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Beto in Rio

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Just thought I'd tell you guys about an experience I had with Beto the other night...Beto from Corujinhas. Most of you guys know him I think...anyway...He stole a cel phone from where I'm staying. I didnt realize it was missing until the next day. No one else was in the apartment ad I had searched his clothes while he was in the shower to make sure he wasnt leaving with anything...clever little bastard must have hid it somewhere.


I had been with him probably at least 10 times before and never had a problem with him. I guess theses guys don't think about the future biz they will lose only think for the moment.


I was talking to Jonathan, some of you guys know him, he lives here and helps clients hook up with boys. He said you can not trust even 1 of these guys, they will steal from anyone and maybe when you least expect it. We sometimes refer to some of these boys as sweet and couoldnt imagine them stealing something from us but he says that if they are willing to suck dick for money they won't think twice about staeling something if they want to .


Anyway, just wanted to warn anyone that meets Beto that he is a confirmed crook and Jonathan said Beto has stolen from clients before and then (possibly because Beto could be borderline retarded) shows up and flat out denies it ...there is a Brazillian expression I think he said it is "cara de pao" or something like that meaning he has the balls to show up after stealing something and act like nothing happened.


Kinda slow down here right now and alot of the guys seem desperate,,,kinda scary actually.

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Thank you for the information FloridaRob, as one that will be in Rio for the first time in Oct. any warnings or heads up regarding guys down there is certainly appreciated. Only one question, who is Jonathan, for those of us who do not know who he is, and is he trustworthy? Not meaning to impune anyones reputation.



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Guest msclonly

Stick to the saunas.


They have a built in security for the naive tourist, that do not anticipate all the ways, that things can be done in Rio!

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Guest Gringo

I have known people in Rio for years. Some I thought of as good friends and some were reliable working boys. But I have found that things can very quickly change. It is surprising when you think you have made a real and trusted connection that suddenly turns ugly. Take all the love you can, but be careful. Any chance of posting a photo of Beto?:-(

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I think there has to be a reality about all this. The reality is regardless of what you offer, how much you "love" or what you do for most of the guys, it comes down to $$$, that's what's all about, whether in Rio, of anywhere else. Anyone who dreams that these guys are in love with them etc.is fooling no one but themselves. Well,guess i have started something now with this post, but really guys, let's get real. Not that I haven't fallen in love or thought a working guys was really in love with me, or wanted to be with me etc. Of course they do, cause you got the money, and where with all to give them what they need. But, sooner or later, in most cases, they reveal to you who and what they really are. And no,these thoughts are not from a cold hearted person etc, I am a very giving person. And I am not saying that the Rio guys are any worse or better, in fact I know when I visit, I will probably leave there with a heavy heart, I am sure their personalities are probably great and they give you exactly what you expect and need, but that's what they do.



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Guest LatinoRican

>Stick to the saunas.


>They have a built in security for the naive tourist, that do

>not anticipate all the ways, that things can be done in Rio!


Most hotel rooms also have built in security too: they are called room safes. It's a pity that we must be constantly on our guard with these young hustlers, even after we think that we have befriended them. I have known some for years in the Dominican Republic and yet when we are together, I ask them to shower first and proceed to place all my valuables in the room safe. You never know what causes them

to change their attitude and sadly it happens to us or we heard about it from a friend. In the worst cases we read about it on the front pages of the local newspapers.

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Common sense is a virtue that needs to be applied whether you are in the Vatican or in Rio. The reality is that any of the boys can rip off their clients, if they are given the opportunity. It has been well documented that clients have been taken advantage of by guys that they have known for a long time. It is incumbent upon the individual to make sure that there is no or at least greatly reduced opportunity for a rip off to occur.


When I was in Rio in October, one of the boys, Isreal got me for maybe $70.00. I trusted him because he lived (with like 10 other boys)with Wan Hallen and Adriano. I gave him the opportunity to steal from me when I went into the bathroom and left my wallet out. If Wan Hallen and Adriano had not come to me and let me know that Isreal had ripped me off, I probably would have never figured it out. Reals are kind of like monopoly money to me, and I did not really watch the balance in my wallet. Some of you may recall that some of the idoits on this list jumped me for posting the fact that I had been ripped off. As it turns out, Isreal ripped off a Japanese tourist at 202 and he has been banned from the Rio saunas.


Many of us have established serious relationships with Brazililados, and at what point do we trust them. I cannot speak for anyone else, but for me, I love Wan Hallen and trust him. When I first met him in October, I used common sense. I kept everything in the safe (except for my brief encounter with Isreal). Each night, I put my wallet and credit card in the safe, discreetly. I did not want to make a show of it, so that Wan Hallen would not think that I thought he was a thief. Even using common sense, he had countless opportunites to rip me off. Remember, since my second day in Rio on the first trip and my entire second trip, Wan Hallen has been with me all the time, day and night (except for when I was at the sanunas, and he went to see Christ the movie, which I would not do). He has had the opportunity to rip me off, but did not.


