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Jackhammer91406 IN-BEDed in RIO

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The dream wish was born over a year ago. It grew from reading posts written by a variety of M4Mers. From Gringo, the resident poet whose ability to paint pictures with words creating head visions of moonlit nights in landscaped parks..(ok, they were sex cruises but I saw them as poetry). His gift for giving a tropical scent of the country, it's beauty, it vitality and yes, it's men.


Trilingual added his wealth of information on so many varieties of topics covering everything from Architecture to Zoos.


Tomcal's fantastic escapades and raucus sense of humor was hard to resist.


I made my reservations finally in January for my dream birthday vacation. Unaware that scores of other posters were planning to visit at the same time, I set about trying to budget the funds. My biggest problem has been playing with the big boys, those men who have 6 figure incomes and can afford this kind of treat.


Over the past 8 months, I have had finacial set backs one after the other, almost all revolving around my trying to help someone else. That doesn't make me a saint and I certainly don't plan to be one on this trip, but it has made financing more of a challenge. In the course of this I canceled the trip twice. With encouragement from the above mentioned men of generousity in spirit and experience, the dream came alive again and tomorrow I fly to RIO. It's even hard to let the words settle in..I AM FLYING TO RIO.


I will be seeing sites like:


http://www.dfapam.com/jackhammer/aereario_byday.jpg The bay by day.


And making trips to the falls .http://www.dfapam.com/jackhammer/falls.jpg


A trip to the rain forest; http://www.dfapam.com/jackhammer/florestadatijuca.jpg


Of course, the real sites to see are;

http://www.dfapam.com/jackhammer/RIOMAN.jpg http://www.dfapam.com/jackhammer/RIOMAN2.jpg http://www.dfapam.com/jackhammer/RIOMAN3.jpg http://www.dfapam.com/jackhammer/RIOMAN4.jpg http://www.dfapam.com/jackhammer/RIOMAN5.jpg http://www.dfapam.com/jackhammer/RIOMAN6.jpg


Ok, so in less than 24 hours, I will be boarding a plane and heading for the land of the cariocas. The fact is, it will be days before I really believe I am there. I will try to keep you up to date on my experiences and impressions. Hopefully, with pics and with humor.

I will join that long line of M4Mers' who have written about RIO, and maybe just enough of what I share will spark another dream wish for someone else..


Talk to you guys soon.



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Well, I for one wish you a great trip and am looking forward to your postings. May I say parenthetically that I appreciate your liberal use of paragraphs. They do make for an easier read. Hopefully you can hint the same to your buddy tomcal if he decides to post!

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I have been running all day since this morning's post.

While I thought I had everything already purchased for this trip, today brought new surprises as to needs. HEadphones for my language tapes, Rx's to be filled (thought I had them all already). Two more boxes of MAgnum XLs (take that BIg Daddy heheh).


Haven't been able to eat all day...too excited..I doubt I will be able to sleep either. Just minutes ago I spoke on the phone with a young man from RIO who messaged me about picking me up at the airport. He was kind enough to send pics. I have selected the most discreet:



kinda looks familiar don't it? Maybe he is family.... Can't wait to kiss this cousin.

Well, going to try to pack now....Wish my new RIO friend were here to help.}(


Talk to you in a few days



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Jack, you are SO getting into the Rio spirit! In just a few hours you're going to experience such an awakening of the senses that the rest of your life will seem like a pale shadow. . . But it's all a prelude to the main event, and now that it's happening you just gotta LIVE, LIVE, LIVE! (And be like the Brazilians, don't analyze the joy, just experience it and live each moment!)


See ya soon in Rio. If I'm not just blinded by your glow! :7

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IN_BEDed Thursday report


I am going to try and take the positive view on the trip so far, so if I forget that, please remind me…….


I missed the 11 am shuttle to the airport. There are two consequences to that. The good one is that Funseeker arrived and we were able to ride on the 11:30 shuttle together.


