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Rio Trip Today

Guest Tomcal_
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Guest Tomcal_

I got to LAX today for a noon flight to JFK, 2 hour layover on to Rio arrive tomorrow morning, but the flight was delayed because of thunderstorms out east. After 2 hours sitting on the plane,(they had left the door open so you could walk back out to the gate are to eat/drink)I knew I wouldn't make the connection. They were very good about rebooking me, So I rebooked for tomorrow same flights. Since there is only one flight a day to Rio if you miss it, your around for another 24 hours(both NYC and Miami only have one flight a night getting in the next morning into Rio) I would rather sleep at home then sleep in a hotel near JFK, since either way I end up on the same flight to Rio tomorrow night. This is one of the problems of going somewhere that only has one flight a day. Maybe I should caught one of the morning flights and allowed for a 4 hour layover, but I hate waiting around airports and 2 hours is usually no problem to make your flight.

But my real problem is now I will have to see 14 boys on Weds to make up for the lost day!! LOL

Gulliver, if you see this, look for me Wednesday at noon

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Tomcal, it is very difficult being the sole American support for the rent boy community. I was so looking forward to your coming tomorrow. But, I WILL MANAGE!

It is very slow here for the boys and there is a tad more pressure for them to connect. But I have gotten much better at being in control when they get a bit too agressive. It is me alone at the table at Corujinha with usually one or two boys as a guest. I think i like the Corujinha scene better or equal to the sauna.


many of your buddies have asked about you and Florida Rob.

Went to Mei Mundo tonight and I really liked it a lot. Boys are totally non agressive, very local, charming, natural hot men. The place is a bit of a dump but the charm (and other attributes)of the guys more than makes up for it. i have a chap to introduce you to.


Being solo most of the time means I am realy getting quite comfortable speaking portuguese. I carry my dictionary in my back pocket and can pretty much hold a conversation with anyone. Sorry you missed your flight. Does that mean you cut your trip a day short or can you extend it? Ill let the hotel desk know.


Have breakfast with carlo romano tomorrow to discuss the "tour or Brazil". see you wednesday.

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Hey, Tomcal,

Bet you can't wait to get to Rio. I am looking forward to the 25th like crazy. And Gulliver, hope your stay has been fun. Waiting to hear all the details. Glad you got to Meio Mundo. I want to try it out when I get there. Was it hard to get to? Did the cab driver know where it is? And was it hard to get a cab when you were leaving? Looking forward to hearing from FloridaRobb. Hope he has had a good time in Havana. Well, take care, Gulliver and Tomcal, and I will be writing. Robbguy

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Well Tomcal, you know the same thing happened to me the last time, but I survived somehow. Be sure to save some stories to entertain me with during our NY weekend. And Gulliver, I promise to re-paint and get those toenail scratches out of the guest room ceiling. When I get there in October you have to take me to Meio Mundo. SF Traveler

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> When I get there in October you have to

>take me to Meio Mundo. SF Traveler


Hello SF Traveler-- What are the dates that many of the m4m posters will be at Atlantico Hotel? I have concluded my research and think that I should give Rio a try. The place sounds too good to be true. Thanks in advance for a response.

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Guest Tomcal_

I can't believe I forgot to add this earlier, When I departed the plane to go chg my ticket, coming out of the admirals club at LAX was Colin Farrell. He wasnt' wearing sunglasses or in any way tying to disguise himself and NO ONE was recognizing him! He walked across the gate area to the burger king and I am thinking "ok, there are alot of people in line, someone is going to say something, but NO!

