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Jackhammer91406 IN-BEDed in RIO

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RE: Niiice...


It is simply not true to suggest that jackhammer is one who posts insults and provokes fights. He posts from the heart and is often entertaining. He certainly seems to care a lot more about his fellow posters, not to mention the escorts that he sees, than you do axe.

Your original question did not need to be asked at all. The fact that you did was meant to suggest some wrongdoing, and you know it. It is you adrian who cannot resist the urge to stoke the fire and fan the flames.

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RE: Niiice...


>Your original question did not need to be asked at all. The

>fact that you did was meant to suggest some wrongdoing, and

>you know it.


If that were remotely true, I would have responded to his initial reply which I did not. I only responded when he went off on another thread.


I make no apology for saying that I find sexual tourism to be dispicable. I have little patience with men who take their diseases, exploitative payment practices, child sexaual abuse and invasions of personal privacy to poor third world guys who for the most part are not so much gay as desparate. So I asked a legitimate question with no view at all as to what the answer would be. I have asked similar questions in response to some of Les's posts. The fact that Jack flew off the hammer merely in response to asking the question in a neutral manner, reminds me very much of Rabbi Trisexual's response when others along with me questioned his payment practices in Brazil.

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RE: Niiice...


>I make no apology for saying that I find sexual tourism to be

>dispicable. I have little patience with men who take their

>diseases, exploitative payment practices, child sexaual abuse

>and invasions of personal privacy to poor third world guys who

>for the most part are not so much gay as desparate. So I

>asked a legitimate question with no view at all as to what the

>answer would be. I have asked similar questions in response

>to some of Les's posts. The fact that Jack flew off the

>hammer merely in response to asking the question in a neutral

>manner, reminds me very much of Rabbi Trisexual's response

>when others along with me questioned his payment practices in



Boy are you making assumptions. I think both of you should grow up. The question shouldn't have been asked and you should have bitten your tongue and ignored Jackhammer's response.


To assume that the M4Mers that are in Rio have diseases, are exploiting the escorts in Rio payment wise and are sexually abusing children is plain ludicrous. Don't make assumptions without knowing for a fact that your statements are true.


Sounds like libelous comments to me. I personally don't want to read a "back and forth" between you and Jackahammer. Give it a rest.

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Rio Journal


Hi, Jackhammer,

First of all, I'd like to thank you for the previous posts and pictures. For us M4M'ers who were unable to go to Rio, it has been great to read about your doings and the fun you have been having. It has been the next best thing to being there. I am really sad that I was not able to attend the parties and meet up with other M4M'ers but your posts were wonderfully written and you made it feel like I was there along with you. Please continue to write and keep the mood going. If you decide to post in a private location, I would love to receive them. My email address is: Robbguy1001@aol.com. Muito Obrigado. Robb

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RE: no exploitation


>This is a call for a truce in this thread.Ad Rian/Axelease

>stop this flaming,and Jack-don't feed the trolls.

>Many of us were enjoying this travelogue and now you both have

>spoiled it.

>If you are going to continue this-find somewhere else to do



>Thanks to both of you in advance for acting like grown men.


Of course they won't act like grown men or you wouldn't need to suggest it.


Axelgrease has dropped his spew into the soup and got his predictable response. Someone took the bait.


You said it early in your post, BGIP, DON'T FEED THE TROLLS! When baited, *ignore*! (Or respond with a kiss on the cheek, your choice of cheeks.)


Testosterone is a great thing when a willing 20-yo has his legs in the air but it's a really bad thing most other times.

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Sorry I am not able to provide an alternate for the log, and I feel after the events I would like to refocus my attention on what should be the focus of my trip, to have a great time in RIO.


I had enjoyed sharing so much, that it kind of took over. So I will suspend the reports since there are a number of other posters carrying great threads on the activities down here.