Of course, the bad consequence is that I arrived at the airport 5 minutes after they closed check-in, or 40 minutes before departure. I could have easily made the flight, but the computer shuts out check in to make sure that all baggage makes the plane.


So I was shuffled off to an office where after 15 minutes it was my turn to have my problem sorted out. The lady was quite nice and quickly found me a flight routing through Miami ( a fine city I am sure….really).


Here’s the thing…some of you may remember that I am a member of that cursed subset of society…the pariah …..a smoker. I always travel by routing through Dulles in Washington because, say what you want about the yahoos who run our country, at least they understand that every airport needs a tiny, glass enclosed room for the addicted like me. So my carefully planned trip, allowing for moderate smoking between legs of what amounts to 24 hours either in the air or in airports was shattered.


Actually I am doing pretty well considering it’s 20 hours since I had a smoke, and 3 more until I can have one. Now I know that some who might be reading this will be thinking

“that poor, pathetic chimney….he is just getting what he deserves and really that’s too easy on someone like him” blah, blah blah. All I can say is yeah, maybe your right Mr. I pass Judgement…but I am the one headed for RIO…heheh.



So, anyway, I am about over it . Let me tell you about my first flight and my impressions of Miami’s fine airport. Flying out of Los Angeles, I sat in the economy plus section so the center seat next to my window seat was empty ( a courtesy to United’s premier members) Seated in the aisle seat was a blond woman and the man with her was across the aisle. Obviously she had wanted first class because her first words to her companion when they arrived on the plane were” no wonder the girl wouldn’t give you first class, there were only four seats in first”. I knew I was in for it (but hey, better than a crying baby right?)


Let me describe Mrs. Rodeo Drive. On the plus side of 60 ( judging by the age spots on her hands) but looking late 40”s. The man across the aisle will never see 70 again, but he’s in fair shape. The Mrs. had a tear drop pearl on a platinum chain around her neck. The pearl might have been the size of Delaware (I don’t really know for sure ‘cause I have never been to Delaware) Let me just say that this thing was HUGE. But, not as big as the Diamond ring on her left hand. I am not a jewelry person so one of you guys will have to pony up the right name for the kind of diamond cut on this ring. The gems were cut in faceted rectangles set on end. The band setting was ½ inch thick with these rectangle diamonds lined up next to each other all the way around the finger. The glare off this thing was bright, but paled in comparison to her diamond encrusted platinum watch.

I only mention these things because what kind of a woman flies around the country with multiple thousands of dollars worth of jewels adorning her body? The kind that wants you to notice, so in defference to Mrs. Drive, I hereby have duly noticed. With her black alligator belt and some really pointed shoes that said Prada on them, she made quite the travel statement. I should note that Mr. Drive had not one piece of jewelry on, not even a watch and he wore very non descript casual clothes. I will say this for Mrs. Drive, she gave me M&M’s from the Red carpet club when she heard that I was going to have to do with out a smoke in Miami ( a fine city I am sure…really).


Yes, my brief visit to Miami International airport..what can I say…it’s now a no smoking airport., like so many. In fact, my plane landed late, so there was no time to walk outside to grab a smoke. The gate for the flight to Sao Paolo was right next to the gate we arrived at, so my impressions of the airport are, 15 seconds of being directed right to the next door and running onto the plane which was leaving in 5 minutes. I am sure Miami’s airport is a fine one…really.


It was after I boarded the flight to Sao Paolo, that ‘lil jack finally got interested. Oh there was that brief thing in the outside smoking lounge at Los Angeles when Funseeker was sitting with me while I smoked. A cute guy came out through the door, lit up and turned his back to us while he checked us out in the window reflection. He had a cute butt which he either rubbed or patted depending on whether you ask Funseeker or me..

(as I type this in Sao Paolo, I swear to God a hot Brazilian Businessman just pulledd his dress slacks out of his butt crack Butt I get ahead of myself). Anyway, the guy in L.A. was cute, but didn’t really push l.j.’s buttons. But the man across the aisle on the flight to Sao Paolo and the man in front of me…hoooooboy! Now we’re talking!!!! It’s too HARD to type right now because this lounge is filled with hot men. In fact, one just sat down next to me and there are plenty of empty seats. I think I will stop now and practice my people skills.

