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we watched a movie a couple of days ago called "our lady of the assassins" and it left me with a pretty bad impression of colombia.


the story line was older guy meets young guy.they get it on and develop a relationship of sorts,young guy gets killed by rival gang member,old guy goes into depression until he meets another young guy.the new young guy unknown to old guy is the gang member that killed 1st young guy.old guy finds out new guy killed 1st guy and old guy wants to kill new guy but .......forgives new guy for killing 1st guy .......and they develop a relationship.............whewwww.



anyway new guy that killed 1st guy is killed by another gang member,and old guy goes back into depressed state .fade out ..fini.



*okay now my question* is the violence depicted in this movie (and the abject poverty that seems to cause it)representive of life in colombia.these kids killed people for reasons that were incomprehensible to a reasonably sane person *ahem like myself* anyway long winded question soooooo has anyone seen this movie.....and ..is the country that bad..taylor@03:50-06/12/03

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It's an excellent movie. I bought it on DVD about 6 months ago and thoroughly enjoy watching it despite all the voplence.

As far as Columbia is concerned, I understand that it is probably the most dangerous country in SA to visit because of all the violence.

It is pretty much run by the major drug cartels.

If you enjoyed "Our Lady of the Assassins", I would recommend you watch "Burnt Money". It has a

lot of violence but is a little bit more "fun". Also some excellent eye candy in Eduardo Noriega. Hot!!!

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Colombia has very high crime, almost all of it drug related (even though some of it masquerades as "political"). Lots of killings over bad drug deals, turf wars, etc. When you add in the kidnappings and bombings by the FARC and other "rebel" groups (read "narco-terrorists") Colombia is a vacation destination only for the visitor with nerves of steel. Not all of Colombia is as violent. Cali and Medellin seem to be the worst, Bogota also has problems. The vacation resorts on the Caribbean, like Cartagena and Santa Marta, seem to have fewer problems.


There's similar violence in Brazil, for similar reasons, except that there's no organized army of narcotics dealers masquerading as freedom fighters.


In both cases, the odds of a visitor running into trouble are quite low, as long as the visitor uses reasonable prudence, avoids drug deals, and follows the lead of locals in terms of safe areas and activities. In spite of all the problems, Colombia and Brazil are big countries, with big cities, and millions of people manage to lead their daily lives without having direct contact with all the troubles.

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I hate to say this... but as soon as you get off the airport in Bogota, they frisk you and then they send you to an office to undress you to make sure you don't carry "anything" on you.


Then they collect all your valuables, "for safekeeping", that they promise to return when you fly out.


Then you are let go with a vest, generally reserved for the army, yet government issued for tourists, with a warning to follow the laws of the land.


Usually, when you sleep at night, most hotels are patrolled not by cops but by the army. There are regular raids and sirens all over...very normal in Bogota.


Dogs you see all over sniffing every person on the street for drugs...




It's a movie, you dirtbag, Colombia is never different from the South Central LA that you know about with Colombians as the dominant people of the South Bronx where Latinos abound.


The movie got you, then it must be well made.


Next time, we'll talk about London and if I have the time, maybe the Loch Ness monster......

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i must take a different tack from the last writer but alas the verdict reached seems distressingly similar.

the themes of "the movie" ring true!!, so

if you were spooked by our lady of the assassins,

for christ sakes,

then don't see

plata quemada (burnt money),

and certainly don't see

cidade de deus,

the latter a TRUE picture of daily life in rio de janeiro,

let alone GO there!!


now that you know that the themes of all these movies are based on reality, how can you dare to leave yr comfortable ghetto in l.a. or the south bronx !!



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Miss Trixie has seen this movie, and found it very moving. Did you know that all the boys in the film are actual street kids of Medellin?

Although I believe the director took some romantic liberties in the making of OLoAssassins,

the concept of the story is true. And not long ago I heard a report about "teenage assassins" in Colombia on PBS radio that was even sadder.

