


Friday. Didn't do much during the day. Was very tired, so rested most of the morning. I had carefully planned a full evening of events: meet Denis at 117 about 6PM; 7PM, go with Victor, a friend of Denis' I met last night; 8PM, dinner with Denis; 10PM, meet Leandro at the hotel for the night.


But it didn't turn out that way.


6PM, no Denis.


8PM, went with Victor. He has a Brazilian name, but it corresponds to "Victor" in English. Speaks a good amount of English. He has a nice, well-built, smooth wrestler's type of body that is quite white. There seemed to be several white boys at 117 that nite, even some with genuine blond hair.


Functionally, Victor was very good, but insisted on a condom to receive oral, and then wanted $R100 to come. Not too good business practice as far as I'm concerned.


Also went with Fabio, a 25 y/o light-skinned guy who appealed to me for his charming smile and boundless energy. That trip upstairs went very well.


About 9PM got a hold of Denis on the phone. "I'll be right there." Arrived at 9:20 just as Bingo was starting. Had to stay for that.


Denis asked if we are still gong to have dinner together, and seemed disappointed when I say, "No." It didn't seem polite to me to have him there when I met Leandro. The "solution" I took, though, was to take both of them to dinner. Maybe not the best answer, but the one I came up with anyway.


So that's what we did.


My plan was to meet Leandro outside of the Atlantico. As Denis and I came up out of the Metro station a little past ten, there was no one in front of the hotel except the eternal doorman. But, as we started to cross the street, Leandro suddenly emerged. He had been waiting at the lunch couunter across the street.


Once more I was reminded 0f how beautiful, masculine and dignified he is. He was dressed in close-fitting jeans, and a plain grey ribbed sweater with cream trim at the cuffs and neck. True model quality.


Denis explained the deal and off we went to a churrascuria near S. Clara.


Leandro can be rather sphinx-like at times, so I don't know what he was thinking. He said he wasn't hungry and only took some vegetables, what he called "natural food." But he did seem to notice that I was a bit edgy about the dynamics of the situation. In one of his rare English statments, he leaned over and said to me "You take it easy."


On the way back to the hotel, we ran into Johnny and exchanged a few words with him.


One of Lenadro's trademarks is that he gives you a piece of gum. This time I beat him to the punch by giving him a piece first. I also had bought extra large condoms for the occasion.


If Leandro was quite before, once we were alone in the elevator, he blossomed completely. Did I mention before what a great and insatiable kisser he is?


Once in the room, we watched tv for a short time, and then began to undress each other. Already he was gloriously hard.


After moving to the bedroom, his carresses became a massage that was quite nice. Suddenly, though, he became tired and asked me to massage him. And, so, i quickly got some moisturizing cream from the bathroom and did as he requested. What a pleasure! What a surprise also to see his masculine body respond in some unexpected ways.


Later we pulled up the covers and turned out the lights to go to sleep. He took up a lot of room in the bed, but, for once, I didn't care. Eventually he got to the position I wanted: on his left side with his back to me. I reached around a took his large cock in my hand. It was great to feel it growing in my hand in amazing surges, especially when I stroked him on the magic, male g-spot on the underside of the head.


Later his cock was in my mouth.


Daylight came too soon for it meant it was time for him to go.

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To grweyers: private message sent.


To msclonly: Thanks for your comments. When I first read them they made me laugh. But I guess one of the benefits of this board is that it can function as sort of a giant Group session. That is, one can be enabled to see oneself as others see you and not just as you see yourself.


So, in hindsight, I would have to agree that I didn't handle that situation in the best way. Probably what I should have done, was shrugged my shoulders at Denis' absence and move on with the rest of my program for the evening.


Thanks for your thoughts.


To Axiom: Sad but true, buddy. It's almost two weeks that I have been back in the States. Fortunately, posting these reports (I wrote them in Rio) helps keep the memories alive.


Today's report is the next-to-last.


Here it is.


Saturday. After Leandro left, I waited for Hector to arrive. I had arranged thru Carlo Romano for Hector to give me a walking tour of the downtown historic district. It was quite an eventful day.


The tour had two main points of focus: cultural development, and historical development.


The historical development took the form of buildings and locations that featured in the development of Rio and Brazil from a Portuguese government in exile, to an independent empire, to a modern day republic.