More later.

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RE: IN_BEDed Thursday report




As a fellow "pariah" I understand how you feel. Too bad you didn't buy some over the counter nicotine patches, as they help keep one from climbing the walls.


FYI: the Mrs. Rodeo ring is what is referred to as baguette.


Funny post, and I look forward to reading your further posts.

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Friday IN-BEDed in RIO


Where was I?

Oh yeah.

Once I got on the plane in Miami, bound for RIO, things seemed destined to change.

Let me say first that I was unable to master the “packing for RIO” concept that was so ably addressed by others. In addition to my main suitcase (on rollers) which I checked L.A.X, I had a large leather duffle, better described as “Anvil In A Bag”, a shoulder tote with meds, books, tickets and passport, and trip printouts from M4M, along with the laptop case (which contained assorted DVD’s including Kristan Bjorg’s two disc WET DREAMS set, along with every wire connection known to man. The sum total weight was probably as much as one lovely carioca boy. Anyway, lugging all this onto the plane was my first introduction to a good looking man seated in front of me. When he saw me struggling down the aisle, he immediately got up (all 6’4” of him) and began to help me put my bags in place in the over head bin above my seat.


Shortly after I was seated, a very hot, hot, hot carioca across the aisle decided to check on the condition of his gear in the same over head bin. While he stretched his hard 5’6” hirsute frame to adjust his gear above, his abs and chest rubbed against me for about 1 ½ minutes. IT was like a belt of fine tequila. ‘lil jack sprang to attention and my eyes feasted on this young man’s incredible eyes and smile. Yeah, he was smiling at me the whole time. What he was doing with his hands up in that bin….I couldn’t tell you.


We take off on time, as I did with all the flights, and the male flight attendant begins showing me how to get the hell out (assuming the plane touches ground safely during an emergency) and displaying how to strangle myself with one of those pieces of clear rubber tubing that drops from above (does the carioca have some kinky stuff in his bags up there?)


All the while, the attendant keeps looking at me so I smile, and he winks and smiles back.. Oh this flight is going to be fun after sitting next to Mrs. Drive and cataloging her jewelry collection.


The attendant, Corey took great care of me through the entire flight . While the first meal on the first flight from L.A. doesn’t bear mentioning, the other meals were all fine, and Corey’s service was always pleasant. I took advantage of my Doctor’s willingness to prescribe sleep aids and took two Desyrel tablets and slept on a plane for the first time in my life. (I dunno, something about drooling in public has always kept me from being able to sleep). I had two seats to stretch out in and during my nap, Corey apparently covered me with a blanket (re-belting me so that the seat belt would show outside the blanket and closing the shades on my windows so I could sleep past dawn). I had a refreshing 5 hour nap dreaming of a four-way between me, the tall drink in front of me, Mr. Furry carioca across the aisle, and Corey providing lube and snacks between play.


When I woke up, I got out the laptop and wrote some of the first entry. As we arrived in Sao Paolo, I began to fantasize about my first cigarette in nearly 24 hours. There was a two hour lay over so I figured I had plenty of time to puff away. Only thing is, when you have a connecting flight to RIO, you don’t go through customs at Sao Paolo. They keep you penned in a very restricted area with other boarding gates until your next flight. I lugged the Anvil In a Bag, the shoulder tote and the laptop, and began the trek down the restricted area looking for the smoking lounge I was sure had to be located somewhere. I went all the way to the end of the closed corridor. Nothing but no smoking signs. I turned around and dragged all of my stuff back to the escalator which goes down to the customs area. A very friendly Young native man, (they all have such great eyes and smiles!!!) explained it was a no smoking airport. I told him my tale of woe, including everything you have read so far except Mrs. Drive, and he smiled and nodded. “ Some passengers go to an area upstairs. It’s not legal, but they do it”, and he proceeded to explain how to find this wonderful secret place. I grabbed The Great Weight (all my carry-on gear) and marched through doors and elevators, around corners and behind giant planters and found it! AAAHHHHHH! Generating clouds of pollution, I stood alone for about 20 minutes and breathed in my “shortstop to heaven” fumes and for the first time that day, I relaxed.


