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My journey to Rio and what I thought...

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Dislaimer: If you're uptight, prudish, or over-sensitive to crass, snooty, uppity opinions, DO NOT READ FURTHER. Seriously, I can just see the responses, but I know there are many out there going to Rio for the first time like I did last month who will share my point of views.


Again, don't read this if you get easily offended...


I decided to check out Rio after reading Trilingual and TomCal's posts on the subject. I had never really considered it before, so I thought I would see what the "hype" was all about...


Hype.... hmmmmmm. I'm not dying to go back next month like TomCal, but I would definitely go back in the near future. Rio is beautiful, but I've been to way prettier cities/islands... then again, I've been to way worse.


What I loved about Rio were the people (and I'm not talking about the sauna boys). People are very warm and friendly. They respect tourists and try to learn from us.


The restaurants and food quality were horrible. Sorry, that's not just my opinion either. You get spoiled with American restaurants. I will say this though, their SERVICE was incredible. Too bad the food was subpar. I went to several of the restaurants that the Marriot (their five star hotel) HIGHLY recommended. Everything was just so salty in comparison to our cuisine... and several of us questionned their methods of refrigeration. Bring your Pepto Bismol. Seriously, if you can't have salt, you're in big trouble. And if you want ethnic food like Chinese or Indian, well... wait until you come back to the US. My lo-mein was in a thick beef GRAVY and the combination fried rice only had processed ham! And this was supposedly the best Chinese restaurant in Rio. If you want sushi, the only semi-decent place was the restaurant in Fashion Mall. Any place in the Copa, forget it!


Do they grow tomatoes in Rio? When you order a pizza, there's no tomato sauce. When you order pasta, it's noodles with cheese sauce... and I think they use goat meat in their burgers. We ate at all the restaurants along Ave. Atlantico (including Maxims)... the best burger... go to McDonalds. Seriously, by the end of three weeks, the only place that appealed to me was Micky D's... and their incredible dessert selection. The only good thing about the meals in Rio was the bill... a steak dinner cost about 20-25 reais.


The Porcao Rios (sp?) was a nice restaurant though, probably my favorite even though it was buffet. The meats there were good... and plentiful. The sushi was buffet-quality, but the desserts were good. The best thing about this restaurants were the men. The Manager must be gay 'cause he only hired HOT HOT HOT men.


The restaurant that everyone seemed to know/like... the pizzeria that faced the park... is str8 out of a John Waters movie. Seriously, the freaks will highly entertain you. Yeah, for the first fifteen minutes, I had my hand over my mouth because I was so aghast, but after a few drinks I was okay. If you're used to Brad and Jennifer sitting next to you at a restaurant, you will be in for a HUGE shock at his place. Let's see... how to describe this place??...


First, we sat at a table that was practically on the sidewalk. It's late, so all the tragic sauna boys that didn't make any money were hanging out. Across the street were street thugs looking to be hired (our guess was that they couldn't work at saunas... either they were kicked out or too ugly). On the sidewalk in front of us hanging out on the hoods of cars are more street walkers (very scary looking)...


TomCal-Ho, drunk as he was, invites a couple of them to sit with us at the table... just what I wanted... two boys slurping their pizzas (not using utensils) and ordering cigarettes to be added to our bill! Anyway, behind us is a scary black transvestite with half her gold teeth missing... and off to our right is Jabba the Hut...


Jabba the Hut... OMG... TomCal, m4mSF... remember him? I have a picture. He was a wealthy VIP in Rio. How to describe him... let's see... about 60 years old... 350 lbs... SHIRTLESS... dirty shorts held up by a loose string (dirty 'cause I doubt he bathes)... wearing total guido gold jewelry. The best part... every five minutes, he took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off the top of his head in a circular motion. But guess what, he had two rentboys sitting with him... and one was Kevin, the hustler. Jabba also had a friend... another old man with a horrible toupee.


Now that I think about it... TomCal... you should buy me something nice for making me eat there... and to think you wanted to go there again? Pretty soon our table had four or five rentboys that were UNINVITED and just ordering food left and right. Classic... my cup of tea. It was obvious to us that we weren't going to hire any of them for our hotels, but they kept trying, so I guess a free pizza satisfied them. m4mSF... remember the one that started to sing to us? Oh gawd....


OK, enough with this aspect... now off to review the saunas...

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Lucky... Armani stopped making a cockring four years ago! :p Anyway, thanks for reminding me of the shopping.... UMMMMM, LACK of shopping for men. As normal, most of the shopping/fashion is geared towards women. They sell some nice, sexy stuff, but for men, you are in for slim pickings. I asked the Marriot people for the "nicest, high-end shopping" in Rio. They steered me to Fashion Mall where all the "expensive shops" are.... great, I thought I was hitting Rodeo Drive...


