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Arrived in Rio - First Report

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Well, I arrived safe and sound late Friday morning. When I arrived at the airport I followed the directions I read somewhere that there is an ATM machine accepting international cards on the second floor. However, after trying 8 machines suggested by guards and tourism aids, I walked about a mile to another terminal where there is a section of banks and ATM machines. If anyone is looking for the same thing when they arrive, unless I went astray somewhere, the machines that´ll accept your cards is on the second-floor of Terminal 1.


I´m at the Atlantico Copacabana, and while it will suffice . . . it´s a bit aged. The staff is very helpful, and many at the front desk do speak English. I´m paying 140 + 10% tax (includes a very nice buffet breakfast of eggs, sausages, lots of fruit and pastries, several juices, coffee, tea, breads, etc, etc). However, I see nothing special about the hotel that would cause me to want to stay there again. Oh, the guest rooms are really two rooms: a small sitting room with couch and table/chairs and a separate sleeping room, large . . and a good-sized bathroom with toilet and bidet, and the large shower.


I´ve checked out three of the termas/sauna´s thus far: Estacio, Club 117 and Roger´s. I think that it´s important to say to those who haven´t yet been to these places that they´re certainly not for everyone (probably not for most . . . except the adventurers and well-traveled). My 77 year-old friend almost passed-out from the extremely-high temperatures inside Estacio. He also is very uncomfortable sitting half-naked (some people just aren´t comfortable being around in-shape people when they-re not . . . that´s not been my problem, though). Club 117 has a bar/show room with air conditioning, but Estacio and Rodger´s don´t, and my guess is that the temperature in the places that didn´t have air was over 90 degrees F, with humidity about the same. None of the rooms I went to with the escorts were air-conditioned, either . . . and I find having sex in these places mostly an uncomfortable experience. For many who can´t tolerate the heat/humidity . . . I´d suggest that you stay away. Roger´s was so hot tonight I left after an hour.


My general impression thus far is that, while there are some (not a whole lot of) guys I think are extraordinarly handsome, I really don´t see what the big fuss is all about. Most of the guy´s Ive seen I´d describe as average in comparison to what I frequently encounter, and have sex with, in sauna´s back home . . . and I don´t pay for it back home. Many of the guys are out of shape and I wouldn´t consider having sex with them back home. I´ve had sex with four guys (just four times in total) in three days . . . and all but one guy was a bit mechanical and I was left with the clear feeling that he was just going through the motions.


It appears a common approach of guys to soften you up when you arrive and then to determine you´re new in town, only to later tell you the price for sex is 100. I experienced this in all three places. I never paid more than 50, and walked out of the room I´d paid for when one beauty insisted on 100, and proceeded to stand in front of the door as I attempted to leave after telling him no (this was at Club 117). I pushed him out of the way and found someone else, and complained to the desk and insisted they not charge me again for room usage . . . which they agreed to. At the other two sauna´s, when I said 50 was it, the guys quickly agreed to it. The suggestion posted on this message board by someone last year that you should show them the money up-front, or agree to it verbally if you can communicate, is the only way to approach it in my opinion, especially if one is a newbie.


There seems to have been a ratio of about 5/7 to 1 (escorts to customers) when I´ve been in these sauna´s. And, Estacio has the pushiest crowd of the bunch. An idiot named Kevin was so insistent, and so dominating, I complained aloud and embarassed him to the point that other escorts pulled him away. I was at Roger´s for an anniversary party tonight, and wonder why anyone would want to go to that dump. The guys weren´t very attractive to me (the most aged, worn, and mature of the three sauna´s I´ve been to thus far), and about 5 I recognized from Estacio who must have been attracted by the promotion of the night. There were many customers, many boys, drag queens, strippers, food . . . and the temperature had to be a 100 . . . even the boys were hanging out in the shower trying to keep cool. Many customers were leaving because of the heat . . . and the management was doing its best to keep them in place. God . . what a shit-hole! However, every cloud has a silver lining . . . and before departing I did snare a beauty for an hour of pleasure.


