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Jackhammer91406 IN-BEDed in RIO

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Saturday night in RIO, monk style.


It occurs to me that you might be bored reading about the vacation of a lifetime for a guy like me. I lack Gringo’s poetic skills in bringing the spirit of Brazil and it’s people to life from the printed word. The magic in the dancing eyes of almost everyone you meet, the silky skin, the radiant smiles, the way the people join together without words to pass you, as their country’s guest, from one experienced hand to another as if you were family.


Nowhere in the world have I ever experienced anything like this. Even with the sauna boys , a relationship which is based on business, you mostly are able to forget that, as they seem to be able to find something genuinely likeable about every man, and take great pains to make you feel like their real new best friend.


My time with Alexander was magic. I joked yesterday that we have registered at Tiffany’s. Last night at dinner (I’ll describe the place in a minute) I saw a young man from behind and was immediately reminded of Alexander and wished he were there to smile at me and kiss me (I told you ,didn’t I, that he calls himself “King of Kisses”.?) Each man I have been with has been so affectionate. In my brief time with escorts, I have met only two who resemble in nature, the warmth of the men of Brazil. Jim2NYC, and Mitch Buchanan in Greensboro, NC.


I have had to ground ‘lil jack because he has been so bad. I needed to re-evaluate my finances before I let him play anymore. I am here, after all, for 10 more days and don’t want to just watch Brazilian soap operas. You have to understand that I came down here on a smaller budget than most. I would guess many of the guys visiting in our group here make three to four times what I make. I am not complaining. I simply point this out because part of the magic of this place for me, is an escape from reality. Here, I feel like someone that is young, rich, attractive and full of life. The boys bring that out. Today could be my 21st birthday. And really, since I am doing this research for all of you (my faithful readers..heheh) I will gladly accept research grants to further this much needed study. Send your generous donations to me care of the Atlantico Copacobana, DO NOT USE PAYPAL!


Yesterday, after saying my goodbyes to Alexander, I spent some time on my journal . Funseeker and I had decided on a late dinner since we both had lunched very late. That’s another thing about RIO. There is no clock, and what time there is, runs several hours later than anywhere else in the world. I am reminded of what Roberto said the first day after he picked us up at the airport…” Above all remember to be calm, everything is easier here”. I have coined the phrase RIO SUAVE. Things that would upset me two days ago, flow right by me now. Yeah, Gringo, what travel problems????


Roberto asked last night to call him if we went out after dinner. Funseeker and I went to MARIUS’, a world famous restaurant on Copacabana beach. There are two side by side. One deals with meats of all kinds, the other fish. We went to the fish one. The style of both places is like this: once you get your table, you help yourself to the appetizer bar. At the fish restaurant, the choices included fresh whole crabs. A young man stood there shelling oysters. There was poached salmon, seafood salad, cold seafood marinara, shrimp ceasar salad, and for the first time since I arrived, vegetables!!! Asparagus, squash. Hot appetizers included seafood paella, several seafood soups and stews and much more. Back at the table, servers regularly brought out platters of broiled Lobster, broiled giant prawns, baked sea bass and /or grouper. Small “chicken of the sea” or mini lobsters. A full assortment of various kinds of entrée fish which they served to your plate. You could eat as long as you wanted. I finished first since I have caught the spirit and ate some of the offerings without utensils. Funseeker, I ‘m afraid, let his British origins get the best of him, and tried to use “tools” during the entire meal. His fingers were clean, but it took him longer to finish. I figured since moist towels were at the table, we were supposed to “get down and dirty” and I went for it. The meal was finished with a visit to the dessert bar, a series of fine old antique furniture buffet pieces filled with single sized pies, cakes and tortes as well as fresh fruit compotes and assorted chocolates . I opted for a mini terra masseu (sp?). Fantastico. After dinner, I was very tired and decided to return to the hotel. Funseeker met up with Roberto, and I will have to talk with him to find out where they ended up going before I can report to you.


Today Funseeker and I are going to Roberto and Dirk’s home for a BBQ and pool party at noon. It should be great fun.


Sorry about the huge missing picture in the previous thread with throws everyone’s resolution out of whack. I am trying to do better with downsizing the pics so that it won’t happen again. But I make no promises.



We’ll talk later

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RE: a question of courtesy and privacy


I am hanging on every word of your posts and cannot wait for the next installment.