Well, when you first walk into Fashion Mall, you will think you just walked into a gross suburban mall in Peoria, Illinois. Picture people eating a corn dog and drinking a slurpee.


The layout of Fashion Mall wasn't too bad (the exposed roof and upstairs was nice), but they don't carry any designer stuff in season for men. I bought out NR, their version of Abercrombie for gifts (it's cheap... 30 bucks for a shirt), so that about it. Their designer store had a bunch of Versace and Dolce shoes from over two seasons ago.


Once again, I doubt y'all are going to Rio for the shopping or oriental food, soooooooo...




Estacion: yeah, coolguy was correct. It's a bit Twin Peakish seeing the clients versus the boys. All the clients are quite old (one regular even brought his assistant to help him walk... it was a strange site), but all the locals are nice. I'm sure most of y'all will meet Luis, he's a local attorney that helped finance the place. He's absolutely a gem... will help you through the ropes (unless TomCal-Ho is your fearless leader).


The best boys: The twins (Rodrigo is way cuter and the better kisser, but Rodney is way better at the other sexual acts). I'm not really gonna go into detail like TomCal-Ho, but seriously, you will NOT go wrong if you choose them. A threeway is a fantasy must do at least once, but when they're alone, it's much better!!!


Bruno is another of their friends... the most amazing green eyes of the bunch. Compact little gymnast type. He's another must-do.


Leonardo was this cutie that works there once in a blue moon. He works for the government and teaches poor people how to recycle. Anyway, an absolute doll and VERY passionate, unfortunately, I don't think he's there on any regular basis, but if you hear "My name is Leonardo", JUMP at it.


Also, there's a 19 yr. old European boy named Alex (spikish hair). He's str8, but loves sex so much, that he goes the "farthest" in certain acts. Absolutely a doll... another MUST.


Boys to avoid: Kevin (TomCal liked him, everyone else didn't). Kevin was beyond "tradey"... very into himself and how he's God's gift to clients since he speaks English. Absolutely my least favorite of all the boys I met/played with... he will do everything you want, but his obvious fake grunts and moans will just make you roll your eyes and say "okay, I'm done. *yawn*"


Oh, and tell the boys to stop playing str8 porn in the cabines... unless you're bi, it's a bit distracting and non-sexy to hear a woman screaming constantly. Also, some of the boys will ask for 100 reais to cum, so avoid them unless you don't care.


One last tidbit... about the hoopla about Estacion trying to rip you off by overcharging, well, it's true. Of the three saunas, Esctacion was the ONLY one that continuously overcharged me on nights where my bill was higher. It was obvious that two cokes and a chocolate milk (hey, some of these boys are young) would not cost 25 reais. When you think about it, it's not that much money and their business wasn't that great... pay it so they don't shut down! But yeah, they overcharged us MANY times, but not by alot.


Next sauna...


Rogers. It's the smallest and seediest, but overall, the boys were very good. My faves were Ronaldo and Antonio. Ronaldo is just a stud brunette. He offered to be my personal tour guide of Rio, but I declined. I don't really get into disclosing what each guy does and doesn't, but for $15, you really don't lose much if the guy isn't into everything you want.


Me, I have extremely picky tastes, so if I say they're good and a must-hire, I doubt any of you guys would not like them. I tend to favor the preppy, European looking boys with tight bods.


Antonio... the perfect MAN. He was older than I thought... I think 34. He was a former national gymnast. INCREDIBLE experience. He doesn't have a single ounce of "hustler" in him. PERFECT for an overnight date. Totally trustworthy. He invited me to his place twice to show me what Rio apartments are like. His was a studio (the size of my walk-in closet) with little roaches!! Strangely, he pays 540 reais/month for that dump and he thought it was a good deal with his view (overlooking the Flamingo lakes).


Oh shoot... gotta run. I'll write my review of 117 (the biggest and busiest) and TomCal-Ho later. Wait until some of you guys meet TomCal... bring the viagra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BTW, I'm not proofreading any of this, so sorry for the misspellings and incorrect verb tenses... it's hard writing everything in the past tense...

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Thanks for the commentary, Showbiz. It's always good to get other perspectives! However, I can't help commenting:


Shopping: Definitely, Rio doesn't compare to Rodeo Drive. (But you'd been warned ahead of time, dear!) A few big-name boutiques have opened on a side street in Ipanema, but in Brazil most of that kind of high-end shopping is found in São Paulo. And even then, it's not Rodeo Dr. or Madison Ave. or Union Square. Fashions reflect the hot tropical climate, and the reversed seasons, so they're different from what you see in the U.S. (except maybe Florida or Hawaii). Still, it's possible to find some nice things. You just have to look hard! You didn't mention if you went to H. Stern or Amsterdam Sauer, which for gemstones are unsurpassed. In any case, you've now had the opportunity to see how people dress in Rio, so you'll know what to take on your next trip so you can blend in.


