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Info about Sao Paulo

Guest europeanfun
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The sauna scene is SP remains fairly constant. There are a couple of new saunas with boys but unfortunately I've forgotten the names. You'll find them advertised in the free gay papers (like "Abalo") that are given away in the bars and saunas. If any readers have been to any of the new places, reviews (with addresses, directions, etc.) would be welcome!


The guys in most Brazilian saunas ARE freelancers: they work for themselves, not for the sauna. That's why you pay them directly for their services, and not the sauna. The saunas just provide a venue for the guys to conduct their business and interact with clients.


Please read the material on this site carefully. The advantage of going with a sauna boy is that you can see exactly what you're getting before you go off to a "cabine" with him, you have a place on-premises where you can have sex, and there's virtually no risk of robbery, being drugged, or worse. To be fair, the risk isn't that high with guys you hire through an agency or site, but it's nevertheless higher than with someone you meet at a sauna. So you have to weigh your tolerance for risk. Remember, you can almost always invite a sauna boy you like back to your hotel or to a "motel" for a longer session, and in that case you're dealing with a known quantity, so to speak!


That's one of the joys of Brazil: so many options!

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Also, if you use <edited name> for your ur traveling while you're in Rio or Sao Paulo or Salvador, he'll make contact for you provided you cite what you want. In this case you will more than likely be paying in reais instead of dollars. Carlos made several contacts for me. I was more than satisfied in the end.


PS Carlo overcharges, IMHO...

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Guest europeanfun

Thanks alot

I' ve read tons of information about SP. This site is invaluable for a novice like me. But i'm talking about the current scene in Lagoa, and the boys from contatos. Names, reviews, which boy is good, which is nada etc

I saw a topic "Totally lost" about TotallyOz.

Maybe i should post there. He has tons to tell about the boys and the saunas

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If you like fast sex...get it over with as fast as possible,


then you will love Lagoa.


The boys have no idea how to make love.


Yes there are exceptions and I know who they are. But they are rare.


The saunas are fun if you have someone with you who can speak the language.


Otherwise, for $18USD, you'll get a fast jack off, maybe a fuck, most likely a bJ with a condom.


And if you do what I did and invite them to your hotel, you will have your clothes, camera, cell phone, and all your money stolen.


There is more to come. It is a wonderful county with beautiful people. But you might as well come here knowing you are going to get fucked...and not in a good way.

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>And if you do what I did and invite them to your hotel, you

>will have your clothes, camera, cell phone, and all your money



Can you offer any specifics on how this terrible event happened to you?


My trips to Brazil have been limited to Rio where I have never had a safety issue in bringing back someone to the hotel. I am not aware of anyone in Rio who invited a sauna guy to his room and had a safety problem.


There are several of us who will soon be returning to Rio and we plan a side trip to Sao Paulo to visit Lagoa Sauna. Given what you reported here makes me reconsider a Sao Paulo visit. After all, who needs Sao Paula? Rio a great place like no where else on earth.

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I've been going to Brazil for more than 20 years (including to SP, which was my very first stop ever in Brazil) and never had this happen to me. In the past year and a half Tomcal has probably had every sauna boy currently working in Brazil to his hotel and I don't think he's ever had the slightest problem. ;)


Having spent many, many happy hours at Lagoa (as have many of the other posters here) I can't say I've had the same experience HooBoy has. Could it be that I like 18 minute quickies? :7 Nah! I've met some incredibly nice and hot guys at Lagoa and other SP saunas.


HooBoy (as he readily admits) isn't, um, proficient in Portuguese. That has perhaps led to some misunderstandings, or worse in the case of the guy who ripped him off.


GENTLEMEN: What happened to HooBoy is the exception, not the rule. Unfortunately, there are bad apples in any crowd, and Hoo apparently invited one to his hotel room! That, plus the language/cultural barriers, are why your humble moderator constantly urges readers NOT to invite guys they don't know really well back to their hotel rooms/apartments, and instead take them to "motels" (in Brazil those are hotels-by-the-hour) or one of the non-escort saunas. 99% of the guys you meet are honest, but there's always that other 1% and if you're new to the country, or don't speak the language, it's harder to pick up on any warning signals that might make you think twice back home! Please don't be scared off of Brazil because of Hoo's bad experience. But please DO listen to the counsel of experienced travellers and Brazilians themselves, and exercise prudence and common sense. If you do, the likelihood of anything bad happening on your trip is extremely low.

