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Early Bird gets the . . . . .

Guest Jaunty
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I awoke this first morning in Rio about 2:30 AM thinking: What was I thinking last night? I must have been really__________ (fill in the blank)


Oh, maybe some background is in order: Arrived yesterday after a Loooong flight from Lax, 11 1/2 hours to Sao Paulo plus anther 2 hours to Rio. Talk about cabin fever! (not to be confused with cabine fever!) }(


Checked into apartment. Pleasant, spacious, great location, but with the usual supply of Quirks: shower head pointing straight down in a cramped stall which makes sluicing out the armpits an awkward limbo like maneuver, a kitchen tap less than a meter from the water heater, but still no hot water (unless it is a very tricky tap) and my favorite: a kitchen window that is permanently open. Like no glass, as in an opening in the wall. Yes this is the tropics, but . . .

this is also mosquito country. This brings me face to face with one of the persistent legends of Rio: "Oh we don't have mosquitos in Copa and Ipanema" This bromide was repeated to me by a frequent poster here, and less than an hour later in a restaurant we were being cruised by a mosquito!:-( Bring your repellant . . .

I have seen mosquito here in elevators numerous times, for some bizarre reason, (including the Atlantico hotel, BTW)


Then it was about 3 frustrating hours trying to activate cell phone. It was finally decided that the system was faulty; try again tomorrow. So all those first day phone calls didn't get made.


The day was fading and so was I, but I had to make it to 117. Got on the subway about 6:30Pm which was standing room only, and at the Botafugo stop and flood of people came on board and we were packed! Never saw the metro so full, but it had its compensations . . . ;-)


One of the fun things about walking into 117 is the entrance. The door buzzer sounds and you step into the hall which is always decorated in hot men in skimpy towels! The very first man rang my chimes; smiling, cute face, 26, and he spoke some english. Well, it was pretty much a done deal . . . of course I went through the motions of going to the bar and having a drink with Marcos but he was definitely "my type" }( I did explain that I was recently arrived and weary so this would be a bit low key and we did have a lovely time together. He is definitely a keeper. Then it was back to the bar. This was my first chance to see the new lower level bar. It didn't have many people in it and struck me as being cavernous and cold. Maybe in the heat of summer . . .


Back in the familar upstairs bar, Marcos took his leave to go home.And I had a chance to survey the scene. Wednesday is a slow night at 117 but there was an extraordinary number of truly gorgeous new men on view. I sat at the far end of the bar waiting for Jake to reappear. By now, my energy meter was flashing a red warning light,and when the effects of the last Red Bull caffeine faded, so would I! Almost no sleep for the 2 previous nights and I was one tired Jose. It wasn't fair to flirt with the boys but be unable to follow through, so I tried to be inconspicious. Three guesses how successful that was! Especially when Jake joined me, we were Eems of interest"to the boys so they came by to chat. Victor, Pedro, Jalapa (?) Cesar, (he almost conquored}( ), and and finally charming whatsiname. And these were just the super gorgeous ones that pushed my buttons. And I turned them all down . . . . . and that was my question when I awoke in the early AM . . . WHAT WAS I THINKING!


The answer to the pop quiz question at the top of this narrative is tired or acceptable alternative: Crazy!


The flip side of course, is for all of you who have asked or wondered will there be enough to "go around"? Fear not, Brasil is a land of abundance:+

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I look forward to a great many more posts Jaunty! I still recall your vivid descriptions of the sauna scene and how I eagerly awaited to experience some of Rio's treats which you so brilliantly described. If you happen to see Mozart and Fabio please extend my greetings. I also want to say hello of Jake and Tri. (I would recommend a visit to a hardware to see about buying some screening). Have a great time!!

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Night at the Opera


Rio calls it the Teatro Municipal but it is really the opera house inspired by the one in Paris. A wonderful building in the Grand Style of 1908 Beaux Arts. Mostly original and in fine shape, I jumped at the chance to attend a production of Rigoletto. None of the Belle Epoque boxes were available but our seats in center of first balcony were just fine. A decent production but the building and audience were equal attractions. One darkly handsome man and I played eye contact flirtation across the marble lobby. Once upon a time I might have made a fool of myself by trying to slip him a note, (he was well escorted!) but I realized early onthat this was just a momentary flirtation and I enjoyed it as such without seting up a lot of expectations.


It wasn't until after the performance the Marx Brothers aspects of the evening began to develop. We thought we were so fortunate to grab a cab so quickly. (we had arrived by metro) It was hard to decide which was more decrepit, the driver or the cab! :-( The seat belts didn't work, the front pax window didn't roll up (it was raining): these were clues that we were infor a memorable ride! The blown out muffler gave a roaring exhaust note and when the clutch was engaged the symphony of cracking, groaning, creaking sounds was topped only by the LURCH!. At speed, even on a smooth blvd. it was like riding in a motor boat, and we were making bets whether we would make it to the Little Owl, yellow Awning restaurant.