Children and young adults aged 9-16 are routinely employed by gangs in Medillin as assasins because they cannot be tried as adults. The PBS broadcast interviewed a 13 year-old who was employed by a woman who wanted her neighbor dead for gossiping about an affair she was having. The 13 year-old obliged, for $20.

Most sad was that, as the 13 year-old spoke, it became apparent that he did not expect to live to be twenty. There was a fatalistic feeling about him, which was well captured in the movie.

The point of the movie was not only to show the extreme violence that haunts the day-today lives of some Colombians, but the psychology that has developed in a whole generation of young males.

You will kill, and you will be killed... at least live long enough to buy you mama a refrigerator.

Having visited Colombia, I can attest to some of the film's veracity. I was in Medellin on a night a drug cartel shot off fireworks to indicate they'd got a shipment into the US. Everyone in town knew what it meant. And people went out into the streets to watch, like it was the 4th of July. To them it was just fireworks, a pretty spectacle, it didn't matter who was responsible for them.

As a tourist, you are unlikely to encounter any such violence. It runs in it's own circles. As a tourist looking for young boys, you may get robbed, or worse, because your circle is merging with theirs. More likely you would be seen as Hope, a chance to escape to a better life. A rich gringo is a ticket out of the slums. Keep that in mind, because you most likely cannot help these boys the way they need to be helped,

unless you are exceptionally strong, wealthy and willing to go through the ordeal of sponsoring an alien to come to the US.

A friend of mine who lives in Bogota wrote me after this movie came out that the No.1 tourist attraction in Medillin has become the hillside where bodies are dumped, as seen in the movie.

Life imitates art.


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Hey taylor, it is good to see a post by you. I've missed your input here on the mc. Forget the last poster, as he most likely attacked you because I believe he is one of those Republicans you had words with before in the political forum. Speaks for itself doesn't it?


You got some great replies from tri and nasa and Trixie, so who needs him. Yeah, I saw that movie for the first time on the Sundance channel and thought it was a great movie. Very sad too, as I kept falling for the boys who kept winding up dead! :(


Funny thing is, that a guy from El Salvador told me 20 years ago, to run if you see anyone on a motorcycle coming your way as that was the modus operandi of the killers for hire down there.

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keep yr political views out of this forum idiot and don't make assumptions about mine


***and don't assume respondents who take offense to yr comments, and express them, are even americans.*** and certainly make no assumptions about our ideologies.

guess what we brazilians will not be silenced, either on this board, or in our own country, so take heed


reality check this is after all a site for aging u.s. homosexual losers who cannot seem to get laid in their own country and have to go all the way to brazil to find us and pay us to try & get some kicks. well take another look now and think hard at just who might have the upper hand here


but back to point: these movies ARE in fact based on REALITY so if you cannot stomach watching them and you have any qualms about visiting our countries then you shld not

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Kiss me, you fool!


Straightshooter, you are truly divine! I adore latin revolutionary firebrands. You simply must come to my next cocktail party. We'll dress you up as Che Guevara, and you can insult and spit upon the other guests all evening! It'll be to die for!

La Trix

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RE: Kiss me, you fool!


La Trix, what great idea. I accept. Let's work on guest list. The Che Guevara angle very clever of you and deciding factor. And I know, first hand from several of you, that you would enjoy the rought trade S&M nature of it.


IamI, which one of your alter-egos dares to be invited? Is it the ranting mad vindictive IamI, or is the mellowed, sighing, obviously penetrated by one of my Brazilian friends IamI? La Trix and I will have to think about it. With - yes - to your horror - input from our moderator. If either of yr alter egos wants to be invited then you'll have to stop your tired attacks on him. I'm with Tri on this one, I - along with Brasileiro friends - totally respect him because he understands our reality; indeed he is practically one of us. I can't - and believe me I don't- say this about many Americans.


