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Heaven. . . I'm in Heaven. . .

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Jealous, I am Jealous. Well, glad your first day ( and night) was so event full. Are you able to get your e-mail down there as well? Maybe I'll send you a little something every now and then to remind you of us poor schlubs back here who can only "live" south of the border through your posts. Keep the descriptions cumming.

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Got here 12/31, just in time to settle into Odilo's place, stock up at the supermarket, take a long nap, and head for the beach for the New Year's Eve celebrations in Copacabana. Read Gringo's account of the evening in his Tails of Brazil thread. He captures the experience perfectly.


After sleeping in very late, to finally recover from the endless flight from the West Coast, I got together for a very late lunch with a fellow M4Mer and his charming female travel companion (who knows all, so there was no need to be inhibited). Later on, I ran into him at Estação. Even though I arrived quite late (around 9:00) it was quite festive. Round one was with short, dark and staggeringly endowed Rodrigo, who's funny but very aggressive and verbal in the privacy of a cabine. I really thought that was going to be quite enough, but afterwards, while chatting with our fellow M4Mer, we struck up a conversation with some visiting Canadians, also M4M readers. While being social, I was accosted by a very tall kid named Rayan (pron. Ryan, more or less) and back upstairs we went. . . Rather shy and very sweet and soft-spoken (quite the opposite of Rodrigo) he's at least 6'5" and so impressively, um, credentialed I hardly knew what to do with him! (Never fear, we figured out some things!) Rayan was so sweet, and it was so late, that I broke my own rule and invited him home to spend the night. He lives in a very distant suburb; at that hour of the night it takes two buses and nearly two hours for him to get home, so I think he appreciated it. G-d only knows I did! :p


Hit the beach at Copacabana for an hour earlier this afternoon (I'm trying to avoid the boiled lobster scenario, so I couldn't stay long as I'm as white as one of Auntie Semitic's nightrider sheets.) Yet within that hour I got cruised by a devastatingly attractive guy in his 40s, with a dazzling smile. He turns out to be a security guard from São Paulo who's on holiday for the New Year, and we've got a date to meet tomorrow. For free! That's what's so amazing about Brazil. I could go a year or more back home without getting a flicker of interest from someone attractive. In Brazil, while they may not be absolutely thronging around me (except at the escort saunas, of course) there's still hope for a short, gray-haired, paunchy retired bureaucrat!


More later on other developments, and I certainly hope there'll be more posts from our fellow M4Mers who are also here in Brazil for the New Year. Meanwhile, I'm taking it easy and doing my level best to develop amnesia about my years at the Ministry of Mirth. It seems to be going well! Rodrigo and Rayan were enormous helps with that process! Of course, the magnitude of this change in my life undoubtedly won't really sink in until I return to San Francisco and realize I don't have to go back to the office. Ever!


I hope everyone reading this had a great New Year's, also. It's wonderful being here in Brazil right now. Instead of gloom and dread, the country is brimming with hope that the new president, Lula, who was inaugurated yesterday, will bring real changes that will finally start making a dent in the poverty and inequality that are also hallmarks of Brazil. I certainly pray he succeeds; the Brazilians deserve much better than the situation they've had until now! It's a refreshing change to be in a country that's looking forward, with a new president who was swept into office in the second-largest landslide of votes in western democratic history! Quite unlike our own, un-elected head of state back in the U.S. of A.


Onward. It's time to check my voice-mail and head off for an inspection of Club 117. Deliriously yours. . .

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Guest Gringo

...aaah, that unexpected "flicker of interest" is what seduced me during my first trip to bz. i'll never forget it. he looked like he had walked out of a magazine as he walked across the sand. he smiled and it’s as if the light had just turned on around his magnificence. he continued toward me when i realized he was actually looking at me!! old, pasty-white, flabby ME! in the states, a man like that wouldn't give me a second glance. and yet, he wanted to engage me; he wanted to touch me in places my bathing suit covered; he wanted to warm my soul and say "yes, you are attractive. yes, you are desirable. yes, your spirit will rise to my passion." and i said, "ok." haven't been the same since. enjoy the moments Tri.

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Hey Tri - I wish I were back down there with you for New Year's. Maybe next year. But I will be back in Rio on the 16th (after a little business in Sao Paulo) and look forward to meeting you. You've mentioned one of my new favs - Rayan - he of the condor wing span and butt-plug thigamajig. I spent many delightful hours with him in another apartment - and in the new suites at Estacao - the last couple of trips. You haven't yet mentioned Marcello, Rayan's best friend, almost as tall, classic handsomeness and equally impressive "credentials" - my other top of the list favorite. Hope to see you in a couple of weeks. Have a ball!