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Guest Tomcal_

>>If you like fast sex...get it over with as fast as possible,

then you will love Lagoa.


The boys have no idea how to make love.

Yes there are exceptions and I know who they are. But they are rare.


Otherwise, for $18USD, you'll get a fast jack off, maybe a fuck, most likely a bJ with a condom.<<


Hooboy, I have never went to the saunas in Sao Paulo, so I can't dispute what you had happen to you and whether of not this was highly unusual or common to have happen to a visitor there, but as someone who has been to Rio 8 times in the past 24 months, (and just got back yestereday) IMHO, none of the above statements apply to the Rio boys!

Out of several hundred enounters there, I have had maybe 1/2 dozen that I would day the boy wanted it over as fast as possible. Usually it's me that is rushing them out of the room to get ready for the next appointment! lol

As far as making love...I have found the Rio guys incredible(and while I won't speak for him, I think Lucky's will confirm that when he returns this week from his current visit to Rio)

I have had many of the guys back to the room and Never had a problem, but then again I haven't left temptation in the way either, my wallet,passport and credit cards are always in the safe. I have always had my camera and laptop out, but I am with them in the room too, mayby I would have had things stolen if I had left. There have been a dozen or so of the guys that I have left sleeping in the room and went and met other guys for lunch and when I have gotten back they are usually still sleeping or watching TV. I have trusted them, and they have shown they can be trusted. These were all guys who I have been with multiple times.

One reason for the boys treating Myself, Gulliver, Jake, etc well maybe that they know us well, know that we come to Rio often and that we all talk to each other, so if one of them tried to "fuck around with us" we all would know about it and they would lose income. I would hope that isn't the reason but it could be... Also they know we have become good friends with the owners of both Estacao and Pointe 202 and they would get banned if we complained. I would like to think though that the reason is because on the whole most of them are good guys! BTW, on this last trip, one late evening at Corujinhas' about 200 Reias fell out of my pocket and under the chair, I didn't see it, but the boy sitting next to me picked up the money and handed it to me! he could have easily taken it and I wouldn't have known and he wasn't a guy who I was with.

I am sorry for your bad experiance in S.P., but don't let it distort your view of the many good guys in Brazil.

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>PS Carlo overcharges, IMHO...


Just for the record, and in all fairness, I've only used Carlo's professional services a few times, but he's always SAVED me money. I used Carlo to reserve the Gray Line tour to Petropolis for myself and my visiting German friends, and the rate was cheaper than booking directly at the Gray Line desk in the Meridien lobby (which is where we planned to pick up the tour). Carlo also got me a good package at a nice hotel when I went to Florianopolis; there was a considerable saving on the room compared to the hotel's rack rate.


Carlo has also saved many readers here big bucks on their stays at the Atlântico, because he's worked out some very favorable rates with the hotel.


As for helping clients make arrangements with escorts, to my knowledge Carlo has done that for free. He's also done other things above and beyond the usual travel agent call of duty without charging for it.


As in any business, I'm sure there are some services Carlo provides that cost more than what competitors charge. But there may also be a significant difference in the quality of what you get! Knowing Carlo, I know he's a perfectionist who won't offer clients substandard tours or services, so in some cases what he offers may cost more to ensure that clients get the experience they were hoping for. Also, the number of fluent English speakers in Brazil is limited, so services involving good English-speaking guides cost more than they would without!

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In defense of Sao Paulo


Rio's defenders have spoken up and I agree entirely (except that I know virtually no Portuguese and have not found that to an obstacle).


So a brief defense of Sao Paulo to add to Tri's comment about his "many, many happy hours at Lagoa." The place is outstanding and better, IMHO, than any single Rio sauna. Rooms as nice as those at Rio's 117, plus a dark room (often hot), a jaccuzi, a real swimming pool, a little theater showing movies just out on video (plus the porn j/o room upstairs), as well as all the usual stuff. Lagoa has more guys and more variety than either 117 or 202. I always go to SP/Lagoa as well as Rio when I go to Brazil now.


I think it helps if you don't announce at any sauna that you are a Brazil virgin who is only in town for a couple of days! Also, I find that the garotos who are super-aggressive tend to be less impressive in bed. And, of course, leaving cameras, money, and valuables accessible to any stranger in any country on earth is foolish.


