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Rio: One week and counting!

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Well, next week at this time I'll be in Rio. I'll admit that this particular trip is the resulting-effect of my following the posts of others who've shared their experiences. Other than the message boards for Bangkok, I haven't seen a more helpful gay-themed travel site on the web; kudos to all of you who contribute and make this such an excellent forum. A couple of you may remember my first post which asked some questions, and then ended with my saying that I'd probably head back to Mexlco . . . my preferred destination. Well . . . I, obviously, changed my mind (there are other reasons, but I'll credit this forum as a significant contributor).


I've read every post in every thread that I'm able to access on this forum several times, and I feel very comfortable with the commercial (and some of the non-commercial) sex scene that'll confront me. The frequent references here to unsafe sexual acts with escorts does concern me, but I'll sort that out along the way. I'm, also, comfortable with other more touristy things to do, and plan to make the rounds of attractions that are "do not miss."


It's amazing how quickly we can communicate changed/new locations/venues, things that are in or out of favor/style, and general/specific information. Many of us remember the days when the Spartacus guidebook was THE source for gay travel information abroad (with Damron Guide being important for travel in the U.S.), and what we were reading was often a year or more out of date. I used to update information on Bangkok for Spartacus, and would send it in 6 months or more before the new books came out. Six months is a lifetime! How fortunate we are . . . thanks to the promoter of this website for making the bandwith available for us to share.


In addition to reading the posts on this forum, my trip preparation has included: buying and studying the Lonely Planet Rio guidebook, studying a LP Portugese phrase book for Brazil (I speak Spanish, and really don't worry much about communication issues), scouring the wonderful http://www.ipanema.com website and it's gay counterpart http://www.riogayguide.com, and down-loading and reviewing more than 500 pages of information off of the www. Talk about anal! About three-weeks ago, I reached the information overload point and stopped searching for more information. I can probably sell myself as a tour-guide to Rio at this point! There aren't many questions that will go unanswered if one just takes the time to do a little searching. Did I tell you now helpful the www/internet is?


I chose the safe route when selecting a hotel. This is my first trip and I'll play it conservative. There are many apartments for rent for similar, or less, price than a hotel room in Copacabana, but the array of additional services provided by a hotel (not to mention security) does, I think, make a the hotel a wise choice for a first-timer. I'm traveling with a friend 25 years older than me, and he prefers sure thing over it might be okay. Atlantico Copacabana seems to be the hotel of the moment, so that's where I'm going to hang my hat. I've been quoted three different prices by the hotel, the place hasn't communicated well via e-mail (yes, I handled the reservations via telephone), and God only knows what I'll actually pay when I check-out (not to worry, I know it'll work out just fine). I plan to use public transportation to move around town, and the Atlantico's proximity to the Metro was a big plus.


I'm a proponent of people sharing experiences with one another, and I can't express sufficiently my appreciation for the continuing, helpful, prior information posted here; thanks to all! While few of us travel in the style, or with the same references/needs/wants . . . something is learned from each and every poster's contribution. So, in the spirit that's been established here, I pledge to contribute by replentishing the well of information from which I've drawn, and post from Rio and, again, when I return home.


I'll be in Rio from mid-day, Friday, February 7th - through Saturday, February 15th (well, I leave at 11 p.m.), and if anyone reading this will be there during this period, please let me know. While I prefer to maneuver solo, comparing notes with fellow travelers is always an enjoyable/rewarding experience.


Again, thanks to those who've contributed before.

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Thanks for your interesting post...i will be in rio from feb 28 on, but im thinking of moving the date back to the 15....your last day.

do you mind telling me what the rate was the Atlantico quoted you...as i am thinking of staying there for some of the time.

Bon voyage!

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Guest Tomcal_

I called Rene at the Atlantico and told him he should comp my room the next visit, as I really got everyone started on this place, although Axiom and someone else actually stayed there first, I know that my "daily parade of boys" got the Atlantico thinking about catering to the gay clientle!!. I still suggest that if you are a first time visitor to Rio, stay at one of the beach front hotels as its' worth the experience the first time. However, the Atlantico is only 4 blocks from the beach, you need to take nothing with you as they rent chairs, unbrellas, lotion, sodas, etc. on the beach very cheaply( I think a chair and umbrella comes to 2.00 U.S.) and you can't beat the Atlantico's location to Estactio(about 100 yds) and Rogers(3 blocks). Have fun and enjoy!