At this point I want to make a plug for just about my favorite store (I'd hate to guess how much I've spent there over the years!): Modern Sound. If you fall in love with Brazilian music, and want some for yourself or to take home as gifts, this is the best CD store in Rio (maybe in all of Brazil). Huge and encyclopedic selection, plus a very nice café in the back for light meals or coffee/dessert while taking an air-conditioned load off in the middle of a tropical afternoon. Also, unlike U.S. stores, you can listen to the music before you buy!!! Just ask one of the sales clerks to play things for you. The details are:


Modern Sound – Mega Music Store

Rua Barata Ribeiro, 502 – D

Copacabana – Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Tel 55(0xx21) 2548-5005

Mondays to Fridays, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.



The English part of their site was apparently translated on Babelfish, but you'll get the idea! ;-) I never remember the exact cross-street, but if you're walking on Barata Ribeiro towards Ipanema, it's on the right-hand side a block or so after Siqueira Campos or maybe Figueiredo Magalhães.


For picture books of Brazil to bring home, there are good selections at Artes e Letras or Livraria do Travessa, handsome bookstores on Visc. do Pirajá in Ipanema that have cafés and Internet, too.


Food: Having done the "Brad and Jennifer at the next table" bit, I have to confess that the presence of movie stars didn't improve the restaurant's food one iota. It's true that there's less variety in restaurants in Rio than in L.A. (São Paulo has more variety and higher quality.) However, it's possible to eat well in Rio, and I hardly ever remember a horrible meal. It's true that average Brazilians like food salty, sometimes extremely so. I was invited once to a very smart churrascaria in São Paulo (Jardineira) where I ended up feasting from the sumptuous buffet because the meat on the rodizio was indescribably salty. But that's the exception. Usually, food at moderately-priced restaurants is comparable in quality to similarly priced places in the U.S. I've hardly ever had health problems in Brazil because of food. Brazilians are usually fanatically hygienic (Jabba the Hutt evidently being an exception) because they know they live in the tropics and things go bad quickly. A few places where I've eaten well include the St. Honoré on top of the Meridien (views to die for included); the second floor of the Confeitaria Colombo, downtown (at my most recent lunch there a friend and I enjoyed a buffet featuring Bahian food; everything was divoom) and Iemanjá, a Bahian restaurant in Ipanema near Pça. Gral. Osório (and they have Cerpa, a very good regional beer you don't see much on Rio menus). A must see, even if the food isn't of the same quality, is the restaurant in the basement of the Theatro Municipal downtown. The spectacularly operatic Assyrian Art Nouveau decor is worth the experience alone! For restaurant ideas when you're in Rio, don't forget the Michelin-like Guia Quatro Rodas (available at any newstand) or the local supplement to the newsweekly "Veja", also available at any newstand (it comes out on Sunday). Also the Programa supplement on Fridays in "Jornal do Brasil" and its counterpart in "O Globo". Even if you don't understand much Portuguese, you can get some idea from the listings in all of these, plus they list all the movies and musical shows going on that week.


I assume the place you described in such vivid detail is the "Coruja" ("Nightowl") on Pça. Serzedelo Correia in Copacabana, near Hilário de Gouveia. It unquestionably gets an "eclectic" crowd! Serenaded by hustlers? Only in Rio! :-) NOT a gourmet experience, but a slice of life that's hard to beat! You definitely know you're not in Beverly Hills or WeHo anymore! But isn't that why one travels? BTW, one thing I've had there that's good is the "frango à passarinho" (chicken little bird style) which is a common bar snack type item. It's a kind of crispy pan-fried chicken cut up in little pieces, like the Chinese do. Finger food. (If you're ever in São Paulo, the Cafe Vermont on Vieira de Carvalho downtown makes an excellent version!) The Coruja is four stars in the lowlife department, but it's fun and it's open very, very late. However, if it's a bit too low-end for your tastes, there's always Maxim's for hanging out late. Another place that's open 24 hours for midnight snacks is Cervantes, near Princesa Isabel. (Any cab driver can take you there.) Best bet is the roast pork (pernil) sandwich, which comes with fresh pineapple. Sounds strange, but delicious, especially after a long night. It's a Rio tradition.