I checked-out the two better-known gay beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema . . . and Ipanema gets my vote as the best place to hang. I was in the gay section of the beach at Copa, used Paulo as suggested by Tri (I think), and he was excellent. However, I saw and detected few gay guys there. If you were into chicken, well, they were everywhere. Straight boys looking for a little action . . . my friend and I were sent the signal a half-dozen times. That´s not my cup of tea, so I sent them on their way. Ipanema, on the other hand, has an excellent gay beach. I´d estimate that the gay section of the beach was about 90% gay and lesbian, and it was a fun and handsome crowd. I won´t be visiting the Copa gay beach again.


While at Ipanema today, a gang of boys attacked many beach-goers, causing a stampede. Just visualize, about two thousand gays grabbing their valuables and running for cover! At first, it was frightening . . . and I´m not often frightened. If you could have seen the look of panic on the faces of people . . . several of whom grabbed me and my friend, our back-packs and pulled us up toward the street. The gang took their loot, knocked a few heads of beach-goers, and everyone returned to their places.


I´ve checked out the food place with the yellow awning, and my advice is to forget it unless you´re into rough trade, sleezy environments, and not very good food. I can´t imagine why people want to go there. I wouldn´t patronize such a place in my own country, why should I do it when I´m on vacation? I did have a good experience at Maxim´s, for a late lunch/early supper. Lunch for two was about 50 dollars (4 drinks, one appetizer, two entree´s). One of the kilo restaurants we´ve eaten at was excellent, and well-priced. Had lunch at Botefada (spelling?) today after the beach, and it was just okay, won´t go back though.


I liked Ipanema a lot, and think it a far better place to stay than Copacabana . . . which is run-down, and a bit on the insecure side, I think. On two occassions, teenagers attempted to rob my friend as we were walking in broad daylight. Copa might have been nice once, but I think it´s a bit seedy. If I ever return, it´ll be to stay in Ipanema.


So far, the trip is going fine. Tomorrow, we start some touristy sight-seeing, etc. All I can say is that I´m glad I didn´t make this trip as a sexcapade (for sex only), because I would have been very disappointed - just because we´re gay doesn´t mean that we have to accept second-best - and that´s what these sauna´s are, IMHO.


Well, who knows . . . my opinions may change in the week ahead, let´s see.

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Now let me see if I've got this correct....You find the saunas "shit holes" with few attractive people, you were in attendance with a couple thousand when the beach rats attacked, and you had two attempted assaults as you walked in broad daylight. It is encouraging to hear you say, "So far, the trip is going fine." Either you have a sign attached to your rear reading, "It's my first time, come on and get me," or you're in a different Rio than I know. I sure hope your experience improves. :o

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I appreciate that Mavica is trying to give a balanced account of his impressions of Rio. While I think most of us who've posted here have reacted differently to Rio, there's no place that will satisfy 100% of the people 100% of the time. Rio may not turn out to be Mavica's cup of tea. That's OK. I also appreciate that Mavica is being clear that his impressions are his own, and isn't necessarily generalizing that everyone else reading them must share them!


That being said, I would like to take exception with a few things:


At Estação, as I recall, the room off the bar with the little stage does have air-conditioning and LOTS of fans. Some of the new suites there are also air-conditioned, so if it's important to you, ask at the desk when you get a "cabine". It was very hot when I was in Rio last month, but I wasn't uncomfortable at any of the three saunas mentioned, and certainly not at Estação.


Roger's is a bit tired, but it's not what I'd call a "dump." Of course, I suspect maintenance and renovations have been deferred pending a resolution of the lease renewal issue. The current management is obviously not going to invest in major improvements if they're going to be evicted shortly! However, I was there in January, and it was more or less as it always has been in the past few years.


