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No whores for W in Rio

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26 Mar 2003 17:46 GMT


Rio makes Bush persona non grata


RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (Reuters) - Brazil's tourist centre Rio de Janeiro has reacted to what lawmakers called "U.S. aggression" against Iraq by declaring President George W. Bush "persona non grata".

Fernando Gusmao, author of the mainly symbolic measure unanimously approved by the municipal legislature, said it would not stop Bush from visiting Rio but if he came the legislature would not give him honours due to a head of state.


"The motion is an institutional position of rejection toward the president of the United States in the view of the absurd U.S. aggression in Iraq," said Gusmao of the Communist Party of Brazil.


Gusmao said he would hand the document to the U.S. consulate in Rio de Janeiro and the Embassy in Brasilia and called on other Brazilian cities to follow suit.


Opposition to war is widespread in Brazil, where the new centre-left government has called the conflict illegitimate and some federal lawmakers urged a boycott of U.S. products.

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During the height of Carnaval-- there was a massive demonstration in Ipanema on the Sunday proceeding Carnaval Saturday. A flat bed truck with singers and a lot of firm paper banners affixed, paraded the streets followed by a huge, huge throng of Brasilians and others. The music was great; I thought it was in conjunction with Carnaval, but when I read one of the banners that read: FUCK BUSH, I told my friend that this was a two-pronged rally. Although I am definitely AGAINST America's arrogant aggression and the administration's stance, I stood on the side along with hundred of others and witnessed this! I almost began to cry, for I, too, DO NOT like or condone what is happening in Iraq, nor have I condoned the operations of our country in other parts of the world when it has involved the dropping of bombs, etc.


But guys, since this site is for ESCORTS in SA-- I'll stop and perhaps relay my thoughts in the proper forum. I wrote because what I experienced (in brief) took place during Carnaval!

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"I almost began to cry, for I, too, DO NOT like or condone what is happening in Iraq, nor have I condoned the operations of our country in other parts of the world when it has involved the dropping of

bombs, etc."


So, you support Sadaam's campaigns of genocide, using people as human shields, attempts to starve many of his "people"? Wait a minute, while I stick my finger down my throat and puke!

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>"I almost began to cry, for I, too, DO NOT like or condone

>what is happening in Iraq, nor have I condoned the operations

>of our country in other parts of the world when it has

>involved the dropping of

>bombs, etc."


>So, you support Sadaam's campaigns of genocide, using people

>as human shields, attempts to starve many of his "people"?

>Wait a minute, while I stick my finger down my throat and





No, Mavica-- pehaps the wording is off! That is all I have to say in conjunction with your query! Except-- 'Violence begets violence!"

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I really don't give a shit whether or not you think this is the right thread to post a response to your ignorant remarks . . . but, I think it is . . . and I didn't start the thread, and nobody forced you to post what you've posted, nor what you continue to post. At the end of the day, being a supporter of Saddam isn't a spot I think you want to find yourself in. Ignorance begets more ignorance, which you continue to demonstrate. Want to take the issue to another thread, go ahead . . . but, that's not really what you want, dear . . . is it?

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Mavica, this forum doesn't need your evil, vile remarks/disparagement. You've displayed this quirky trait previously and have gotten up the rancor of other posters. I once respected your views (as divergent as they were), but you've lost that now.


Continue to attack the individual, and pehaps you will be censored as two others have been prior to your joining this site! You're to be pitied, for when one has disagreed with you previously, you have let out your venomous streak!;( x(

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Really. Move the war talk to the appropriate forum and leave this one alone.


However, it's possible to be against this ill-considered war without being a supporter of the despicable Saddam Hussein. In fact, I don't think anyone in the West who opposes the war thinks Saddam is a good guy. But there's a time and a place and a means for accomplishing the goal of removing Saddam from power, with widespread support from the American people and from other countries, but unfortunately the U.S. acted unilaterally and squandered endless goodwill.