Scenery: Are we blasé? ;-) I can't imagine any place MORE spectacularly sited than Rio, although there are some like Hong Kong and Vancouver that come close. What makes Rio appealing to a city-lover like me is that it not only has scenery, it has so much else happening if you hit cool or rainy days when you can't go to the beach. As a city of 12,000,000 it also has movies and theaters and malls and all the other necessary amenities, most of which you can't find on some beautiful but otherwise fly-speck island in the Caribbean. Personally, without asphalt around I start getting a bit crazed. . .


People: Right on! On the whole, they're indescribably kind, sweet and hospitable. Even some of the harder-bitten guys at the saunas, treated nicely, will drop the act and turn out to be sweethearts. I find this true even in São Paulo, the second or third largest city in the world and definitely the Latin Manhattan. Paulistanos are certainly less laid-back than Cariocas, but they're still nice!


Apartments and roaches: Less well-off people, like some of the escorts, live in apartments we'd consider tiny. No matter how clean they are, and how often they have the exterminator over, it's hard to get rid of bugs in big old apartment buildings built in what was once a jungle. Brazilians just ignore a few roaches ("baratas" in Portuguese). Of course, if they're out of hand they'll go to town with the bug spray or call in the exterminator. But since you can't beat them, you just have to live with them. "It's not a house without a few roaches" is an old Brazilian saying. In this way, it's kind of like Hawaii or New Orleans or the Caribbean, which have world-class roaches! It just goes with the tropics!


Overcharging: I'd hoped this had stopped by now at Estação. It seems guys were charging things to customers' lockers, so now they were supposed to be requiring you to show your locker key to the bartender before charging anything to your account. If it's still happening, complain loudly. (Believe me, Brazilian customers would!) It makes no difference what business is like, there's just no excuse. Nobody likes being ripped-off. If it doesn't stop, the place will probably go out of business eventually, because there is plenty of competition where this doesn't happen!


Onward! Can't wait for your comments on Club 117! }>

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Well, LAShowbiz, apparently you really liked something or the many someones while in Rio. Thanks, I enjoyed reading some positive words and perceptions from you. I'll acknowledge the takes as well as not to take when I venture to Brasil next month.


My Paulista friend (Sao Paulo) gave the name of a shoe store to go by and see when I am in Sampa; he stated that the famous Brasilian entertainers and movie stars frequent the place. I'm going there out of interest and curiosity and to compare prices; if I see any shoes that are "in style"--I will probably purchase one or two pairs, for I have a penchant for shoes.

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Well, LAShowbiz, apparently you really liked something or the many someones while in Rio. Thanks, I enjoyed reading some positive words and perceptions from you. I'll acknowledge the takes as well as not to take when I venture to Brasil next month.


My Paulista friend (Sao Paulo) gave the name of a shoe store to go by and see when I am in Sampa; he stated that the famous Brasilian entertainers and movie stars frequent the place. I'm going there out of interest and curiosity and to compare prices; if I see any shoes that are "in style"--I will probably purchase one or two pairs, for I have a penchant for shoes.

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Trilingual... Yes, you guys did scream, shout, slam, threaten, forewarn me about the shopping in Rio, so I did take that into consideration. LOL. So no, I didn't buy any more shoes to add to my "Imelda Marcos" collection... how many pairs did I say I had again??:p I'd love to rehash that.


Thanks for always being informative, Tri. I always like your posts, although I've disagreed with a couple things (most recently about the publishing of the twin's pics), I've never really said anything because I've always RESPECTED your opinions. You give great insight and if I happen to disagree about something, I just read over it... I KNOW I'll find other useful info in the post. Hey, if you can ever stomach listening to me bantering about shoes, fashion, and why we should get rid of the welfare system, let me know... I'll buy you a few of those Brazilian drinks (coprahinas?).


Axiom... I need to explain something. I've just re-read some of my posts, and I think I've been ragging on you a bit... or maybe I was just about to! LOL... sorry. A few months ago, I was in the same boat as you (and coolguy for that matter, but he asked way too many juvenile questions). I got SLAMMED RAW for posting very naive questions regarding clothes, shoes (how many Pradas did I own again?), money, class system, etc... well, being slammed actually helped.


What it did was open my mind a bit more (although I still wasn't completely open-minded.... see my review of that horrendous restaurant). It made me enjoy Rio way more. Basically, I went with the flow and everything turned out alright. It was a great trip... yeah, the food and shopping sucked, but it was a GREAT trip. Why? Because I let my guard down a bit and relaxed.


So, Axiom, when you ask questions about Chinese slip-ons and whether or not you have to pay a boy if you don't like a session, I have to LAUGH. I'm not laughing at you... I'm laughing 'cause I think I was in the same boat three months ago.


