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Getting "it"


trilingual, my impression is that many guys who post here (probably most) go to Brazil because they can't (or don't know how to) get "it" at home and/or the only "it" they get anywhere is gotten by paying for it. My own trip to Rio this year was enjoyable, but "average," as compared to other trips around the world. I think you, and some other Brazil "fanatics" need to broaden your experiences . . . there's a big gay world out there, and it's not just limited to Brazil. Hey, to each his own . . . this is a good forum, with good information . . . it's just that so many posters seem sexually "challenged."

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Getting "it"


trilingual, my impression is that many guys who post here (probably most) go to Brazil because they can't (or don't know how to) get "it" at home and/or the only "it" they get anywhere is gotten by paying for it. My own trip to Rio this year was enjoyable, but "average," as compared to other trips around the world. I think you, and some other Brazil "fanatics" need to broaden your experiences . . . there's a big gay world out there, and it's not just limited to Brazil. Hey, to each his own . . . this is a good forum, with good information . . . it's just that so many posters seem sexually "challenged."

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RE: Generalizing


>it's just that so many posters seem sexually "challenged."


As the instigator and eventually moderator of this board, I've seen most if not all of the postings here. I certainly haven't seen much to suggest that many posters here are sexually "challenged." Quite the contrary; most posters here seem to be well-travelled, mature guys who've been around the block more than a few times in their lives. I've met a number of the posters in person, both in the U.S. and in Rio, and my impression has largely been accurate, I think.


I don't know what you mean by "sexually challenged," unless you mean "inexperienced." Most of the posters here don't fall into that category, by a long shot. A number of us are older and not in peak physical condition. We may be "challenged" in that respect in our home countries where it's more difficult to meet younger and physically fit partners because of the rampant ageism so prevalent in the U.S. and Northern Europe. One of the appealing things about Brazil and Latin America is that being older and out-of-shape is less of an impediment to meeting younger/fitter men than at home, because there is a surprising number of such young, fit men who are attracted to older guys like us. In my own case, I'm in my late 50s, short, stout and gray-haired. Even though I consider myself reasonably attractive and lots of fun to be with, I'm virtually invisible to the vast majority of American and European men in their twenties and thirties, which is the age group I find most attractive. That's not the case in the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries, where there are enough prospective partners (paid and unpaid) that I can have an active sex life there.


Although I'm not as well-travelled as some of the posters here, I've been virtually everywhere in North America, to many places in Northern Europe, to much of Spain and Portugal, to almost all of Brazil, and to Argentina and Uruguay on frequent occasions. Because I have close friends there (and in some cases I've lived there myself) over the years I've spent a lot of time in New York, Washington, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Montreal, Toronto, Amsterdam, Berlin, Buenos Aires, Rio and São Paulo. These are cities I know extremely well, at least as well as San Francisco, where I've lived for nearly thirty years. Let's just say that I've done more than just typical tourist sight-seeing in all of those cities. In New York, I lived around the corner from the Stonewall when it was new, and experienced the whole hot scene of the baths and the "trucks" in the late '60s, as well as the Stonewall riot. In New Orleans, I lived for several years in the early '70s on Bourbon Street right between the Bourbon Pub and Lafitte's, which were virtually extensions of my living room. I was young, cute and reasonably fit in those days, and had no trouble finding partners. Here in San Francisco, I lived through and participated fully in the great gay "awakening" of the '70s, when "anything goes" might as well have been the official motto. Bars, baths, or backrooms, I did them all! So I'm definitely not inexperienced (especially not after being out of the closet and sexually active for more than 40 years), provincial or otherwise sexually "challenged." Having met a number of the most frequent posters here, I can say that I'm hardly unique in that respect.


As I've said before, if Brazil didn't particularly ring your chimes, that's OK. Not everyone succumbs to its charms. But just because you didn't react to Brazil the way most of us have doesn't mean (or imply) that we're somehow deficient, limited, inexperienced or sexually "challenged!" Especially when there's little evidence on this board to support such a conclusion. It also doesn't help YOUR case to continually run down the other posters here when you haven't put your own credentials on the table, both in terms of your sexual experience and your worldly experience. You've had lots of opportunities to do so, including being asked directly to tell us what countries and places you DO find more appealing than Brazil, but you don't respond. On the other hand, you undermined your own credibility in an earlier series of postings when you claimed that, on the whole, men in Thailand are as well-endowed (or better-endowed) than Brazilian men. Experienced travelers know that's patently not the case.