It is true that in Brazilian terms I spend a lot of money on Wan Hallen. We went to the best restaurants, and I never said no to another tee shirt from where ever we were at the time. I bought him things because I wanted to, and was able to. Would Wan Hallen have initially given me the time of day if I were an impoverished eldery hippy, living on the beach. Absolutely not. Puppies here in the United States would never get past the fact that I am a 50 year old big daddy, who is not a multi-millionaire. Wan Hallen made me feel special in his life long before I started taking care of him like a lover. He comes from an upper middle class family and does not have to suck my dick, or anyone elses to send money home to "mummy". He has told his mother that he loves me and wants to live with me in the future. His mother wants to meet me, and so when I return in October, it is off to the midwest to meet the family. He has shown over and over that he respects me and would not rip me off. Since October, I have been with him for almost six weeks. He calls me 2 or 3 times a week (mummy pays the phone bill)and now we e-mail each other. I am his "baybicito". Have I let my guard down with him. Yes I have. You reach a point where if you love someone, you have to trust them.


Wan Hallen is my baby and I want to take care of him. If he were a female puppette, it would be expected that I shower her with furs and diamonds. I am gay, he is gay, and I can give him a good life. He knows this, and I have no problem with it. When he tells me "eu te amo" I know he means it. He may not be in lust for me, but he does love me. (Even if he is not in lust, he normally gets off twice, and we have been known to do repeats).


I guess what I am saying is that if you are lucky enough to find a "muito especial garroto no Brazil" do not let your fears prevent you from enjoying every moment. Use common sense, but ultimately, listen to your heart. I have been in touch with several of the guys on the list who know me and Wan Hallen, for example Gringo. They have all told me to follow my heart, even if it takes me deep into the interior of Brazil.

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This is not written in any way to denegrate anyone, but we've had threads before about some M4Mers being ripped off. If you are a newbie or a veteran, go back to those archives and become reacquainted with the do's and don'ts while hiring an escort during your travels, in this case, Brasil.


Whenever I've had visitors in my room, I had my few valuables locked up or stored in places where they or the housekeepers or anyone would think to look.


I appreciate FloridaRob's relating to us about his misfortune and Jivau's posting the alleged culprit's picture, but I'd like us not to brand all escorts/sauna guys as "hustlers" "thieves" etc... As BigDaddy stated in his response: "Use common sense in all respects!"

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Without more facts, I can't judge the situation with Beto. Cell phones are small, slippery things and can get lost when you least expect it. (My brand new Brazilian cell phone slipped out of my pocket in a taxicab less than a month after I bought it. Fortunately, the next passenger found it and gave it to the driver. I called the cell phone, the driver answered it, and he brought it back to where I was frantically waiting for him downtown.) I don't know Beto, and I don't know if he took the cell phone or not. But the escorting business is like any other: some guys in it (probably most) are honest, but there are the inevitable bad apples, and occasionally one of us runs into one of them. However, you can't generalize about all of the guys from the relatively few bad apples among them.


The easiest way to avoid these situations is to stick to the saunas. Or if you want a longer session, take your guy to a "motel." Inviting people to your room/apartment is riskier. If you're planning on inviting people to your room, put valuable things away BEFORE YOU GO OUT. That way they won't be lying around when you bring a new beau back to your digs. If there's a room safe, use it. But reasonable creativity will let you conceal things you wouldn't want to go missing, like all the credit cards you don't need, extra cash, your passport and ID, etc., even without a room safe. And when you do go out, take the minimum that you'll need and leave the rest of your stuff back at your place.


One thing to keep in mind is that you're in a foreign country, and if you DON'T speak the language fluently, or understand the culture well, it's possible to inadvertently offend one of the guys, who while not ordinarily dishonest may decide to take his revenge by stealing from you. That often seems to be what's behind incidents like the one Floridarob describes, where he's been with a guy a lot and suddenly there's an incident. I'm not saying that's what happened in this particular situation, but it explains many otherwise unexplainable incidents. It's another reason to treat the guys with dignity and respect. Usually you'll get back what you give out.


Jonathan is a hunky, 40-year old American guy who's lived in Rio for a fairly long time. He speaks Portuguese fluently and teaches the language to foreigners. He knows a lot of the guys, and is somehow involved with the Brazilianmen.Net website (I think he recruits models for them, among other things). He's often at Corujinha. Along with Márcio and José (two older Brazilian regulars at Corujinha who speak English fluently) he would be likely to know the reputations of many of the escorts who hang out at Corujinha (or the sidewalk across the street). If in doubt about someone, feel free to ask. But your best bet (and all of us "old Rio hands" will tell you the same thing) is that if you want to keep your stuff safe go to a "motel" with someone you pick up, rather than to your own place. Of course, as in everything else, we all have different degrees of risk we're willing to take. But here's yet another cautionary tale, and you can't say nobody told you so!