He was wearing a black stocking cap(odd for a 90 degree day in L.A.) a sleeveless muscleshirt and jeans, he looked just like he did in the Recruit, but no one was noticing! Then I went to the ATM, and in front of me was the blond guy from the 70's (?) show CHP's. He couldn't get his card to work and asked me was the machine working? Then he got his card to work and I saw his name pop up on the screen...D.Larry Wilcox. He actually looked exactly like he did, great body,(wearing shorts and a T) full head of hair, just a few added wrinkles. I am thinking, OK if you could pick one of these two guys to go with, which one"? It would be a hard choice, Farrell is very sexy with the slim hips, nice biceps and sexy look and then you had Wilcox with very good body looking like a 38yr. old Iowa farm boy with a great smile! If my plane hadn't been delayed, I would have missed all this., almost worth it, but then I remembered all the boys in Rio that are as hot as Farrell, younger then Wilcox, only thing missing in Rio would be the blond hair! I can work with that! LOL

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guys, Mei Mundo is easy to get to - one can take the metro three stops beyond where we get off for 117 (Gloria Station) and get off at Urugaiana - from there it is a 5 minute walk on a large and safe stree -Av Presidente Vargas. Mei Mundo is on the corner of this larege busy avenue and Rua Teofilo Otoni. One has to cross in front of the cathedral - NS Candelaria.

You can take a cab from the atlantico for 13R though and it takes less than 15 minutes. According to the boys Wed and Fri are the two busy nights. However, I thoroughly enjoyed myself on a very quiet Monday.

Met with Carlo Romano today to review plans for the rest of the month. We went house hunting this morning - the little gated street behind the Atlantico where Jake bought a house has another for sale. Very charming. Also will look at a large condo on Toneleros tomorrow afternoon. Very reasonable. The only was to do this is to go door to door finding out what is available.

Corujinhas was fun last night - many, many sauna boys about and some expats and I sat at table til 3 AM or so. Had a Spa 73 boy over to the hotel for night.

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Well I'm arriving in Rio on Oct 24. I believe Tomcal and others will be there for a day or two prior to my arrival. (I'm going to Iguassu Falls with a boy from the south for a couple of days.) I'm going home on Nov. 1, but others will be there the following week. We're planning a party at the Atlantico with boys for Oct. 27. If you're interested, we always like to meet new M4Mers so "come on down!!" Carlo Romano will get you a good rate at the Atlantico so contact him for that. And don't be intimidated because you don't speak Portuguese. It's more fun if you do certainly, but my God, look at the times people have had without it! SF Traveler

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>We went house hunting this morning - the little

>gated street behind the Atlantico where Jake bought a house

>has another for sale. Very charming. Also will look at a large

>condo on Toneleros tomorrow afternoon. Very reasonable. The

>only was to do this is to go door to door finding out what is



That's how I found my apartment in Rio, with Carlo's help! Anyway, good luck with the house-hunting. It'll be great to have some M4M neighbors! Gosh, if everyone here ends up buying on Jake's little street, they'll have to rename it Rua dos Gringos! ;) Not to mention having to pave the ruts that are going to get worn between the saunas and the street's front gate!


Gulliver, if you get a place and you need some reliable, competent and reasonable workmen, let me know. I was really pleased with the guys who refinished my floors, painted my place, and updated a lot of the electrical and plumbing. Not "friends of Carmen Miranda," as far as I can tell, but very nice guys. The price was right and they managed to finish 99.9% of the work within my very tight deadline. (I'll have them come over for a day or so when I return to finish up a few minor details.) These guys had worked for one of my oldest friends in Rio (who is very picky himself) so I knew I was in good hands if he recommended them. Carlo's seen the results of their work, so he can give you his impressions, too!

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Guest Tomcal_

Well, I am sitting at a hotel at JFK, my flight from LAX to JFK today had the same thing happen that happened yesterday, delayed 2-1/2 hours in L.A., missed the connection to Rio by 20 mins., so have to sit here until tomorrow night if I want to go. I am thinking of just taking a flight back to L.A. tomorrow, since I won't get into Rio now until Thurs. instead of the original Tues. and going that far for 4 days...it's almost not worth it!!(well ok, it would be worth it but I am in such a ugly Mood that I don't know if I could really enjoy myself.)I am going to wait until tomorrow morning to make a decision, as getting off the plane after being on it 8hours and then waiting over a hour for American to get me a hotel, it's now almost 1:00 in the morning and I just got into the room. American offered to put me on a flight to LONDON!! and London to Rio, which would have gotten me in to Rio 8 hours earlier then if I wait for the flight tomorrow night!!! I would be dead on my feet so that wouldn't accomplish anything. I just stared at them when they gave me that option. I definitly having a "Bad Karma" week!

