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Hustlers On the Streets of Rio

Guest Gringo
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Yes, I do enjoy the professionals working the saunas, but there is a certain charm 2 snatching something off the streets. There has been alot of talk recently about the increased crime & violence associated with the dismal economy & some recommendations 2 stay with the sauna boys. I've always had good luck without any problems in both Cinelandia and Campo Santana. Any other street walkers out there willing 2 share info re recent experiences? I'm leaving this coming Friday, so if you've got anything 2 share, post it now.

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Thanks 4 the advice Tri. I ALWAYS use the motel. Some r quite comfortable & I even tell the attendant that we come in together AND we should leave together (tip included of course).:p

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  • 2 weeks later...


the first 2 weeks have been great. i still find much success in cinelandia and campo santana. i am a hunter & in the sauna i find that i am the hunted. it just doesn~t have the edge i need. as wonderful as it is, for a hunter, alot of the pleasure is in the chase. i have not felt threatened or in danger. but then, one has 2 b careful in large cities all over the world. going off 2 hunt now....

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Well, that's a tantalizing intro to a potentially hot topic! So, how about describing the scene in detail for other intrepid travelers? Exact locations in Cinelândia (the big square in front of the Theatro Municipal and the area adjacent to it) and the Campo de Santana (an old park across Av. Pres. Vargas from the Central do Brasil railway station)? Techniques? Times of day? How do you sort out the bystanders from the "availables?" Where do you go with someone you pick up? What are they charging? How do you deal with the language issue? Safety tips? I'm sure there are lots of inquiring minds here who'd like to know!!! ;-)

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Campo Santana is easily reached by taking metro to central do brasil, the main bus station as seen in the movie of the same name. the scene starts early. Central do Brasil is very busy with many poor people in transit---take care of pickpockets. The park is across

the street and opens at 7am and closes at 5pm. santana is the largest municipal park in rio. it is clearly divided by the central monument into an upper half (closer to central do brasil) for hetero, and the lower half (arthest away from central do brasl.) There is an entrance gate on all four sides of the park. there r municipal police in electgric carts patroling the park. i would recommend Marcos for his ability 2 fuck in anuy position, marcelo has a whopping piece like an eggplant or over-ripe fruit hangin down his leg. he is dark skinned with a small scar over his left eye. paulo is white with blue eyes---also a nice piece, but not the novelty size of marcelo. sit on a bencvh & someone is sure 2 joinn u. b caREFUL crossing the bridge over the lake in the gay side. it is surrounded by small rocks & sometimes a place of group attacks. one will divert attention by asking time or something, and others appear out of the rocks to snatch whataefver. a good motel just a few blocks away is vente de abril. as u face the clock tower of central do brasil, it is the street on your left half a block below the park away from central do brasil. the asking rate currently is 20 reis, the room is 14. after the park closes at 5, many boys move to cinelandia for rush hour. more later.......

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll be in Sao Paulo and in Rio in December and January and am looking forward very much to visitng Campo Santana, based on advice that Gringo has posted here. While I do enjoy the saunas from time to time, like Gringo, I strongly prefer the streets. I've had a of couple unpleasant incidents in Rio (though never in Sao Paulo), and I will be very careful to avoid those kinds of incidents again by going with my gut feeling about the guy rather than just figuring that things will be okay. Sometimes they aren't. The touble I managed to get for myself I picked up in Cinelandia after midnight...never again. But the saunas aren't so safe either, it seems: the post (on the overpaying thread) on the the guy being robbed just outside Lagoa gives pause. And there have been lots of posts about people getting ripped off or bullied in the saunas one way or another. The fact is that the saunas are now becoming unpleasant places because the guys expect foreigners to pay more (and sometimes lots more) and there's touble when they don't or won't.The safey you think you're getting by going to the sauna is becoming compromised because of cavalier displays of wealth by some of the clients. Americans and Europeans should not overpay, in the saunas or on the streets. Trilingual, as often, is absolutely correct on this point: the arrogance of throwing money around does not create good will. On the contrary, it breed resentment and anger and encourages intimidation tactics in the saunas. Might as well take your chances on the streets because the saunas are heading in that direction.

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Marko, I've only had limited experiences in two saunas in Rio--Estacaco (sp) and at Roger's. Before I left for Brasil, the first thread about overpaying in the saunas appeared. When I went a short time after that thread, I NEVER felt intidated or threatened or unsafe. The fee was agreed to up front directly or tacitly. I would hope that you would reconsider both places (street guys and sauna guys) for your fun activities.


I think the guy who was supposedly drugged in the sauna in Rio had NOT handled the situation very well prior to that evening (in terms of rates, etc.) From what I read-- he liked his liquor, but I am not excusing the misfortune that he underwent...


Lastly-- I felt sorry for the guy who was beaten outside of Lagao's in SP. It gave me just a little something with which to concern myself because SP and this sauna were on my itinerary. I do plan to do both in the fall.