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Please continue to have a wonderful time. My hope is that you will get so relaxed that you will forget all about Auntie whatever and Iamtoxic that you will leave that bickering feud on the dustbins of history. You will be so relaxed and having fun that you will no longer find it interesting, amusing, challenging, or whatever it is that keeps you constantly bringing it up.

SO go on with it now....fuk a Brazilian marine!:)

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Well, I'm on my way back from the beach. Unfortunately, my date was a no-show. Possibly he decided noon wasn't a great time to be there; it feels much hotter today, at least on the sand. In fact, it was an oven at mid-day. I managed to survive for an hour or so, slathered in SPF30, but I definitely seem to have acquired some color today, so I'm happy. No sweat about the date. Punctuality is not a big Brazilian virtue, except at intercity bus stations. If someone misses seeing you today, he'll see you tomorrow. No big deal. Life's a beach. We Anglo-Saxons just have to let go of our time manias! ;)


Yesterday evening I went to 117, where I ran into the dynamic duo from Toronto, who have been having a festive time of their own. I had good luck right from the start: when I stepped into the shower after changing I was faced with an absolute man-mountain named Alex. About 6'2", built like the proverbial brick shit house, and soaping up an extremely impressive instrument. My initial reaction was "no way," because I tend not to like the huge body-builder types. Usually they're too agressive and full of themselves. However, Alex washed the soap out of his hair and opened up his big aquamarine blue eyes and gave me the biggest, sweetest smile, and I decided maybe this wasn't such a bad idea, after all! Well, it turned out to be a great idea. In the cabine, Alex was extremely gentle, sweet and affectionate. He's a personal trainer and jiu-jitsu practitioner (a big sport in Brazil) who's training for an internation meet in B.A. at the end of February. He said he's working at the sauna to make money for his trip to the competition and to pay for all his supplements, etc. All I can say is, it must take some major supplements, plus a lot of hard work and discipline, to achieve that kind of physique. Alex is very light-skinned, bullet-headed, with a mug you wouldn't want to run into in a dark alley, and has the obligatory tattoos that go with the jiu-jitsu territory. The blue eyes and the beautiful, little boy smile betray his tough guy image, though! His 24cm cock (that's a shade under 10" for the metrically- challenged) is an attraction all of its own! In fact, I'd say it's probably contest-winning all by itself! I'll definitely be seeing more of Alex! We had a very nice interlude in the cabine, where he wasn't in the least bit rushed and very affectionate and cuddly afterward. I could SO get used to that!


Later, while showering and sauna-ing, I could take in the passing parade of that night's beauties. As ever, they come in every shade, height, and size. One of the visiting Canadians paired off with a cutie named Alan (or Allen) who was also very impressively credentialed and was highly recommended after the fact. In short, a delightful time was had by all, after which we taxied back to Copacabana and some dinner at the Trattoria, which has gone back to its normal prices after boosting them significantly on New Year's Eve. (I had the green agnolotti in the truffle cream sauce featured on the specials page. Extremely tasty!)


Onward, now, to bigger and better exploits, I hope. Gringo, I'll check out Rayan's friend Marcello. I don't think he was at Estação the night I met Rayan. Right now, though, I think I'd better head home, because it's starting to look like tropical afternoon downpour time. That would be the first rain since arriving last Tuesday. Later. . .

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Hey Tri...first, thanks for all the wisdom that you have imparted to this group. Thanks to you and others, I am scheduled for my third trip in the last four months to Rio. I'm arriving on January 24th, just in time for the grand opening of the new sauna it appears. I'm curious about the status of Rogers. Has it closed now? Its been my favorite and I've gotten to know many of the guys working there. Just wondered what has happened to them. I'm glad that you are back and enjoying some of your familiar haunts. I'm anxious to trade the snow up here for the hot weather and the beach.

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Reed, a few days ago a poster mentioned that he had been to Roger's, so I'd assume that it is still open and perhaps will be for a while until the newest sauna has been inaugurated/opened.


When I was in Rio last October, I went to Roger's. Although I did NOT like its layout, I did like its offerings in terms of the super-hot men that it provided. I will be in RIo next month and do hope this particular sauna is still open and thriving, for I do want to see two of the guys whom I met during my first and only visit...


Have a wonderful trip!

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RE: Subway


I haven't been by Roger's yet. Someone else said it had already closed, but they may have gone by on New Year's Day and it was closed for the occasion. When I get a minute next week, I'll go by and see.