A couple of brief parting notes. The Soiree last night was huge and a huge hit. Many, many boys, and tons of food and drink. All of the boys got a bagful of gifts and the ones I talked to were all happy. I had the chance to spend some more time with Fabio, and later got a massage from Apaolus,(great guy, immesely strong, 8 % body fat, and as charming as they come). I called it an early night around 10:30, but I know the party went on until 11:30 when most adjourned to Corajinas'.


I may never have the strength, health, or finances to come to this magical place again, so I am grateful to be here and have enjoyed sharing it.

Thanks for coming along

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RE: Suspension


But Hammer, I'm sure I am just one of many people who have enjoyed reading your travelogue on a daily basis. Driver has posted a couple of times, but other than that---nothing!! With so many m4m members there, I was hoping for a lot more posting, but it's not happening. I think the others are just having too much fun to bother posting. Have all the fun and joy your heart can hold. Keep good notes and maybe you can post more details when you arrive home. ;(

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That is my intention. I will log the journal daily on my laptop as I have been doing all along. I will download the pics to the site where I can link to them...all done offline with no self imposed deadlines. Then when I get home, I will continue the posts on a daily basis just as if they were happening. That way, I don't have to spend time I should be using to experience this place. Hope that's ok with everyone.



And Axebahia. Thanks, I will.

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RE: Sunday with the locals


>Life is good, you are alive and in

>Rio--savor each and every moment.:+


yes Mr. Jacky...I'm sure you can find free sex there too...just whip out that fat huge glistening cock...I'm sure someone will volunteer.


One of my favorite things to do in the mornings when I got up there was to go to the juice stand and get fresh squeezed juice.....I always met people there...and the beach too.


Hope you have more Cockslapping stories to tell...and please kiss each boy one more time for me.



If it dont fit, force it


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RE: Sunday with the locals


>One of my favorite things to do in the mornings when I got up

>there was to go to the juice stand and get fresh squeezed

>juice.....I always met people there...and the beach too.


Actually, nothing beats staying on the Ipanema beach, and getting up in the morning and running to one end, then stopping for some fresh coconut water, ans then running to the other end and getting some more. I hope there some left when I get there next month!:-)

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Down, But not out.


The suspension of the diary was because I needed to spend more time enjoying RIO than writing about it, and dealing with uploading pics to the internet so I could link to them in posts. It was the intention to resume once I returned home and bring those interested up to date.


Having been, in essence self quarantined with bronchitis at the hotel since Monday, it seems that fate has made it obvious that I can make some reports until I am more fit for the pleasures of RIO. So here goes;




The early part of the day was spent answering a slew of emails regarding one flame war of the night before. Most of you recognize Sunday night’s posts as the exception for me rather than the norm. Be that as it may, I take responsibility and my thanks to Hooboy and Daddy for cleaning up my mess. I will try to stay house trained from now on.


The M4Mers that I met during the day were very excited about the party that night. I virtually kidnapped skewerpole and garatofun and forced them to join me for a light lunch at Bella Blu. I was sitting there and skewer walked by. Once I had grabbed him, garatofun came in willingly. We laughed and talked, and had a nice meal, then about 45 minutes later, they realized they had some shopping they wanted to do before the party.


Back at the hotel, I cleaned up, answered some email, caught up on the wildfires in California via CNN, and by that time it was PARTY TIME.


The Soiree


The Atlantico Copacabana is a wonderful hotel. They have been cooperative considering the chaos involved in coordinating 40 or more diverse and far flung men gathering at their hotel. Tomcal has described it as herding cats, and that is probably an understatement.


The organizers of this event are owed a great debt of thanks for pulling off a remarkable evening with almost no hitch. If there is a drawback it is that 2 or 3 of our group have avoided paying their share, leaving the organizers holding the bill. SHAME ON YOU, you KNOW who you are. Pay up or I will out you. After Sunday night, you know after a few capahrinas I can do it


The original plan was to give each M4Mer one invite for his favorite sauna boy. The original Brazil Nuts were to fill out the invites with boys they knew would be good for our crowd.. The results were:


Nearly 40 or more of us, and as I understand it all of the 85 T shirts were gone, making the total number somewhere over 100! Hey Hooboy, did you ever think that many would gather under your banner???????