After my trip to “hooka heaven”, I drifted back down to the restricted area (so well scouted earlier) and set up shop. I typed the rest of the previous entry until the boy sat down next to me. The number of men I have seen so far, most of whom are stunning, is beyond belief and a pleasant change from “cloneville” (Hollywood). Each one is more perfect than the last , and my imagination runs rampant because they all look back and smile. Finally it is time to board for my last flight to RIO!.


It turns out that the 767 I am boarding, is the actual plane from Dulles that I would have been on had Funseeker not made me late for my first flight. I put this in here because Funseeker specifically asked me not to blame him. Guess who the attendant is in my cabin for the 35 minute flight? Yep, sweet Corey. Once again the plane is mostly empty and I have vast areas to myself. The guy seated in front of me is a delightful fellow with a dyed blue, close cut, Mohawk that comes down to a point somewhere on the middle of his forehead. Turns out he is a professional shutterbug from Chi town ( and I am wondering if I am going to meet him at the party on Monday). We have a nice conversation and then we’re here!


RIO!!!!!. (a female chorus of Angelic voices is inserted here, like a movie soundtrack…RIO, RIO, RIO, RIO, AAHHHH…….)


Well, I am here. I begin to gather up the Anvil in a bag, my tote, and laptop. I am the last passenger off the plane and Corey is right behind me. I hand him a business card with my hotel info on it, and tell him if he has a layover in RIO during the next two weeks, I would like to take him to dinner. Turns out he will have three!. We make some tentative plans and I am then off to customs. It’s a long line, (there’s only one agent) and finally I am the last through the line. First thing I do is grab a cart! AAHHH, the great weight now has wheels. I claim my suitcase and wheel out the doors. I am immediately bombarded by taxi agents. I mean they are fierce!. I politely decline and tell them I have a ride. My new friend Roberto is picking me up. Through the exit queue, and there he is! ROBERTO. My gosh he has gorgeous EYES. Such a deep voice! So tall! HHMMM.

And standing next to him is Funseeker!. We all hug, and chatter and move to the car.



Roberto lives in an upscale area of RIO with his lover Dirk. They live in a beautiful house.


HE takes us on a quick tour of the city on the way to the hotel. We arrive, and check in.

Guess what? The hotel has given my reserved room to someone else. Well actually, the guest who was to depart today, decided to stay 3 more days. So I am installed in the same suite, but on the 7th floor instead of the top 13th floor. I get that suite on Sunday.


This is my suite.






When we get to my suite, the maid is scurrying through doing a fast clean-up. 30 minutes later she is gone, and the three of us talk and make plans for later. Roberto is very nice, wants us to come over to his place for lunch and meet Dirk. We demure and say we’re gonna grab a quick bite at the Bella Blu and come back for a little rest before hitting Eustacio’s. After arrangements with Roberto for this weekend and next week, he leaves, with some last minute instructions and phrases for our afternoon. Funseeker goes to his room, and I want to brush my teeth and freshen up.


About 30 minutes later, he and I head across the street to the Bella Blu. A nice indoor/outdoor café. Did I mention it was raining? Well, light showers and sprinkles really. We take a table outside next to the sidewalk so that we can watch all the hot men stroll by. I order my first caprihina (sp?) Oh, man does it taste good. I order the grilled grouper with buttered mushrooms and capers and Funseeker orders the tortellini. We sip our drinks and they bring a nifty flat crispy bread and some olive oil and fresh parmesan to sprinkle on it. It doesn’t get any better than this. Our entrees arrive and the food is great. Finish off with a slice of fresh lemon pie and rich, black coffee. Oh man. This RIO place is great


We leave, stop off at a store for some bottled water, beer and snacks for the room and cross the street back to the hotel.