Take some advice of the readers (Trilingual, TomCal-Ho, etc.), but more importantly, do WHATEVER you want. There's no perfect protocol... nobody is perfect walking into a sauna... nobody EXPECTS you to be perfect walking into a sauna... and you know what?! Trust me... you will have the BEST time of your life. I'm envious of you... to be a Rio newbie again would be incredible. I guess when I return, I'll be a seasoned veteran, but NOTHING beats the jubilation of being a newbie.


Best of luck in Rio to all those first time travelers.;-)

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Trilingual... Yes, you guys did scream, shout, slam, threaten, forewarn me about the shopping in Rio, so I did take that into consideration. LOL. So no, I didn't buy any more shoes to add to my "Imelda Marcos" collection... how many pairs did I say I had again??:p I'd love to rehash that.


Thanks for always being informative, Tri. I always like your posts, although I've disagreed with a couple things (most recently about the publishing of the twin's pics), I've never really said anything because I've always RESPECTED your opinions. You give great insight and if I happen to disagree about something, I just read over it... I KNOW I'll find other useful info in the post. Hey, if you can ever stomach listening to me bantering about shoes, fashion, and why we should get rid of the welfare system, let me know... I'll buy you a few of those Brazilian drinks (coprahinas?).


Axiom... I need to explain something. I've just re-read some of my posts, and I think I've been ragging on you a bit... or maybe I was just about to! LOL... sorry. A few months ago, I was in the same boat as you (and coolguy for that matter, but he asked way too many juvenile questions). I got SLAMMED RAW for posting very naive questions regarding clothes, shoes (how many Pradas did I own again?), money, class system, etc... well, being slammed actually helped.


What it did was open my mind a bit more (although I still wasn't completely open-minded.... see my review of that horrendous restaurant). It made me enjoy Rio way more. Basically, I went with the flow and everything turned out alright. It was a great trip... yeah, the food and shopping sucked, but it was a GREAT trip. Why? Because I let my guard down a bit and relaxed.


So, Axiom, when you ask questions about Chinese slip-ons and whether or not you have to pay a boy if you don't like a session, I have to LAUGH. I'm not laughing at you... I'm laughing 'cause I think I was in the same boat three months ago.


Take some advice of the readers (Trilingual, TomCal-Ho, etc.), but more importantly, do WHATEVER you want. There's no perfect protocol... nobody is perfect walking into a sauna... nobody EXPECTS you to be perfect walking into a sauna... and you know what?! Trust me... you will have the BEST time of your life. I'm envious of you... to be a Rio newbie again would be incredible. I guess when I return, I'll be a seasoned veteran, but NOTHING beats the jubilation of being a newbie.


Best of luck in Rio to all those first time travelers.;-)

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Saunas continued:


Did I finish with Rogers? I can't remember. But, supposedly the star there is Yan. He is great... and the biggest dick in the whole place... scary! It's a total insurance liability. His wife must scream in pain. Yeah, he's str8 with a kid... like many of the guys there. But it's true, if they don't bottom, they can have sex with a cow and still consider themselves str8!!


Yan is the best kisser out of Rogers... not my type at all, but he will charm the towel off of anyone. He will rub up against you and kiss your back until you cave... and we ALL caved. I know Yan is coming to NY in December. He's been commissioned by a FAMOUS designer (Should I mention Calvin Klein's name?) to be his personal boy for two weeks. Supposedly Yan was picked by one of the designer's assistant and taken to his hotel (Sheraton). Yan returned to the hotel everyday... so Pretty Woman.


OK... Sauna 117:


Sauna 117... absolutely the best for the boys. Don't like the layout too much... gotta go downstairs to change... bar in the middle... cabines upstairs. Not the best logistics, but who gives a rat's ass once you see those boys/men!!! Yowsa.


The best? Too many to choose from... too hard to choose... they all have their own strengths.


Anderson: Yeah, what an animal. He treated me differently from the other two, TomCal-Ho and m4mSF. We wrestled and went at it rough... actually, at one point, he picked me up and tossed me across the room. Once I regained consciousness, we went at it again! LOL He seriously tried to swallow my face. He kinda reminds me of a character from Planet of the Apes... he looks like a monkey to me with that facial hair and big ears, but he's sooooo much fun. Animalistic at its finest. For those that know him, doesn't he look like a total dork with that "thumbs up" gesture.... ya just gotta LOVE him.


Andre/Andrew: His real name is Alesandro... mulatto, black dad, Swedish mom, blonde sisters. He is str8 out of a muscle mag... what a hot hunk. The perfect V-back. He's definitely a partier (does E and probably crystal when he goes out), but he's fine when working. He's the star there... does at least 6 to 8 guys on average. Probably the best butt out of the three saunas... you can have a field day with that arse! He's smart... won't take nude pics, but the ones I do have are total Herb Ritts.