The hotel had catered the food and there was plenty; hot dishes of beef, chicken, pork, paella, as well as cold hor's derves. There was one hotel employee who spent virtually the whole evening mashing limes for caparhinas. Shoot, according to my spell check, I still don’t know how to spell the damn things, but I know how to swallow.(don’t get ANY ideas). I also know how to make one when necessary.


There were a number of young men I recognized from my scant three trips to saunas. Some dancers from the Friday night Festa at 202. The cool thing about the party, was each of us was wearing a name tag. I know, how conventional, but M4Mer’s tags included their handles, so that we could spot who we were meeting. Between talking to each other, various boys would walk by that we had been with and so we would introduce them to other M4Mers, kinda like pimping I guess, but hey, it’s a party. Nice to have an intro to a boy with some background.


Although I was just beginning to not feel well (I had no idea it was going to get so bad) I did see Fabio (from 117) and invited him downstairs for a while. Later, Funseeker, the new slut of RIO, introduced me to Apoulo who works at the pointe 202 . Apoulo is a well muscled youth who gives a very firm massage!!! So downstairs we went. After we got back upstairs, the boys were given their gift bags. This process went on for a good 30 minutes. Much laughter and many smiles later, the boys were still mingling within the crowd, but a number of them had moved off to the sides to sit down and show off their gifts. So many smiles, so many WHITE TEETH. I have neglected to mention that the Brazilians are almost manic about hygiene. I have yet to have a boy in my room, who after showering didn’t clean his ears with my qtips, or even use my clippers to trim and file his nails. They are very proud of their white teeth and they have every reason. The boys who received parfum in their bags, went around letting the other boys smell their new fragrances. Lest any reader be concerned that these boys were so impoverished that these small trinkets were tantamount to giving beads to the Indians, let me add, the average salary for a brazian worker is about 200 reas a month. The boys make 2,000 or more a month and while they are conservative in their spending and much of their money goes to support wives, children, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters, they are like anyone who receives a gift. Very appreciative.


I hope to include some pictures of the party, although other M4Mers took a huge quantity, I did not…uhhh, ‘lil jack was back in action so I had other things to do.


The party was a wonderful success. When last I heard from Funseeker, he had taken seven boys to his room (slut). Many gathered at Corijinnas (can’t spell that either) later, so who knows how many Funseeker ended up with.


We’ll take again later


Next up: A very phlegmy problem (can’t spell that either but bet you can’t wait!)











Then there's the picture behind my bed at the hotel that looks down and watches over me during my stay, almost like the Corcovado:




Finally, some recently discoverd pictures of precious Alexander.

Te Adoro









HHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, <cough, cough, cough>

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Tireless work for the benefit of humanity. A sick reporters duty....



I woke up Tuesday morning reeling from a headache, and god-awful stuff coming out of every opening in my body above the shoulders. YUK, the crud that the human body can produce is enough to make you sick, oops, but it’s too late for that , I already am.


Yes, the ever dreaded Bronchitis, the bane of every traveling smoker (oh yeah, forgot, just what I deserve). Though not unexpected (various others had been coughing since Thursday), it was certainly un-welcomed. (Aside to readers, these diaries are produced with WORD, a program I have never used, and while it’s nice to know that you can’t spell and that you have no literary or grammatical skills, I wish to hell, these things would shut the F__K up!)


As soon as I was ready to face another human , I staggered down to the drogeria or farma to pick up some zithromax. I have already told you of the power of the dosages down here, and as I sit here on Wednesday afternoon writing, I already feel better after taking just my second dose this morning.


