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I just wanna read about ALL the juicy details next Wednesday! So be sure to post, guys! Hopefully Alex will also put up some pictures on his site, so we can see how this year's cruise went. (I'm sure he's aware of everyone's privacy issues, but remind Alex if you don't want to be IN those pictures!)

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Hi, Guys,

Well, back to reality here but with great memories of fun and hot times again in our beautiful city, Rio. One of the highlights of my trip as to participate in Alexander's Apollus Escort Service's Carnaval Cruise on March 4th. There were around 35 people on the ship, including the boys from the agency. Everyone was picked up at their hotels and residences by minivan and transported to the docks, a 2 hour trip, to the boat where we boarded for the day-long trip. On my minivan were several of the boys among the passengers. There were mainly Americans on the trip but there were a few Mexicans and some French and Belgians. I met Axiom, a fellow site contributor, on the minivan. We chatted for some time and compared notes on our trip. I also met a couple of great guys from Chicago who I hit it off with and later spent a great deal of time with. There were around 13 boys, among them Leandro, Junior, Philippe, Igor, Adam, Russo, Xandy, Marcio, Tom, Caique, and Fabio. I may have forgotten one or two. The boat ride was wonderful. Weather was ideal, sunny and hot, and Alexander's hospitality made it so relaxing and comfortable. The trip lasted until 7 pm, at which time we ate at a dockside restaurant. The boat was very spacious and comfortable and the scenery was outstanding (including the beautiful boys!). The boys mingled and served drinks and munchies and the passengers were informed that there was space below deck available where you could take your favorite boy for some private time, if you wished. One of the boys, Russo, blessed with a humongous dick and a real sweetheart, did a very extensive photo shoot with professional photographer Alexandre Morreira and we were free to snap photos also. Several of the boys (Junior, Caique, Xandy) stripped for the crowd. There were prizes raffled off, among them a date with your favorite boy, as well as a bottle of champagne and t-shirts. We anchored a few times and were invited to jump in for a swim in the crystal-clear water among the tropical fishes. The salt air and sun felt so good and to look around and see all these hot horny boys, I thought that this must be heaven. The boys all jumped in and looked ravishing in their speedos. My hands-down favorite of the boys was Junior. He is quiet and shy, but a beautiful boy and very sweet. I was dying to hook up with him and planned to do so on the return boat trip home. Unfortunately, I was not aware that there was no return boat trip home, as we were brought to a dock for dinner at a restaurant and, after the meal, led to the minivans for a ride back to Rio. Talk about disappointed. But Junior did give me his number and I planned on calling him the next day. I was later informed by Alexander that Junior left for a vacation the next day and was unavailable until after I came home. Bummer. But I do plan on calling him the minute (probably the second) I get back the Rio in the spring. Hopefully he will still be there. For me, this young man is the type I would love to establish something on a regular basis with. He seemed genuine and down-to-earth and his look is one I go crazy for. The minivan ride home was a real trip. Evidently, many of the boys as well as the patrons were very horny and a few of the boys proceeded to take all their clothes off and have some fun on the bus. Some of the patrons (your's truly included <blush>) were giving head and jacking off the boys and some of the boys were dancing naked in the aisles. I have NEVER experienced anything so wild on a bus! Thank God the van had curtains we could close! It was a blast. Of course, the pleasure of having Russo's 10" dick in your mouth is hard to surpass. So this made up for some of the disappointment of not hooking up with Junior on the boat. As we got to the city, the vans started dropping people off at their destinations and in the Centro area, who got off from the front seat but JUNIOR!!! I had no idea he was on the same van as me. I would have done ANYTHING to have been able to share time with him. C'est la vie. Anyway, I had a great time and would advise everyone who plans to be in Rio for Carnaval next year to book this cruise early. I know I will. And everyone please say a novena that Junior will be in the city when I go back. I need all the help I can get.

Take care. I will be posting about the rest of the trip later. Robb

P.S. Hello to Gulliver and Floridarob. Hope Cuba is a blast!

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Guys, I have been home for about one half hour; ...am quite, quite fatigued. The trip back was much more arduous than when I went. I just can't wait to write about my trip and "The Cruise" especially! But I know it will have to wait until tomorrow (March 11, 2003) when I hope to have my wits about me and until I read what Robbguy wrote.


The cruise is a Must if you go to Carnaval 2004!!!!!