Gil: so not my type, but m4mSF liked him at first... until he turned out to be a little hustler with a sob story. He may have a good body and dick, but he's quite bitter in life. Hard to explain. He hates most of the other sauna boys 'cause he's always translating for them and they never give him a commission. He kept saying "I always get them clients and they won't give me 5 reais". Granted, it's probably true, but he really needs a break from the saunas... bitter galore. Oh, and if you mention dinner, he will ALWAYS invite himself and order the most expensive thing. Fine, he did translate alot for us... so let him... but he will do it everytime!!!


Flahvio: Totally dissed by Gil... he's "bad news". Yeah, it was confirmed by Andre that this boys rips off clients AT HOTELS (steals their cell phone, etc.), BUT, the best thing about a sauna... they have nothing to steal (it's in the locker). I went against the advice of Gil... and sure enough, OMG... I LOVED... LOVED Flahvio. He was such an incredible, active lay... one of the best... better than Andre. He's absolutely adorable... the smallest of eyes which is very interesting. His smile and eye combination is pure smiley face.:7 It's hard to explain, but pure beauty. Twinkish though... he's only 19 or 20... but soooooooo cute.


Junior: My fave on one night. He's a go-go boy at Le Boy. I missed his show at 117, so I asked him for a private strip in a cabine. I waited for him, and sure enough, he came back to the room with costume in full force. There was no music, so he actually started to sing!!! I kid you not. It was the cutest thing you've ever seen. He's small (5'6), but soooooooo cute and compact... rock solid twink stud. I think he's 22. OMG, let him do a private strip... it's worth a HUGE tip. And his body wins for the smoothest... he must use a good lotion.


Bruno... friend of Andre. OMG... by far the thickest dick in town. Another poster wrote about him and a threeway with a female hooker. He's another HOT stud. The thickest dick/beercan around. Unfortunately, I didn't go with him (ran out of time), but m4mSF loved him. These boys are young and sexual... as long as you're breathing, they will love having sex with you.


Yikes... I'm getting too explicit. What whorish behavior. I'm gonna stop now...


117 has the best rooms. Each cabine has it's own bathroom... and the rooms are large and clean. Rogers and Estacions cabines smell like rubbing alcohol... they're small with no windows. 117 is airy and way more comfortable.


OK, gotta run for a bit... I'll finish later.... and then I will tell you guys what TomCal-HO HO HO is really like.

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Saunas continued:


Did I finish with Rogers? I can't remember. But, supposedly the star there is Yan. He is great... and the biggest dick in the whole place... scary! It's a total insurance liability. His wife must scream in pain. Yeah, he's str8 with a kid... like many of the guys there. But it's true, if they don't bottom, they can have sex with a cow and still consider themselves str8!!


Yan is the best kisser out of Rogers... not my type at all, but he will charm the towel off of anyone. He will rub up against you and kiss your back until you cave... and we ALL caved. I know Yan is coming to NY in December. He's been commissioned by a FAMOUS designer (Should I mention Calvin Klein's name?) to be his personal boy for two weeks. Supposedly Yan was picked by one of the designer's assistant and taken to his hotel (Sheraton). Yan returned to the hotel everyday... so Pretty Woman.


OK... Sauna 117:


Sauna 117... absolutely the best for the boys. Don't like the layout too much... gotta go downstairs to change... bar in the middle... cabines upstairs. Not the best logistics, but who gives a rat's ass once you see those boys/men!!! Yowsa.


The best? Too many to choose from... too hard to choose... they all have their own strengths.


Anderson: Yeah, what an animal. He treated me differently from the other two, TomCal-Ho and m4mSF. We wrestled and went at it rough... actually, at one point, he picked me up and tossed me across the room. Once I regained consciousness, we went at it again! LOL He seriously tried to swallow my face. He kinda reminds me of a character from Planet of the Apes... he looks like a monkey to me with that facial hair and big ears, but he's sooooo much fun. Animalistic at its finest. For those that know him, doesn't he look like a total dork with that "thumbs up" gesture.... ya just gotta LOVE him.


Andre/Andrew: His real name is Alesandro... mulatto, black dad, Swedish mom, blonde sisters. He is str8 out of a muscle mag... what a hot hunk. The perfect V-back. He's definitely a partier (does E and probably crystal when he goes out), but he's fine when working. He's the star there... does at least 6 to 8 guys on average. Probably the best butt out of the three saunas... you can have a field day with that arse! He's smart... won't take nude pics, but the ones I do have are total Herb Ritts.