I managed some café when I got back to the hotel. Speaking of breakfast, rumor has it that Tomcal’s friend, or better, former friend, tricked him yesterday. Seems he told Tomcal it was 11am and they had to hurry and get up. Well it was only 8:30, and wish I could have seen the look on Tomcal’s face, or even the hotel help, when he made his first appearance ever to the hotel breakfast buffet. Tomcal is a great and generous guy, but you really wanna let him sleep. Apparently the stitches come out of his friend next Tuesday and the casts can come off in three months.


On a side note, (and sucking up to Tomcal, cause I look terrible already without stitches and casts,) HE is everything people have said when he is in RIO. The vast numbers of men and boys going and coming from his quarters and just the sheer quantity of positions with the multiple numbers, well, it would take a quantum physics professor or someone to put the numbers into context . What pisses me off, is that he would be easy to hate if he weren’t so darned nice. Some mother’s children…..Anyway, if he doesn’t’ write a modern day Kama Sutra for Rio visitors, he will be missing out on a great revenue stream.


Now, the second best slut in RIO. Funseeker. As I write this, he should be minutes from landing back home in Los Angeles. Yes, my personal banker, AKA, Master, has gone home. There was a great sigh of relief from many and I am told reliably that no less than 100 local boys have announced semi-retirement for 1 month to recover. I can report from one of many of my spies, that Funseeker showed up at Corajinnas on the back of Apoulo’s 500cc motorcycle replete with helmet. Talk about a dramatic entrance. This is, of course, after having no fewer than 7 men down to his room during the soiree. He brought a shy young man back to the hotel that night and I met him the next day. Sweet kid. Actually, considering the funman only needed security help once during his stay, that’s pretty good. Funseeker, aka, Slut, aka, Master, is a great guy and it was fun sharing time and adventures with him. There, Master was that good enough? Now can you please remember to go by my credit union and make that deposit?



I spent most of the day in bed. I did make an appearance in the early evening up on the roof to have a big bowl of the hotel’s chicken rice soup. Delicious. Soon, Carlo (Romanus) came up with a stunning young man who is from Recife, and came to visit Gulliver. My food had just come and Gulliver’s friend was very hungry so I offered him my brochette which I had also ordered. We got some additional drinks, and had a nice impromptu dinner al fresco. It was fun getting to know Gulliver ( who I have only talked briefly with a couple of times.) Fun also getting to know Carlo. If you are coming to RIO, I suggest letting Carlo make the arrangements for you. His info is elsewhere in the FAQ’s section.


Gulliver, RObbguy, and their boys were going out, so after our dinner was finished, they headed out and I went back down to the sick ward. I thought I would pop in a DVD and spend a quiet evening in (Again????) Guess what? The driver for the DVD player is kaput. Around 11pm, I was feeling sorry for myself, so I called Apoulo and asked him to stop by to give me another massage (ok, I am sick, not dead). When he got here, I told him I had a bug, so no kissing, no sex. HE said he was too strong ( I believe it) to catch anything and no problem. Ok, so a great massage, yes kissing, yes sex, and it would sound like bad porn fiction if I described the ways Apoulo took lil jack in every opening possible, so I won’t recount it here. But HE DID!!!




Apoulo allowed me to take wonderful pictures but only for me…Sorry guys.


Next up: Random observations and

Ceeping back to normal (whatever that is)

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>Apoulo allowed me to take wonderful pictures but only for

>me…Sorry guys.


And to think that I left you his cellphone # !!.

Glad that your able to help his economy but please tell him that I will need to see the pics to confirm their authenticity.

On my way to Numbers shortly but suffering severe Rio Withdrawal symptoms. Besides it`s a crappy weather day today.

Actually this is the first time I have been able to catch up on postings since before I got there so it`s been fun.



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On The MENd/ IN-BEDed in RIO


This and That:


First, sorry to be tardy, but I don’t get access to my laptop much anymore, I’ll explain later.