You'll gain much more respect here if you just limit your observations about your travels to your own experiences, likes and dislikes, and not say or assume that there's something the matter with people whose experiences and reactions differ from yours.

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RE: Generalizing


>it's just that so many posters seem sexually "challenged."


As the instigator and eventually moderator of this board, I've seen most if not all of the postings here. I certainly haven't seen much to suggest that many posters here are sexually "challenged." Quite the contrary; most posters here seem to be well-travelled, mature guys who've been around the block more than a few times in their lives. I've met a number of the posters in person, both in the U.S. and in Rio, and my impression has largely been accurate, I think.


I don't know what you mean by "sexually challenged," unless you mean "inexperienced." Most of the posters here don't fall into that category, by a long shot. A number of us are older and not in peak physical condition. We may be "challenged" in that respect in our home countries where it's more difficult to meet younger and physically fit partners because of the rampant ageism so prevalent in the U.S. and Northern Europe. One of the appealing things about Brazil and Latin America is that being older and out-of-shape is less of an impediment to meeting younger/fitter men than at home, because there is a surprising number of such young, fit men who are attracted to older guys like us. In my own case, I'm in my late 50s, short, stout and gray-haired. Even though I consider myself reasonably attractive and lots of fun to be with, I'm virtually invisible to the vast majority of American and European men in their twenties and thirties, which is the age group I find most attractive. That's not the case in the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries, where there are enough prospective partners (paid and unpaid) that I can have an active sex life there.


Although I'm not as well-travelled as some of the posters here, I've been virtually everywhere in North America, to many places in Northern Europe, to much of Spain and Portugal, to almost all of Brazil, and to Argentina and Uruguay on frequent occasions. Because I have close friends there (and in some cases I've lived there myself) over the years I've spent a lot of time in New York, Washington, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Montreal, Toronto, Amsterdam, Berlin, Buenos Aires, Rio and São Paulo. These are cities I know extremely well, at least as well as San Francisco, where I've lived for nearly thirty years. Let's just say that I've done more than just typical tourist sight-seeing in all of those cities. In New York, I lived around the corner from the Stonewall when it was new, and experienced the whole hot scene of the baths and the "trucks" in the late '60s, as well as the Stonewall riot. In New Orleans, I lived for several years in the early '70s on Bourbon Street right between the Bourbon Pub and Lafitte's, which were virtually extensions of my living room. I was young, cute and reasonably fit in those days, and had no trouble finding partners. Here in San Francisco, I lived through and participated fully in the great gay "awakening" of the '70s, when "anything goes" might as well have been the official motto. Bars, baths, or backrooms, I did them all! So I'm definitely not inexperienced (especially not after being out of the closet and sexually active for more than 40 years), provincial or otherwise sexually "challenged." Having met a number of the most frequent posters here, I can say that I'm hardly unique in that respect.


As I've said before, if Brazil didn't particularly ring your chimes, that's OK. Not everyone succumbs to its charms. But just because you didn't react to Brazil the way most of us have doesn't mean (or imply) that we're somehow deficient, limited, inexperienced or sexually "challenged!" Especially when there's little evidence on this board to support such a conclusion. It also doesn't help YOUR case to continually run down the other posters here when you haven't put your own credentials on the table, both in terms of your sexual experience and your worldly experience. You've had lots of opportunities to do so, including being asked directly to tell us what countries and places you DO find more appealing than Brazil, but you don't respond. On the other hand, you undermined your own credibility in an earlier series of postings when you claimed that, on the whole, men in Thailand are as well-endowed (or better-endowed) than Brazilian men. Experienced travelers know that's patently not the case.


You'll gain much more respect here if you just limit your observations about your travels to your own experiences, likes and dislikes, and not say or assume that there's something the matter with people whose experiences and reactions differ from yours.

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There he goes again


trilingual . . . it's always about you, isn't it. Do you ever not react in "knee jerk" fashion? I'll comment in the manner that suits me, and you feel free to do what you want . . . just don't expect everyone to march in "locks step" with you. From the tone of your repeated remarks on this forum, I really doubt that you've had much experience in the gay world, outside of Rio. Sorry, but it seems obvious from your remarks.