Some guys at all of the saunas get a little greedy and try to charge more when they see a foreign "mark." Mavica did exactly the right thing by sticking with the standard price. Pretty soon, word will get around that he isn't stupid and the attempts to get more will die off! Other readers, take note. R$50, with a R$10 - 20 tip (if performance was good) and an offer of a post-programa drink or snack are more than enough.


I'm a bit mystified by Mavica's take on the guys looks and physical condition. By my lights, there are a lot of handsome guys at the saunas (usually) and the ones who don't have good bodies are the exception, rather than the rule. Occasionally you can run into an "off" night, but it's unusual. I have to admit that the first night I went to Lagoa (in SP) this trip I was underwhelmed by the guys available (at least as far as good looks went) but even though the crowd seemed much more ordinary than usual, they still were well built. Quality was back to normal on my return visit, so who knows what was going on the night of my first visit!


The saunas are also not for everybody, without exception. Although I'm not uncomfortable sitting around the saunas clad only in a towel (even though I could be mistaken, on bad days, as a beached white whale) I recognize that some people just will never be at ease in that situation. Also, I can understand that the heat, which didn't bother me that much, might have a very different impact on someone who's 77. For people who have a hard time with heat, I strongly encourage visits to Brazil during the southern winter (June, July, August) when temperatures are milder (usually in the 70's or low 80's, rather than the 90's and above). For those uncomfortable with being undressed at the saunas, there are always the escort agencies. Nothing like having the gentleman caller of your choice come to your nice, air-conditioned hotel room. (One advantage of the Atlãntico hotel, by the way, is that there are reportedly few hassles about having "visitors" to your room, as compared to some other hotels.)


Crime: In the past couple of weeks the papers have reported several incidents in Copacabana similar to that reported by Mavica in Ipanema. I haven't seen the Ipanema incident in the papers yet. These aren't every-day occurrences, thank G-d, but it does seem like there are at least a few every summer. It's one of the reasons to go to the beach with the absolute minimum of money and possessions.


I hope the heat lets up a bit and that Mavica and his friend ease into the Carioca spirit. There's a lot of interesting things to see in Rio, so I hope they enjoy they're touring. Based on his comments so far, I'd suggest, among other things, a visit to the Catete Palace and the downtown museums. I think Mavica & friend will have a perfectly delightful afternoon lunching on the second floor of the Confeitaria Colombo downtown, or having dinner at Yemanja in Ipanema (on Visc. de Piraja, near Pça. Osorio) which specializes in Bahian food. There are a lot of other attractive dining options, as well. Ernani can be a good source of information in that respect.


Here's hoping that Mavica and friend end up falling for Rio as so many of us have! But if not, at least they gave it the old college try, and they'll have learned that Rio just isn't their place. Next year Buenos Aires? (Just don't go in their summer, either. Spring and fall are MUCH nicer and more interesting!)

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Tri, thanks for being THE source for great info.

I was looking for a good Bahian restaurant and

will be staying in Ipanema, so I'll try the one you



Also, your open mind to a poster who's

clearly having a different experience

than you shows a lot of intelligence.



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I guess everyone has their own opinion but mine certainly differs close to 110% from Mavica's. My first hotel in copacabala was the Copacabana Palace - a nice two room suite with balcony. Ever since then I stay at the atlantico because I find it so homey, comfortable, convenient and would be unable to imagine staying elsewhere.

I find the sauna boys unbelievably attractive and living in NYC with its 100's of escorts have a hard time finding many which compare to the average sauna guy. Maybe the fact that many are straight is not comfortable for Mavica.

There have been nights when I did not have sex at the sauna - more because I might have enjoyed the pleasures of too many of the boys the night before but never because there was no one attractive,


What Mavica says about Kevin and some of the pushy boys is true. You go to the sauna prepared for this and just done let it bother you. You are the customer and you are in control.