I have noticed a few things during my stay that aren’t necessarily related, but they have made an impression, so I’ll share. Be advised, that these are just my views, that I haven’t seen everywhere, others know more, and I have often had too many caprihinas.


Most of the sidewalks in RIO are made from rock (marble?) chips in a mosaic pattern. Block after block, the patterns weave in and out between setbacks and parkways. What’s cool about it is that when the sidewalks are torn up for repair, (almost all the time somewhere) the chips are set aside and reused. The result is a pattern ubiquitous to

RIO with completed repairs virtually invisible to the eye except from high above the street. Vendors walk up and down the beach area with beach cloths using the mosaic style and saying “RIO”. OK, not an epic observation, but it made an impression on me.


Now the streets; The repairs on the sidewalks are more noticeable to pedestrians, but the street repairs are ever present. The sound of jackhammers (no not noise from my room) fills most neighborhoods. The city is in renewal almost all the time. You can’t ride anywhere in a cab and not see buildings being painted, landscaping, renovation of interiors (complete gutting) new facades, and the like. As for the streets, you will get caught in traffic-slowing merges as drivers are forced out of closed lanes. While there are some places where the streets have lane lines, these seems to make no REAL difference as all drivers, not just cabs, make their own lane and it resembles the first 100 feet at the start of a go cart track. IF you make a bad passenger, better keep to walking or buses.


There is plenty of transit available. A state of the art subway system has a station just across the street from our hotel. The buses (HUGE) run regularly and appear clean and safe. Cabs are perhaps even more numerous than New York or even London. As for the passengers, across the street daily, I see passengers line up for buses to go home from work. Unlike almost everywhere in the U.S., these passengers line up in a self designed queue. There is no jostling to get on the bus, the guy at the front gets on first. The line snakes around the plaza area in an orderly fashion. No fights, no cuts. The people of Brazil respect one another. Yeah, there may be crime, but it is never a crime of disrespect.


Our hotel is located 5 or 6 blocks up from the beach. It is relatively safe. As you get into the smaller side street in many areas, it reminds me of parts of New Orleans with the second story, wrought iron balconies.


Our hotel is perfect for almost any traveler. It is well appointed, polished granite and tile baths with walk-in showers, Jacuzzi tubs, dry saunas, as well as toilet and bidet. Every employee I have met strives to bridge any language barrier to provide you with what you need. I am a good (too good as some have told me) tipper. I don’t believe you can over tip for good service or as an appreciation for a maid who daily leaves extra towels or sheets. Room service waiters regularly tell me to ask for them personally if I need ANYTHING else. The point is not that I tip great, but that the staff responds to visitor’s needs. I like the place a lot.


The weather has been sparkling. There have been a few evenings when there has been light rain but not for long. Yesterday was the only day where Corcovado was fully socked in and then only until 2 or so in the afternoon. I still got plenty of sun. ouch).




Wednesday. I forgot to tell you that last night when I came down from the roof to watch a DVD, my flight attendant Cory had called. He left a message with a number and I called him back today. He is in town until tonight, but since I am not that well and don’t want to expose anyone unwilling, we decided to try to meet early next week when he will have another flight into RIO. Gosh, I love this place.


With the anti-biotic hard at work, I slept until late Wednesday morning. My sheets were drenched (NO , NOT WITH THAT). I guess I sweated a lot out of me, because after nearly 10 hours sleep, I felt much better. I ordered breakfast in and kind of took it easy.