In an aside to everyone, I want you to know that my last message was too harsh and written in a pique of anger. Not at Taylorky, I have nothing against him, as he is at least asking the right questions and seems to sincerely want to understand reality that we Latins face.

My rage was really directed toward VanHawk because as grounds for dismissing what I had to say he automatically assumed that I had to be an American, and one who shared the right wing views of your government. This was a bit much, as you know we Brazilians have nothing against Americans, but we revile your fascist government.

As proof of former, I have been good enough to pummel a number of you, but SO FAR strictly at your request, as evidenced by the money you keep shoving at me to induce me to do it.}(

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RE: Kiss me, you fool!


Well, since it wouldn't be a smart move to invite Tri and IamI to the same party, this will create an interesting social dilemma for La Trix, won't it?


On the other hand, as long as IamI has indeed mellowed out, thanks to the tender ministrations of some heavily endowed Brazilian stud, Tri might reconsider. . . Besides, it might be a hoot to see straightshooter (in his Che Guevara outfit) spitting on the poor unfortunate one!


And thanks, straightshooter, for the kind words. I'm not Brazilian, of course, but I'm slowly becoming one! It'll be a life-long process. But I have a head start because I spent my childhood in Mexico, where many aspects of the the culture are very much like Brazil's!

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RE: Kiss me, you fool!


Not to worry, Miss Trixie has enough floorspace to accomodate each and every alter ego of each guest present. I've been aound long enough to know better than to leave breakables out when the queens are coming over.

Straightshooter, I think that was a wonderful letter you wrote...you are truly a gentleman! I don't know whether you've spent much time in the US, but if you have, you must be aware that citizens of the US, as a rule, just don't know that much about the world at large. (I'm saying that as a very, VERY general stereotype, so no hate mail please!) In fact, if you were to poll a random number of americans, I'll bet you'd find that a majority of them are not even aware of what language is spoken in Brasil. Americans have not been encouraged to look beyond our own borders and understand the life and problems faced in other countries. And with the Bush admin in the Whitehouse, this is more the case than ever. Xenophobia has become the hallmark of our foreign relations.

I hope you can understand, Straightshooter, that Americans are neither dull-witted nor uncaring, but merely ill-informed. And, after the events of 9/11 (before that as well, actually) rather afraid of the outside world. The ramifications of our gross consumerism on the societies of our neighboring nations is rarely reported in American media, and when it is, it's usually buried in some form of sensationalism (ie; rich americans stealing organs from Brasilian orphans).

As you said, the originator of this post is asking the right questions. It's not his fault that the world of child-assassins in Colombia has never reached his eyes before. Once one gets over the shock, a movie such as this actually can do a tremendous amount to educate us about the world. In fact, I believe that had this movie not been gay related, it would have been tremendously popular with the art-house crowd, at least as much a "Men With Guns". But unfortunately, it was buried in the gay ghetto. The american public can only take so much shock from one movie.

Now, back to you in that Che Guevara uniform...

after the party, I'll want to play a little game. I'll be the wife of O presidente, and you can be the rebel leader. You'll be tied to the bed, and it's up to me to extract information from you. For my country, of course! "Voce tem cocegas, meu liberador?"

La belle


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RE: Kiss me, you fool!


>My rage was really directed toward VanHawk because as grounds

>for dismissing what I had to say he automatically assumed that

>I had to be an American, and one who shared the right wing

>views of your government. This was a bit much, as you know we

>Brazilians have nothing against Americans, but we revile your


Excuse me????? I was not replying to your post at all, only to taylorky's post! What in my reply indicated otherwise? You obviously know nothing about me or my posts here to accuse me of being a right winger! Why did you interpret my response to taylor to have anything to do with you?


It is nice to see on the other hand, that your English has improved on your way off the mark reply!