Have fun in Rio, but use good judgement and common sense, and you should also be safe in Rio.

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well, just back from Corujinahs....saw Beto and thought it was time to confront him...punched him in the face, marcio pit bull was there and VERY concerned as to what was going on. He knows that I am a very relaxed kind of guy ( right Stanley) and I explained what happened. I also spoke to Abdo, the owner of Corujinas and he seemed surprised that I DIDN'T know Beto"s rep...he said he can keep Beto out of the restaurant but not much more he can do if Beto is outside on the street.


Anyway, I disagree with Tri that you get back what you give because I gave this kid 200%...I almost felt like his father...I totally agree with Jonathan that you never know when one of these Black widows will strike.


It is ALL about money...but like an old boss of mine use to say to me...someone's perception is THEIR reality...if they believe it to be true , then it is in their eyes...like if someone here thinks that a boy loves them, in their eyes it is true. Thats their perception...but if you were to ask someone that....a young guy (18+) was with a gringo (60+) and the gringo said this boy loves me. What would you think?


But the gringo would say, but really I think he loves me...it's different!!!!



Anyway....be careful, I thought Beto was different because I felt more like a brother than anything.,


I have travelled the world and Brasil is VERY tough....(2 cel phones and 1 camera later) not like Thailand for example. I spoke to Totalloy Oz and we agree that this would NEVER happen in Thailand, it's against their culture.

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I think that it is good of you to let us others know when something like this happens. I have heard from someone else on this board, someone many of you probably know, that he had problems witht this same guy too. He told me this because I saw Beto on the latino caliente website and want to meet him next time I am in Brazil.


One thing is I don't feel that you should ever put a guy like this into a situation where he will have temptation. I never leave my wallet around for anybody. It is always locked in the safe in the room. For someone like Beto, even after reading this I would still like to go out with him, however thanks to you I will not have him in my hotel room. I think it is smart to only meet with him in in a short stay hotel. As far as a cell phone goes, that is not the type of thing that would always be locked up, so you have to be careful.


Rob, thanks for the heads up and I am sorry that this happened to you. There are some guys in Brazil who are more trustworthy than this guy. You have to be careful around sauna guys and from Corujinhas, but there are some Brazilian guys who are not running a meter, but rather will be with you for what you feel you should give them. You can 't meet guys like this in the sauna (usually) but if you speak the language and get around it is possible.




Jack M.

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Guest LatinoRican



Congratulations for having the balls to do something about your loss! It seems that the general consensus when one of these hustlers steals something is to write it off with a general, "Oh, well, too bad. What can we do? Better be more careful the next time. We are not in our country. We are gay, so it is better if we keep quiet." Of course, you do not know where this will lead, but time will tell.


As to the rest of your post, my thoughts exactly!!


More power to you!

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As I said before, I have no way of knowing for sure what happened between Beto and Floridarob. However, I'm kind of mystified, because they've been together many times before (according to Rob) and this isn't the typical behavior between two guys where some kind of relationship has been established and they know each other.


In any case, it's something that can happen. However, as in any business, or in life, the good guys seem to vastly outnumber the bad guys. So keep that in mind when spending time in Brazil. It's wise to be cautious, but most of us, when using common sense and good judgement, never run into these kinds of problems, even after repeated visits over the course of many years.

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Guest Tomcal_

>>As I said before, I have no way of knowing for sure what happened between Beto and Floridarob. However, I'm kind of mystified, because they've been together many times before...<<

This type of behavior from Beto is not surprising to those of us that know him! Beto is the classic young hustler! I am sure he didn't go home with Rob with the intention of stealing, but when he got there and saw a cell phone laying out, he just took advantage of the opportunity presented! Beto is 19, does drugs fairly frequently and he is going to take the chance to make any extra money he can. Most of the boys figure Americans are rich and it's no big deal to take something if they can.

Those who read my posts know that I regularly take guys home from the saunas and Corujinhas'. We are talking alot of guys...lol and I have never had a problem, BUT...I put my passport, credit cards and cash in the safe when I arrive in Rio and only take out enough cash each day for the number of guys I am planning on being with times $50. reias....So about $400. LOL Usually by the time I get home for the evening with someone, there is only $100. reias left in my pocket, so they are not going to get anymore then they would being their in the first place. I never open the safe with anyone in the room.