Later I went up on the roof to sit in the sun, I ordered some more chicken soup. I met Gulliver and FlRobb (not ROBBGUY sorry). They planned to go hang gliding . Invited me along and I declined. They said they planned a visit to what I call a carver, but there is a brazilian name for it that I can never remember and obviously couldn’t spell either. It’s like the fish place I told you of earlier, except it’s every kind of roasted meat on spits. They invited me to join them and their boys for dinner. I accepted. Well, a guy’s got to eat. I decided I would like company for the dinner, so I called Alexander but couldn’t reach him. Eduardo came by and called from the lobby. He came up and I discussed with him what I wanted to do for the night. He said he would try to get in touch with Alexander. Now, don’t take this the wrong way as I have read in other threads about our group not being poster boys for tourism because of our various illnesses, Eduardo has had this stuff since I met him on my first Friday. He has suffered through it without complaint, but hasn’t gotten better. I had bought two complete 3 pill doses of the anti-biotic and when he came to my hotel, I gave him the extra one. I also gave him a nice donation for all of his efforts on our group’s behalf. It has not been easy for him to make money himself with so much work setting up various events and stuff. He later called me to say he was feeling better and that he had reached Alexander. My dear young man Alexander showed up at my hotel at 7:30 with his radiant smile and handsome looks.


We took the large hotel car and went to PORCAO at Flamingo. This is the beach area that used to be the location for the federal government before they built the city of Brasilia. All of the old buildings were removed and the area landscaped as parkland on the beach. It is beautiful. In a light rain, we entered a fairly new bunker type building and were presented with a spectacular view. The restaurant has a bountiful salad and appetizer bar with sushi and other exotic starters. Everyone is seated and offered servings of spit roasted meats of all kinds. You have a small coaster-like disk in front of your plate, green on one side (more please) and red on the other (not one more bite!). Ok, these were my designations. Whatever was written on there was Portuguese, so I made something up to represent what the colors do mean. Gulliver, FlaRobb, myself and our three dates had generous samplings of amazing cuts of beef, lamb, pork, chicken parts…it was something. The service was incredible. I don’t remember what the bill came to, but it was incredibly reasonable. I stepped outside to get some air and looked up at the Corcovado . It is lit at night with giant searchlights. The mist was swirling around the base of the statue and it was like looking at Christ on clouds. Amazing!


We came back to the hotel, and Alexander and I said our goodnights with plans to rejoin Gulliver and FLaRobb with their young men the next day for sightseeing. I spent wonderful evening in bed with the King of Kisses.






Next up:

Best Laid plans

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RE: King of Kisses




Thanks for all your posts and pictures. I know you have not been feeling well. It would be nice if you took some photos of the outsides of the various restaurants and saunas you visit; it would be interesting and also perhaps useful for those traveling to Rio in the future. A view of the front of the Atlantico. Some street scenes from the hotel door also.

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Cumming back to life IN-BEDed in RIO




This entry will be fast and furious because there is so much to catch up on. I have also included some requested pics of various other locations of interest.


When we last left ‘lil jack and his new friend Alexander, they were snuggled in bed Wednesday night. Most of my friends from this board both here and back home know that one of the things I really wanted to experience again was having the comfort level to spend long extended periods of time with one person; the pleasure of cuddling before sleep, sleeping entwined with another, that kind of thing. While I found something to like about each of my only three trips to the saunas, the magic of Brazil really opened up for me when I asked Alexander to rejoin me last Wednesday. The king of kisses is SO passionate, attentive and energetic both in and out of bed, it is hard not to become infatuated with him. When you see him do his imitation of Louis Armstrong singing It’s a Wonderful World, your heart smiles.


We slept until about 9 am Thursday, and when we finally got up to get ready to go see Corcovado, Sugar Loaf and Saint Teresa’s with Gulliver, FlaRObb and their boys,