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There he goes again


trilingual . . . it's always about you, isn't it. Do you ever not react in "knee jerk" fashion? I'll comment in the manner that suits me, and you feel free to do what you want . . . just don't expect everyone to march in "locks step" with you. From the tone of your repeated remarks on this forum, I really doubt that you've had much experience in the gay world, outside of Rio. Sorry, but it seems obvious from your remarks.

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RE: There he goes again


>trilingual . . . it's always about you, isn't it.


No, it's not always about me. In fact, it's mostly about Escorts South of the U.S.A.! That's what the thread's about! You alleged that we're all sexually "challenged" and inexperienced, and I put my own life experience out there on the board as an example of someone who is none of the above! I also mentioned a number of other posters I know personally who don't fit your imagined stereotype.


Also, it's notable that you still haven't answered any of the questions posed to you about your experience and tastes. One can only assume that after being given repeated opportunities to demonstrate your own wide experience and savoir-faire that you mustn't have much to show! All you can do is bad mouth other posters whose experiences are different from yours. Nobody needs that.


It's perfectly OK not to have been enchanted by your trip to Rio. No place on earth satisfies all people, all the time. But it's not OK to make snide, derogatory comments about other people just because they like or enjoy something that leaves you indifferent. It's also not OK to post obvious disinformation about a place, like referring to the Brazilian saunas as unsanitary whorehouses, or telling people Thais are better hung than Brazilians! Believe me, that doesn't boost your credibility. So just stick with the facts and your own opinions about the places you visited and the things you did, and leave other posters' likes and dislikes out of it. When you've done that, you've made some interesting points and observations about your visit to Brazil. When you start denigrating everyone else or make outlandish statements, people simply stop believing you and listening to you.

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RE: There he goes again


>trilingual . . . it's always about you, isn't it.


No, it's not always about me. In fact, it's mostly about Escorts South of the U.S.A.! That's what the thread's about! You alleged that we're all sexually "challenged" and inexperienced, and I put my own life experience out there on the board as an example of someone who is none of the above! I also mentioned a number of other posters I know personally who don't fit your imagined stereotype.


Also, it's notable that you still haven't answered any of the questions posed to you about your experience and tastes. One can only assume that after being given repeated opportunities to demonstrate your own wide experience and savoir-faire that you mustn't have much to show! All you can do is bad mouth other posters whose experiences are different from yours. Nobody needs that.


It's perfectly OK not to have been enchanted by your trip to Rio. No place on earth satisfies all people, all the time. But it's not OK to make snide, derogatory comments about other people just because they like or enjoy something that leaves you indifferent. It's also not OK to post obvious disinformation about a place, like referring to the Brazilian saunas as unsanitary whorehouses, or telling people Thais are better hung than Brazilians! Believe me, that doesn't boost your credibility. So just stick with the facts and your own opinions about the places you visited and the things you did, and leave other posters' likes and dislikes out of it. When you've done that, you've made some interesting points and observations about your visit to Brazil. When you start denigrating everyone else or make outlandish statements, people simply stop believing you and listening to you.

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RE: There he goes again


I like the subheading: for almost two years I have read and written at this forum as well as others in this message center. M4M has innumerable lurkers or readers but a small number of respondents. (I met a lurker (his term) in one of the saunas in Brasil last October.) During my many hours of reading responses at this site in particular, I've read and responded to at least the responses of four men who have tended to have gone on and on, tit-for-tat in a bitch session. With Mavica's present diatribe-- and the responses by Tri, I could not resist a big, big chuckle.


I applaud all of the input that Trilingual has given to the site: it has been invaluable for this traveler to six continents. I also like and appreciate what the previous poster wrote. (I would have written his name, but I forgot the spelling.)


Tri-- your last post tended to be one of justification; you, of all persons, did not have to write all of this to explain to Mavica, but perhaps you were in your writing mode as others and I can get into sometimes. I have not had the benefit of meeting you personally, but it is hoped that this will happen next month. From all that you've written here and in your emails and from my discussions with Ernani-- you are truly respected!


(I felt I, being a Libra, had to write this! Hope your packing is not getting you down! My friend and I admire your tenacity.

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RE: Like 117


Tom is right.


I have hired in a dozen countries and there is NOTHING like Rio. Other than an occasional bad experience (which can happen anywhere) you have to work on it to have an all-together bad time in Brazil.


Obviously something got you in a negative state of mind. What a shame. Still, the truth is, of all the posters on "Esc South of USA" you are the only one trashing Brazil. Think about it, readers.



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