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Hi Tri:


Photo posted and can understand your excitment. I hope you follow your advise and listen to your heart rather than trying to figure out why someone would want you. When I got back to Phoenix, most of my friends, especially my live in puppy, all told me that I was crazy to fall in love with Brazil in general and Wan Hallen in particular. I told them to fuck themselves, that there was no power on earth to diminish the time that I had in Rio and my relationship with Wan Hallen. Instead of being happy for me in the joy that I experienced, all they could focus on were negatives created by their own imaginations. Perhaps they are envious. I met many new gringo friends in Rio, and they are probably the only people who really know how I feel. I am returning to Rio in May with my often traveling buddy, George, and am literally counting the minutes. You might remember that George is the one that talked me into going to Puerto Vallarta last October instead of Rio. George is now all excited about our upcoming trip. Luckily I have George as he understands how I feel about Wan Hallen and fully supports me. George has a cute Mexican boyfriend who slipped back across the border to see his family and is still there. So I guess we are a mutual support system.


Thank you Tri for giving me directions on making an international call to Brazil. With the codes, and dropping the within Brazil calling codes, was able to at least get through to Wan Hallen's mother in Guiano. I think I was also able to leave a voice message on his cell phone.:-)


Enjoy your engagment, and please put me on your wedding invitation list.


Big Daddy

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I know, it's hard for people who've never been to Brazil to have the remotest clue about the magic of the place. And I DON'T just mean the availability of hot men, although that's certainly part of the magic. It's the physical beauty of the country, and the physical and spiritual beauty of the people that make it so special. People here, by and large, are so incredibly nice and (that overworked word again) sweet that it's hard to believe they're for real. And in spite of living in a country that could give anyone cause, Brazilians manage to remain amazingly uncynical and optimistic. They have such astounding enthusiasm for life, and all of its simple pleasures, that it's almost overwhelming to us repressed and/or jaded "First-Worlders."


When you add to that the fact that it's possible for those of us of a certain age with less-than-porno-star bodies to attract some stunningly beautiful and sexy men, it's nothing short of a dream come true. In spite of the fact that I know it's possible, I find I keep pinching myself to believe that someone like my new friend really is attracted to me and wants to be with me for the long haul. That nasty little character known as "Bad Self Image" keeps whispering into one ear things like "How could a guy like that be interested in a schlump like you, when he could obviously have anybody he wanted?" Fortunately, that other little character "Good Sense" has finally gotten his voice and is reminding me loudly that I'm as worthy of his affection as anyone else, and if he's not hung up over my looks or the fact that I'm no Greek god, that's his business, not mine. My job is just to accept that he's attracted to me, and show him in every possible way how much he means to me.


I'm sure there will be friends back home who will be incredulous that I've somehow landed such a catch (and besides being, um, monumental, he's also a very attractive guy -- not the handsomest compared to some of the guys I've known here, but still very nice looking, with an absolutely dazzling smile). After all, it wouldn't be easy in our rigidly "lookist" and "ageist" cultures. In fact, it would be very unlikely at all. So thank you G-d for taking pity on your crazy, hung-up Creation, and providing us with Brazil as a reminder of what life and human relationships can really be like! And accept the gift Brazil has given you, Big Daddy, and if your friends just won't "get" it, even after you've explained it to them over and over again, well the important thing is that YOU "get" it and have plans to let Brazil become as essential a part of your life as it has for some of the rest of us here!

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I am so happy for you Tri!! Reminds me of the saying..."and they said it couldn't be done." Well, what do they know? For some people, Brasil redefines all the parameters. Do you remember a time when dreams really did come true? Well, you have found the place where those things still really do happen. Boa sorte. :+

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I guess your newest love must be "Passivo" ???

Glad to hear that your long weekend was a fantasy come true.

Now maybe the wedding can be held at the new Gulliver Palace plus reception at Casa de Jake.

Since the street is gated anyway it could be a great location for any invited M4Mers future social plans.

Good Luck !!

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I guess your newest love must be "Passivo" ???

Glad to hear that your long weekend was a fantasy come true.

Now maybe the wedding can be held at the new Gulliver Palace plus reception at Casa de Jake.

Since the street is gated anyway it could be a great location for any invited M4Mers future social plans.

Good Luck !!

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Um, actually he's all "ativo." But he's a very affectionate, playful, cuddly "ativo!" Dealing with him is definitely a challenge, but I've always had a "Sir Edmund Hillary complex," so I find the challenge thrilling, indeed! Besides, my new BF is being very patient because he knows he's not your average guy and can't just start pounding away!


As for the wedding, I was thinking about asking Jake/Gulliver for the use of their street for the ceremony/reception. It should hold a nice tent and hundreds of guess! ;)


Arrgh! Somebody stop me before I let my fantasies run away with me! As it is, just being wth him is a fantasy come true. When it comes to the rest, we're going to take things one day at a time. Going into a relationship in Brazil creates a whole bunch of legal obligations, now that the courts here are recognizing long-term same-sex relationships as equivalent to common-law marriage. So both of us want to take this slowly to be sure it's the real thing. But it sure feels like it could be!