The cultural development was shown by observing the architectural differences in three different churches: the Benedictine monastery, the Candalaria church, and the modern cathedral.


The monastery was overly decorated with every possible inch covered with scrolls and curls. In all, for me, at least, it was too much.


The Candalaria, on the other hand, was just right.


The modern cathedral was a bit much also. On the outside it looks like a giant, concrete bee hive. Totally unappealing. Inside though it is somewhat better. Huge stain-glass windows soften the harsh exterior concrete and make the interior more pleasant. I had previously seen the cathedral in S. Paulo which is more or less the same style. So, having earlier been exposed to such a style, this one was a little less jarring.


The Rio cathedral also reminded of the Kaiser-Wilhem-Gedächtniskirche in Berlin. The Germans call this church "the powder box and the lipstick." The lipstick is the bell tower, and the slightly elliptical main church building is the powder box. Outside the powder box looks like a lump of concrete with bits of glass embedded in it. Not appealing at all. But inside ... that's another story. Inside the glass and concrete combination is reversed. Inside one sees relatively large pieces of beautiful dark blue glass framed by a concrete network. Beautiful. The whole interior of the church is suffused by a lovely blue light. Then, to top it off, there is a large, somewhat impressionistic, gold anodized figure of Christ suspended in mid-air. Quite unusal.


The Rio cathedral approaches this effect but does not quite achieve it.


Some other highlights of the tour were Carmen Miranda's house, an exterior view of Meio Mundo (too early to visit) and, the best of all, a visit to the Confeitaria Colombo. Other posters have commented on this place, but nothing really prepares you for its fin-de-siècle elegance. A movie was even being filmed there when we stopped for lunch.


After the tour I returned to my hotel, cleaned up and rested a bit. Denis had invited me to his home in Gloria for dinner. I was glad when he called and asked to make the dinner a little later as it gave me more time to rest.


At Denis' apartment, I met his seven y/o daughter, her care-giver, and Denis' sister, Monique. Seeing the two of them together was a genetic curiosity. He is very black and she is very white, a reflection, no doubt, of their mixed African and European heritage. Of course, they laughed about this very much when I mentioned it. No doubt it is a comment that is frequently passed in their presence, hopefully with the same kind intentions as mine.


After the dinner, we went to Pointe. I went with Apolo again. There seemed to be a certain symmetry in this. He was my first guy on this visit, and now he was my last.


Later we went to Corujhina's where I had several capirinhas, and then went back to my hotel.


Tomorrow is the last day.

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Your mentioning of the churches you visited in downtown Rio brought back memories. I, too, was similarly underwhelmed by the monastery; even the singing at the Latin mass I found uninspiring. I did discover two little chapels close to Praca XV, originally built by some workers' group for their devotions, if I remember correctly. They were the most perfect, inspiring little churches I've ever visited. They couldn't have held more than 50 persons and were both remarkable for having staircases behind the altar that were under, apparently, skylights, which gave them the aspect of stairs leading straight to heaven. Perfect! Great hand-carved woodwork and just the right amount of decoration. I tried to find them my second trip, but couldn't. I originally found them looking around the Arches de Telles area off Praca XV. Anybody know anything more of them? I intend to further re-search for them my next trip.


Yes, it's deffinitely more than just the sex trip. My CD collection has mushroomed!

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Sunday. After the capirinhas last night, I slept this morning until 9AM. Very unusual for me. No headache or anything, tho.


After breakfast went out and visited the open-air produce market in the square by Corujinha's. Very interesting.


By now it was becoming evident that this was going to be a rare cloudless and sunny day. So off to the roof of the hotel I went for a couple hours of sun.


After that I cleaned up and packed.


Denis showed up around 6PM.


Carlo and Hector arrived with my ride to the airport about 6:45. There had been an accident in one of the tunnels and they were delayed a bit.


The flight back was pretty good as those things go. The plane was only about one-third full (who wants to arrive in Miami at 4:45AM?) so I was able to utilize two seats and actually got a bit of sleep.


For those who have been to Rio, I hope this report stirs fond memories. For those who haven't been (as yet), perhaps it will inspire you to take the plunge. In any case, I hope all readers have found these words informative and entertaining.



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