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WARNING/ Sauna boy Isreal a thief

Big Daddy
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Two days ago, 3 of us went to Petropolis. I took Wan Hallen, LA (using state name that they are from) took Adriano and MI took Isreal. We walked everywhere, and I have an aching back, probably from a harder bed than I am used to. In any event, Isreal offered to give me a massage when we got back, and said no charge. We had paid for the trip to Petropolis, which was a first for all three. While Wan Hallen and Adriano were definietely with me and MI, Isreal came along at the last minute to keep MI company. When we got back, Wan Hallen went home for a while and Isreal gave me a great massage. He said he did not want to get paid, but I gave him 50 realis. Yesterday Wan Hallen and Adriano came to me very upset b ecause they found out Isreal lifted 200 realis from my wallet. Wan Hallen got in a fist fight with Isreal over it. Any of you still in Rio, or thinking about coming, be warned that Isreal is now the one bad apple in the barrel. Also, will be telling Junior, who owns two of the saunas about the thieft.


Big Daddy

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Hi Big Daddy,

It was great to meet you in Rio. I`m still suffering Rio Withdrawal so envious of your extended visit.

While I certainly don`t condone what happened with Israel it seems like a physical punishment was already taken care of by Wan Hallen.

I don`t know all of the circumstances but was told that once a boy is blacklisted by a sauna then they are by all. I don`t know that you want to jeopordize his career? by reporting him to Junior for the sake of $70 US. He might be the whole financial source for his needy family and hopefully his lesson was learned. For all of the sauna visitors to the hotel this is the only incident I have heard of other than the working boy I found late in the evening who ripped off my sunglasses after disagreement over previously negotiated price for services provided. That was my own fault.

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In response to funseekers comments, I have two of my own. His comment about "ruining his guys career". I would hope that a career in prostitution is not what this guy wants and maybe "ruining his career" may help him to move on to something better. My second comment is that I would hope that no one on this board would approve of one stealing from another regardless of the reason. A thief is a theif is a theif.



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Oops. Getting myself in trouble here.

Don`t know the whole story and don`t know why he would tell the other boys that he had stolen money in the first place but if there is an ongoing history then obviously he should go.

To WT.

This is a very lucrative business for these guys and many consider it a career -at least for the present. I was amazed how many of these guys are straight,married, have kids etc.

We seem to be getting very preachy and judgemental here. Apparently no one has ever been ripped off by an escort or pickpocketed in a hustler bar before.

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>This is a very lucrative business for these guys and many

>consider it a career -at least for the present. I was amazed

>how many of these guys are straight,married, have kids etc.


Which is why it is foolish for one of them to jeopardize such a career.


>We seem to be getting very preachy and judgemental here.

>Apparently no one has ever been ripped off by an escort or

>pickpocketed in a hustler bar before.


I'm not sure it's jugdemental to say that someone who steals from a john's wallet should never be hired again. All the Rio regulars have had guys in their rooms and I've never heard of a theft before. Israel is obviously a bad apple who SHOULD be avoided.



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Hi CT,

Don`t intend to continue with this post however your comment is true except that I got ripped off in my room once this trip by a non sauna

boy. My fault. I accept it. Was surprised to find minibar bottles at the foot of my bed after he got booted out. Didn`t leave my wallet out but could have accidently. If you invite a stranger to your room what the hell do you expect.

Once again I don`t know the entire facts on this scene but I was in Rio at the same time, met BD and his favorite and probably met the other guy. Don`t recall if I met Israel but hate to see a young man`s

future effed up for the sake of $70 US, if there is another possible story to this situation.

For God`s Sake it`s Rio. "Land of Smiles". Chalk it off to a bad experience.

Don`t let this be a big negative to visit. It`s a wonderful place.

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His "future" is not going up in flames for the sake of $70, it is because he is a thief. It seems dastardly to hide this knowledge from other men here going to Rio just because you still have starry eyes left over from your trip.

I suppose if he had stabbed someone you would have wanted to cover that up also? How much harm are you willing to allow and where do you draw the line Mr. Funseeker?