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Um, actually he's all "ativo." But he's a very affectionate, playful, cuddly "ativo!" Dealing with him is definitely a challenge, but I've always had a "Sir Edmund Hillary complex," so I find the challenge thrilling, indeed! Besides, my new BF is being very patient because he knows he's not your average guy and can't just start pounding away!


As for the wedding, I was thinking about asking Jake/Gulliver for the use of their street for the ceremony/reception. It should hold a nice tent and hundreds of guess! ;)


Arrgh! Somebody stop me before I let my fantasies run away with me! As it is, just being wth him is a fantasy come true. When it comes to the rest, we're going to take things one day at a time. Going into a relationship in Brazil creates a whole bunch of legal obligations, now that the courts here are recognizing long-term same-sex relationships as equivalent to common-law marriage. So both of us want to take this slowly to be sure it's the real thing. But it sure feels like it could be!

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Well of course like all the Brazil fanatics who trace their interest in that marvelous country back to Tri's epoch-making, and semi-world famous, first sauna review, I'm thrilled that Cupid's arrow has struck him--although I am wondering just where it hit him--oh no, I'm getting a visual on this!! Anyway, I was struck by Cupid's arrow myself, at Iguassu Falls, and not coincidentally, in the same spot. SF Traveler

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Well, it may have happened! Cupid's arrows may finally have been aimed in my direction.


Just returned from a long weekend in Florianopolis where I went to meet a guy I'd gotten to know through Gaydar. We've been e-mailing and phoning for a couple of months, and things seemed to be going well, so this was to be the acid test. Well, it couldn't have gone any better if I'd scripted it myself! Plus we got a lot of time to spend together and talk about things (as well as have fabulous sex) because the weather was crummy.


Where to start? He's a 6'3", 25-year-old math teacher. Cute, with a slim build (although he's started working out to be more presentable at the beach this summer) and owner of the original D-o-D! (Picture included here, if it works. This is one of his Gaydar shots, which has been viewed thousands of times now, and like most Brazilians he's not only NOT shy about his body, he likes being a "big man on campus!" So he won't be upset that I'm sharing it here.)


He's very sweet (becoming the cliché word when referring to Brazilians), intelligent and mature for his age. When I expressed my wonderment that he'd be interested in me, he replied that he prefers being with older guys and he's not very much into what his dates look like. He's more into personalities. (He is vain, though; he positively preened in front of the mirror in the hotel, both nude and in some of the shirts I'd brought as gifts. But he was so cute about it; it was like Xmas had arrived early!) Also, Floripa is a relatively small city (about 700,000 in the metro area) and its gay scene is even smaller, and by now everyone there knows he's got the biggest dick in the state of Santa Catarina. It was fun for a while, but he's finally gotten tired of being a one-night-stand for guys who just want to check out the monumental equipment. Even stars can get affection-starved, and he wants a relationship, not another overnight quickie. He's tired of being treated like a "disposable." (His words.) He's also been planning for about a year to move to Rio to complete his academic work, so he's coming to Rio in December when the school holidays start to apply to a couple of universities here. If he's accepted, he plans to stay. So does this work out, or what?


Stay tuned for this new twist. Tri's life may be about to become as interesting as one of the Brazilian telenovelas! Rinsing out the wash-n-wear bridesmaid outfits might be a good idea, too, guys! Because I'm pretty head-over-heels right now. I didn't go to Floripa with high expectations, considering all the game-players online, but everything he said about himself is true, and so are the pictures he posted. He pushes ALL of my buttons, and says ALL the right things! No fool like an old fool, they say, but this old fool isn't going to be overly analytical this time! That helped kill off at least a couple of earlier possible relationships, and I've learned my lesson: DON'T act like he's crazy for liking me! I need to act like I deserve it!!! And that's what I'm doing this time!


Of course, if real wedding bells ring (and before much longer it's probable that same-sex civil unions will be legalized in Brazil) I may have to give up my role as the Boswell of the Brazilian escort scene. However, I have told my new friend about what I've been up to, so he'd hear it from me first and not from some back-biting "friend," and he's OK with it. But as you can see from the picture, he's going to be more than enough to keep me busy for as long as he wants, so I'll inevitably have to cut back on my "extra-curricular" activities. The saga will continue after December 20th, when he comes to Rio. Don't touch that dial! And please don't drool TOO much over my beau's photo (if it posts correctly). It's just hell on your keyboard! :D



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  • 3 weeks later...



Well, guys, tomorrow morning's the big day! The new BF is arriving, and a new phase is beginning! Stay tuned, but this is undoubtedly going to cause changes in my M4M life! Exactly what or how, I'm not sure yet, but I'm sure it's going to have an impact!


Anyway, wish us luck! Hopefully you can all come dance at our silver wedding anniversary! :D

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Í'll bet you have a little trouble getting to sleep tonight!! He is lucky to have found you. I wish you only the happiest of times. Boa sorte. :+

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Big Daddy, don't let the nay sayers piss on your parade or in any way diminish or discount the joy you found in Rio. Who is to say what is real between two hearts beating as one?

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