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Poor Tomcal=== Your vacation has been disrupted and is off to a bad start. How awful. I can understand how you could be tempted to reschedule your trip for another time; like late October when many of the other M4M people will be there. You were very kind last week when you gave me directions on how I can obtain information on Rio and the Atlantico Hotel and saunas. I spent several hours reading the various posts that have been made by you and other members of the M4M board. I am sorry you have encountered bad luck in your attempt to get to Rio. I travel extensively but have, fortunately, never encountered a delay like you have experienced. If there were more frequent flights, this would not have happened to you.

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Tomcal's consolation prize



Dude, first hawaii, now this twice..and a bad cold last week as well. Well, if you decide to come home early, I will take you to dinner. I know, not much of a consolation compared to the 125 boys you would have done in RIO (and of course my dinner offer doesn't include sex), but hate to see a friend suffer. I will tell you all about my lunch date today (hhmmmmm) and you can feel proud of the monster you have created. Did you get your garment bag at least????



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RE: Tomcal's consolation prize


Hey Tom-howzabout running up to Montreal-1 hour away(4 by train)not what you were looking forward to -but still an opp.to be with some beauties.Check Air Canadas site for last min" fares out of NY-they usually have something from NY-Montreal!Priceline has 4 stars going for around $75(or the Gouv-yech-would love to have you a week after pride)

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RE: Where's Tomcal


Its a difficult call. A bad mood can affect a holiday but once you are there and the warm wind blows you and you walk barefoot in the surf it all becomes a golden "moment"


Mind you lady luck can be a bitch and at that point you are liable to tread on a turd or someother bit of flotsom washed back by the sea.


When I was there for just threee nights for my first visit (this time last year nearly) I could not believe how nice it was and how far I had travelled but it was tinged with the knowledge that I was just there for three days and would soon return home.


If I was TomCal I would go and just limit myself to my favourites - boy - sauna - restuarant - boy - beach - boy - etc

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Guest Tomcal_

RE: Where's Tomcal


Hi Guys!, after I wrote the post last night, I called FloridaRobb who is getting in to Rio on Friday and he got me thinking more postively...reminding me of how much fun we will have drinking Caprihinas at Coruhinha's at midnight Friday. I woke up late this morning, rested, in a better mood then I called Gulliver in Rio and read a message he had sent me...Bottom line...4-1/2 days in Rio are better then none!(that's betting on the Third Time being a charm, and I make it out tonight!) thanks for all the messages, both here and private.

But the one thing that still has me a little concerned is this black cloud over me this week! First, got to the hotel at midnight, just after the bar and restaurant CLOSED!, then got to my room went to the Soda machine, out of Coke, went up one floor, that machine was jammed, went to the next floor, only had orange soda..ugh, settled for water! Got up this morning, no lights working in the bathroom, waited for maintainence(btw, don't ever stay at the Radisson at JFK, really unfriendly staff, poor service, and you need a Uzi to walk to the parking lot!)

I hope Gulliver has 1/2 dozen or so boys waiting for me in his room tonight!

So, if the rest of the week goes as planned, I will have a sexually explicit post on Friday that will include the names/activities of at least a Dozen Rio boys!!! LOL

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RE: Where's Tomcal


Last year this happened to me connecting via JFK in the dead of winter (snowstorm). Missed the connection, so American was going to put me up at the airport. Having stayed there years before on another weather-related screw-up I knew better and insisted they find me a hotel in Manhattan and throw in a round-trip taxi voucher. I ended up at the oh-so-conveniently located Marriott Marquis in Times Square. (I also got a meal voucher.)


If the flight out to Rio were just the next morning, overnighting at JFK might not be so terrible, but to be stuck in darkest Queens for 24 hours is asking far too much! So be an assertive frequent flyer and have them put you up in the City the next time this happens!

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RE: Where's Tomcal


Apparently Tom has made it to "paradise" south of us and is really making up for the two days that he lost in NYC. Tom, don't become too submerged, please! Enjoy and post here! We "panting" M4Mers who have been apprised of your previous actions and activites while you've been in "your heaven" are truly axious to here! Apprise us! Wolffffffffffffffff!!!

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