These entries and pictures (wow) do so much for those of us still dreaming of experiencing the wonder that must be RIO.

Thank you so much for allowing us this vicarious treat.

I hope all of you down there continue to have such a marvelous time.

One day, I too, hope to see and feel it!!!



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Don't go celibate on us now!


Loving the working guys reports and *pictures*. But if you're worried about finances, remember the other saunas locals use for hooking up with each other for free, I'm sure you could hook up easily there as well. There had been mention of them somewhere in this forum I think, probably somebody down there knows more details. They may not have a perfect 22 year old's body, but the sparkle and personality is probably there, maybe even more of it.


Wish I was there!!!

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RE: no exploitation


Yes Axe, permission was obtained even prior to negotiating price and activity. No exploitation here. Where there was any concern, they protected their privacy by covering their privates or their faces. Good of you to keep me honest, but it had been my intention all along to honor their preferences and I have.

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RE: no exploitation


>But you messed in a thread

>that was special to me.


What by asking if you sought permission to use the photos that you posted? I have asked that question a lot around here. I commend you for seeking permission as you say you did, if you did as you say.


(Deleted in part because post was a personal attack and off-topic.)

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Sunday with the locals


The local’s RIO on Sunday.


Many of you know that one of the things I like to do in a new city is see it from a local’s point of view. Oh sure, the special tourist sites are nice, but the heart of a city is in it’s people. I call upon the spirit of Gringo for the poetry that will be required for this entry.


This morning I awoke after about 7 hours sleep. ‘lil jack is grounded as you know, so it was an early night last night. When I got up, I decided to write my journal so I ordered toast and coffee from room service. The entry was finished by the time Funseeker called for breakfast. He came by to pick me up and we went down for the buffet. We met a number of other M4Mers and one table became two. Funseeker filled me in on last night. He and Roberto & his lover went to a club. It was jammed and I am told much candy to watch. But crowds are a problem for Funseeker after a while, as they are for me and he left sometime later. He met a young man, and the rest I am not allowed to report without written clearance (a smiling nod to axebahia). Needless to say, my buddy was up very late but came home satisfied.


During breakfast we all shared our experiences and perspectives on the city and it’s people. We talked of the party tomorrow night. As Funseeker and I left, we arranged to drop off our trinkets and gifts for the boys. Funseeker had an afternoon date and I had a plan to go to visit Roberto and his lover.


Around 1 pm I took a cab and headed over to their home. It is a 6 level house running up a hillside from street level to the top of the hill. It is in the Laranjeiras section of town which is up in the hills behind Ipanema beach.. The name means Orange Trees.

There are many, many steps which is more just desserts for this smoker I guess. It is a conspiracy…heheh. The house is of an age, and has many nice old appointments such as stained glass and what appears to be mahoganny accents. At the Top of the hill is a pool.

On the way over, I asked the driver to stop at a flora shop so I could buy a gift. I picked out a striking flowering plant in the hydrangea family which I hoped would look good in their place and would be something they would enjoy. It was well received.


This might be a good time to reflect on my perceptions of the flora of this country. The plants that we often see indoors in large lobbies , banks and medical buildings ( draecina, sp. Marginata sp., kentia palms, etc) are outdoor landscape item in this tropical zone. Right out in parkways there are huge plantings of the above interspersed with flowering ginger of all variety. Orchids grow well in this climate right in the gardens. Mango trees, passion fruit, jasmine, and philodendron covering hillsides and walls. It is overall like being in a large botanical garden. There are wild tropical birds nesting in trees. Toucans, and other such colorful and chirping birds fly in all directions and the singing is delightful. I guess the reason you pick up on this when you are here is because once you catch the spirit of the place, calm, relaxed, or as I have taken to calling it, RIO SUAVE, you have the time and inclination to notice these things. But the flora and fauna aren’t the only beauty in this place. It’s the people as well. Not just outer beauty which is plentiful, but inner beauty, what the Spanish call “Corazon” or heart and the name is similar in Portuguese, but I forget how to spell it.


Now, recall, I have met Roberto once when he came to pick us up at the airport. I have spoken twice by phone and exchanged several emails. That’s all. Yet he, his lover and all the friends, brother and niece whom I met today fussed over and cared for me like I was family. The range of nationalities was amazing; French, Belgian, Brazilian and of course this ugly American.