the weather wasn’t cooperating. Corcovado was enshrouded in mist. The tour was called off and Alex and I had the day to ourselves. We took off and went to Rio Sul, a large modern shopping center to look for sandals for me. It was important to Alex that we go the GAMES center and play. And we did. Who can refuse this powerful life force anything? During our walk through the center, we stopped in a store where a friend of Alexander’s works. This young man was gorgeous very much my type. He is gay, but I would have never known it. His smile rivaled Alex’s. When we left, and were standing outside, Alex told me his friend was gay, I walked back and stood outside the window and stared. When the young man saw me, he nodded, flashed a big grin, and gave me two enthusiastic thumbs up (the latter being a common signal used by locals to signify almost anything positive.) We ate a nice lunch. When we are out together, Alex loves to take charge of the camera. He snaps away at anything he thinks I will enjoy later. When we get home, he always wants to turn on the computer and show me his handy work. I mentioned in the last post that I don’t get much computer time. Alex loves the computer. He doesn’t have one of his own. He loves to go to chat rooms etc. Last night I insisted that he register on Yahoo.com.Br (the brazil yahoo so that he would have an email address.) What fun to watch him go online and set up his first email account. Later while he was at the store, I sent him his first email. He shrieked with glee when he logged on this morning shouting he had email! This is so much fun.


When we got back from shopping, we decided to play in the pool up on the roof.

During the day we were joined by various other M4Mers. I watched Alex play like a dolphin. He is an excellent swimmer!. In fact he beat another M4Mer who challenged him to four laps. We ordered a light dinner from Room service and ate it by the pool.

It was a lazy, sun and fun filled day. Time passes differently here. When we returned to the room, it was already 7pm. We showered, played some and then I sent Alex to the store for bottled water and cigarettes for him. That is something all visiting smokers must remember. I smoke a pack a day. I brought 20 packs (2 cartons) with me. As of today I have 4 packs left for four days.

Slim chance at best that I will have any by the time I get home. The boys , most of whom smoke, always are looking for ice breakers to strike up a conversation, so asking for a cigaro is a good way to introduce themselves.


When Alex returned, he was careful to return all of my change, and then gave me a present. All day at the shopping mall, I thought I had smelled fresh baked chocolate chip cookies, but we never found them When Alex returned from the store, he had my gift, a large container of caramel ice cream with cookies. I DO LOVE BRAZIL.


After our ice cream and some more fun with it, we dressed and went down to Corajinhas. There was a lively group laughing and recounting their conquests of the night. This tradition is really one of the fun parts of the RIO experience for a group like us. Of course, Tomcal doesn’t disappoint, but he no longer needs to recount his escapades as the boys and other M4Mers seem to do it for him. He is the Pearle Mesta of this trip. Making sure everyone enjoys themselves and doing all that he can to introduce us to memorable experiences. Thanks Tomcal. Obrigado.




We awoke late, I ordered in since we had missed the buffet. The waiters know me now and bring eggs and Brazilian sausages along with other continental fresh fruits, breads, pastries and café. This costs $15R or $5 US. Can’t be beat!


Another day spent playing by the pool. Alex makes new friends everywhere as he is a life force all his own. He refers to me as his Papao, (grandfather) that’s cool as long as he comes home at night…heheh. We are seldom out of one another’s company, but often I will be talking with another M4Mer and he will strike up a conversation with a local, or other tourist. Speaking so many different languages has it’s advantages. As the day went by, I became darker and darker from the exposure to el sul. Alex no refers to me when he introduces me as his Papoa carioca, indeed a compliment. Another late ,lazy lunch on the roof and we go downstairs to prepare for the evening. I invited skewerpole to join Alex and me to meet Roberto and Derek (the local couple who had me to their house last Sunday). Skewerpole was very excited to vary his menu of saunas and meet locals for an evening. We met our friends at Azumi, the oldest sushi bar in Copacabana. We had a great meal, fun and fellowship. When they were finished, Roberto dropped us off at Corujinhas. This is the time in the trip that becomes difficult as more of our group depart to return home. Many leave today, and since they will fill their last day with trips to various saunas, our visit to Corujinhas may be the last opportunity to say goodbye.


When we returned to the hotel, Alex and I gave each other a sensual massage which of course led to other things best left to your imagination. Alex decided that he would bring a friend of his to play with us while I am here , at nno charge to me he insists. His friend is macho, but Alex tells me his bunda, (butt) is better able to take ‘lil jack, and that I will enjoy topping him. Who am I to argue with this young man? ‘lil jack agrees.