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The night prior to the cruise-- I could not sleep, for shy me did not know what to expect. As Robb previously stated, the vans (three in all) picked us up between 7:30 am and 8ish; my first driver came to the hotel but did not come into the lobby to get me, so he left; my heart began thumping. Around 7:45 am-- I procured my key and went to my room to ring Alex who informed me that they had had a slight difficulty with the vans. At 8:05 am another van pulled up; a hot young man got out and partially made it to the hotel's entrance to address the doorman. I do not know what they exchanged, so the young designated captain of this van turned to return to the van. By that time I was outside; the guy asked me if I were.........;my response was affirmative. The time had begun.


When I found my place in the van, I spoke to those who had already gathered; Phillipe introduced everyone, and we were off. Coincidentally, Robb and I were seated next to each other. When we began to chat-- both of us just laughed and laughed and chatted about two M4Mers being in the same van in the same row.


For almost one hour the van meandered south onward to our dock and island. At one spot we stopped for drinks, relief, and to view the amazing scenery both human and natural. Almost all of the escorts wore snug t-shirts which sported the logo of the company; on the back was: "I am for rent." along with the number of the escort agency. The sights were too much for me, so I ventured to look at nature. Next to me in this area were Mario (Morreno) and Junior and Russo and Xandy. Since I had met with Mario back in October, he introduced me to the others who had gathered in the area. We chatted to the best of our abilities when I broke away and joined Robb--. I related to him that Junior was aboard; guys you should have seen the vibrant ray of light and the smile that appeared on Robb's face when I related this to him. I left him briefly and introduced myself to Tom, a fluent speaker of English, Portuguese and Spanish. He and I had a pleasant chat in which I asked why he was not sporting the tee; he stated he preferred to be discreet, something that I truly respected. (Tom has luscious lips, but I think he does not kiss too much, if at all.) What a pity!


We all returned to our respective vans and were off again. As a reserved one, I sat and viewed the marvelous scenery that graced us and reflected on what Tri had mentioned about this beauty when I wrote to him about Parati. In the interim I talked a bit with Phillipe and some with Marcio (Morreno) who seemingly went by both names on this cruise.


Well, after about some forty-five minutes to an hour, we arrived at the dock. The esprit de corps was apparent amongst all of us.

Smiling faces and anticipation of fun, fun, fun abounded; we boarded our boat, and off, off, off we sailed the smooth waters. I began to observe ALL who had gathered. We had one (real) woman amongst us who had joined her male friends from Washington, D.C. The escorts stripped to their speedos; some of us stayed in our casual attire. And as Robb alluded to in his report, slices of fruit, chips, and a bountiful supply of capihinas (sp) were served. Throughout our cruise to the island, some of the boys danced, the hottest being Caique from Sao Paulo, a young personable hottie and cutie, whom Tri mentioned some time ago as perhaps being "Bruno Gaucho in the rough," and Xandy, a tall--sinewy twister who just exuded with sensualness. Junior (a guy with unusual eyes which seemed to magnify) and a body to consume didn't do too badly himself.


Others who performed and who seemed to be the hit of the crowd were Russo and Marcio. Russo received a lot of reais during his routine; when it was time for Marcio (who sported a huge whipped cream- covered boner to perform) he had to be rushed off; not too far away from our boat was the Brasilian coastal guard's boat. We smiled and applauded but were disappointed that he was unable to do his stint for us.


With the wonderful sun and the music and the overall picturesque ambience-- tears appeared at one moment. (I am indeed glad that I joined Alex's cruise.)


But as a culminating event-- and as Robb mentioned, there was one van of occupants that contained many randy men-- clients as well as escorts. (Mike of Miketour stopped us twice and admonished the captain Phillipe for this carrying on. Things settled after this except for the quiet activity that transpired in the last row of the van. (Smiles!)


I was fortunate. To my immediate right sat Russo; next to him was Marcio, and immediately behind me sat crazy, yet enthusiastic and hot Xandy. The guys in rows two and back had it going. I even participated by massaging Russo at varying points until he and I made arrangements to see each other later that evening. Our Mercedes van had the two most humonguously endowed escorts on this trip. I think Alex had arranged this, for in our individual meeting, he had mentioned a few of the guys who would be joining us. points. Before Russo got out, I attempted to see if we had understood each other; I know I was confused, for I didn't quite make out a word or two or three of his and should have had it clarified before he left.