I find the heat not too bothersome but last month at estacio the tv room of the bar had ample A/c and the cabino temperature at all three saunas never bothered me. I like Rogers the best of all of the saunas and will miss it if it closes. While some may view it as a hole I see it as a kind of clubby dark hangout with some really hot guys.


As regards violence, I am sorry Mavica experienced this. In my last two trips (over three weeks in Dec and Jan) I never once experienced fear or any problem although I would avoid all dark, lonely streets for late night walks.


I hope things look up/


Absolutely take Tri's recommendations for lunch and dinner.


I can not explain why but I personally like Copacabana so much better than Ipanema.

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Guest Tomcal_

Wow, at first as I read Mavica's report, I was waiting for him to say

"Just Kidding", and when that didn't happen, thought how could someone's experiences be so different? I agree with Gulliver completely!!! First, on one point I agree with Mavica, his assesment of the temps is correct, which is why I have only gone to Rio in the April to Oct. times of the year. I have never been there when the weather ouside or inside was uncomfortable. Recently a guy emailed me and asked why I don't go to Carnival? I told him, for the same reason I don't visit Miami, Phoenix or Palm Springs in August!! That was the only point of his I could agree on. The boys are out of shape???, That I just don't believe, I have many pics to prove their bodies match up against anything we have here in L.A.!!! or anywhere else. I don't think my standards are lower then his, since I may be younger then some of the posters on the board(40) I think my standards might even be a little higher for the type of guys I am willing to go out/have sex with...I date frequently and two of my ex's are porn stars that are/have been very highly rated(and probably well known to the posters on this board)(I apologize if this sounds like I am being egotisical, but I think it give perspective to what I am saying about the Rio boys) The majority of the boys at the saunas have very toned to muscled bodies(Hell they are all between 18 and 28 for the most part, they should be toned). Roger's is a hole??!! Yeah compared I guess to bars/saunas in the U.S., but I, like alot of posters find it to be my favorite and about 6 of the boys there extremely hot! and it's a hell of alot nicer then the sex clubs/suanas in Los Angeles! Crime, yes Rio has it like any large City. I have walked around Copa and Ipenema many if not most night there after midnight and never had a problem. I also do what I would do in NYC or L.A. or any orther large city, I walk on well lighted, heavy car/pedistrian streets, i.e. Siquero Campos, Copacabana Ave., Atlantico, and stay observant.(being 6'4" and 215, doesn't hurt..lol)Many time I have been by myself and never had a problem, but you have to take the same precautions as in any major city. Gangs on the beach, that you can't protect yourself against, but when i go to the beach in Rio, as I posted before, I take a towel from the hotel and five dollars to rent the chair and buy a beverage. So if the gangs came buy i wouldn't be out anything, As crowded as Ipenemas gay beach is, I dont' understand how these guys can steal unless there are hundreds of them attacking?? Summary, I travel alot for business and usually vacation in a differnt location every couple of months, but this is my 5th trip to Rio in 18 months, so I guess that shows my feelings about what the gay/sauna/sex scene in Rio is about to me.

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Heat, Attacks, Abuse, Ego - You could have visited West Hollywod instead.


Actually, I was fasinated by your account of what has happened to date. I think we all tend to want to feel as if we will find a bit of paradise - then confronted with reality of the destination is sometimes a real let down. After all Rio is a city with a lot of crime, very warm and humid summers and not exactly the best kept up places. Just like any major city in the world.


Personally I like what Hooboy did when he was in Brazil. He hired an escort to act as his guide and to keep him on the right path. I'm not sure how long you will be spending there ... if it's for a while you might want to try the Hooboy approach.


I hope the remainder of your trip is more enjoyable.

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The Bahian restaurant in Ipanema may be spelled Iemanja instead of Yemanja. I don't remember for sure, so check both spellings if you're looking for the address in a guide. The food is wonderful, portions large. Wash it down with icy cold Cerpa beer (an excellent northeastern regional brand not widely sold in Rio).