Nevertheless, a few guys still might try to take advantage of you, but, in my experience, they are rare in both SP and Rio. And, if someone does demand extra reals, so what? (Happened to me once out of maybe 25 times in SP on my last trip earlier this month.) Tell them "next time" and move on. And if your time with a hunk is not paradise (incidentally, have you checked your breath, weight, attitude, back hair today?), it is very few bucks and no big deal. Butch it up, men!


I found the SP garotos at Lagoa to be extremely hot, passionate, cuddly, secretly versatile -- whatever I wanted.


Have a blast, Billy


p.s. Man, now I'm so distracted, I doubt I'm going to get much work done this afternoon.

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Guest Deweywop

RE: In defense of Sao Paulo


Travel is always a game of chance and it's sad when someone gets severely unlucky, as Hooboy apparently did.


Though I too think his experience is the exception, I always prepare for the worst, draw on my most paranoid street smarts, and hope for the best.

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Today is the 28th of January, and I decided to scroll down some of these threads and read and add. In my reading my response, I noted a name had been deleted and a line had been written which I DID NOT write. I did not write that Carlo overcharges. Read all of my responses where I recommended his services!

I do not know how it got there. He did an outstanding job for me when I traveled throughout Brasil during the month of October!


Carlo--if you have or will read these threads--anything negative about you that has been written with my tag is not mine!


I don't use those letters--either--for they are not part of mine mode of communication!

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RE: In defense of Sao Paulo


Since the Message Board was down and I had absolutely no money because it was stolen and Totally Oz dragged me from my hotel kicking and screaming, I have come to meet some of the people here. I have not been back to the sauna's but the people I have met have just been the most wonderful in the world.


I have extended my stay twice already and before my 90 days is up, I may extend again.


Still, the guy who, mind you, I have known for two years, stole from me, has called me almost daily to apologize, I cannot help but try to put myself in his place.


Imagine being a kid at the age of 5 begging for money on the street...


I will not let him back in my home because his mindset is so different - he most likely thinks that I can simply replace anything that is taken from me. However, if I see him on the street or if I talk to him on the phone, I still consider him a human who I think should be accorded dignity as such and I am only sad for him.


It is different here and I do not want to try and explain or admit my own stupidity any more, so please if you come, lock up your stuff, be careful, have fun and treat these people like the wonderful people they are.


I have a funny story to share about the Antheriums in my room, but I am in a rush to get to a meeting so remind me about it later.


Muito Obrigado.

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I must second Trilinguals report of his experience using Carlo as a travel agent. When FloridaRobb and I did a month long tour of Brazil using a Varig Airpass last August, Carlo planned our whole trip. This planning included many no-charge extras and involved much work on his part. He has often in the past performed many services for me and when I wanted to pay for them, he refused payment flat out. I would recommend any travellers to Brazil, consult with him and use him to make their Atlantico reservations and intra Brazil travel arrangements. I know of no other provider who can deliver his quality of service.

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Gulliver, I soundly concur with both you and Trilingual re: Carlo's services. It's quite unfortunate and highly annoying that my response was "fucked with"! I'd like to see my response completely deleted instead of containing ambiguity!


I shall continue to recommend him and his assistants to all who travel to Brasil; he rendered superb services, and as you and Tri stated, he went above and beyond an agent's job to make sure that the experiences that I encountered will long be remembered.

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RE: In defense of Sao Paulo


Before anything else, I'd like to thank all the posters here that mentioned the services that I provided to some of them. Axiom, I think I do know you a little, and I never thought that you'd write such a thing. It was probably someone with some hidden interests who did it... And it's a pitty, 'cause this may make this forum lose its credibility, as some people might have their messages "tampered".


As for the terrible incident that happened to Hooboy in São Paulo, it's really sad what has happened but as we tell most of our customers (some are from this forum but most are not!) be aware of whom you take to your hotel room or apartment. In both Rio and São Paulo there are motéis (hotel by the hour) where you'd be better off and safer than at your hotel room.


As many posters mentioned here, in most cases the boys at the saunas are nice, and they have had no problems with them, but there's always a bad apple, as some of these guys are not good people at all, that might take advantage of you in the first opportunity that arises.


Um abraço a todos,

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RE: In defense of Sao Paulo


In every case of what happened to me that I related, I took the blame. I was stupid, careless and I have always admitted it.


I do not blame the boys here for what happened to me. Yes it was wrong and it was unfortunate. Deception, lying and theft are something that are just not in my mindset, so I don't think about them. I do not worry wherever I go, I accept I am a naive idiot and things like what happened to me here can happen anywhere in the world. I have just been lucky.


