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Friday, October 24th, Point 202 Party Back On!

Guest Tomcal_
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{From Tri: Read this message and then the other ones. And guys, give the "organizers" a break! We're all supposed to be on vacation and having a good time, not stressing out over this! ;) }



I thought I better put this as a separate post in case no one read down to the last message in the other thread on it. Reasons are given there. All the suanas are open that night, there just won't be an organized event as was being planned.

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RE: Friday, October 24th, Pointe 202 Party, Cancelled!



I hope that you aren't too pissed off at me for what I said in reply to your questions. I am sorry that things got so burdensome. I was looking forward to the party. It happens that it will be my birthday. But I am sure I can make do although all the extras like drag queens and contests would have been fun I am sure. Thanks for all of your efforts to make this trip fun for all of us. I promise to lay off the "frigate bird " thing for one whole week!. Seriously, you and the others that are trying to bring order to the chaos of 30 odd men showing up in RIO, well that's something I am grateful for. I am willing to do some heavy lifting if it's needed, just tell me what to do.


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RE: Friday, October 24th, Pointe 202 Party, Cancelled!


My thoughts on the matter - guys get a grip. This party is happening for the third time because of the energy of a few people who make it happen. Between the people who always come up with great ideas (as long as someone else does the work) and those who dont realize that when 30 or 35 people get togethor you just go with the flow - you cant have 30 people choosing exactly what they want to eat - eat what has been provided - enjoy yourself - get laid - pay the cheap bill OR hang out by yourself. AND DO NOT tell other people what you want done - do it yourself or just come as a guest. Thanks Tomcal for your post - I agree 100%. Remember, there are no party organizers contrary to popular belief so everyone pitch in, pay, and help clean up. This was a problem in the past.

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RE: Friday, October 24th, Pointe 202 Party, Cancelled!


Well, there ARE organizers in the sense that a handful of us have taken the responsibility for pulling something together. Tomcal, I haven't seen the e-mails you've gotten, so I can't speak to them, but as for "cancelling" the event on Friday the 24th, it seems to me it'll happen anyway, since people are going to be in town and the sauna will be open. However, I don't think we need to go crazy over it. The sauna owners know how to throw a party; just tell them that there will be at least 20 of us there (if you actually think it will be that many) and that it's up to Junior & Co. to decide if they want to bring in some extra food, entertainment, etc., as well as whether they want to make it an exclusive event or keep the place open to the public, too. I don't know that they intend to charge extra for food; they often throw "birthday parties" and other things, with free special food or cake or such, to keep the clients entertained and happy.


I think you're right that it's a mistake to ask what people want when it's getting to be a crowd this large, and organizing anything with gay guys IS like herding cats!!! Besides, in a sense it's YOUR party (since you're the one who knows the sauna owners and it was your idea to take advantage of the otherwise slack night at 202) so it's your call about what's going to be at the party. If you want entertainment, or food, or whatever, just tell your friends at Point 202 what you want, and people can show up Friday night at 7:00 and if they have a good time that's great and if they don't they know where else they can go! }( It's not like they have to stay there if they're not enjoying themselves, when Estação is just down the street and 117 is a metro hop away.


Honestly, let's not sweat it! We're all going to Rio to have a good time, and we will! :9

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RE: Friday, October 24th, Pointe 202 Party, Cancelled!


Tom- I empathize with you and am sorry that the tentative plans have gone awry from all of the negative input forcing this event to be cancelled.


Your previous response brought back memories for me when I went to the then Soviet Union in 1990. Our guide (an American woman) solicited suggestions from the group which in turn caused a plethora of dissention and hurt feelings by the end of the trip. At one point I advised her to make the decisions: we participants would just have to go along with them or do something else... She continued to do as previous; I decided I'd never travel with this group/company again...


I know you wanted to be democratic, but as Tri mentioned-- gays... I'll say kings/queens... can be a little much at times. I know my patience would have worn thin, too!

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RE: Friday, October 24th, Pointe 202 Party, Cancelled!


My thoughts have all been aired publicly and I stand by them. The previous parties have been medium in size and successful.


I have been concerned for a long time over the party numbers for the main party. Now that everyone is to be given two invites this only makes planning harder for the organisers. I would feel more comfortable when the number of confirmed/definates is known. (both boys and M4Mers). I would be also happier if people only invited the number of people they intend to sleep with (though not necessarily the person(s) they wanted to sleep with)


My other concerns are that the hotel will not appreciate 80-100 people on the rooftop. That some people will invite two boys to the party and not sleep with any. (I know Tomcal can take up some of the slack but even he cannot take up (hesitates to name a number) a massive amount. That the gifts will be stretched too thinly to impress the boys. (I know they have not been promised anything but they have been impressed previously and it would be nice to carry on the tradition)


As for the seperate parties, without definate confirmations I was concerned that the hosts might lay on too much and the numbers dissappoint them. You have built up a lot of goodwill in that community and it would be a shame to tarnish it. Having laid on an event there is an obligation to see that event through to an end. I'm not sure i was willing to commit myself to a single sauna on both friday nights when I might want to dash to another sauna.


If the extra events were low key with no expectations on the owners part, no one would feel they have to stay for the sake of it or protecting anyones feelings. I'm sure Tomcal would want to move on if the trade was not to his taste.


Personally if it was up to me, I would have stuck with the main party as the only planned event. There will be more than enough Americans at any of the saunas at any time almost for a friendly party atmosphere to exist. I'm sorry if your feelings have been hurt Tomcal, it was not intentional but just maybe extra events were a bit ambitious and presumed a little bit too much?