Speaking of the Northeast, Mavica and friend might enjoy visiting Recife. The scene is much lower key than Rio, and the two saunas I visited there (Blue Thermas and Boa Vista) were really quite posh compared to the three main establishments in Rio. They're actually like small private spas. Boa Viagem, the main hotel neighborhood at the beach, is quite modern and very reminiscent of Miami Beach, with its miles-long beach lined with high-rise hotels and apartments. See my other post about Recife for more details. Being much closer to the Equator, Recife is warm year-round, but as I recall there was quite a bit of air-conditioning and excellent ventilation at both saunas. If it's really hot during the day, you can also escape to the massive Shopping Recife (free shuttle bus from the major Boa Viagem hotels) to people watch and cool off!

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Where is "back home" where they are better looking and free? I want to go live there!


You must be having some extraordinary bad luck. I can understand your discomfort with the heat. The crime fears were also a bummer for me although, luckily, I did not encounter any problems, except once Gringo and I were almost attacked by a rag-tag group of little glue sniffing ragamuffins. I recently saw the movies "City of God" (wonderful!) and "Orpheus" (yawn) and am afraid "thuggism" may be becomming the fashion in Brazil as with the "hip-hop" crowd here. That would surely be a shame.

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Also, in response to your comment about the "mechanical" nature of the encounters you've experienced, you have to realize we're talking about a service rendered for money that includes providing intimate physical experiences hopefully with a tender and affectionate manner. That, perhaps somewhat awkwardly worded, is in fact, it would seem, the goal that brings all of us here to this site. Some of my experiences were more perfunctory than others, but in my general experience with hustlers here and there my observations were that the encounters there were overall more tender and affectionate and less rushed. Now, to be fair, I normally prefer "straight" trade, preferably of the hispanic persuasion, and tenderness and affection don't easily come from that type here, which is why my experiences there were so special.

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Yesterday, I read with eagerness, as well as with some perplexity, Mavica's first update. I want to thank him for posting and for being honest in his assessment of his experiences. I'm sorry about the "downers" that he experienced, but if my memory serves me accurately-- did he not state in one of his earlier posts that he found himself to be "highly particular"? If I am correct, that accounts for some of the negative comments he made in this most recent post. I am sorry that he experienced what he underwent on the beaches and on the street and am pleased that he and his friend will continue to make the better of the situation. I also hope that he will continue to post his adventures here.


As TomCal stated, October and April are very fine months to be there in conjunction with the weather. Ernani advised me to travel to Rio and Brasil during this time.

When I was there during last October, the temperature was in the mid eighties which seemed warm to me for a spring, but it was pleasant. Within sixteen days, my friend and I will be in Rio during this heat; the only thing that I will have to do is attempt to adjust to this (if at all possible).

The Atlantico Copacabana, although not opulent, is tastefully done and rather quiet during low season; I liked the latter atmosphere, for it provided some semblance of privacy. (...stayed in the SF Hilton Towers last weekend and DID NOT like the lobby area at all; my room, although attractive, was on the smallish size. ...made the reservation from http://www.hotwire.com where I've gotten good deals monetarily.)


Roger's and Estacao were the only saunas I visited. I liked the guys in both places but found the guys at Roger's to be somewhat more physically mature. But all in all, handsome and hunky men prevailed at both places.


Do continue to experience Rio in your best way, Mavica. You and your friend have my tacit support.

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Wow... it's been ages since I posted here (I went to Rio for a few weeks last August). Nice to see TomCal-HO and Tri still posting away. LOL.


Anyway, I just wanted to give y'all a little heads up. My good buddy's friend recently returned from Rio (spent New Years there). He was FORCED to stay an extra two weeks because he was hospitalized from a near-death experience.


This is what I know... I will try to get all the details later to forewarn you guys. My friend's friend was coming out of his hotel room and was accosted by a group of teenage boys. They pushed him back into his room and beat him senseless before he could scream. They stole everything and left him for dead it seems. He was found later that night by his friend (who incidentally was mugged earlier in the week)and rushed to the hospital.