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Sucker, the room-rate I’ve been quoted is 140 Real (I can’t think of the plural form of the word at the moment, reais?). This is not a suite, I think it’s your typical (but nice-looking) hotel room. I’ll have a look and ask for something better for the same price,if it’s available when I arrive (which is often the case no matter where I travel). If I don‘t like the acccommodations/hotel, I have the contact information for some nearby apartments that rent for about the same price. But, I think the hotel will suit my basic needs just fine. It seems customary for hotels to offer what we Americans call a "continental breakfast," and to include the price of it in the room charge . . . only the breakfast is a bit more expansive than just pastry, juice and coffee (and the addition of the breakfast to the charge makes the room charge all that more attractive, in my opinion). If I were traveling by myself I’d probably have opted to rent one of the many apartments I found online (apartments are almost equal in price, but there's no service charge or tax, but you have to pay for maid service . . .and there‘s no breakfast, but, if you like to prepare some meals, invite back lots of (or different types) guests, it‘s probably a good option to consider. I like the independence an apartment offers, but, for my first trip, the hotel will give me a secure base from which to explore and my traveling companion seems more comfortable in a hotel. And, for us newbies, it's better to crawl before we walk (or run)!


About making reservations, I attempted to contact this mysterious Rene at Atlantico whom Tomcal speaks of, but he was either not there when I called, nor would he respond to e-mails (who knows, maybe he never received them). So, I handled the booking through the reservationist and she was very professional and helpful. The hotel was slow to reply to e-mails (often 2 days went by before receiving a response), but I found that true of several other hotels in Rio (I checked prices/accommodations at about a half-dozen hotels). Like any similar destination, a major factor affecting prices is the time of year you'll be there; the pre-Carnaval period is less expensive than Carnaval, and other times of year are likely less expensive than pre-Carnaval (like Winter, as one example). By the way, I would recommend making reservations directly with any hotel someone might be interested in. I found that for just about each place I was interested in (including the Atlantico), the third-party online booking/reservations services tacked on an additional US$20-25 per day as a service fee; I can’t remember seeing such high-priced booking fees/commissions anywhere else I’ve traveled (then again, I always book my rooms myself). I also found that few of the hotel staff I communicated with understood English, and that my Spanish came in handy .(my Spanish was enough to communicate effectively).


For me, proximity to the termas really isn’t a prime consideration. Oh, it’s helpful, but I don’t plan on spending all of my waking hours in one of them (then again, who knows!). About the beaches, well, I’ve learned to take just a few things of my own (towel and sun screen, for example), I keep things in a small backpack. I’ve read all of the reports about typical Rio beach protocol, but I travel for my own enjoyment and pleasure and not to meet the expectations of others, there’s no way most of us aren’t going to stand-out as tourists . . . so why the charade? I’m certain Tomcal’s remarks were meant to demonstrate the conveniences available at the beaches, but I’ve read comments elsewhere by others that were condescending on the subject. By the way, for $US2 in Acapulco (a favorite haunt of mine), one can get a palapa with four sturdy and comfortable chairs, a table, waitstaff to fetch whatever it is you want (whatever!), escorts galore . . . right on the water, and the palapa costs only US$2 (escorts and drinks cost more!) . . . and from what I’ve seen about the beaches of Rio (including lots of photos of Copa and Ipamema), I’ll not be too impressed with what I find in the way of services. But, I’m a beach person, so I enjoy most that I visit and I’m certain that I’ll be wowed by some aspects of what I find in Rio (the panoramic views to start with).


I think that an important thing to remember when we make plans, decide where to visit and what to do, is that few of us travel with the same likes/dislikes. What works for one of us isn’t going to work for all of us. A “great” hotel for one will not be so great for another. The same goes for termas, escorts, restaurants, etc. The experiences shared by other travelers are their experiences, and when we arrive in Rio we shouldn’t expect those earlier, other person, experiences to be replicated exactly. We make our own way. The posts of others is a guide for us, not a script of how things will go.


Thanks for the comments.

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The new metro station at Siqueira Campos is supposed to open to the public on Monday, Feb. 3rd, so you should be arriving just in time to be a pioneer rider.


The beaches in Rio don't feature palapas, but you needn't take anything to the beach with you except your towel, lotion and R$20 or so. Everything you need is on sale or for rent at the beach, including umbrellas, chairs, food and drink, including beer and caipirinhas. (Lotion is sold on the the beach by roving vendors, but it's no bargain in Brazil, so you may as well bring your own favorite from home.) When you get to the gay beach in Copacabana, you'll see various tents housing the fixed vendors. I recommend using Paulo; he's been a fixture on the beach for as long as I can remember. There's little about the beach he isn't likely to know! For the fixed vendors, you just run a tab, in essence, and pay up for your drinks and chair/umbrella rentals when you leave. If you're going to be there for a longer period and go to the beach every day, you can open an account and pay up every few days.