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I was contacted by the poster who was mugged outside Lagoa after it happened (actually, I've met him personally when he was visiting here in San Francisco earlier this year). It isn't completely clear what happened. The poster doesn't speak any Portuguese or Spanish, so there could have been a major miscommunication. That doesn't excuse a mugging, of course, but it might explain what could have led up to this uncommon occurrence.


After hearing about the incident, I e-mailed the owner of Lagoa, describing the incident and the guys involved. I haven't heard back from him, but the e-mail didn't "bounce," either, so I assume he received and read it. I'm sure he'll have taken action. He runs a class operation, which attracts many wealthy and influential local clients, so the last thing he needs or wants is to develop a reputation of allowing dangerous guys to work in his sauna, or that the guys are strong-arming Lagoa clients.


As long as you're clear about what you're doing with a guy, you should be OK. If you don't speak Portuguese or Spanish, find someone at the sauna who speaks English who can help interpret for you, to be SURE everything is clear. There's almost always someone there who can help you, either one of the boys or another client. Don't flash cash, don't make yourself appear foolish by overpaying/overtipping, and ALWAYS, ALWAYS treat the guys respectfully. Respect and honor are important to everyone, but they're extremely important to Latin men. Do something disrespectful or that offends their honor and you're asking for trouble. You don't have to tiptoe over eggshells when you're in Brazil, but use common sense and exercise some caution in what you do and say until you understand the culture and scene better and know what's permissible and what isn't.


Another way to get into trouble in the Latin world is getting drunk or loaded. It's considered a sign of weakness and lack of manhood, and an invitation to be taken advantage of. By all means enjoy your caipirinhas and good Brazilian beer, but use good judgment and stop before you lose control of yourself, because after that anything could happen. Whatever the drinking customs may be in your home town or country, remember that you aren't there when you're traveling in Latin America. The drinking behavior of many Anglo-Saxon and Northern European visitors is disgusting to Latins, and you may become the object of abuse or contempt if you overindulge. It's only a step from there to serious problems. Fair warning. . .

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Axiom and Tri, thanks for your responses. I have never been threatened or intimidated in the saunas, either. I've have had an unpleasant exchange or two, but rarely does that happen. On the contrary, I find most of the men I've met there--both working and clients--pleasant, honest, and helpful. It must be the case, then, that the people who complain about problems don't know how to behave themselves: they get drunk or otherwise are irresponsible (not to blame the victim here, but people need to act responsibly).

The other extremely important point is the one about treating people with respect and honor. I find Brazilians everywhere--in the saunas, on the streets, in stores, shops, and restaurants--you name it, to be genuinely warm. Treating them with respect and honor is easy and a pleasure because they're so friendly. Yes, there is violence and, yes, there are big social problems in Brazil, and, yes, you can find real trouble there if you're not careful, but the overwhelming impression is that Brazilians are a great people. Add in the fact that so many of their gloriously gorgeous young men are willing to take you sex heaven just makes Brazil all the more incredibly wonderful. Treat these guys--both in the saunas and on the streets--with real respect and some honest affection and you'll be amazed at what they can do for you; I sure am! And I am really looking forward to being amazed all over again and again and again when I get back there in just a few weeks!

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It seems everyone has a horror story to tell about bz, but the overwhelming experience is one of great happiness and joy. I'll relay two such uncomfortable moments I experienced at Estacao in Rio and Lagoa in Sao Paulo. I did meet Dalton in Estacao. He asked if I had heard about him on the web. I said yes and asked to see him exposed, but he refused---he would show only if we went to the cabine. I always prefer to see the material before, so I moved on to other interests. Also in Estacao, a boy named Apollo was very kind and friendly, but not exactly what I was looking for. I found another. When I was leaving, Apollo appeared in the locker room and demanded $50 reis. What I asked what for, he said he had spent time talking with me and therefore wanted $. I ever so politely refused. At Lagoa in Sao Paulo, my traveling partner from Australia, Arthur, did engage an attractive boy who wanted double rate after the session---$100 reis. He wouldn't leave my friend, who had paid him $50 reis, alone and persisted in intimidating him. Arthur called me for help as I speak some Portuguese. After reminding Arthur to ALWAYS set the fee before the session, I defused the situation with a lie. I said that we would be in Sao Paulo for an entire week, that my friend really liked the boy and intended to repeat business with him daily for the next four days---but only for the standard rate of $50 reis. That satisfied the boy for the moment....and we never went back. Minor uncomfortable moments to be sure. But, as I said, the overwhelming experiences with sex in bz is a joy.

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This is the 4th most viewed topic in Escorts South! It seems that there's a lot more interest than discussion. There is sex outside the saunas. Anyone else willing 2 share their adventures/discussions? ;-)

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Guest Deweywop

In my experience in some countries, the porno movie theaters can get pretty interesting, with or without small change changing hands. Some of the discos and bars are distinctly stratified- comfortable older gentlemen and sharp-looking young men who are much friendlier than you'd expect. You got it. Sometimes however, the young men are friendly and vivacious without ever asking for money. You never know. and places and things seem to change with the seasons.