This is a very scary story to relay. I question if the two incidents were somewhat related... perhaps the gangs saw these two guys together and thought they would be easy American prey. The two guys are in their 30's and it was their first trip to Rio.


Although I've been hearing so many reports on how dangerous Rio can be, I often overlooked them because I never encountered a problem while I stayed there. Could Rio have become more dangerous recently? Perhaps... just don't know. In any case, if I ever decide to go back (doubtful... the shopping is horrible! LOL... also the "high" from visiting saunas has quickly vanished now that I've rejoined the LA circuit party scene... so many HOT guys and incredible sex) I will be more cautious and stay at an American hotel on the main strip with plenty of lights and top security.


Anyway, just wanted to pass along this info to warn travellers about picking safe hotels and such... as soon as I find out the name of the hotel, I will post it. I think my buddy wanted to wait awhile before asking his bud details on the matter... it was such a traumatic experience.


Good luck to future travellers...


PS... I LOVED the original posters first post... so funny... so real... so true for SOME people.

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Further details would be welcome. If this is true, it's certainly upsetting! I've never heard of such an attack before. To be honest, I'm a bit mystified about how a gang managed to get into a hotel in the first place and would like to hear more about this. Attacks against tourists are news in Rio and usually make the papers or TV, but I've heard nothing about this incident (which would certainly be newsworthy). The name of the hotel would be appreciated because it clearly has some kind of major security flaw and should be avoided.

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My sympathy to those attacked. Everybody has a horror story to tell about Rio. There are also stories of great joy and surprising passion. It's kind of like the biblical paradise...all the wonders along with the evil snake. ebony and ivory. Not that we don't have our own horrific homophobic crimes in America. But the bargains for Americans in Bz come with a price. We are a wealthy people visiting in a 3rd world economy, struck by the beauty, the romance, the adventure....and the cheap prices. Be careful.

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Thanks for your replies/comments. I´ll post a second report later today, I think!


For Gulliver: You might want to re-read my comments above, because you´ve put words into my mouth I didn´t say.


For Tri: I´ve been to Estacao several times now, and not once was air conditioning evident in the show room, just fans. About the guys: I clearly prefaced my pre-trip comments with the statement that I´m not one easily impressed. My opinion is that the guys working as escorts are just average, in comparison with the average Brazilian I see walking on the street . . . the only thing that makes them different is that they´re selling themselves. About crime: well reports are coming in from all over, especially other tourists who are victims or witness to victimization . . . especially at heavily trafficked sites like the tram station to Sta. Teresa in Centro, outside Corcovado, outside Sugarloaf, on Atlantica, on Copacabana, etc. I´m a urban person and have lived in dangerous areas in the U.S and especially in Mexico City, and the sense I´m getting in Copacabana is that it´s not a nice place to be. I´m a walker by preference, but have chosen to take cabs almost everywhere, and that´s what the hotel has been advising guests.


For Tomcal_: My standards are pretty high. I´m judging what I see with the Rio escorts against what I´ve experienced in 25 years of paying escorts for sex . . . around the world.


For Mike_M: I´ve never thought one needs to accept second-best when paying top dollar in the local market for simiar service. I reiterate, just because we´re gay men doesn´t mean we have to accept less . . . I thought those days were long gone.


For LAShowbiz: I don´t believe the high-crime stories to be fabricated.


I don´t expect everyone to agree with my opinions, because my opinions are based upon my experience . . . and few of us share similar experiences.

