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gay disco

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P.S. I also forgot about Incontrus, on pça. Serzedelo Correia in Copacabana (a block in from the beach on Siqueira Campos). This gets a crowd that isn't quite as middle-class, not to mention some rentable guys. It was remodeled in the last year; in the past I've had some fun times there!

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Thanks Trilingual and Traveler, you sound very wise to me.

So Le boy is better and full of people. Are the younger crowd at Le Boy or elsewhere? I'm particularly in love with 18-19 y/o with youngish face and body, firm and athletic but not too big and gym professionals. A sort of Moroccan boys (even if this is not the place). I've never been in Brazil or Cuba, but now I've been told the boys there are kind and affectionate, not so rude as the arabics.

And are in the disco many rent boys, or you may find boys interested into relationship "au-pair"?



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All of the discos get a young crowd; the main difference is the style of the place and the economic class of the patrons. At "Le Boy" the only likely rent boys are the go-go dancers. Incontrus is more likely to have rent boys in the mix, although it may be limited somewhat since it remodeled and reopened. A while back there was a crime involving a rent boy and a client who met at Incontrus, so the owners naturally don't want that kind of problem or reputation. I imagine that guys they know aren't trouble-makers get in.


Except in the rent boy saunas, you won't find Brazilians to be aggressive at all. Even there, not all the guys are pushy. (I'm always dubious about the pushier ones; they tend to be poor performers or want more money if they come, or have other flaws). Most of the guys will let you make the first move; just make eye contact with someone you like and smile. :-)


I'm afraid I don't know what you mean by an "au pair" relationship, so I can't answer that part of your question.

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P.S. If you're picking up guys in the discos, please be careful. It's wise not to accept drinks from anyone, or have someone else get your drink from you. There are enough reports of what the Brazilians call the "Goodnight, Cinderalla" drugging scam to be cautious. (This is where someone slips a powerful date-rape type drug into your drink, and you wake up three days later to find your hotel/apartment and ATM account looted.)


Also DO NOT take a new conquest at the discos to your hotel. Go to a sauna, if one is open (like the one at "Le Boy") or to a "motel", which is what Brazilians call hotels-by-the-hour. Don't go out wearing valuable watches or jewelry, and leave your debit/credit cards at your hotel. Only take as much cash as you think you're likely to spend that evening, including cover charge, drinks, the cost of a guy (not more than R$100, tops), money for a sauna/motel and cab fare.


I also forgot to mention the small dance club "La Cueva" in Copacabana at r. Miguel Lemos, 51 (a bit hard to spot; it's down some stairs in a cellar). La Cueva specifically attracts older men and younger guys who are interested in them. Ordinarily these are NOT hustlers; the management tries to keep them out. Out of season it's fairly quiet on weeknights, but active on weekends.

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Thanks a lot, Trilingual.

I undestand you are the Enciclopedia about Brazil.

Yes, norm I don't go out well dressed or wearing valuables. I've had my bad experiennce in Venezuela ten years ago, just thrilled by poor places and friends warning me in a very learning manner. Now they report even worst landscapes. And in Morocco 5 years ago I've been robbed twice, first by a ghost around the dunes in Essaouira, and the second time by four very nice young boys laughing arond me at the beach while (them) asking for a sigarette. And this describes well my attitude: I'm almost new at the cruising system, and have a lot to learn. But I know we have to pay for every experience we can get from our life.


Sorry from the french term "Au Pair", which means relationship with no money involved, just for fun. This is something you are very hard to find in Moroc, expecially if different age is considered. But even if every men in his 40-50ies or more is able to understand and consider a fee or an economic support to the boy he's linked at, too much rudiness, explicit lies or the establishment of the tourist-victim-system make me suffer.

Maybe the desire of solving any relationship with a two week dream is not realistic.


Anyway, you describe me the country background and the boys attitude as a little bit fair than other experience I had, and this is enough for me to plan a visit to Brazil paradise on earth. I'll watch my steps, of course, not to walk into a serpent cave.

Tanks, Chris

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If you've learned from your previous bad experiences, you should have no problems in Brazil. Of course, you should try the escort saunas, because they give you an opportunity to have lots of fun in a safe environment. The worst that can happen there is you won't like a guy as much after you're alone in a "cabine," or he tries to overcharge. If you're not happy, tell the management. They're likely to take your side, because it's the clients who pay the admission fees, and the saunas don't want a reputation of being full of rip-off artists.