In my own way I have been thinking of things to do to help with the party. I have packed wrapping paper and scissors and raffle tickets and 14 gifts including a pack of minature scents as requested earlier. I continue to look out for fun things and ideas (including 4 tubes of pringles for Kevin) and I'm not sure I like being cast as some sort of whinging feline poof! It may not sound like much but nobody has requested anything else of me as yet.


Amongst this group of M4Mers there are other groupings/alliances/friendships with other things to get organised like trips etc and many people have many things in the air waiting for tentative plans to gel. To be committed on everything is not always easy.


My comment about the big dick competition was with the boys in mind. The sauna boys are mainly regulars and the biggest dick is probably known to all. Why bother having a competition where most of the boys know the result beforehand and with have little personal interest (Unless of course you were planning on having M4Mers compete to throw a little uncertainty in the competition?).


My suggestion of a cute buns competition (or any other aspect you want to choose) would have given the boys an element of uncertainty and some perceived chance of success.


The main party I'm sure will be a blast - everything else will be a bonus. Please no pouting or sulking - it wont suit you Tomcal.


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RE: Friday, October 24th, Pointe 202 Party, Cancelled!


Driver, don't worry about me, no sulking here! If you guys could see the messages coming in from Non posters, and their, wishlists/wants/fantasy's,etc...UGH!!! Anyhow, I jsut got back to the house form going out with Doug, who many of you know, and he said let's do it like you do a party at home, You figure out who you are going to invite, tell them what time to show up and the rest is theirs to do with as they want at the party, but you and only you make the party arrangements! If they don't like it they can go back to their room and play bingo or canasta!! (what is that?) I will liet you all know tomorrow. Persoanlly, a dozen hot guys coming down for our party on friday sounded pretty hot!

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RE: Friday, October 24th, Pointe 202 Party, Cancelled!


This will be avery fun staua party with a chance for thall the guys who ae arriving to meet in a comforable seeting. Just a littlen mmore down'/homne relased then antiicatped

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RE: Friday, October 24th, Pointe 202 Party, Cancelled!


Tri, figure out who is going to pay the caterer and who will collect the money from the guests. I did it last two times and it is not possible to do it this time. Monica is emailing me today the proposed fees and what limit the hotel is going to put on number (if any). I will forward her post to you so you can figure it out.

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RE: Friday, October 24th, Pointe 202 Party, Cancelled!


>This will be avery fun staua party with a chance for thall

>the guys who ae arriving to meet in a comforable seeting. Just

>a littlen mmore down'/homne relased then antiicatped



Uhh, Tom,

No offense, you know I think you are a great guy, but is this the Portuguese that you have been learning, or is this supposed to be english?}(

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RE: Friday, October 24th, Pointe 202 Party, Cancelled!


Jackhammer, I looked at that post this morning and thought "Who the fuck wrote that??" Who is using my password!??

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RE: Life Returns to Normal


Good, I'm glad everyone has gotten over any small snits or bruised feelings. As for NON-posters, I certainly don't see where any of them get off tellling anybody what should be going on! I'll be glad to see them if any of them come, but if they're not contributing towards organizing the party, they certainly don't get any input. Besides, Doug is right: it's like being invited to a dinner party. You eat what's put before you. It's not a restaurant, you don't get a menu and you don't get to choose, or tell the host what you will or won't eat, or otherwise take advantage of his hospitality and good will!


And here endeth the lesson from Miss Manners!


For the Friday nights at 202, I repeat my suggestion, Tomcal, that you let Junior & Co. know the number of guys who are expected and that it's up to them to decide what they'd like to do for the crowd. We're easy! If they'd like to have some extra food, like free hors d'ouevres, or cake or popcorn or whatever, it's up to them and we'll appreciate whatever they do. As I said earlier, it's not at all uncommon for the saunas to spring for some "extras" on special occasions as a way to attract attention, show their gratitude to their faithful clients, etc. But by no means should you worry about spending time organizing those events! Junior & Co. are the owners of the sauna and the beneficiaries of our presence (in the depths of low season, no less) so give them the chance to be the professionals they actually are and show us a fun time!


Gulliver, I'll e-mail you and the other "organizers" about collecting money, etc. Let's decide on how to do it, and then post the info here so partygoers know what to expect. OK?

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RE: Friday, October 24th, Pointe 202 Party, Cancelled!


>Jackhammer, I looked at that post this morning and thought

>"Who the fuck wrote that??" Who is using my password!??


Me too. My eyes glazed and I just got new reading glasses. I was also blaming your new language with the unlined nike shorts plus "cosmos".

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If there is anything I can do to help you out you just let me know ya heah. :D thats how we talk down heah. At any rate I will be there on the 25th and if need help just drop me a line. Okay!!


We appreciate all you have done, and do. I like the stories, the escapades. So I will buy you a drink oh hell I'll buy you 2!!:) :-) }(



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RE: Friday, October 24th, Pointe 202 Party, Cancelled!


Driver, I wish I could claim either 1) 2) or 3) then I would at least have an excuse. I think what happened is my right hand was over one key too far!! and as is obvious I don't look up while I am typing!! anyhow it gave me and several other a good laugh. Looking forward to buying you a drink in Rio!!

Funseeker, I wish I could claim it was cosmos!!

Jolson, your on, make it two Caprihinhas!!

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RE: Friday, October 24th, Pointe 202 Party, Cancelled!


Typical, I mention my PDA and the fact it will be useful for recording Tomcal's little trysts and the bloody thing packs up on me. No doubt it baulked at the possibility of handling that much data. So that has gone back to the shops now. $300 worth of crap.


Still the party CD is comming along well, need a few more latin american songs and of course the famous "its my party and I'll cry if I want to" song . . . . :+

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