As I explained to Totally Oz when he visited Sao Paulo, "I am trying to figure out what THEY, the theiving boys must think. Maybe they think I screwed them over. Maybe it was something I said or did or my lack of accurate communication."


If it appears to you that I blame the Brazillians, certainly that is not my intention. I was only underscoring what Tri and others have said about the situation here for years - but it could apply to any country. (Personally, I think Popes have screwed over more poor people than any vermin.)


I am comfortable with who and what I am and I am extremely respectful of the people whose country, any country, I visit and I consider myself their guest. I try my best to blend into the culture (like taking my orange plastic bags to the grocery stores in Amsterdam) and am not at all the demanding asshole I can be in New York. (Carlo may disagree and think that I was perhaps a bit overbearing in Rio and maybe I was, but that was long ago.)


I try to stay in 5 star hotels typically and I do expect a higher level of service for the price no matter where I am -- in THAT ENVIRONMENT. But in Korea or Bangkok, I eat on the street from the vendors where I see groups of locals gather.


In Sao Paulo the locals laugh WITH me as I refuse to speak English and struggle through my pocket dictionary, something very difficult for someone who is not adept at the alphabet.


I am sorry, I have not read some other poster's comments. I simply do not have the time nor do not want to wake up to bitter, vitriolic or downright embarassing often insipid comments from people I am happy I do not know. Certainly there are people who think the same about me.


But holy cow! I just learned about the Janet Jackson flack in the USA and it is if there is not enough going on to embarrass my country, but now I have to grin and bear the remarks about that.


My only complaint about Brazil is certain Americans I run into here or read on this message center. Actually, I am planning to move here, but our moderators, Barry will tell you I say that about everywhere I am.


It's really great to see so many of you again after that internet blackout we went through. I was hoping to zip to Rio on Tuesday to see Tri but I have to leave earlier than planned.


And that's about all I have to say about that, but watch for GREAT things to happen on this website from Brazil.

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RE: In defense of Sao Paulo


Well, I'm glad to see Hoo back in sorts!


Yes, it IS different here, and some of the guys probably do see us as walking ATMs. Even when they aren't dishonest, the temptations must be very strong, because we are inconceivably richer than they are, or can ever hope to be. In my own case, I'm living on a pension of about US$3000 a month (net). That's almost R$9000 a month, when someone like Carlão, who has a day job as a security guard, feels he's doing well to be earning R$600 a month on his day job (and is supporting not only himself but his 9-year-old daughter on that). The contrasts are inescapable, and not everyone can resist the temptation to "better their lot" at a client's expense. Fortunately, though, that's been very much the exception, and not the rule.


At the same time, most people here are scrupulously honest, and that includes the sauna guys. In other threads I've recounted stories about someone running more than a block after me because I forgot a ball point pen at an ATM, or the cab driver who found and returned my expensive new cell phone (I'd lost it in the back seat of his cab when it fell out of my pocket). It sounds like Hoo has seen that side of Brazil, too. And in my book there are no nicer, more generous people anywhere.

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RE: In defense of Sao Paulo




What never ceases to amaze me is when the meter on the cab may read 13.50 and I hand the drive $15 and he says nao, Na, nao...and only takes $10....


And if you give them a tad more it is not only muito Obrigado (thank you very much) but boa noiche (excuse the spelling, but it means good night...and it it like nothing I have ever experienced in my life.)


I walk out of my hotel, and the cab drivers lining up waiting always wish me a boa dia (good morning) or bon tarde (good afternoon), but some of them (and everyone in the hotel) calls me by my name.


It could be they think I'm crazy. But the front desk guy tonight told me something interesting (please do not take this as blowing my own horn)...he says you always smile and say hi to us... well, traveling around the world as much as I do, I find that works everywhere....but for these guys and girls, I'll bring them a box of Tic Tacs or a candy bar as I go to the elevators.


For travelers -- and I think this is true anywhere, remember, they have been on their feet all day dealing with assholes most of the day and when they come across someone who not only says "bon dia" and gives them a little candy...well the guy at the front desk said to me tonight -- it is so unusual and it makes their day.


And golly to hear that makes my day, too.


So when the boys from the sauna come up in my fancy hotel there is never a question or problem. One thing they do....when the boy leaves, my phone rings and the front desk will say, Mr. Garbo is everything okay?