Roving vendors come by peddling ice cream, soft drinks, iced mate tea, "sanduiche natural" (although what's "natural" about these pre-packaged sandwiches has always been a bit of a myster to me, even though they try to give the image of being health food items), pasties and other munchies, not to mention beach towels and sheets, lotion, sunglasses, hats, etc. The parade is never ending, but the vendors, thank goodness, aren't obnoxiously aggressive, so you can just shake your head "no" and they'll usually go on their way.


In front of the Copacabana Palace, with a pink roof, is the Rainbow quiosque, where you can also get drinks, munchies, and iced green coconuts (the water is extremely refreshing and an excellent source of minerals for rehydrating yourself). The drill on the coconuts is to first drink the water through straws, then hand the empty shell back to the person at the quiosque, who will split it open for you and hack off a section of shell that you use as a spoon to scrape and eat the sweet, gelatinous meat that lines the cavity that held the coconut water. The quiosque gets busy as an after-the-beach hangout later in the afternoon and during the evening. For full-fledged food service, there's Maxim's, across Av. Atlântica at the corner of r. Fernando Mendes.


Life's a beach. . .

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Guest Tomcal_

-If you want to get in touch with Rene at the Atlantico Hotel, call Monday - Friday before 3:00 pm their Time. I have always been able to talk to him when i call, just ask the receptionist for Rene Pozo.

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Guest josekel3

I arrive in Rio on the 14th of Feb. and like many from this forum I will be staying at the Atlantico Copa. I sent two e-mails to Rene Pozo but never heard back. Finally, I just made a reservation through their web site. They quoted me R160, a bit more than they did Mavacia. I may use this info to haggle for a better room.


Althoug I've been folowing this forum for over a year, I only decided to head to Rio after a recent trip to Madrid. There I connected with several rent boys from Sauna Adan and the Grand Sauna but by far the best of them was a Brazalian.


My thank to Tri, Tomcal and many other who have contributed to this forum. I've loved the stories of your adventures with the sauna boys. I have a list of the best of the best that I'm bringing with me. Tomcal, I love the description you gave of your time with Anderson from Club 117. I definitely want to meet him. Have any of you 'seen' him at 117 recently?


I'll only be there for 5 days. Can't take more time off of work right now. I hope to meet up with any of you who are there in mid Feb. It looks as is I'll be there for the opening of Point 202. I'll give you a report.

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Although I went to Rio during the low season, I made my reservation through http://www.ipanema.com, which one can do, I think, for many of the hotels throughout the country. I stayed at The Atlantico Hotel Copacabana, and paid a small sum per night which amounted to R$124. This rate was exceptionally reasonable for what I received: spacious, nicely-appointed room, cable tv, large closet, safe, refrig/bar, wonderful entrance way which could be used as a sitting room, quite pleasant. The breakfast, as Mavica stated, contained much, much more than the usual drink and questionable pastries; many days I'd eat breakfast and a light lunch and would not eat another "meal" until the next day.


Anyway, fellow travelers-- remember we are all going during HIGH SEASON now. During the four days prior and including Carnaval, my friend and I will share a large room containing separate beds; from March 4 until 9 we each will have our own room; the rate for a separate room after Carnaval decreased significantly. By requesting The Atlantico per our travel agent, the cost of Carnaval and the extended days increased our price.


Apparently, The Atlantico Copa Hotel is four star by Brasilian standards, and personally, I was pleased; it was relatively quiet in early October; the employees were all amiable and helpful, excellent location for those desiring to go to Roger's and Estacao as well as walk to Blockbuster's and to Copacabana Beach and to the venues located along Avenida Atlantica as well as the immediate environs.


I think that is all that I shall write, for remember this board is really meant for us to shed light on the "escorts" be they independent, agency, or sauna -affiliated!:9 :) :9

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The description the webmaster has chosen for this particular forum is, "Discussion of escort scenes in Mexico, South America, Cuba etc." Unless I've missed something, I don't see a specific set of rules and regulations to which contributors are required to adhere when we post/comment, etc. Since we're all different, and our levels of experience will, naturally, differ . . . I think that the frequent admonition of one particular poster scolding others to limit their comments to his personal interpretation of what's proper and what's not, to not ask questions until they're searched prior posts, etc., is just a bit unrealistic. A community defines its standards, and this particular community is comprised of those who participate. If the webmaster wants to slap someone's hand for talking about hotels to take "escorts" back to, or for talking about locations other than brothels where "escort scenes" can be found, or for discussing restaurants, malls, tourist attactions . . . all places where one might find an "escort scene" . . . then he might just as well pull the plug on this forum. Lighten up, it's a big world out there, and don't expect others to do as we do, when we do it, how we do it, for what price we do it, etc.