The new subway station opening has been delayed to February. Evidently there's some unfinished construction and security measures to be taken care of. The official opening in December was a bit of publicity stunt, apparently, for the outgoing governor's administration, but in point of fact it's not quite ready for its close-up.


Got together last night for drinks with Alex, owner and prime mover of the Apollus Agency. A charming and fun and extremely multilingual guy (puts Trilingual to shame). With him Adam, were the manager of the São Paulo operation, and Moreira, who takes many of the photos on the site, a delightful guy in his own right. While chatting, a couple of the Apollus guys came by, attractive all of them. It seems to be a busy enterprise, and Alex has an appealing stable of fellows working with him. His rates are more expensive than what guys at saunas charge, but if you're looking for more companionship, someone who speaks English or another language, or you're not a sauna person, Apollus would be a good place to start. By the way, a chartered day cruise of the tropical islands south of Rio is being planned for Carnival, with transportation, food, music and boys included. . . Check the Apollus site at http://www.agapollus.com or e-mail Alex directly through the site for details. It sounds like fun; unfortunately I'm going to miss Carnival this year.


Afterwards, I went over to Estação where the visiting Canadians were holding court. I took a trip to the moon with Joelson, a butch-looking mineiro who also is the owner of another of the "and you expect me to do what with that?" cocks (the word humongous was obviously created with Joelson in mind. In the privacy of the cabine Joelson also turned out to be extremely proficient in the kissing, cuddling and general charm departments! By then it was late, so I hauled Rayan home again for an overnight. We had been crossing tracks the last two days, because he doesn't have a cell phone yet, and he (and other friends) have beeng getting the "switched off/out of the service area" message when calling Odilo's cell phone, even though the phone was always on and definitely in the service area. Oh, well, no problemo. This morning, one of my non-escort crushes came by, and we had an enjoyable couple of hours before I rushed off to meet some other visiting M4Mers at Maxim's. Life is full, life is good. . .

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RE: Subway and rogers as of jan 4


arrived in rio <jan 31 in time for dinner at my hotel, atlantico copacabana and headed out to the beach with my friend melissa in tow. at the stroke of midnight in front of the copacabana palace we welcomed the new year with two wonderful, sympatico locals -- it was definitely the most superb new years eve ever for the two of us.


Met trilingual for the first time at maxims for a new years day lunch which we hadd kind of arranged via the internet back in the us. <it was such a treat to meet the guy who has inspired so many of us to come down here - he does worry sometimes that perhaps he has done too good a job!! we called it a retirement lunch and had a great time.

went with the two canadians that tri refers to to <jabbas but the big man himself was not there. spent the next two days lying kind of low with a bit of a flu bug. Did venture out to Rogers though on sunday night and it was great - many boys and a few patrons. there does not appear to be a closing planned as far as i can figure out from the locals.


am in buenos aires for three nights and had dinner and and evening tour with roberto - our man in BA. <he has arranged a great corner room in a howard johnson - built as a marriott but never taken over by them. very very nice place . god the men in BA are hot. had an incall arranged by roberto last night. <ba is much lovelier than i had anticipated and am glad i am here although nothing compates to the saunas of rio.


be back in rio on jan 8th for another week. hoep to meet up with tri and the canadian duo(tom and J) FOR DINNER and to do a field trip to 117, bustios, and possibluy parati.

will keep you posted.



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RE: The saga continues. . .


Spent a "quiet" weekend. Saturday night I got together with old friends to take in a cabaret-style show featuring Broadway tunes (mostly translated to Portuguese), Brazilian classics, some tap and a bit of Piaf. Rather a pot-pourri, but well done by a fellow whose Broadway-calibre voice would have taken him somewhere else if he'd been American. . . It closed last night, but may reopen at another theater; if so I'd recommend it. The show was by Tadeu Aguiar, and called Mania de Amar 3-1/2. Re-opening Jan. 9th is a Cole Porter revue (also very cleverly translated to Portuguese, with subtly Brazilianized arrangements) that was a huge hit last year. Also being revived is the super-spectacular musical biography of Carmen Miranda, "South American Way." As they're virtually all-singing, all-dancing a knowledge of Portuguese isn't absolutely necessary for enjoying these shows. An all-star cast is also opening in a major production of Feydeau's "A Flea in Her Ear." Rio is the headquarters of the Globo television network, one of the largest in the world, and it's a bit like L.A. in that star-sightings are common. Globo actors also do theater work between soap opera gigs (it's hard to make a living only doing theater here in Brazil). If you're familiar with the play, it probably will be fun. BTW, for free there are jazz concerts on Monday afternoons at Modern Sound, the big record store on Barata Ribeiro not far from Figueiredo Magalhães (on the right, heading towards Ipanema). It's one of the most comprehensive record stores in Brazil, and has a nice in-store café.