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Guest dreynsol

Sorry to hear about what happened, floridarob. Even though we haven't met, I think you know my good friend Bobby Baby who first introduced me to Rio.


I also like to have boys back to my room (like TomCal). Some of my best times there have been just hanging out with my M4M friends and our garotos back in my suite after Corujinhas.


My first trip there, we only had sauna boys back to the room. I was careful to lock up all my important belongings in the safe (and hide the key) -- thanks to this forum. Our last day there though, my friend, I was sharing the suite with me, noticed that his $70 bottle of cologne was missing. Have no idea who took it, but like I said these were all sauna boys we had over, and by the way we treated them, there should have been no motivation to steal.


My last trip, I was careful to lock up everything that I would miss disappearing. Even $5 bottles of cologne samples that I planned to give away as presents.


I will have to admit I made one big mistake this trip even though I should have known better -- Rio can be a bit intoxicating and I'm not just talking about the caiprinhas!


Bobby Baby and I both invited boys over for the evening from Corujinhas that were not sauna boys.


Well, they were both arrested later in the week for pick-pocketing our friend Eric (garoto and friend). One knocked his hat off and as he bent over to pick it up, the other stole his wallet. So, even the Brazilians get taken advantage of there.


I don't want to characterize them all as being thieves, but it is worth the extra effort of being careful not to give them the temptation.


Hope that helps.


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This is a great thread! Ordinarily cynicism comes across as nothing more than bitterness. Here it's a very helpful antidote to romaticism.


There's a happy medium between these two extremes. It's called reality. To dwell in this happy medium a good blend of experience, widsdom and the degree of intellignece we call "common sense" is needed.


May all M4M travelers be blessed with these qualities!

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Mikey...welcome to this experience: I'd cordially suggest that you read all of the available pertinent information that's left in the archives; I sincerely think that this material will be invaluable to you as it was for me. As a result of my prior reading, questioning, and emailing veterans, my three trips have been without any major problems. Do learn some basic Brasilian Portuguese, if possible; it will definitely enhance your communication. If you speak Spanish, this will also help.


As one who has difficulty remembering with ease now-- I only knew a few words which helped, but if you know more-- it will be an advantage in your communicating with the guys at the saunas as well as with individuals in the various communities in Rio. :-)

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I had the same experience last year during the M4M party days. Beto came for an overnite at the Atlantico and then got a phone call from Mami 45 mins later and had to leave. Rather than the agreed amount of 50R he wanted 150R for this short stay since he was a "star".

He wasn`t going to move so a friend of Tomcal`s came down from the Tomcal Suite and helped me get rid of him after threatening to call hotel security.

Next morning my Oakley Sunglasses were missing from the dresser.

Beto is the only guy I had any trouble with during my two visits to Rio. It`s too bad his name has come up once again on a sour note.

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Guest dreynsol

Was thinking some more about the problems that floridarob encountered -- I would hate to think he would write off Brazil as a travel destination over these incidents.


I had mentioned that our friend and garoto Eric (brazilian) had his wallet stolen at Corujinhas by two guys. Well, he has a friend that works in the police department, and after he called him, the contents of his wallet magically appeared and the two guys were arrested. I doubt if we will ever see those two again at Corujinhas!


I was wondering if Tri or any locals had any advise about the pros and cons of involving the policia. Obviously, the Brazilians don't mind doing so. Prostitution is legal in Brazil so there should be no problem explaining the situation.


Or do you think involving the policia with Beto is too harsh? It does sound like he has a bad habit of doing this, and I would hate for him to ruin the experience for a fellow gringo.


Any advice?




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If you catch a thief in the act, or can come up with some other evidence that he did it, it's worth considering a visit to the police. (In addition to the regular police station near Corujinha, there's also the tourist police station, in Ipanema, I think.) Or you could talk it over with one of the Brazilian guys for their thoughts.


Probably the easiest thing to do, though, is to put the guy out of business. In Beto's case, it appears he's a repeat offender and has a reputation with local residents and other guys. So I'd talk with the management at Corujinha and the saunas about 86'ing him, and if he's working at any of the agencies talking to their owners and letting them know he's giving their outfit a bad rep because he steals from clients. There really are so many hot, good-looking guys in Brazil who aren't crooks that there's no need to coddle the few who are. It looks like Beto needs to learn the hard way that he's blown a good thing (to turn a phrase). He's had an opportunity to parlay his looks and youth into a respectable income, but if he steals from the guys he goes with, it's over. Who needs it? So I strongly suggest starting the process of blackballing him around town. The other escorts won't mind; I'd be willing to bet Beto has probably stolen from them, too. And it's a useful object lesson to anyone who might be tempted to steal to know that there are consequences and that the gringo visitors aren't such a dumb bunch of marks, after all! ;)

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