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Rio - A Roger's Update

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Tri-- three things: First: I truly appreciate always reading your excellent tomes! Second: Since you have become a totally free man due to retirement-- your book awaits all of us eager readers and participants in Brazil's offerings, culturally and otherwise.

Third, but far from last: If Roger's closes during the latter part of this month, will the "boys" move on to another sauna or perhaps saunas? ...would appreciate your asking if this is appropriate!


Take care and continue to enjoy magnificient Rio.

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Tri, thanks for the Roger's update. I'll be arriving on the 24th and it sounds like I'll have the opportunity to enjoy Roger's one last time. During my last two trips I enjoyed spending time with Henrique every night...including having him join me for a couple meals after it closed for the night. He's a great guy. Like everyone else on this board I owe you a great debt of gratitude for all the information and advice you have provided. Hopefully I'll have the opportunity to buy you a drink or two or three while I'm there. Let us know when you hear any late breaking news of the new sauna.

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I am glad Rogers will still be open during my return visit commencing January 16th. I journeyed upstairs with Antonio and found him to be GREAT! After the plane trip I will enjoy a long massage with Carlos who is a wonderful masseur. Although Rogers is a bit "tatty" it has a great layout, some noteworthy guys and the bartender is a stitch! I hope I will have an opportunity to say hello to you Tri during my visit next week. (If Jaunty is able to swing down in mid January it would be great to get together with both of you). Each of you were instrumental in motivating me to visit Rio aka--Homo Paradise!

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Thanks for the kind offers, guys. As it happens, I'm flying North to Salvador on the 15th, but I'm sure we'll run into each other some time.


Finally got together with Henrique the following evening. He's just as handsome undressed as dressed. He's very nice, quite affectionate and a good kisser, but oddly enough the sex wasn't very good (although HE got off!). I think he was a bit embarassed, and made up for it with a really excellent and relaxing massage. Considering the previous post about Henrique, either the chemistry wasn't right or the stars weren't. Don't let this put anyone off of him, because it may work very well with you!


Spoke with the manager about the opening/closing situation. Evidently the place has been leased to the current management for several years. The lease is up, and the owners want to practically triple the rent. Prices would have to go up dramatically to pay such a rent, and they can't, of course, and still be competitive. If the owner doesn't come to his senses, they'll have to close, it seems. However, the manager said the real value of the property is the land, but it would be difficult to tear down the building because the façade is landmarked so there would be a lot of problems trying to do anything else there. Something may work out, after all. But it sounds touch and go. In the meantime, the sauna is very much open, and the guys would like everyone to know they're waiting for your visits! :-) If the sauna closes, I'm sure the guys will migrate to one of the competing establishments. It's too good and easy a living to just give up because of someone else's business problems!

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I love hearing about your adventures. I am so glad you are enjoying your trip and look forward to more updates. Sorry the experience with Henrique was not all you hoped for, but am sure you will find more fun along your path.

Decided not to send you a private email, because I figured you had better things to do than read mail from me.

Enjoy the fun

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Roger's is currently open and had some primo guys yesterday evening, without too many clients. It's been difficult to get a "straight" story on its status. According to some, it's closing Jan. 25th. According to others, it isn't. A third version is that it's undergoing a change of ownership/management. In this version, the place will close for remodeling, but will reopen afterwards. Supposedly the owner leased the place to some third parties, who aren't getting along and are surrending the lease, so the original owner/manager will be taking over again. Stay tuned, this saga doesn't seem to be finished. I'd be sorry to see Roger's close. It's been in business for 30 years, so it's positively historic. The National Trust should place a plaque on the place and declare it a landmark! :-)


From the interesting selection last night I got together with Richard (pron. Ree-shard) a somewhat stocky mineiro about 5'8", deeply tanned and with Valentino-type smoldering Latin Lover good looks. The very large appendage is also a winning attraction! So is the fact that he's affectionate and interested in making sure you're having a good time! Richard commutes from Belo Horizonte, where he works in lighting and interior design, so if you decide to buy a Rio vacation property and remodel, Richard may be your guy!


Being slightly greedy, I also spent some time with Flavio, a younger guy of perhaps 22, with a slender, tight build; smooth-skinned, cafe-au-lait complexion; and a notable whopper (in the 23 - 24cm range)! Not particularly handsome, Flavio knows his tool is his best asset and loves showing it off, having it admired and commented on, and adores being deep-throated. Flavio also was very cuddly and a good kisser! A fun time was had!


I was also being courted by Henrique, a tall, very handsome black man who was hanging out, dressed, at the front desk while talking to his friends there. According to Richard, who recommended him, Henrique works there, too, it just wasn't one of his nights to be on duty. By the time I found this out, he'd left, so it looks like I'll have to go back to sample Henrique's charms! He certainly looked pretty delectable dressed!


Ah, Rio. . . They really should build an archway at the exit to airport reading "So Many Men, So Little Time. . ." :9

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Guys, arrived back in nyc on wed am. spent three of my 12 evenings at rogers, 2 at 117, and the remainder at estacao. I like rogers a lot and would hate to see it close as i find it the most comfortable and a bit more manageable than estacao. Have hooked up on my last two trips with Leo (leopoldo) a tall, great smile, athletic looking guy from Petropolis and have had dinner with him a couple of times and had hime spend some time in my hotel room.

Tue afternoon ( it has rained for three straight days) i had a great send off at rogers from Leo in a three way with his uncle. It was slightly strange for him but I sure had a great time and found his uncle (all of about 34 or so) one hot man. The boys at rogers are so pleasant and personable.