Gil: so not my type, but m4mSF liked him at first... until he turned out to be a little hustler with a sob story. He may have a good body and dick, but he's quite bitter in life. Hard to explain. He hates most of the other sauna boys 'cause he's always translating for them and they never give him a commission. He kept saying "I always get them clients and they won't give me 5 reais". Granted, it's probably true, but he really needs a break from the saunas... bitter galore. Oh, and if you mention dinner, he will ALWAYS invite himself and order the most expensive thing. Fine, he did translate alot for us... so let him... but he will do it everytime!!!


Flahvio: Totally dissed by Gil... he's "bad news". Yeah, it was confirmed by Andre that this boys rips off clients AT HOTELS (steals their cell phone, etc.), BUT, the best thing about a sauna... they have nothing to steal (it's in the locker). I went against the advice of Gil... and sure enough, OMG... I LOVED... LOVED Flahvio. He was such an incredible, active lay... one of the best... better than Andre. He's absolutely adorable... the smallest of eyes which is very interesting. His smile and eye combination is pure smiley face.:7 It's hard to explain, but pure beauty. Twinkish though... he's only 19 or 20... but soooooooo cute.


Junior: My fave on one night. He's a go-go boy at Le Boy. I missed his show at 117, so I asked him for a private strip in a cabine. I waited for him, and sure enough, he came back to the room with costume in full force. There was no music, so he actually started to sing!!! I kid you not. It was the cutest thing you've ever seen. He's small (5'6), but soooooooo cute and compact... rock solid twink stud. I think he's 22. OMG, let him do a private strip... it's worth a HUGE tip. And his body wins for the smoothest... he must use a good lotion.


Bruno... friend of Andre. OMG... by far the thickest dick in town. Another poster wrote about him and a threeway with a female hooker. He's another HOT stud. The thickest dick/beercan around. Unfortunately, I didn't go with him (ran out of time), but m4mSF loved him. These boys are young and sexual... as long as you're breathing, they will love having sex with you.


Yikes... I'm getting too explicit. What whorish behavior. I'm gonna stop now...


117 has the best rooms. Each cabine has it's own bathroom... and the rooms are large and clean. Rogers and Estacions cabines smell like rubbing alcohol... they're small with no windows. 117 is airy and way more comfortable.


OK, gotta run for a bit... I'll finish later.... and then I will tell you guys what TomCal-HO HO HO is really like.

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Accolades to you Trilingual. You presented a view from another perspective without being demeaning, disparaging, or one-sided.

You seem to be a true gentleman rife with objectivity, something that I have found rare during the year that I have frequented this board. Obrigado, man!


P.S. I did give LAShowbiz credit for his honesty; I also lauded him for giving us insights into some other facets of his trip!

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Guys, I had such a good time in Rio with LAshowbiz and Mn4msanf. (I didn't ask if I could use there names hance the handles) I spoke on the phone to LA the night he was posting to the board and we were really laughing over our experiences. Three guys who met through this board, because of my posts on Rio last April and now have become good friends. We have seen and gone out together since we got back and are lucky to be living within driving distance of each other!

In spite of him calling me tomcal-ho(i love the title)AND I EARNED IT!

All the good information that has come our way through this board, and gotten many of us to Rio and other places, never did I think it would result in new friendships---it has. I am looking forward to my fouth trip to Rio this year in Oct. Enjoy La's posts, they are true!

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Guys, I had such a good time in Rio with LAshowbiz and Mn4msanf. (I didn't ask if I could use there names hance the handles) I spoke on the phone to LA the night he was posting to the board and we were really laughing over our experiences. Three guys who met through this board, because of my posts on Rio last April and now have become good friends. We have seen and gone out together since we got back and are lucky to be living within driving distance of each other!

In spite of him calling me tomcal-ho(i love the title)AND I EARNED IT!

All the good information that has come our way through this board, and gotten many of us to Rio and other places, never did I think it would result in new friendships---it has. I am looking forward to my fouth trip to Rio this year in Oct. Enjoy La's posts, they are true!

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Lucky... Gil was great at the sauna (very helpful with his English), but once he got outside, he started to scam a friend of mine. Luckily we stopped him before he gave away too much money ("I need 500 reais to move into a better, SAFER apartment for my newborn baby... we hear gunshots"). We found out later that he told the same story last year. I never bought it, but someone I know did (for awhile). My friend gave him 100 reais though. For the rest of the trip, he kept asking him for an additional 400 reais ("aren't you going to help me?"), and when he realized my friend wouldn't, he stopped speaking to us. Gil was constantly fighting with the other sauna boys, especially the busier boys. It was obvious to us that Gil was envious of their popularity. He's just jaded.