This is a view from the pool area on the roof on a rainy day.




In my next post, I will describe the horrors of in room high speed internet and my virgin trip to a sauna…..

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RE: Friday IN-BEDed in RIO


Ok, jackhammer let me be the first one to request a Brazilian guy to be smuggled home in your luggage. I'm not picky just someone affectionate. grin


I'm sorry I missed your call from Miami. If I had been home I would have been tempted to try and stowaway in your luggage.


A question though. Are you finding people who understand English or is your selftaught Portuguese getting you through these dates you have lined up?



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For local M4Mers



I forgot to mention that I am in room 701 until Sunday. Funseeker is now in 803. Check in with us.


Big Daddy, tried to call you last night. you were out being bad no doubt.


There's an ATM 1/2 block past the Bella Blu restaurant across the street. It is in a supermarket just inside the front door on the left. Yesterday the exchange rate was 2.85R which is very favorable.



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Getting settled


From the getting to RIO files:



I don’t want to give the impression that RIO is hell…far from it.. I simply had to go through hell yesterday to get here, and the problems didn’t stop once I got here.

I have already told you about the fact that my reserved room on the 13th floor was taken by another guest (ODD FOR A HOTEL DON’T YOU THINK? Using the number 13?) Well, I probably understated my reaction which was born of nearly 24 hours of very frustrated travel. I have since apologized to the clerk, and thanks goodness for Roberto who smoothed things over and got it arranged for me to switch to my suite on Sunday (if that guy ever leaves). Anyway, I seldom resemble the ugly American when I travel. I am always courteous even when treated badly. I also make friends easily in any city. But yesterday was aweful and by the time I got to the hotel, I had nothing left. The party organizers may want to check with the hotel and see if the party is still on for Monday (just kidding).


When Funseeker and I got back from our late lunch and shopping we decided to rest for a bit before going out last night. I wanted to take a shower and maybe get the internet stuff hooked up. I came back up to my room and fiddled for 1 ½ hours before finally calling downstairs. Calling downstairs was not as easy as you would think. Now, first, the Atlantico is a fine hotel, well appointed, clean, upscale décor in the rooms. But the sadist who set up their phone system assigned numbers that have no rhyme or reason. You can’t simply dial “0” for the front desk or operator. All locations have a three # code. These numbers are written in only one place in each suite and it took me 20 minutes to find that obscure location. Maybe this is all me and I will take the blame. I like the hotel a lot, and everyone is very friendly and competent. I just got tired of being frustrated..one thing after another through the whole long day.


I finally found the number, called downstairs and explained the problem. A nice man named Samuel was up in my room five minutes later. He tried and tried. Did all the things I had already tried . Nothing worked. I told him we would try later. HE said ok. I took a quick shower, (NO NAP! GRRRR) and by then Funseeker was at my door before I could get dressed. While he waited in my living room, I got dressed for my virgin trip to a sauna. I really didn’t feel like going and should have trusted my first instinct, but I get ahead of myself. A few minutes after I got dressed, just as we were ready to go, the doorbell rang.. Samuel was back and ready to fix my problem by getting on the phone with tech support and walking through logging me on. I should report that high speed internet is available in each room for a charge of .25 cents per minute (in Brazilian currency)

They provide the cable to plug into your laptop. After a few minutes on the phone with tech support (I gave Samuel a long phone extension cord I had packed for just such an emergency..he was thankful and amazed at my forethought)> Anyway, they determined it was the cable and he called downstairs to have a bellboy bring another. When I heard that, I pulled out the modem cable I had brought with me (again to Samuel’s amazement). EUREKA = a) small towns in Kansas and California. b) a cry of success

In this case, the latter. It was the cable all along. My cable worked fine, I tried out the connection briefly, thanked Samuel, tipping him heavily, and Funseeker and I headed over to Eustacio’s ( ½ a block away)

I had been given all the right warnings. Watch your drinks at all times. Go Slow, don’t take the first boy(s) that comes up. Don’t wear a watch. Bring your own Magnum XLs.