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re-reading my postings, I don't see where I said or implied settling for second best because we're gay. What I was trying to say by way of reminding ourselves that this is a business relationship is that one should not expect to be getting "real" love. It's easy sometimes to expect too much from an escort when the needs are for more than just good sex. I too have been dealing with "pros" for well over 25 years and, in my experiences, the guys in the Rio saunas are hard to beat. Even when it was most obviously a business relationship, they were always tender, generous in their attention and with their time and eager to please. I never experienced any of the hustleing or strong-arming you encountered. I'm especially amazed by your experience at Spa 73 where I found the boys completely the opposite. I think it just goes to show that the right or wrong guy can make or spoil the night.

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Guest Tomcal_

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I think what these posts show is that we all have different views and perspectives on a similiar experience. That's the value to message boards! One point about the suanas, they really do vary on different nights. After four separate vacations to Rio this year, I rated the suanas with Spa 73 dead last, based on the boys that where there when I was there, but after seeing Mavica's post, I am going to try it again. I agree, the two women who run it are the most "customer service oriented" of all the suana's. They really are very helpful and ask how everything was and send a boy to get a cab.

As many of you know LAShowbiz is a friend of mine and I am still trying to get the "story" on the mugging/robbery in Rio. I have some doubts the guys involved have given him the complete story! but I wouldn't doubt that something like that could happen, especially if you are taking "guys' back from the Beach or a restaurant, as has been posted many times here and I will reiterate: DON'T take anyone back to your hotel/apt. you don't know from the sauans(suana boys are reg. with the suana and are safe! I have Never had a problem and I have taken many, many guys back to the hotel, but if you are not sure about them, then have them leave their I.D. at the desk(don't be embarrased about it)they don't get it back until the desk calls your room to make sure everything is ok! great safeguard!

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My own experience falls somewhere in between Mavica's and Mike M's. Many of the guys are tender and considerate lovers, others are strictly slam-bang-thank-you-man. Some are hustlers, others are lower-key. It's hard to tell for sure what you're going to get until you go into a cabine with a guy. The advantage of Rio is that if one guy turns out to be a dud, you've spent less than US$20 and you can easily afford to try again! It's been unusual that I haven't found someone I had a good time with during a stay at the baths!


Although there are no hard and fast rules, my experience is that the guys who work the hardest hustles tend to be the worst in bed. That includes the ones who drape themselves around you in the bar and start tweaking your nipples and urging a nice "massage." When you get them back in the "cabine," they become much less affectionate and much more mechanical. My best experiences have usually been with the guys who DON'T practice the hard sell and let you make the first move. That takes minimal effort by a client: all you have to do is catch their eye, smile and indicate you'd like to know them better by saying "Oi" or "Tudo bem?". They'll take it from there and you can try to get a better sense of whether you'll enjoy yourself with the guy. Remember, too, that there's no need to rush into anything, and you can invite your new acquaintance to have a drink or take a sauna while you converse and get to know each other better before trotting off to a "cabine." That should give you enough time to decide whether the guy seems to be right for you or not.


Practice makes perfect. I have a feeling that after a couple more vaporizations Mavica will have the scene down pat. He'll be more relaxed when he goes to the saunas because he'll know exactly how everything works and what he needs to do to have a good time! And once you feel "at home" at the saunas, it's easy to enjoy yourself!

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tri - anything showing up yet in the rio news sources you use regarding the violence that has been reported or the beach melee that was described? will be back at atlantico 2/19 for a week and again when tom cal and others return 4/10.

is there a web page you recommend with local rio news in english and if not which would you recomend in portugeuse?

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Mavica, your standards may be high but I think you are losing sight of the advantages of foreign travel, namely to experience something different than what you can get at home. Expecting the same product/service in another cultural context is just a manifestation of cultural imperialism, a la MacDonalds/Hiltons in every corner of the world. I know this approach has its adherents but I'm not one of them. In the case of the guys for pay in Brazil, when you think of what you are getting for your tourist dollar, it is an AMAZING bargain, thanks to the strength of the US$. I have friends who used to visit Rio 20 years ago when the exchange rate was closer to par and prices were a LOT higher then for US tourists. These things come and go, I say enjoy it while it lasts. :p

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