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Guest Tomcal_

JOsekel3, Anderson is still at 117, and he is one of the guys there that puts on one of their "strip shows at 10:00, on I think Thurs, Friday nights. He is on first impression quiet and serious(he will never appproach you first, unlike 95% of the boys there) He is really a very nice, sweet guy. Four of my friends have been with him, based on my review and all to a person have said it was great! The only thing he doesn't do is "bottom" "passivo", and while I am exclusively a Top, I have never failed to have a Great time with Anderson. Send me a email and I will send you a photo, so you will know what to look for. Also he has had several "spreads" in Honcho magazine this past summer. You will have a great time in Rio!! Also look for Andre(Andrew) and Alek at 117, they both come with high recommendations - :-)

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>Well, next week at this time I'll be in Rio. I'll admit that

>this particular trip is the resulting-effect of my following

>the posts of others who've shared their experiences. Other

>than the message boards for Bangkok, I haven't seen a more

>helpful gay-themed travel site on the web; kudos to all of you

>who contribute and make this such an excellent forum. A

>couple of you may remember my first post which asked some

>questions, and then ended with my saying that I'd probably

>head back to Mexlco . . . my preferred destination. Well . .

>. I, obviously, changed my mind (there are other reasons, but

>I'll credit this forum as a significant contributor).


>I've read every post in every thread that I'm

>able to access on this forum several times, and I feel

>very comfortable with the commercial (and some of the

>non-commercial) sex scene that'll confront me. The frequent

>references here to unsafe sexual acts with escorts does

>concern me, but I'll sort that out along the way. I'm, also,

>comfortable with other more touristy things to do, and plan to

>make the rounds of attractions that are "do not miss."


>It's amazing how quickly we can communicate changed/new

>locations/venues, things that are in or out of

>favor/style, and general/specific information. Many of us

>remember the days when the Spartacus guidebook was THE

>source for gay travel information abroad (with Damron Guide

>being important for travel in the U.S.), and what we were

>reading was often a year or more out of date. I used to

>update information on Bangkok for Spartacus, and would send it

>in 6 months or more before the new books came out. Six months

>is a lifetime! How fortunate we are . . . thanks to the

>promoter of this website for making the bandwith available for

>us to share.


>In addition to reading the posts on this forum, my trip

>preparation has included: buying and studying the Lonely

>Planet Rio guidebook, studying a LP Portugese phrase book for

>Brazil (I speak Spanish, and really don't worry much about

>communication issues), scouring the wonderful http://www.ipanema.com

>website and it's gay counterpart http://www.riogayguide.com, and

>down-loading and reviewing more than 500 pages of information

>off of the www. Talk about anal! About three-weeks ago, I

>reached the information overload point and stopped

>searching for more information. I can probably sell myself as

>a tour-guide to Rio at this point! There aren't many

>questions that will go unanswered if one just takes the time

>to do a little searching. Did I tell you now helpful the

>www/internet is?


>I chose the safe route when selecting a hotel. This is

>my first trip and I'll play it conservative. There are many

>apartments for rent for similar, or less, price than a hotel

>room in Copacabana, but the array of additional services

>provided by a hotel (not to mention security) does, I think,

>make a the hotel a wise choice for a first-timer. I'm

>traveling with a friend 25 years older than me, and he prefers

>sure thing over it might be okay. Atlantico

>Copacabana seems to be the hotel of the moment, so that's

>where I'm going to hang my hat. I've been quoted three

>different prices by the hotel, the place hasn't communicated

>well via e-mail (yes, I handled the reservations via

>telephone), and God only knows what I'll actually pay when I

>check-out (not to worry, I know it'll work out just fine). I

>plan to use public transportation to move around town, and the

>Atlantico's proximity to the Metro was a big plus.


>I'm a proponent of people sharing experiences with one

>another, and I can't express sufficiently my appreciation for

>the continuing, helpful, prior information posted here; thanks

>to all! While few of us travel in the style, or with the same

>references/needs/wants . . . something is learned from each

>and every poster's contribution. So, in the spirit that's

>been established here, I pledge to contribute by replentishing

>the well of information from which I've drawn, and post from

>Rio and, again, when I return home.