Well for the most part, I am not better at this than I was at packing light.

We had been there only a few minutes , getting the eye of some stunning men, and two 22 year old boys presented themselves at our table. Felipe and Andy.

Pleasant boys and nice to look at. I bought them beers (the most expensive I believe..there’s so much to know and so little time and language skills) Before you can say “wake up ‘lil jack”, I am upstairs with both boys ,leaving poor funseeker to wonder how Tomcal slipped into town under the radar. Just call me ‘lil frigate bird. Funseeker wanted Felippe and when I took him, he decided to settle for Andy (Andy was the better of the two) but he couldn’t find Andy. Hmmm, wonder why? Anyway, both boys were eager inside the room. I had determined beforehand that all three of us were tops, (Activo) but having been told by the original frigate that you can have fun with these boys even if they are tops, I had gone ahead. Big mistake and my own fault for not asking more questions in a language I can’t understand. Felipe is so much a top, it turns out that he actively does nothing more than kiss passionately and fuck (which I had no interest in). ANY caress of his body was rebuffed. Andy on the other hand was also passionate, didn’t bite when he kissed as Felipe did, and touched me all over. He didn’t do oral on me but said later he would have. I grew so frustrated with Felipe, that I called a halt to the action after 10 minutes and brought the boys downstairs to pay them. After paying them, I sat down with Funseeker to tell my tale of woe. I want to stress that all of this was my own (and ‘lil jack’s ) fault. The boys came up again and sat at our table . We talked for a while but by this time I was ready to go home and lick my wounds. I said my goodbys and left Funseeker there.


I did my entry of last night, took two desyrel and slept for 6 hours. Got up this morning, logged another entry and went down to breakfast which was fine.

Lot’s of fresh fruit, assorted hot and cold meats and breads, scrambled eggs and varieties of sausages, pastry, fresh juices, cereals and hot coffee. Of the coffee, let me say that if it knew the way, it could climb to my room, it is that strong. I drank it with hot cream for the first time in my life. Huh. A lot of firsts in the last day and a half.


Today is my birthday (the whole reason for the trip) and Tomcal and his friend arrive midday. We are scheduled to go back to the Bella Blu for lunch and then later tonight to two saunas. I will definitely be better prepared.


Later today I will fill you in on Jackhammer's birthday party...with tons of pics. It's 9am Rio time on Saturday and Alejandre is still in bed..Eduardo is already gone and I am still sleepy...only 4 hours sleep...I need coffee...or sleep...or Alejandre..yeah that's it.


Hope you aren’t bored reading all of this.

I’ll talk to you later……..

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'lil jack's birthday


FADE IN: (female angels voices) RIO..RIO…RIO…RIO…AAHHHHH


Today is the day after my birthday, but after last night, I have decided to have my birthday everyday.


I took a brief nap Friday morning, then Funseeker and I took a stroll around the local area. We walked by Rogers which is undergoing a total gutting and renovation. If the previous sauna boys looked half as good as the boys who are doing the construction…well…. Then checked out the mall across the street from the hotel. It is huge with many antique shops, very much like the Pacific Design Center in West Hollywood.


We met Tomcal and his friend at Bella Blu for lunch. They had just arrived and were settling in. Tomcal adjusts very quickly . By the time we finished lunch, it was 3pm and we were scheduled to hit 117 around 4:30. We all split up to run our own errands and sightseeing.


When the others didn’t show up in the lobby by 5pm, I realized they must have already left, so I got out my trusty directions from the MC, and took the subway down to the Gloria station. Easily found the place and was happy to find it bigger than the sauna the night before. It was busy, and as I changed and looked for a shower, a dashing young man decided to help me find whatever I needed. He took me to the shower, held my towel and cigarettes, even got me soap. His name was Fabio, and I have no way of knowing whether he is the same one mentioned in other threads….