Flahvio? I liked him. Why was he irritating?? I met someone there who absolutely loved him, too. This guy told me Flahvio was his favorite but was disappointed that he wanted extra money for certain things. Oddly, when Flahvio was with me, he did ALL those things PLUS more... and he NEVER asked for extra money. Some of these boys do have two-tier pricing... some may want to charge extra for cumming, but if they are into you, then they may just go with the flow. I'll consider myself fortunate.


Anyway, as with escorts, sauna boys are no different. We will all have different perspectives. Some will like certain guys more, some less... bottom line is to expose the true hustlers and scammers.

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Lucky... Gil was great at the sauna (very helpful with his English), but once he got outside, he started to scam a friend of mine. Luckily we stopped him before he gave away too much money ("I need 500 reais to move into a better, SAFER apartment for my newborn baby... we hear gunshots"). We found out later that he told the same story last year. I never bought it, but someone I know did (for awhile). My friend gave him 100 reais though. For the rest of the trip, he kept asking him for an additional 400 reais ("aren't you going to help me?"), and when he realized my friend wouldn't, he stopped speaking to us. Gil was constantly fighting with the other sauna boys, especially the busier boys. It was obvious to us that Gil was envious of their popularity. He's just jaded.


Flahvio? I liked him. Why was he irritating?? I met someone there who absolutely loved him, too. This guy told me Flahvio was his favorite but was disappointed that he wanted extra money for certain things. Oddly, when Flahvio was with me, he did ALL those things PLUS more... and he NEVER asked for extra money. Some of these boys do have two-tier pricing... some may want to charge extra for cumming, but if they are into you, then they may just go with the flow. I'll consider myself fortunate.


Anyway, as with escorts, sauna boys are no different. We will all have different perspectives. Some will like certain guys more, some less... bottom line is to expose the true hustlers and scammers.

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I am amazed that the OP did not comment on what an overwhelmingly

beautiful city Rio is, which much to beyond the saunas. I have been

to Hong Kong, Vancouver and Syndey --- not too sure that you go to any of those cities for the food. You go because they are cities on the ocean with great scenery and the men are pretty good also. If you want good food, go to Paris! I am not even agreeing that the food in Rio is particularly bad, just a surprising thing to fucus on.

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Hey, LA, I'd be happy to have a drink whenever you'd like! (Tomcal still owes me one, too!) Don't get me wrong; I'm certainly not anti-fashion! I personally don't bother with it much, because when you drape Armani over a short stout guy all you have is an over-dressed pear! ;-) Also, as you undoubtedly noticed, Rio isn't what you'd call a very dressy town! In the summer, most of the time all you want to wear is flip-flops and a speedo!


It sounds like you had a great time in Rio; it's good you were able to get over your jitters and relax and have fun! Rio's very different from Belair/B.H/WeHo, but that's the whole point, isn't it? If it were just the same, why go all that way? One thing's for sure, gorgeous young men in Belair/B.H./WeHO are rarely as generous with themselves as their counterparts in Rio. And especially not with guys who are older or less-than-flawless.


You may not have read all of the endless thread on the twins' photos, but we're actually pretty much on the same wave-length, I think. I would NEVER post photos of a guy without his permission. That doesn't really apply in the case of the twins' photos because they had given permission for those particular photos to be published in a magazine. From the comments of the other posters in that thread, it was pretty clear that what the twins were upset about wasn't that the photos were published, but that they later decided they didn't get paid what they deserved! That's quite a different kettle of fish! It certainly doesn't compare to the situation of someone who's never sold or given away his image for public exposure.


Anyway, it sounds like you had a greally ood experience. It's obvious you took the time and effort to communicate with the guys and with other Brazilians, so you could get get to know them as people. I agree with you, the Brazilians themselves are by the far the best thing about the country. They're very special, indeed!

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Tri, again you are right!!! the Caprihinas, the first time they are really strong(lime juice, sugar and the Brazilian version of Tequilla)

but i got to like them alot in the late evening. LAShowbiz is exagerrating, i didn't get drunk,(close) and I didn't invite 6 guys to our table, only two!! But LA was so agast that he probably saw 6 as his eyes were glazed over!!! He was horrified by the restaurant and the clientel, I thought it was great, like out of a Fellinni movie!

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TomCal-Drunk-Ho.... where did I say you invited 6 guys??? Re-read my post!!! I said you invited 2 guys. By the end of the night, 4 or 5 had joined m4mSF and me.... you wouldn't know... you were already f*cking the midnight trick of the night!! x( We had to endure a sauna boy singing worse than that Sideshow Bob guy from American Idol, Justin Guarini!!

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