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I agree. The winds of change are ever blowing. And there certainly is a large gay community in bz who enjoys sex for sex's sake without a pecuniary exchange. But then, this is a site about escorts---those who enjoy them and those who profit as escorts. Still, at least for me, there is the thrill of the hunt, the chase, the negotiation and the adventures with, if you will, part time amateurs, as opposed to professional prostitutes. The amateur is gaming and the professional is doing business. This adventure is found on the streets, not in the saunas. And from what I have experienced, there's plenty to go around if you're interested.;-)

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Guest Deweywop

I didn't really see much street action in Brazil when I was there last year. Would that some of those tanned boys with water dripping off their surf-shorts in copacabana were fair game!

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Love, or at least as a beginning lust, is found in many places in bz. in rio prime hunting areas are arpoador, cinelandia (more accurately michelandia these days), central do brasil and campo santana.

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Gringo, don't forget to mention Via Ápia, wich is located around MEC ( Ministry of Education and Culture ), on the weekends, at night. There you can see boys jerking off in the streets with cars driving around the nasty blocks.

It's not a safe area, but, very exciting. ======= Also there is Quinta da Boa Vista, a huge park in São Cristóvão district, with action close to the artificial lake. The chase is during the day and you can see hot low class guys hanging around, and there is a Hotel close to the lake.

======= If you like truck drivers, I recommend a visit to Av. Venezuela at night, where they park their trucks and sleep in the cars. They come from small towns and some of them are hungry for a blowjob or anything else you have to offer.

======= By the way, I think I know you. Didn't we meet in Via Ápia 2 years ago ? If so, your ass must still be sore.eh eh eh ! Let me know ;-)

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“Some people got it and make it pay. Some people can’t even give it away.” It’s crazy I know, but sometimes I get a wild hair and indulge myself in the fantasy that, on the dark side of 50, I still might be able to sell myself. I didn’t include Via Appia in my initial street suggestions because you are absolutely right Ernani---it is definitely a very dangerous place---especially for a foreigner to venture into at night. I DO NOT recommend this adventure for any but the most seasoned and experienced brasil nut. In any case....if I wear a lot of black, hold my stomach in, stand tall, add just a tad of color to my graying moustache, and hide under a baseball cap pulled down low, I have gone to Via Appia just to see if I could get a car to stop. ;-) Leaning against a street lamp in my best butch pose, barely breathing while stroking my cock, I linger in the shadows as the cars cruise by. There is a certain thrill to fancy that I might find someone willing to pay me for my company. And, I am proud to say, I have passed myself off as a miche…and I have had clients stop to engage me in conversation and other pleasantries---an interesting role reversal. I recall one night a couple of years ago when, as I stood on the corner in my best butch pose, a handsome young Carioca on a motorcycle stopped. The mating dance began. He was handsome and very well endowed. But he too was a miche and was looking for a freebie. So we decided to split the cost of the no-tell-motel and enjoy one another. And yes, Ernani, it was me. }( My ass has healed, thanks for asking, and a piece of my heart will always be with you.


P.S. Members might want to rent the video “Via Appia” which is about a German flight attendant who returns to Rio in an effort to locate the hustler who infected him with aids. Not a warm and fuzzy film to be sure, but interesting because many of the scenes were actually filmed on the streets and in the saunas.

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RE: Via Apia


Gringo is clearly very experienced and willing to take some big risks! (I assume he also is pretty fluent in Portuguese.) If you're neither a risk-taker nor fluent in the language, DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT GOING TO THE VIA APIA ON YOUR OWN. It is extremely dangerous. The only way I'd suggest that you experience this would be to go in a car, accompanied by a local who knows the scene.


Similar, somewhat less dangerous versions of the Via Apia exist in some other Brazilian cities. Two that I know about are Praça Osório in downtown Curitiba, and Av. José Bonifácio in Porto Alegre (adjacent to the cruisy, but risky, Parque Farroupilha). Even though they're less dangerous than the Via Apia, these are still AYOR experiences. So don't say you haven't been warned! :p

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RE: Via Apia


For several years a friend and I kept going to New Orleans for Mardi Gras and thought it was really great. But people keep telling us it was nothing compared to Rio---so we went. That was 1982 and I have returned at least once a year every year since. :) I still am convinced that there must be others out there with similar adventures. I've noticed that this string is now the 2nd most viewed site in Escorts South of America--so I know similarly interested people are out there. ;) How about sharing some of your adventures. For those who may be lurkers, and others interested in the scene but advisedly cautious, please DO NOT attempt this tour on your own. If your appetite has been spiked, rent the video "Via Appia."

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Guest luv2rideURbig1

RE: Via Apia


Well, I posted some time ago my exploits in Santo Domingo... surely you don't want me to dredge up every hot spot in the outer boroughs of NYC to find Dominicans, Trinis and Jamaicans now do you?


Ah... surely if only I spoke Portuguese I'm sure I could master the art of Via Apia -- I don't believe I've ever met a steet hustler I couldn't engage in true sport!

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RE: Via Apia


"years go by and still, words don't come easily, like i love. but u can say baby. baby can i hold u 2nite? maybe if i told u the right words, at the right time, you'd b mine."--tracy chapman

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