HE took me upstairs to the bar area, there was the small group from M4M. We sat down and had a drink..talked about the party later at 202. Then my new friend Fabio proceeded to ask me for an invitation to the party Monday. Having the invitation chairman sitting next to me was sure handy. Then Fabio rattled off a string of words I didn’t understand, got up, held out one finger as in “wait a minute” and before I knew it he had left the room, and came back dressed as some local military officer, and was introduced for his dance. Yipes, this kid was hot…Of course, I was given the job of holding his pants while he pulled away and they ripped right off.


Now I should say here, that the intention was to learn from the lessons of last night:

Never go with the first boy….blah, blah blah…cripes..’lil jack runs everything and he has no brain…so, yeah, Fabio and I went upstairs. Did I mention that Fabio is a luchadore?

That’s a fighter…kickboxing…UFC type….For such a gentle romantic spirit…uh, my thoughts are all jumbled…There is some poetic point I want to make, but..hell, where is Gringo when you need him?


Oh, here are some pics of Fabio.






Yeah, I know…and the pics don’t do justice to his silver dollar sized nipples…geesh.



The sex with Fabio, was fabiooooooOHSO. Afterward, we chattered away in the private shower…the room had one. I understood every third or fourth word, we used a lot of hand signals usually involving touching one another’s body. IT was all GOOD. As we came downstairs, there was Tomcal getting ready to go. I got dressed, said my goodbyes to Fabio who is to call me later. Tomcal, Tyler and I set off for 202.



Located down the street from the hotel, this place has a larger general area than any of the many (2) other saunas that I have seen. The place was already busy, despite the fact this was a closed night (for M4Mer’s only) the crowd there one hour before the start, was pretty good sized. Nothing close to what it would be in less than an hour.


Speaking of good sized, the men and boys there were unlike anything I have ever seen. There is a small weight training area off to the side, but in full view, and the larger muscled bodies were busy taking turns working out and then spotting each other. I sat down at a table, ordered some bottle water ( I think I drank 30 bottles of this over the course of the 3 hours I was there). I was sitting at a table reserved for Tomcal and Gulliver, so one by one, other M4Mers came over and I got to meet a bunch of them. I also got to meet Eduardo who is a sexy young man I had seen earlier in the hotel lobby while I was waiting for the group to go to the 117. I had assumed he was there to see Tomcal…they ALL ARE you know. We I met Eduardo at 202, he explained that he was working to facilitate the party, acting as an interpreter.


All of a sudden, the music blasted and a voice spoke a torrent of words, the lights flashed and 4 of the largest and most muscled men in the room jumped up on stage and began to dance. They flashed skin and huge smiles, each one more dazzling than the next. By this time the crowd was beginning to swell and so was you know who….


Here are some pics…














the staff at 202 threw a BIG BASH for M4Mers. At the end of the 20 minute show, the largest of the dancers, Reynato, came over and virtually imprisoned me in his attention. No other boy was allowed to get close. We rubbed and groped for a while…he had a HUGE Smile! After a while it was clear that once again all rules flew out the window and off he went for a room. Well, it turns out that the place was so busy, there was a 15 to 20 minute wait for rooms. We finally got our turn during a show with other dancers.


Reynato is well known on the internet , and although he let me take some pictures, he was very specific about his face not showing…That’s fine with me..It was the back side I was having fun with anyway, but SSHHHHHH, don’t tell anyone. We took a shower in the room and then went downstairs.




Man the place was wall to wall with hot men. It’s like an all you can eat (and afford) buffet. I mingled in the crowd and found my way over to Gulliver who was ALL SMILES. Sat with him for a while. Even the staff at 202 is beautiful. Guess it’s ok to say that when I first started reading posts in this forum a year ago, I assumed the descriptions of the men of Brazil were exaggerated. If anything, they have been under stated. Another boy came over…a compact competitive bodybuilder, with a heavily muscled, wrestler type body. We talked, and I got him a natural juice drink. After Tomcal came over and whispered a word in my ear about the boy, I decided that maybe another visit with a boy who does nothing was not what I needed and I said a polite goodbye to him, much to his disappointment. He wandered away, but I saw him watching me for the rest of the night to check if I went with anyone else.