As for an "au pair" relationship, as you described it, it's quite possible. A surprising number of younger Brazilians are attracted to older (and not-necessarily-in-shape) guys. You'll find them at places like "La Cueva," or on the gay beach at Copacabana. Some, of course, are hoping a well-to-do foreigner will take them back to Europe or the U.S. (Any middle-class American or European is well-to-do by Brazilian standards.) It's much easier with a European, because Brazilians don't need visas to go to the EU. Many of these guys are poor; they're not exactly hustling, but they're looking for "sponsorship" in a foreign country where there are more opportunities. That doesn't necessarily mean a guy doesn't really like you, but if you establish a relationship he'll hope to go back to Europe with you, where you will support him at least until he learns the language and can find a job. In that sense most Brazilians aren't leeches; they're very industrious and self-motivated. They just have the misfortune to live in a country that offers very few decent opportunities for young men with little education. I've known of some successful relationships that began this way. Also, if you fall in love and decide to stay in Brazil with your new lover, there have been some recent court decisions granting foreigners who've established open, public relationships with Brazilians the right to a resident visa. In a recent case a resident visa was granted to someone who had entered into a PAC with a Brazilian in France. So if you dream of establishing yourself in a tropical country, and maybe setting up a business with your partner, it's becoming a very real possibility in Brazil. (Would that were true in reverse for the U.S.!)


I'm sure this will whet your interest; just don't fall too hard for the first gorgeous Brazilian who makes eyes at you! (Hard to resist, though!) Be sure of what you're doing, because once a formal relationship is established, laws of community property, alimony and inhertance may apply.

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gay disco- which days?


Thanks again for infos and minded landscape.


And as for the habits in the week, are all the day the same, or young boys go to clubs or saunas or these discos in specific days of the week?


Here in Europe people use to go to discos on fridays and saturdays, sometimes on sundays, depending of the management and organization of the places. But here we use to work hard all the week long, so we cannot party everyday. Maybe in Brazil habits are bit more relaxed, someway different?



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RE: gay disco- which days?


The crowds at the full-time discos are the same any day of the week that they're open. Of course, like everywhere, the discos will be busier on the weekends. Rio has 12,000,000 people, and most of them work or go to school, so naturally they're less likely to be out early in the week. Rio's tourist trade is seasonal, so in low season (most of the year) there aren't many visitors with lots of free time. That means the discos are slow until the weekends. In high season (Jan. - Feb., Holy Week, and July) they'll be much busier on weeknights, and packed on the weekends. I can't remember if there are any in Rio, but in São Paulo several places have Sunday afternoon "matinées" so people can get things out of their system and still be able to get to work Monday morning! But SP is much more work-a-holic than Rio!


Of course, the dance parties will be busy whichever night they're held.

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  • 4 weeks later...

November nice wheather?


Thanx a lot for the helpful advices I've red on this board.


You guys are meking me feel very interested in discovering this new world. And I'm reading and dreaming every day.

After lot of working down here in Europe, I'm now finally planning a 15 days rest in late oct or early november. As I discovered the world all changing around classical rules, I'm asking if you find this a good period for holydays and sunbathing.

Last year was not fair in Thailand these days, nor two years ago in Venezuela and I remember the three last years being not yet out of raining-season or monsoon-season. As you see all around the world things are going even worst, due to the climate change...



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RE: November nice wheather?


The weather from Rio to Buenos Aires should be nice in November. It's spring in the southern hemisphere, so it shouldn't be too hot yet. November is equivalent to May in the northern hemisphere.


From Rio northward there isn't much variation in temperature, because it's all in the tropics. Different areas have different rainy seasons. Check the Footprint Brazil Handbook for some detailed information on weather in different Brazilian cities. Brazil doesn't have typhoons, monsoons, hurricanes or earthquakes, so you should have plenty of beach and sightseeing weather. Also, November is still low season in Brazil, so it won't be crawling with tourists and hotel rates will be cheaper.


Have fun!

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Lot of help, TRI.

I'll join your fan-club for sure.


I've understand the R$50 price for one hour fun with escorts and massage boys at saunas.

In case of overnight of one of the sauna boys, in your opinion the tips are much different?

I've seen someone talking about boys from agencies, like Moreno and others. Are the prices much different? And do you recommend them?



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RE: tips


Yes, the prices tend to be higher for escorts you hire outside the baths, especially if you want them overnight. I'd say between R$100 - R$200, depending on whether it's just a standard 90 minute encounter or an overnight.


Apollus is quoting US$80 for foreigners (I bet they charge Brazilian clients less). I think that's just for a regular session, although it should cover an overnight, in my opinion, because at the current rate of exchange that's a LOT of money in Brazilian terms.

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