Fica La


The infamous rendevous, known variously in these pages as Jabba's, Yellow Awning, etc. has a real name that is equally difficult to spell or pronounce. We made something of an entrance with our smoking, roaring, lurching cab, and of course we were all somewhat overdressed. This is a fairly ordinary sidewalk cafe by day that changes character late at night.


This was Thursday night before the great influx of m4m types but we couldn't resist speculating about another table of men nearby. Driver, we know you and others are about somewhere, but all in good time,I guess.


I violated oneof my own rules with unpleasant consequences. I never take home anyone with whom I haven't had at least one great experience in Sauna or motel and who hasn't been vetted by others.

Leo, (leonardo) was highly recommended by people I trust so I took a chance on him. Big mistake.


Friday dawned bright and spring like. Almost everyone was due to arrive today. Finally got cell phone working, sort of :7


I couldn't get the fab five from 117 on Wednesday night that I had passed up out of my mind. So I went to 117 early in the evening to see if I could catch up. Every else would be going to 202 for the big party so I would have the place nearly to myself, right? }(


Fat Chance Survival School


Striding confidently into the bar at 117, who do I find enscounced at a table with entourage but Tomcal. :o Great minds run in the same path! And who did I bump into on the stairs on the way up but Julio (now calling himself Junior) this stunningly beautiful, muscle boy type that I had all too briefly experienced in the waning hours of last Octobers trip. He obviously remembered me also! What a sweetheart! It was with GREAT reluctance that I tore myself away from 117 to attend the 202 party.


This turned out to be a day of great reunions with fab favorites from previous trips. I no sooner walked in the door with great party in full swing (8 PM) than I bumped into Marcio who I hadn't seen since June of 2002. Well, we immediately linked up for a drink and a tour (my first visit there) and when we got to the seco sauna he showed me how happy he was to see me. The place was packed with amazing men, each one more gorgeous than the last. And I mean packed! They really did throw a fab party. The Flashing lights and sound level were way too harsh for me; so I spent much of my time in smaller spaces. }(


Marcio was followed by another old favorite: Antonio from the late lamented Rogers. We closed the place up.


Pointe 202 is a great place and they went all out to throw a great party. Even the lockerroom attendant was primo!


Now that I have indulged in a frenzy of nostaglia for old flames, I am setting my sights on New-New-New!


to be continud.

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RE: Night at the Opera


Jaunty, really enjoying your travelogues!


You also hit one of my pet peeves about 202

when you wrote:


"The flashing lights and sound

level were way too harsh for me..."


I agree 100%. When I was there in August,

and they started the show, the eye-killing

strobe light and ear-deadening music volume

were insane.


I complained to the little pixie who was

running the scene but he was clueless and

seemed to think toning things down would

mean he had lost his power or something.


But then maybe the idea to run us off to

the rental cabines upstairs!


Anyway, I'll continue envying you via your

posts until I get there the week before

Christmas. Onward, Billy

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Shopping Around


The ever increasing time lapse between my posts should tell you something . . . There is so much and so many to see and DO ! }(

The Friday Night party thrown for us at Pointe 202 was really wonderful! A high point of the trip.


Let´s see, where was I? Oh yes, seeking the new and fabulous with a special emphasis on the 5 I passed up the first night. Back to 117 and who did I meet but #5, whatisname in previous post but Mario in the sauna. I started talking with a friend of his just before Mario apeared and the 2 of them were delightful company. They kept dropping hints about a 3 way but my experience with Brasilian 3 ways has been disappointing. We had just enough communication skills amongst us for me to convey my experiences with enegetic, passionate garotas, who would turn cool and distant in the presence of another garota. They assured me they were amigos and this would not be the case this time. And they were right. ;-)


Mario really wonderful; handsome, built, warm, smiling, charming, passionate. A great sexy guy who would have been a great candidate for a longer term relationship But, he shot himself in the foot. Before we had even cooled down from the first round, he was asking 100R for the next session and we hadn´t even left the sauna!!! Hmmmm . . . the handwriting was on the wall and it wasn´t in invisible ink: MONEY< MONEY, Money! Farewell Mario, Next!

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RE: Shopping Around


It is quite interesting that we have been with the same men. If your Mario has brown puppy dog eyes and a recently buffed up bod I think I saw him during my January visit. He demanded more money than the agreed upon price and I never went with him again. I also refused to have anything to do with him on my visit in May. I guess he will never learn!

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