Yesterday I was driven out to Barra da Tijuca by another old friend who's leaving town for an excursion tomorrow. Barra, also referred to somewhat sneeringly as "Miami in Brazil" is an endless stretch of beach, luxury high rise apartment buildings and American-style shopping malls. It's worth seeing, at least once, to get a picture of a different, more "modern" Brazil. Barra sprawls, and it's best to have a car, but there is an "executivo" air-conditioned bus along Av. Atlântica that will take you there and back. I hadn't been out to Barra in several years, and the amount of growth is simply astonishing. We stopped for lunch at BarraShopping, the largest mall in South America, which is a magnet for the young and the beautiful of the middle- and upper-classes (and their parents, of course). A huge new FNAC bookstore has opened at the mall. So far it's the only one in Rio (there are stores in São Paulo and Campinas) but, like all the FNACs, complete and comprehensive, so it's worth the trip for book-lovers or those looking for books in languages other than Portuguese. Lucky for me it's so far out; otherwise I'd be bankrupt shortly. Bookstores are way too tempting. . .


Last night I dropped by Corujinha for a late evening snack. No Jabba sighting, I'm afraid, but I did invite a very cute blond godlet named Gustavo to my table for a drink and snack, and ended up repairing to a "motel" with him. I have a feeling he's a bit of a regular at Corujinha, and he says he's gone to 117 a few times, but it's very far for him as he lives in Nova Iguaçu, a distant suburb. The Hotel Lido is conveniently located in Copacabana (not too far from the Copacabana Palace) on the corner of r. Ronald de Carvalho and Min. Viveiros de Castro (an intermediate street parallel to and in between Av. Copacabana and Barata Ribeiro). A two hour period at the hotel was R$30, and the overnight rate was R$70. Cash only. It's a converted old house, clean, with bathrooms with showers and air-conditioning. Alex (of Apollus) also said there's a really excellent place called the Panda, in Botafogo, but I don't have the address. The suites are apparently more lavish, and some photo shoots and pornos have been done there.


More to come. Time to go talk to a real estate agency about a rental for my next, longer stay.

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RE: The saga continues. . .


So, when you will stay permanently there in Brazil, there 'll be an opportunity for some of us to come and meet you personally. This is a special desire of mine, as I love to espand my knowledge about places and people, and points of view of course.


There will be a lot to do, as I would like to understand how to spend more then a couple of weeks in Brazil, maybe soon.

I also met Allan at 117, last november.


I plan to come around Carnival anyway, visiting Sao PAulo and more BAHIA, and must redefine my target on friends, because Carlos didn't come to Italy as promises before Xmas.

Even if brazilians are less pushing than arabians, they are definitely different from europeans in values and rules.

But, as I already understand, exchanging time with money is not a real friendships, and this is a fault of my culture.

I feel Brazil soul is largely unspoiled.

That's why I need more time to go deeper on Brazil and brazilians...


I really hope your visit to be tasteful, now that more time enlarges your landscape...




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RE: The saga continues. . .


Thanks! The exchange of time and sex for money is a fact of life in many places, not just Brazil. However, I'm most familiar with the way it works here. Most of these guys work at the saunas because of economic necessity. Many enjoy what they do, because they love the attention they get inside the walls of the sauna. Out on the street they're just another of the tens of millions of cute young Brazilian men. At the sauna they can feel like a star!


In spite of the commercial nature of the situation, friendships and affairs do develop at the saunas. Naturally, interest plays a part. My mother always used to say it was just as easy to marry rich as to marry poor. I think the same maxim is widely known in Brazil! Many of the guys hope to find a long-term patron so they can stop hustling and move ahead with their lives. People everywhere want to improve their lot. Having a foreign "friend" is one way to to do that in a country with so much poverty and relatively few good options for young people. (The papers this week reported that unemployment in Brazil, which is around 17%, is double that rate in the 18 - 24 year old age bracket!) Many clients treat the sauna guys as pieces of meat, and they'll get treated the same way in return. However, the guys are people, too, and are just as much in need of respect, affection and friendship as the rest of us. Someone who can relate to the guys on those levels will find that it's quite possible to develop good friendships with them that go far beyond economic interest. If you want to get deeper into Brazil, xchris, I'm sure you won't have any problems, because it's clear you approach the guys, their country and its culture with respect. That opens doors and hearts in any country!

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