BTW, the war is universally opposed here in South America. Sunday night I went to the opera in La Plata, about 40 miles from B.A., and before the performance started one of the orchestra members made an impassioned speech against the war on behalf of the entire company. The remarks about Bush and the U.S. as a new, out-of-control imperialist power were very uncomfortable to hear as a visiting American. I didn't agree with everything the speaker said, and think some her premises were flat-out wrong, but it was an illuminating experience, to say the least. Latin America is historically very much into respecting national sovereignties and not interfering in the domestic affairs of other nations, so this war profoundly violates those very widely-held values. The speech I heard Sunday night clearly spring from those values.


Individual Americans are still welcomed and appreciated here, but I would strongly advise Americans traveling abroad, even in relatively "safe" places like South America, to keep a low profile on political/war issues. Avoid extensive discussions of the war, unless you're dealing with very close friends, and downplay your U.S. connections for the time being. In other words, this is not the time to trot out your wardrobe of red-white-and-blue U.S.A. patriotic t-shirts and sweatshirts, unless you actually like being the center of attention of hostile mobs. . . :-(

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For you Saddam supporters out there . . .


Ahh . . . Axiom . . . people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones! When the moderator moves the discussion, or locks it from further participation, it's over. God save us from censors!


For all of you supporters of Saddam, here's some food for thought. Oh, Axiom . . . if you can read English, this one's for you:




Message for those who protest to prevent war against Saddam


from Dr.Nazad Hawramany, The Kurdistan Observer


The current outburst of antiwar activities in Europe, USA and some Arab countries is confusing the public opinion in the world and misguiding people about the realities of the barbaric regime of Iraq and the real aspirations of Iraqi peoples including Kurds and Arabs and the prospects for regime change in Iraq.


Peace Mongers have lost the moral and ethical right to speak or demonstrate against the war. They are not demonstrating against the war but they are demonstrating to save Saddam Hussein and his barbaric regime .They are using their anti Americanism sentiment, to prevent the possibility of toppling the brutal regime of Saddam Hussein, and are trying relentlessly to portray it as a war for oil resources in Iraq and depict the criminal regime of Iraq as a victim of American hegemony.


Some of Organizers of these so called anti- war demonstrations are presumably on Saddam Hussein's Payrolls, for Saddam Hussein and his cronies are very clever in recruiting consulting firms and lobbying institutions to mislead the public opinion in Europe and America and portray this war which is intended to free Iraqi people and destroy the weapons of mass destruction as a war against the innocent people of Iraq, who are the truly victims of bloody regime of Saddam Hussein. If they are really peace- loving people and anti- war activists, let them try answering some of these these questions:


1- Saddam Hussein and his Ba`ath regime has murdered over 2 millions of Iraqis in the last 35 years. Why they never protested?


2- Four million Iraqis so far have escaped from Iraq because of Saddam Hussein into exile to save their lives. Why they didn't ask about the reason?


3- Saddam Hussein deported tens of thousands of Iraqi Faily Kurds, confiscated their property and abducted over 20,000 young Faily Kurds to unknown destinations. Leaving their families in a limbo. Why they never demonstrated against such a Barbaric Act?


4- Saddam Hussein committed genocide in Iraqi Kurdistan and abducted 180,000 Kurdish women, children and men in the notorious Anfal campaigns of 1986-1988, and buried them alive in mass graves. Why they never demonstrated against this Barbaric Act?


5- Saddam Hussein gassed the City of Halabja killing 5000 women children and men in a few minutes in 1988,and tens of thousands with permanent disabilities and diseases. Why they never demonstrated against this Barbaric Act?


6- Saddam Hussein waged an eight-year unwarranted war against Iranian People 1980-1988. Well, no one demonstrated against it. He was hailed as a hero and a champion of secularism by western countries.


7- Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait und swallowed an independent and sovereign state but no one demonstrated against it. But after International Forces assembled to liberate Kuwait, anti war Peace Mongers appeared on the scene protesting against the War.


8- Why these Peace Mongers don't go to Saddam Hussein to reason with him to give up his power to avoid war and save Iraqi people?


9- Saddam Hussein beheaded thousands of innocent Iraqi women opposed to his regime in front of their children and families with impunity and labeled them as prostitutes. Why they never protested against this barbaric act?