I was not in the least responding to you, but your untoward attack on me, indicates to me that you are definitely a totally duplicitious asshole, that posts here under a number of names. All of your bullshit has to do with using boys from third world countries to line your own pockets, does it? Tell me what is the absoulte youngest boy you will sell? Is it 7 years old, or maybe a little younger/older. I wish someone would gun your sorry ass down, you totally useless piece of child abusing shit!!!!!

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RE: Kiss me, you fool!


Nice to see you have a variety of id's to logon and post under! You really are a totally pathetic piece of crap, who fools no one! How much did you make off of BG? Amazing how your reply is in broken English when you are trying to sell the little dumb foreign country boy, but when your anger against a poster who totally sees thru your bullshit for what it is and calls you on it, all of a sudden you are a damn Rhodes scholar, right? Either stick a damn short fused stick of dynamite up your fucking ass, or pay to advertise your "dumb little foreign whore boys" as HB chastised you to do earlier. After all, why do you feel that a fucking pimp like you should get a free ride? In other words, if I haven't already made myself clear "FUCK THE HELL OFF YOU WHORE MONGERING PIECE OF SHIT!!!"

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RE: Kiss me, you fool!


Well, damn I thought I just did! Not explicit enough for you or anyone else, then I apologize to you and others. This fuckhead doesn't fool anyone, okay? We all know some of his other handles, okay?


I am supposed to respect him, after he attacks me without provocation? Why? He is just a total PIMP who uses others to enrich himself and as such, does not respect those he uses even 1/10th as much as I do/would.


I especially respect his importation to the USA of poor, undereducated, third world boys that he uses this site to promote unashamedly and who he totally overbooks and totally takes advantage of, just so he can line his own pockets with the money that they give him! I would say that he is the lowest form of humanity, but that would be an insult to slime which has more humanity than he professes to possess!


I mean, how could you not praise those who take advantage of others to their own self-enrichment? I assume at the least 10% commission per encounter for his imports at $200/hr 2 hour minimum and then damn man! to go spend it on underaged boys in Brazil who go for $12/hr? A real paragon of virtue, huh? IMO, just a totally useless excuse for a human being! I'd bet the house that in Brazil he rents/uses boys under 10 yo and takes 50% of the paid fee! He and his pedophiliac brothers should be fed to the pirranha in the Amazon River! :(


Is this explicit enough? or would you like me to elucidate further?

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>reality check this is after all a site for aging u.s.

>homosexual losers who cannot seem to get laid in their own

>country and have to go all the way to brazil to find us and

>pay us to try & get some kicks. well take another look now

>and think hard at just who might have the upper hand here


Just in case you did not understand my opinion about you, but certainly not Brazilians in general read my other reponses. I am one American, who is quite capable of getting laid right here in the ole US of A, most times, believe it or not for free. You and other Brazilians with your attitude have no upper hand on me and if I choose to hire someone, I would rather pay $1000/hr right here than go to Brazil and pay $10/hr to scour the jungles for you and your kind. You fuck/let fuck you anyone with $10 and you really think you have the upper hand????? But then again, you don't do that do you? You just sell your little 7 year old brothers/sisters for that price, right? If there was any justice in this world, you and your kind, and the Americans who go there to buy little boys/girls would burn in Hell for all eternity! ;(

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RE: Kiss me, you fool!


La Trix,


Eu nao, mas a pergunta e se VOCE tem cocegas


I know everyone is expecting me to respond to last poster but when I showed his bitter responses to my Brazilian friends we just laughed. We boys sharing our earnings??! Looks like we have new IamI. Shld we invite him I'm not sure because my Brazilian friends might get a little bit carried away on second thought doubt whether he wld show up.


De todo jeito obrigado pela resposta ate a festa

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Yeah, keep, the faith. Might as well keep the filth.

The problem, with you white fags is that you think that

world owe you a great deal for being the greatest country

in the world. That you are the strongest if not the

mightiest. Guess what? Even the mighty get humbled by

weak, even the proud is brought down by the meek.

Remember September 11.

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