Next was a drag show with singers and dancers, very good for that kind of thing. But with the huge crowd, it was becoming stifling to me, and I told Gulliver I could clear that room of 100 men in two minutes. He asked me “how?”. I told him I would do a strip. He didn’t take me up on it so I guess he liked the heat…heheh


I said my temporary goodnights and wandered back to the hotel to clean up for Jabba’s at 11:30pm. I had asked Eduardo to stop at the hotel when he went by on his way to the restaurant and show me the way. HE arrived promptly at 11:30 and we arrived at the famous Jabba’s. It is everything that has been described. The Tomcal table was already full , but thoughtful Eduardo had reserved another for us and we were seated right next to the 20 guys from M4M and their dates.


While we drank and ordered, a friend of Eduardo’s, Alexander (pronounced

A LE CHAN DRE. A beautiful hot boy. We talked and laughed and ate. Eduardo excused himself for a few minutes, and went to run an errand. Alexander and I talked and before I knew it, I was inviting him to come back to my hotel for the night. Problem was, I had already extended the same invitation to Eduardo. Hmmm, problems, problems.

Eduardo returned and I explained my difficulty (will I never learn?) I was let off the hook when he said NO PROBLEM, WE CAN ALL GO. !!!!! hmmm, well looks like another trip to the ATM. Thank god for Funseeker, my personal RIO banker.


Suddenly the waiter appeared with a big chocolate coconut cake and ONE sparkler! The other M4Mers and boys sang happy birthday to me and I was assured by Eduardo that he and Alexander were going to do a “especiale” for me on my birthday.

Special it was. Boy, did they love that WET DREAMS DVD . “lil Jack did indeed enjoy his birthday too. I was sandwiched between two lovely boys , one the self proclaimed King of Kisses and the other an equally passionate brazilian. I think we drifted off to sleep around 4:30 am so I understand why Tomcal says in all of his visits he has never seen the breakfast buffet at this hotel. Today, I had to order in. Eduardo had early appointments for guiding and Alexander slept in. Once he got up, we went down to the beach for lunch around 12:30.


Here are some pics from the Top Beer Restaurant right on the beach.





Conversing, or trying to, is a very interesting experience. Alexander speaks 6 languages; Spanish, French, Italian, German, and Porteguese plus some limited English. What makes listening a delight is that he slips easily into each of them all in the same sentence! One word Spanish, then Italian, then French, back to Spanish…it’s a trip.

Anyway, I had bacon and eggs, (I know, how American) He had a tuna Pasta salad which I tried and it was delicious.


We took a cab and drove to Ipanema (sp?) Beach. Alexander said it was his favorite peaceful spot in Rio.


Here are some pictures of our trip to the beach.







Afterward, we came back to the hotel and he filled the Jacuzzi in the bathroom and we had a sexy bubbly bath and then a massage. It is now nearly 6 pm and I just said goodbye to Alexander 30 minutes ago. My birthday has lasted for way, WAY over the 24 hours, and I am actually feeling younger by some perverse time warp


Maybe it’s being with these wonderful boys.

I'll have swome revealing pics of Alexander next time as soon as I figure out how to make them a more manageable size.

Hope you ain't bored


NEXT TIME: Saturday night in RIO.

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RE: 'lil jack's birthday


Maybe it's being with these wonderful boys.


Here's some more pics of the party and my long night and day with Alexander. We're now registered at Tiffany's. 'lil jack is in love:P








Still habing trouble with the pic file...will post more later.

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RE: 'lil jack's birthday


Really enjoy the travelogue and especially the photos!! Suddenly those long forgotten glitches getting there probably don't seem to matter much now huh? Go for it---live it, taste it, give yourself up to it and repeat after me....."Now I am beginning to understand the magic of Brasil.":+

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