10- Saddam Hussein killed thousands of political prisoners to death with gas and firing squads in the campaign of cleansing prisons because of complaints that prisons are overcrowded, only recently in 2001. Why they didn't come out to demonstrate against this barbaric act?


11- Now Saddam Hussein holds hundreds of thousands of political prisoners. Why they don't protest to free them?


12- Saddam Hussein assassinated hundreds of Shiite scholars of Holly Cities of Kerbala and Nejaf. But no one protested against it.


13- During the Uprising of 1991, Saddam Hussein buried hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Shiites alive. But no one protested against it.


14- Saddam Hussein has made a law to give excuse to any man to rape a woman relative and then murder her in the name of saving the honour of the family according to Saddam Hussein's Tribal Tradition. Why these Peace Mongers don't demonstrate against that?


15- Why these Peace Mongers don't go to reason with Saddam Hussein to call on a general election supervised by International Community to avoid war.


16- Why these Peace Mongers don't go to Saddam Hussein to reason with him to implement UN Security Resolution 688 to end repression in Iraq establish the rule of the law and respect basic human rights?


17- Why these Peace Mongers never protested against German Government for training Saddam Hussein's Security Apparatus on the art of torture and the use of electrical torture instruments against Political Prisoners, and for providing laboratories for chemical and biological weapons.


18- Why these Peace Mongers never protested against French Government for helping Saddam Hussein and doing business with him, against Iraqi people for the last 30 years? Why they don't protest against Mr.Chirac, the (friend) of Saddam Hussein, as he called himself once.


19- Why these Peace Mongers never protested against Russians for sucking Iraqi peoples' blood for the last thirty years and supplying Saddam Hussein with deadly instruments of war from Russian Military Scrape Yards?


20- Why these Peace Mongers never protested against Ethnic Cleansing Policy of Saddam Hussein. He has forced thousands of Kurdish, Turkman and Assyrians families to leave their homes and properties in Kirkuk, Khanaquin, Mandaly, Sinjar for Arab Tribes of Saddam Hussein.


21- Why these Peace Mongers never protested against Turkey for collaborating with Saddam Hussein against Iraqi Kurdish people.


22- Why these Peace Mongers never protest against Turkey for threatening Iraqi Kurdistan's Democratic Experiment. Iraqi Kurdistan's Democratic Experiment in ten years has overtaken 80 years of Turks in the field of Democracy and Civil Society. It can become a driving force to bring democracy, stability, peace and civil society to post-Saddam Iraq.


23.Why they didn't protest the demolition and burning of 4000 Kurdish villages in Iraqi Kurdistan .


24.Why are they not demonstrating to bring Saddam and his Thugs before an International Tribunal to be tried for crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide?


25.Why is it feasible for Iraqi people to live under the tyranny of Saddam Hussein and for iraqi Children to die because Saddam Hussein does not want to by medications and insist on using iraqi people als hostages to save his regime, and why is democracy impossible for Iraq from your( humanitarian) point of view?


26. Why are western journalist ask helpless Iraqi people about their opinion about war when these are surrounded by a dozen of Iraqi security agents and portray this in Europe as the true opinion of Iraqi peoples. Why are you not protesting for free speech in Iraq?


27.Saddam Hussein diverted Tigris and Euphrates and drained out the Marshes in south Iraq, a unique ecological system of more than 5 thousand years, just to suppress the Shiite opposition in south Iraq. Why they didn't demonstrate to prevent this ecological and human catastrophe?


These are not genuine peace- loving and anti -war people. They are not interested in the welfare of 23 millions of Iraqi people and condemn them to death and continued suppression.


They are only interested in their illusions, and probably for some the handouts which they receive from Saddam Hussein and his thugs. I wish you were fairer to peoples of Kurdistan and Iraq


Dr.Nazad Hawramany






Yes, those of you who support Saddam . . . chew on it for awhile. Your support reflects ignorance.

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RE: For you Saddam supporters out there . . .


if you really want it....you really really must want it.mental health services with treatment is avaiable for sick twisted people like you.if this post has helped to push you in the direction of treatment........well i feel i have done my duty....you have all my wishes for a speedy recovery.............that is of course unless you choke on the shit you spew....taylor@24:41-04/02/03

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