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A new XXXL in Buenos Aires

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After more than three months without visiting BA, I had to make a very short trip there this week.

Even if I was there only for one night, after some business meetings and a late dinner with some colleagues, I found some time to meet Andres and a new boy named Nacho.


We had previously agreed with Andres that he would find a boy for a trio and our first by-email-selection was Ivo (or Ariel) a boy I found in the gay.com chat, who does not advertise as an escort in any local website, but has a profile in gaydar (gaydar.co.uk/ari22cms). Ivo confirmed he would join us at Andres´s apartment at 11:30 pm but finally did not show.


So, at midnight, we foun ourselves searching for another boy to join us.

After several phone calls (Rodrigo from soytuyo.com was busy, Gaston also from soytuyo pretended $150 for an outcall) we found Nacho in the gemidos.com.ar website. By the way Rodrigo is also known as Fabian in the sensualbaires web site and was reviewed here some weeks ago.


Nacho´s profile was very promising and one hour later he was there.


Nacho is exactly as he describes himself in "Gemidos" and his pictures (even if it is hard to believe it!!) are extremely accurate.

This boy is not very "participativo", as they use to say in BA: he does not kiss, suck or rim, but he is very kind, a little bit shy, and will touch you almost everywhere (however without too much engagement).


Anyhow ther was something really increidible: his enourmous "tool". This is the biggest (somewhere between 9 and 10" and very thick, may be 3" diameter at the base) I´ve ever seen in my life (and I´ve seen a few by now!), and... it was hard almost all the time.

You can really spend your night exploring that "monster" without even getting to know it well :).


He was also a very good top and fucked Andres for at least twenty minutes (Andy was an heroical bottom).


I will send a review about Nacho on the next days even if I still don´t really know how to rate him: I was not disappointed but I wasn´t really satisfied (may be we need a new qualifying grade). Body contact, kissing and hugging are still too important to me.


Anyways if someone is into "megadicks" this is THE boy!

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Guest Deweywop

Oh my god, those pictures of Nacho almost made me faint! Please report back with a "review" and info on how much he charges. Can he be contacted directly, so that more of the bucks goes to the upkeep and feeding on that man-eating cock of his? You said he doesn't kiss. Would some extra pesos make him more amenable to kissing? Much as my mouth would be otherwise occupied, the boy does have beautiful face and lips that need some attending to.

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I will send a review soon.

Nacho's rate is $80 (U$S 22) for one hour (and $50 half an hour). His phone number from his add is: 15 5639 9254 (if you call from BSAS) o +54 11 5639 9254 if you're calling from abroad. All cell phones numbers in Buenos Aires are changing after January 1st, so before the telephone company places your call, you will hear an announcement both en spanish and english (we have to be patient).

Finally, I think that he may kiss for the right fee but if it is stated previously (it is quite common in BA). I would clarify that no kiss no extra.

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If you call from the U.S. and the number doesn't work, try preceding it with 011+54+15. All BA cellphones have had their own area code (15) while regular phones in the Greater BA area are in area code (11).


I hadn't heard about cell phone numbers changing, but with the phone systems in Latin America constantly being modernized and updated, phone numbers and dialling codes change frequently.


By the way, for the non-Spanish speakers, does Nacho speak/understand any English? If he doesn't, readers might want to e-mail RobertoBA for help in making arrangements.

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All the "big stuff" isn't in Brazil, as you can see! Nacho gives new meaning to the term "bife de chorizo!" (You'll get the pun if you know Argentina.) For your viewing pleasure (if this works) here are a couple of photos of this national monument.





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Guest Deweywop

His ad says he speaks French. It also says he's 6 feet tall (confirm, Daniel?), just to give you a contextual frame for that magnificent meat. In other words, it ain't an optical illusion.

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May be I was so attracted by his pictures that I did not realize he spoke some french!

I´m sure he is not 6´tall: I´m 5´11 and he is smaller than me (may be 5´9" or 175 cm).

Also his haircut was a little bit shorter and more fashion like than the one he had in his pictures.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am the one that wrote the review on Fabian a few weeks ago, and I highly recommend him!


Does anyone have a complete list of escort sites for BA. I know of sensualbaires.com, soytuyo.com, statusmodels.com and now giodoes.com.ar (hope I spelled these correctly) but there seems to be some prolifieration of sites now, and more and more guys advertising on them. Soy tuyp has grown incredibly since I discovered it about a year ago.


Another source is Imperio magazine which you can buy at almost any newstand. It has some ads in it, often full page ads for esorts but it does not contain that many. Is there a website for Imperio?

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here is a website with some hot companions


http://www.gemidos.com.ar - just click on rubrio59/escorts then hombres


some others not on your list are






hope this helps in your quest.


I'll be in BA Jan 6-7-8-9- and have been in contact with roberto. i missed a trip to BA last week due to passport problems in brazil.

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Guest Deweywop

Without letting my fingers do the walking just yet since I'm still trying to figure out how to swing a trip to BA soon, can you tell me how these escort websites work? Are they jsut listing services and you just call the pro? I take it statusmodels is an actual "house" where you can go, meet and check out the taxiboys and even take a room there. Are there any other such houses? I prefer them over waiting for someone to come by who mahy or may not have posted an accurate picture.

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Guest alphadogtx

yes, these websites have phone numbers for each escort. You call them and arrange for a visit. Some of them do incalls. Status Models is an actual apt where you can go and see the escorts beforehand and then select one or two or three...



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There are two other houses with boys in BSAS. You can find them if you look the adds in the different escort web sites.

I have two numbers that were repeated in various adds:


1. 4805 9304: I found there Armand and Chirstofer in soytuyo.com

2. 4804 1611: The boys I selected from there are Alexander and Gaston.


Even if I' ve never been to this Houses, I've heard good comments about them.

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  • 6 years later...
here is a website with some hot companions


http://www.gemidos.com.ar - just click on rubrio59/escorts then hombres








NONE OF THESE SITE YOU POST ARE WORKING OR RELEVANT! The leonas" one is a restaurant in Chicago!!


As far as Nacho in genidos, he no longer seems to have pictures or an add :( Again none of the links to him work.



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The web addresses were posted seven years ago!


here is a website with some hot companions


http://www.gemidos.com.ar - just click on rubrio59/escorts then hombres








NONE OF THESE SITE YOU POST ARE WORKING OR RELEVANT! The leonas" one is a restaurant in Chicago!!


As far as Nacho in genidos, he no longer seems to have pictures or an add :( Again none of the links to him work.




I am not surprised the sites no longer work. Not many small sites stay up for seven years like when these addresses were posted.

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