Though all but Roberto, his lover and myself were str8, each one took special pains to interact with me without prejudice (although I am pretty str8 acting). All of the guests spoke more than one language, some as many as three or four. There was a student of Sociology from Belgium, a policeman, a nurse and also an actress with la commedia del arte from France, a Brazilian laborer, a Belgian artist, and others. The men and women were all lively, smiling, laughing and enjoying each other’s and my company. This was a typical Sunday for the locals; bar b que and pool party. The weather was perfect, the sun dazzling, and the water cold and refreshing. Add to this mix two Dachsunds, one African Ridgeback dog and a huge Belgian Dog (I am told the latter IS the name of the breed). All animals were friendly especially when you had your plate of food. The view from the pool of the large mounds of rock and surrounding hills is spectacular. And yet it is the people I will remember most.


Talking with the Belgian student (very well built and a cute gay friendly young man) was totally like two friends catching up on events. One of the men had custody of his young teenage son for the weekend and watching the student play with the youngster was like watching playful brothers. Speaking of brothers, Roberto’s younger brother, a very sturdy and trim stud policeman was there with a woman Roberto calls his almost sister in law. She is a delightful young woman who makes a mean capriahina (sp). Still can’t spell it, but can sure appreciate it’s taste and effect.


The young French girl fixed my lunch plate. When it was time for me to go, much earlier than any of them wanted, each one rushed to give me the traditional continental double kiss on each cheek. Their goodbyes were like those to a family member, long cherished, and going for an extended absence. The heart of these people, who as a nation are suffering together without complaint as the new government rebuilds the economy. They are a people of courage, joy, generosity, beauty, spirit, charm, and HEART.


I love Rio and it’s people. Everything about the place charms the socks, and under shorts off you.


Hope you like the g rated pics. I have permission from all involved. <grin>









We’ll talk more later.

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RE: Sunday with the locals


Your words and pictures tell me that you have been touched by the special joy that is Brasil. You will stumble when your friends ask you to explain that magical seduction. Now, having experienced it, you can never be the same again. You have touched the face of Mother Brasil and Her warm embrace with be with you always. Life is good, you are alive and in Rio--savor each and every moment.:+

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RE: no exploitation


This is a call for a truce in this thread.Ad Rian/Axelease stop this flaming,and Jack-don't feed the trolls.

Many of us were enjoying this travelogue and now you both have spoiled it.

If you are going to continue this-find somewhere else to do it.


Thanks to both of you in advance for acting like grown men.

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RE: no exploitation


>Many of us were enjoying this travelogue and now you both have

>spoiled it.


I didn't start it, but am happy to finish it. I don't know why asking this guy whether he sought permission to publish the pics here sent him off the rails. It was a legitimate question, related to the thread, and asked in total civility. I think I am owed an apology, but c'est la vie, n'est ce pas?

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flame wars



This thread is/was always special to me. The inferred question of my integrity as far as securing permission is something I won't tolerate. Say anything about me as a person or my previous medical bouts. But to me, his question was not only innapropriate, but if civility was actually meant (very dubious at best) then it could have been done in a private message not as an attack in my thread. But of course, the source must be considered. If there is an apology in order, it is to any other posters and readers whose ethnic origin was offended by my statements. The derogatory remarks were meant specifically for the other offender and no one else. Everyone knows I am not a mean spirited person and seldom give cause for offense. But I am finished with his lack of accountability when he spews hateful speech and slurs on integrity.

For me, I will continue to journal my observations but they will not appear here. You may message me if you wish to have the other location, and I will give you a password. It will not allow for responses of the type we saw this weekend.

Hooboy, my apologies to you as well.


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Have you accomplished what you set out to when you provoked him with your insult to Tri and reference to past BS? He may have gone a bit far in response (especially for those of us UNfamiliar with the original fight), but you were more then happy to help yet another useful and entertaining thread end in animosity and bile.



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RE: Niiice...


>Have you accomplished what you set out to when you provoked

>him with your insult to Tri and reference to past BS?


I think that if you check the record you will see that my original email was neutral, as was his response to which I did not respond. Then, he attacked me on another thread, and I responded here and there. Check the time stamps, and check the chronology. Also do a search here and see whether I started calling Rabbi Trisexual that name before he chose another name for me. The funny thing about M4M Queens is that you can give it but you can't take it. As for Jack and the good rabbi, I am fairly confident that a cursory search by any fair-minded individual would see that I am responding to their attacks, not the other way around. Do you believe in unilateral disarmerment?

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