>I'll be in Rio from mid-day, Friday, February 7th - through

>Saturday, February 15th (well, I leave at 11 p.m.), and if

>anyone reading this will be there during this period, please

>let me know. While I prefer to maneuver solo, comparing notes

>with fellow travelers is always an enjoyable/rewarding



>Again, thanks to those who've contributed before.



I believe the latter portion of my response was misconstrued; I, for one, do NOT believe in censorship; I, for one, also asked many, many questions prior to my going to Brasil in October. So to put the record straight-- I thank you for your questions and concerns, but I wanted to bring it back to what the original topic (in the spirit of this particular forum) was! I did NOT take offense by your slight admonition and appreciate what you've asked as well as written! Obrigado!


Axiom, a poster of some 800+ mainly positive and informative responses!


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Guest Tomcal_

>TomCal, do you remember the month/s in which Anderson

>appeared in HONCHO?

Axiom, to use your and my frequent admonitions to the other posters, "It's in the Archives!" LOL I believe it was in June/July issue(I would look for the magazines but loaned them to a friend)

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Guest Tomcal_

Axiom, why are you copying the whole previous post, it makes them soooo Lengthy. We can figure out what your responding to if you just copy the last line or two. thanks, Tom

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Helpful Trip-Planning Resources


When I/m off to a destination for the first time (like this first trip to Rio) I always do a bit of research, so that I'll arrive better prepared and to help minimize unwanted/unexpected surprises. Together with the high-quality information posted on this forum, I read through about 500 pages of information online. I also bought the Lonely Planet guide to Rio, and a couple of maps. I'll be bringing some of what I've downloaded from the www with me in a notebook, and, for those of you who are heading for Rio for the first time, or thinking about it . . . here's a list of readily-available resources I've found most helpful to me - I hope that you find them helpful, also:


Lonely Planet Guide to Rio



Lonely Planet City Map - Rio de Janeiro



National Geographic Destination Map - Rio de Janeiro



U.S. Department of State Consular Information Sheet - Brazil



Consulate General of Brazil

General information about visas




A must-read for every first-time visitor to Rio




The best English-language online source of gay information on Rio that I’ve seen so far.




Has a good Rio information section, lots of details.



Lonely Planet Language Survival Kit - Brazilian phrasebook



English to Portuguese Dictionary


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Okay, I'm off!


Well, over-prepared as I think I am, I'm certain that I'm under-prepared to start my trip . . . but, adventure is what travel is all about! Tomorrow at this time I'll be in the air, and Friday a.m. . . . I'll land my tired bones in Rio. I hope to spend lots of time on the beach . . . some time seeing the "sights" . . . some r&r in the termas . . . and a few good meals along the way. I'm a tough sell, not easily impressed . . . and this first-trip to Rio will be "interesting." Thanks again for all of the wonderful first-person reports . . . I'll post something from along the way, and when I return.

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RE: Okay, I'm off!


And when that airplane door opens, the heat of summer's passion will warm your soul. You will have escaped to a magical land where beauty surrounds you, where there is a foggy line between straight and gay, between young and old. Your life will find new meaning, your horizons will be broadened. You will do much more than simply survive life as you have known it, you will participate in a joyful stream of new experiences that are the real essense of human existence...... God I miss Bz!!! :p

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Guest Tomcal_

RE: Okay, I'm off!


Gringo, I couldn't have said it better!(or more eloquently)! and agree with you completely, especially the " God I miss Brazil"

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RE: Okay, I'm off!


Mavica, have a great time, you're going to think you've died and ended up in heaven! Well said, Gringo, as always.


You mentioned good meals and it reminds me to mention Confeiteria Colombo, which you'll find mentioned in any guidebook. Far and away my favorite. They have a buffet every afternoon and then a late tea buffet. Their food is wonderful, the atmoshpere is great and very good service. It won't run you more than 12-15 dollars. All the desserts you can eat! You won't be disappointed. It was the only restaurant there I would want to bring here to New York, that I went to.

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RE: Okay, I'm off!


Thank you Ax. For what it's worth, and there certainly seem to be enough of us, bz truly is a magical place for me. It's like 'slip the surly bonds and touch the face of....' I've never actually had oxygen administered to me, but that's what I feel like when those plane doors open. Escape the cold, the nonsense, the madness,

the meaningless rat race. Friends in bz often ask why I don't stay. "Come to bz where you are safe and happy..." And each time, as many of us have wondered, the question forces itself with the arrival of the plane home, "Why am I going back?":-(

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