Sleep in again. Mid day, we go over to Bella Blu to meet with Tomcal, Tyler, and a couple of other M4Mers that are leaving today. FlaRobb and Leandro join us. After Tomcal and his group depart for their events of the day, FlaRobb and I decide we will take our boys to Corcovado (brilliantly standing in a cloud free sky today. We will leave shortly.



Sights from heaven


Here are some photos. A few shots show the blue awning outside the Bella Blu from my hotel window. Notice the mosaic sidewalk described in earlier reports. In the other shot of the same area, you can see the market past Bella Bu where the ATM machine dispenses Reas at a very favorable rate.












Other photos show Corcovado in the mists (Christ in the clouds) and still another shot looks up the tree lined street in the other direction towards the Pointe 202 sauna three blocks on the right.




Remaining shots are of the sushi restaurant with Alex, and our friends Roberto and his lover Derek.




Finally, The gang at Corujinhas.






last, but not least, our hotel:






We’ll talk later

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RE: no exploitation


>>Many of us were enjoying this travelogue and now you both


>>spoiled it.


>I didn't start it, but am happy to finish it. I don't know

>why asking this guy whether he sought permission to publish

>the pics here sent him off the rails. It was a legitimate

>question, related to the thread, and asked in total civility.

>I think I am owed an apology, but c'est la vie, n'est ce pas?


You're not owed anything. You asked your question, jackhammer answered it, and then you kept on accusing him of being a liar and worse. Jackhammer fell for your bait and responded in kind. That's why the other posts have been deleted (after he thought better of his responses).

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RE: Niiice...


>>Have you accomplished what you set out to when you provoked

>>him with your insult to Tri and reference to past BS?


>I think that if you check the record you will see that my

>original email was neutral, as was his response to which I did

>not respond. Then, he attacked me on another thread, and I

>responded here and there. Check the time stamps, and check

>the chronology. Also do a search here and see whether I

>started calling Rabbi Trisexual that name before he chose

>another name for me. The funny thing about M4M Queens is that

>you can give it but you can't take it. As for Jack and the

>good rabbi, I am fairly confident that a cursory search by any

>fair-minded individual would see that I am responding to their

>attacks, not the other way around. Do you believe in

>unilateral disarmerment?


I don't mind being called Rabbi, although it's not factual. The name I chose for you fits the bill, though. And the responses here, as far as I can see, weren't because you called me Rabbi Tri, but because you twisted the nickname into yet another anti-Semitic canard, and you also attacked the honesty and credibility of other posters. Deliberately and with forethought.

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RE: Niiice...


>I make no apology for saying that I find sexual tourism to be

>dispicable. I have little patience with men who take their

>diseases, exploitative payment practices, child sexaual abuse

>and invasions of personal privacy to poor third world guys who

>for the most part are not so much gay as desparate. So I

>asked a legitimate question with no view at all as to what the

>answer would be. I have asked similar questions in response

>to some of Les's posts. The fact that Jack flew off the

>hammer merely in response to asking the question in a neutral

>manner, reminds me very much of Rabbi Trisexual's response

>when others along with me questioned his payment practices in



Since Auntie S posts regularly in other threads about his payment for sexual services when he travels internationally, as he claims he frequently does, that makes him a sex tourist, too, doesn't it? And unlike other people here, he's probably a rip-off artist, billing his escort fees and lodging at five-star hotels to the Palestinian Authority (on whose payroll he evidently subsists while his fellow Palestinians wallow in misery and deprivation).


Also, nobody I know from M4M (and I've now met many of the posters personally) is carrying or deliberately transmittng any disease, exploiting anyone with regard to payment (in fact, some are being over generous in spite of warnings against doing that), or abusing minors (very illegal in Brazil). Nobody's privacy has been invaded either. Jackhammer responded to Auntie S's original question about whether permission had been obtained to post the pictures by informing him that consent indeed had been given. That should have been the end of this discussion.

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