What is the point of a review such as we do here if we cover up for the thiefs?

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It seems like "Sir Lucky" is in a "dastardly" frame of mind today, therefore I`ll throw down the gauntlet and ask him to buy this humble West Coaster a drink when I visit NYC during the week of 11/24. If he`s nice, I might return the offer. No promises though if he`s still in a lynching mode.

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>His "future" is not going up in flames for the sake of $70,

>it is because he is a thief. It seems dastardly to hide this

>knowledge from other men here going to Rio just because you

>still have starry eyes left over from your trip.

>I suppose if he had stabbed someone you would have wanted to

>cover that up also? How much harm are you willing to allow and

>where do you draw the line Mr. Funseeker?

>What is the point of a review such as we do here if we cover

>up for the thiefs?


I'm 100% with you Lucky on this one. I am also puzzled by Funseekers comments in this thread :(. Maybe he is still experiencing a little jetlag :).


If the original author of this thread is correct and this happened to me i would be buying billboards (if I had the money) letting people know what a theif the companion is. I would not hide it or wash it over like it is no big deal or even "expected" as Funseeker suggests in one post when he comments about letting strangers into your room. Well, when I let strangers into my room I EXPECT them to respect as I will respect them.


Please FS get a little more sleep before continuing in this thread. Then if you feel the same way so be it.

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HIGH FIVE! :) Short, succinct and to the point!


How could anyone who had sex with 10 hot young men for a total of $300 U.S. possibly complain about a masseur lifting $70, especially after he provided service "free of charge"?


The "victim" sure didn't, but it sure speaks volumes about the "exploitative sexual tourists" to condone physical violence against/rave for banishment of, some poor underprivilaged guy doing what comes naturally?


Do you think that perhaps, he wasn't young enough, beautiful enough or hung enough, for the sexual tourist predators, ergo he had no other choice? x(


They have no qualms about justifying their exploitation as some holy mission to feed the families of the young, attractive "boys" at $15/hr, but damn it if the guy is over 20 and thus rejected as too old and less than desirable, then his family can starve! Such magnamity deserves sainthood. :)

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To VaHawk:


If you were to purchase a nice shirt in Mexico for $8.us would you pay the vendor $25.us instead, because that is what you would pay for such a shirt in the USA?


There is no exploitation of these men displayed within the Rio threads. They're working to earn money and are being paid the appropriate rate for their services based on the fair market value principles of their region.


The man sounding the warning is doing a great service that shall benefit many who will remain unknown to us all. He should not be abused for acting properly.

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>If you were to purchase a nice shirt in Mexico for $8.us would

>you pay the vendor $25.us instead, because that is what you

>would pay for such a shirt in the USA?


I guess that would depend if you traveled to Mexico solely for the purpose of buying the cheaper shirt, that you know is cheaper because of the exploitation of Mexican workers.


>There is no exploitation of these men displayed within the Rio

>threads. They're working to earn money and are being paid the

>appropriate rate for their services based on the fair market

>value principles of their region.


Both Karl Marx and Adam Smith believed in the labor theory of value. I would suggest that the young man in question thought his labor was valued at more than what the original correspondent wanted to pay and acted acordingly. I find it interesting that when ever I hear these stories from Rio they always take the same form. Some guy picks up a hustler to get cheaper hustler rates, and then bitches like a Queen in heat when he is hustled.

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I'm with the original poster on this one. A thief is a thief is a thief, no matter where you find them. If this kid will steal from a client, he's also likely to steal from the other escorts (earlier this year I witnessed a major scene at 117 when the other boys finally caught a guy they'd long suspected of pilfering their lockers). The other escorts would want this guy banished, in any case, because allowing him to continue will give ALL of them a bad name, and 99% of them are honest businessmen, as those of us who've been to Rio can attest.


And nobody that I've met here is exploiting the escorts. The visiting M4Mers are all paying the going market rate (or even more, in spite of advice to the contrary). In addition, they've provided many gifts for the guys, buy them clothes and athletic shoes, take them on excursions and to restaurants they'd never be able to afford on their own, and otherwise treat them much better than most local clients do.