While back at the hotel, my mind pondered. I did not know whether of not he and I had understood each other. Apparently, he had understood me. At 10:30 pm he rang my room and later rang the buzzer. Guys, if you want a powerful fuck from a huge guy, he's the one. He doesn't kiss; he is an exclusive top, but he knows how to pleasure you other wise. He charged me R$100 ; he also left me his cell number without my asking for it. We enjoyed each other, and I told him that I might see him later at the Gay Ball at Scala. He left and while I showed to ready myself for the next event of this particular day/evening--my phone rang. I answered from the bathroom; it was the desk at the Atlantico Copa Hotel asking if everything was fine with me; I responded in the affirmative and with a broad smile. I rested and my friend and I were off to the huge gala at the Scala in Leblon (...will address later when I recuperate with energy...).


Yes, if I am in Rio for Carnaval in 2004-- the CRUISE will be on my agenda, for I had one FANTASTIC, FANTASTIC TIME! 7:49am PST:9 :p :9 :9 :9

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Robbguy, thanks to you, too, and I shall keep in touch...


I am still recuperating from that very long flight to the West Coast; it's 10:15 pm, I guess, in RIo and 5:03 pm in California. It will take me a few days to adjust; I didn't encounter this in October of last year.

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Guys- I would be indeed remiss if I did not include the following episodes/activities that occurred while Robb and I were on Alex's Carnaval Cruise. One of the clients who went on this trip told his friends and acquaintances about it; subsequently, they joined him without his even knowing that they too had planned to experience Alex's cruise. As a gift of appreciation, Alex gave Morgan from DC a bottle of champagne to pour over one of the escorts who had accompanied us; Morgan chose stifling hot-- muscular--hardbodied-- tatooed Caique from Sao Paulo who received this drink all over with apparent glee and joy. In the end, Morgan seductively licked and sucked the juices from Caique's pecs and lips. It was a sight to behold and to affect my libido.

The only woman who joined us on the cruise related to me that she thought Morgan's body was much better than Caique's; my response was that his body was more mature, for Morgan was nicely built; he seemed to have kept himself in reasonably fine shape as it showed once he was in his trunks.


Another feature of the day was: Alex had two bottles of flavors, one strawberry, the other mint. He selected an escort and sought one of us to taste the flavor. Someone volunteered and went with sexy Xandy, a young chap who very much interested me. When Alex selected a boy who had been with Apollus for just three weeks, I volunteered to sample his mouth with the mint flavor.

Boy-- the young lad of 20+ could kisssssss! Later when we were at the dockside restaurant, I spotted the boy and told him that I had truly enjoyed his kiss. His response was: "You tell Alex and there can be much more." I blushed and smiled and joined the others on my soon-to-be raucous but fun journey back to Rio and the Atlantico Copa... :9

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I was the guy who sampled the tasty lips of Xandy. I had my sights on him, too, but he seemed to be in major demand. Anyway, the one I really went for was Junior.

I am still getting over jetlag myself. I got back to Boston on Friday and have been playing catch-up ever since. For some reason, this trip took it's toll on me far more than my October trip, too. Perhaps it was the heat and humidity, or maybe the overactive libido this place causes one to have. Whatever it is, I LOVE it!!!! Robb

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Guest Alex Apollus



MORE INFO ON OUR WEBSITE http://www.agapollus.com HUGS ALEX

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In conjunction with our "Carnaval Cruise" experiences with Alexandre and his Apollus Boys, I'd just like to say that after thinking and reflecting about the experience which two of us from this site endured last week---I''ve DEFINITELY concluded (after going back to the Apollus's website) that the boys are much, much better looking in person that what's depicted in those photos. Russo is "roasting" in person; his photos are bland; the same goes for some of the other guys.


Thought I'd present this if any of you are interested in seeing any of the guys Robb and I mentioned in our accounts.


Also, Alex is quite a personable man; ask him anything about his guys, and he'll more than likely be upfront with you. Alex and I saw each other twice later that evening at the packed Scala Gay Ball in Leblon (which I'll discuss in my take on my Rio Carnaval experience within the next few days). When I saw him the second time, a very dark haired, deeply bronzened adonis was near his side. I'd wanted to inquire, but my discretion took over the queries... AX:

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By the way, how did the "extra adventures" below deck on the cruise work? What was the charge, and how was it paid?


Sounds like the trip was far too much fun. I was wrong, next year the QEII might not be big enough. Alex may have to charter an aircraft carrier to fit everyone on board! ;)

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