Estacao may have a few more of the same good looking boys at one time but it is harder to operate in especially if you find yourself cornered or clinged to by someone you enjoyed but no longer want to repeat. Rayan (Ryan) the 6'5 straight guy is definitely sweet, fun, and a ggod choice to include for dinner later and an overnight at your hotel. I pay 50 reals for sex, the dinner bill, and another 50 or 100 for the overnight depending on how often we have sex (night and morning).

117 definitely has some of the same boys i see at estacao and i really enjoy myself there. I am 53 and fine the smaller rogers my favorite.


THis is my second trip there - 7 days nov-dec 2002 and 14 days arriving 12/30/02 and if there is advice to give a newcomer it is this-

DO NOT ENCOURAGE ANY LONG CONVERSATIONS WHEN YOU MEET UP A SECOND TIME WITH ONE OF THE BOYS AT THE BATH IF YOU ARE LOOKING TO HANG OUT ON YOUR OWN AND MEET MANY BOYS. I made this mistake and it can get misinterpreted or a tiny bit uncomfortable. I never now pay more than 50 Reals plus a tip of 10 or so because that is all i hand them and there has never been a problem. when someone tries to negotiate just say no and stick to your guns.

I always buy the boys and one of their friends (if i am interested in them) drinks or a snack. it is appreciated.


If stuck there on a rainy afternoon - take a cab to the Rio Sul mall and catch an american movie in English. It gets crowded after 2 or 3 so catch the earlier movie.


will post more when i get some sleep.


Hi to the canadians (Tom and J.) and hope your trip home went well and you are not missing the boys too much. lets stay in touch.


Hi to trilingual - it was great meeting you and hope your further exploration of Brazil is fun. Never did hook up with ernani for a tour on the back of his motorbike but will when i return next month or april.

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Hey, Gulliver --


Glad you had a good time! It's a shame about the rain the past few days; definitely NOT the weather for a motorcycle tour of anywhere!


Do you think Rayan is really straight? :-) I'd call him slightly confused. . . Anyway, I'd go with him again. He's sweet and not obnoxious, although a bit dim. Maybe it's just shyness (not that he has anything to be shy about). He seemed to be pretty chatty with the Brazilian client he was with last night!


Anyway, please don't forget to post about your B.A. experiences! Inquiring minds, you know. . .

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>this mistake and it can get misinterpreted or a tiny bit




This was probably not your mistake. Having hired the boy once, when he sees you again he chances his luck at romancing you a second time. Out of courtesy you might buy him a drink but its only when he starts getting close to you and you can see other guys backing off might you realise he has staked his claim. They will try tpo lead you to a chair where they can talk quietly to you or if you are in a corner they might shield you from the gaze of other guys.


You need to spot this situation fairly quickly and ppolitely remove yourself from it. Thats not so say a boy might want to talk to you especially if its getting late and hes thinking of going home. I wouldn'y hesistate to chat to a guy i had slept with before for a while but would keep an eye on his body language to make sure he is not misreading the situation. If you chat for 20 monutes and have bought him a drink in that time then you wander off, you have not cheated him in any way.

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When I was in Rio, there were some guys at Roger's whom I really liked and plan to see them again, along with others, if Roger's is open. Is this a wise thing to do or not?


One young man at Estacao wanted to get together with me the second time that I went, but I declined and told him that I'd prefer to be with his friend instead. (All of this was done in the form of body language since neither of us spoke the language of the other.) Apparently, he seemed fine with this and let his friend leave for the upstairs with me. There was no animosity at all!

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Guest Deweywop

The sauna scene is not as complicated as it might seem. While some working boys are pushier than others and some establishments less well run than others, I view the scene as part and parcel with the absolutely superb overall service economy in Brazil, from hotel to restaurant to shops to buses. The Brazilian people seem to have embraced the notion that you can do business with personal warmth and grace and a great deal of toleration for unfamiliar foreigners. It's just that in most sauna encounters. Smiling and chatting will not get you in trouble with anybody. And like any business, casually but clearly set the price before you transact. If you're not interested in a service, politely say no. The "shopkeeper" will understand. That's about it.

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Guest YoungClient

I'm arriving in Rio on the morning of Sat. Jan 25 and staying the nnights of the 25th and 26th. I only have a limited time to explore. Does anyone have more information on Rodgers closing date? Will it still be open on the 25th? What is the status?


Also I will probebly only have one or two beach days. Should I check out Ipanema first or Copacabana? What are the differences?


thanks all for all your work done in this forum - I'm really getting excited about my first Brazil experience

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I can't help you with Roger's (except to recommend going if it's open)but as far as the two beaches, Ipanema and Copacabana, the former has the better gay scene now while the latter is somewhat tired. You are going to be there on a weekend, so the beaches will be thronged unless the weather doesn't cooperate. Anyway, the distance between the two beaches is not all that great, and can be walked in 45 minutes (I like walking)or a 10 minute taxi ride max.

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Guest miguelmiche1

would HIGHLY recommend richard to anyone - one of the best escorts around. extremely well built handsome, personable. and the sex... trustworthy and excellent travel companion - go for it and take him as guide for trip outside of rio. security an added bonus - with his huge build no one will dare mess with you.

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Is that Richard at Roger's?


Don't worry about Roger's being closed. If it is when you arrive, it's only a couple of blocks walk over to Estação, which certainly will be open. If Roger's does close, you can be sure the guys will migrate to one of the other establishments.


As for the two beaches, your enjoyment will probably vary depending on your age and/or physical condition. Ipanema is where the "barbie" (gym bunny) crowd hangs out. If you're in good shape, you will probably enjoy it, especially if you're in your twenties or thirties. If you're older/out of shape, the Copacabana scene is probably more suitable. The scene there is much more mixed in terms of age, physical shape, and class than in Ipanema. However, check out both and you should be able to figure out for yourself which beach suits you best. Have fun!

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