I'm sure there are bad apples among the clients who come to Brazil, but fortunately they've been very few, too! However, if one of the guys feels ripped-off by a client, you can be sure the client will know about it shortly, sometimes in a VERY unpleasant fashion. Brazilians are the world's nicest people, but that doesn't mean they're willing to be taken advantage of, and they know perfectly well how to take care of business and get even, when necessary. The wise traveler doesn't want to know what that could involve.

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>And nobody that I've met here is exploiting the escorts. The

>visiting M4Mers are all paying the going market rate (or even

>more, in spite of advice to the contrary). In addition,

>they've provided many gifts for the guys, buy them clothes and

>athletic shoes, take them on excursions and to restaurants

>they'd never be able to afford on their own, and otherwise

>treat them much better than most local clients do.


And anybody who disagrees you must be censored for doing so? Don't you have the confidence of your convictions?

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Excuse me, what's to disagree with? You aren't here in Rio, you haven't been with the escorts or their clients, you haven't witnessed how the clients treat the escorts, and all you're doing is making assumptions, being preachy (when not being hateful), condemning behavior you haven't seen or experienced, and not adding anything constructive to the discussion.


Then, of course, you talk out of both sides of your mouth (what a surprise)! After all, on the one hand you condemn visiting foreigners for paying Brazilian escorts the going local market rate, yet you used up a staggering amount of bandwidth attacking Bruno Gaucho for charging the going U.S. market rate when he visited the U.S. I guess that shoots your credibility on that subject right in the foot.


Also, kindly answer for the readership here how your own use of escorts while traveling abroad (as evidenced by your multitudinous postings on the subject) doesn't make you a sexual tourist, too?


Once again, the pot has been calling the kettle black!

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>Excuse me, what's to disagree with? You aren't here in Rio,

>you haven't been with the escorts or their clients, you

>haven't witnessed how the clients treat the escorts, and all

>you're doing is making assumptions, being preachy (when not

>being hateful), condemning behavior you haven't seen or

>experienced, and not adding anything constructive to the



If you have nothing to disagree with, why the censorship? My comments here are based solely on what was written by the poster, other comments on this thread and in this longe. Based on his conduct alone as disclosed here, his fate was to be expected and to be dserved


>Then, of course, you talk out of both sides of your mouth

>(what a surprise)! After all, on the one hand you condemn

>visiting foreigners for paying Brazilian escorts the going

>local market rate, yet you used up a staggering amount of

>bandwidth attacking Bruno Gaucho for charging the going U.S.

>market rate when he visited the U.S. I guess that shoots your

>credibility on that subject right in the foot.


I never once criticized Bruno for charging U.S. rates in the U.S. I criticized him for bad escort practices including: (a) holding 2 hour minimum requirements; and (b) holding himself out on-line as versatile while refusing to bottom, or to disclose that fact to potential clients. I am not sure what is more pathetic, your censorship or your distortion.

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>I would hope that a

>career in prostitution is not what this guy wants and maybe

>"ruining his career" may help him to move on to something



At the risk of being censored by Rabbi Trisexual, might I suggest that your perspective is odd to find on a web site for consumers of escort services. What's wrong with a career in prostitution? Attitudes like yours lead people to pay these guys than their services are worth.

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Guest msclonly

A penny here, a penny there, and before you know ....


..it adds up to real money!


It is not the amount, so much as it is to let this kind of behavior go on to effect many more 'victims'! It could lead to hundreds or thousands unchecked. Or could lead to some nasty outcome, when finally confronted. Of course, you know it starts with little amounts, then increases. The stated amount might not be correct, unless you are taking his word as gospel.


Overall, I was very impressed with the way things were run in Rio. Certainly, less of a hassle then here in LaLaLand or on the other coast. Except for a couple of older pros, that had to play the game to the max, the guys were very nice to be with. No attitude to deal with. I was impressed with the social aspects, as well as, the entertainments for the evening. Beats drinking yourself blind at a bar around here.


}( :+ }(

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