And that's it...


I've had some tough times (my fault) here and wonderful times and I do not want to leave. And I don't feel like reading and editing reviews right now and I may just not.


I think I may zip to Rio for only a few hours on Sunday and hopefully shake hands with Trilingual and I want to meet Gringo. Then hop on a bus and head back to the wonderful city of Sao Paolo.

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RE: In defense of Sao Paulo




TomCal endured a long flight to be in Rio for just a few days. I have a friend who travels 5000 miles just to go to the movies in Cinelandia for just a few days. Now you will make a short journey to enjoy just a few hours in the marvelous city.


Time is our most precious commodity. No one knows how much we've got or when it will end.


Go where your heart finds happiness. Do not postpone or delay the magical joys and adventures Mother Brasil has to offer.


Hooboy, I regret that circumstances find me back in the usa. I returned just short of my 3 month limit. But I have a feeling that one day I will see Garbo face to face. Have a drink for me and smile at a handsome carioca for me. Want a piece of candy little boy?:+

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HooBoy's Second Attempt To Love Rio


This was one funny trip.


I really felt I owed it to you guys who have made this site an extremely valuable forum to at least make an effort come and buy you a drink or two, so I made reservations at a hotel in Rio with high speed internet. Like the idiot that I sometimes am, I did not attempt to call any of you and say, "hey I'd like to come and see you...are you in town?"


Instead, I hopped the shuttle over, checked into a place with a stunning view Sao Conrado beach, started making calls and leaving email for those of you who do not use voice mail (or like me who have had your cell phones stolen by Sauna Boys in Sao Paulo.)


Disappointed, I went to check out of the hotel and the woman, stunned, said, you've only been here three hours -- why don't you stay the night at least?


I reluctantly agreed and got to my room only to have the phone ringing and it was Eduardo, who had finally received my messages on his other phone or something. I told him I was staying overnight and would be mind showing me around.


He took me to my first visit ever to 117. I had only been to the Point 202 on my last horrible visit to Rio. What a difference! We had a great time at 117 - then, I decided I wanted to go home to Sao Paulo since all I brought with me was my computer, no clothes and invited Eduardo to go with me.


Unfortunately, we missed the last flight out of Rio so I figured we'd just rent a plane. After what seemed an eternity, I was told it would be $4,000 USD. Well, that is about what I earn in one year and since I did not check out of my Rio hotel, I asked Eduardo if he'd just come with me there and we would take the next flight out in the morning. (By the way, we had no trouble getting Eduardo in the hotel.)


I did some technical work on the website all night while he slept and in the morning, we discovered because I was rushing to get out of there, I left my passport locked in my safe at the hotel.


I am EXTREMELY superstitious about things not working out just right - especially when it comes to flying and after two failed attempts to leave Rio by air I was not about to get on an airplane.

The fine people at the hotel arranged to have a car and driver bring us, my passport, plus my credit cards, a few Reais, my new Nikon camera like the one that was stolen by the sauna boy in Sao Paulo and we struck out in a Toyota to Sao Paulo.


What a beautiful trip!!!!! But if anyone says it is 5 hours, they are nuts. It took over 8 hours. Our driver, one of the nicest guys in the world, I think the driver (and Eduardo) became annoyed at my singing in back seat and the driver may have been exceeding the speed limit in his desire to get me out of his car when we were stopped by police radar. The ticket was R$150.


When we FINALLY got to SP, the driver made the mistake of asking me directions to my hotel and being an American man, I pretended to know how to get there, of course. God forbid I would think of asking for directions. We did make it to the hotel and I was able to change clothes.


We made it to the Lagoa sauna by closing time, ran into the guy who wanted Totally Oz's boyfriend and a few others, including one who was at my hotel the night some of my clothes were stolen.


Still, I was never so happy to be back in Sao Paulo. I LOVE huge cities and I felt at home. Sorry, I just cannot get into Rio and on this particular trip, I couldn't get out either!


Well, I have extended my stay for the fourth time. The trip from Sao Paulo to Hong Kong next week is gonna be fun. I always manage to have a good time...


I'll get a review up soon about Eduardo. He is incredible on so many very positive levels. I'd take him to America in a heartbeat and let him break my heart just for the joy of being with him for the short time we have been together. Thank you Totally Oz for recommending him to me....and they were asking about the "Senora" everywhere we went!


It looks like my search for a new place to call home has been determined - Sao Paulo.



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