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The Twins from Estação

CT Dick
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RE: Basta Já! Enough Already!


Coco, I would also point out that the pictures you object to are on a different site that was set up by BrazilNut, so he's the responsible party there, not HooBoy. That site has restricted access, in that you have to register with Yahoo to be able to use it. If the twins themselves specifically ask for the photos to be removed, I'll be happy to relay their wishes to BrazilNut as well as to HooBoy.

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RE: Basta Já! Enough Already!


Tringuaaal appreeciate if you asked them to remove the photos. They are already showing it in Brazil and it is going toembarrass them and maybe ruin their chances of getting a goodob if they decide this life they are having now because they cannot find jobs in brazil. I amvery poor in the computer and I will apreciate your help. Thank you for trying....

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Guest Brazil Nut

RE: Basta Já! Enough Already!


>Coco, I would also point out that the pictures you object to

>are on a different site that was set up by BrazilNut, so

>he's the responsible party there, not HooBoy. That site has

>restricted access, in that you have to register with Yahoo

>to be able to use it. If the twins themselves specifically

>ask for the photos to be removed, I'll be happy to relay

>their wishes to BrazilNut as well as to HooBoy.


[h3]Hey, STOP RIGHT THERE. [/h3]


I am Brazil Nut (with a space), and I have nothing to do with setting up or running that site. That site was set up by Nicola917 of this board, and he stole my name for the NAME of that site. The BrazilNut (no space) over there is the name of the SITE, not of a person. Please do not come to me to do anything about it because I have no control over it or connection with it.

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RE: Basta Já! Enough Already!


As far as I am concern, the matter is closed. At the beginning Imade afuzz because I know the twins mother and family and I wasafraid they may see the fotos and they live in a very small village and might ruin their reputation, That wasmy only worry. I am not a prude aand hope that the twins will come out winning lots of money fromthis expose.... Finish for me on this matter.

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RE: Basta Já! Enough Already!


Those kinds of magazines don't usually have much circulation in small town in the Brazilian interior, and there's even less likelihood of those photos being accessed in such a town from an English-language website.


Coco, it's nice that you know the twins' family and are concerned for them, but you may be leaping to assumptions based on your own cultural context instead of the Brazilian one. Certainly there are many gay Brazilians who are in the closet to their families, but in Brazil having posed nude and appearing in a national gay magazine isn't proof of being gay. Too many famous non-gay Brazilians have done that for people to assume that automatically. Also, even in small places, Brazilians are into the cult of the body and sensuality, so being featured in a national publication can even be a source of pride. ("Local Boys Star In National Magazine!") I think you'd be amazed at just how open Brazilians are in terms of sexuality and sensuality, at least generally, even in small places. Of course, while around their family I would never dream of discussing the twins' specific sexuality or current occupation. That COULD cause problems for them in their family and community. But merely appearing in some nude photo shoots is unlikely to bring them any disgrace at all if the pictures become public in their home town. Unless they come from a completely backward place, chances are there will be a lot of local pride in having produced a couple of such fine specimens of Brazilian young manhood!

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Guest BicepsLover

RE: Basta Já! Enough Already!


There's no "basta já" for me. Those who think that the BrazilNut group is a good site are sexploiters of the worst kind. And Tri, you know nothing about the brazilian cultural background, for this country is totally homophobic. Your Brazil is pretty limited to the world of saunas with boys.

As for me I printed every page of this bag of shit, the Brazil Nut group, and I will show them to every guy involved : they will know who took the pictures and will stay away from that bastard.

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RE: Basta Já! Enough Already!


Well, BicepsLover, as with judgements on the decency of my body's bones, I'll leave it to others (like Brazilians who know me) to judge my understanding of the Brazilian context. I can assure you, though, that after 20 years of visiting the country; speaking, reading and writing its language; traveling through it extensively; and maintaining close friends in Brazil over those 20 years, it goes far beyond an appreciation of rent boys in saunas.


As for the BrazilNut site, I haven't visited it myself, so I have no idea what it is you're so exercised about. My responses here have strictly been about the soft-core nude pictures of the twins that have appeared in print. The ones I've seen wouldn't raise an eyebrow in just about anyplace I can think of in Brazil. Not even in Chuí or Oiapoque.


Whatever else you object to that may be on the BrazilNut site you'll have to take up with its "owner," Nicola917. However, you'd better be prepared to explain what you find problematic with the other photos you're upset about, because you haven't done that here.

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RE: Basta Já! Enough Already!


Fifty plus hits about a rather sanguine issue. The lengths that some of our respondents go through is too much! I thought the ludicrous debate about Ernani and Bruno "took the cake"!

Now this...! I, too say, "enough is enough", men! "Put a lid on it and go on with your life." Write something that is more in-depth and helpful to those travelers to Brasil and elsewhere south of the USA.


P.S. I am elated that the individual/s who wrote disparagingly about Ernani apologized. He is a genuine individual who has "a body to die for"! ...quite sexy--handsome-- and tastes and smells succulently (if this man of language used the word correctly)! Thought I'd put it here since I decided to write a message tonight 09/11/02 PDST... ax

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RE: Basta Já! Enough Already!


"And Tri, you know nothing about the brazilian cultural background, for this country is totally homophobic."


BicepsLover, where on earth do you live in Brazil? Não-Me-Toques? Sure there's homophobia in Brazil, just as there is in virtually every country I can think of. But Brazil being TOTALLY homophobic? Are we talking about the same country that has gay bars, discos, saunas, and organizations in just about every large city? The same country where there are annual gay pride events in just about all of those cities, including a parade attracting half-a-million people in São Paulo? The same country that worships gay popular entertainers like Cazuza, Ney Matogrosso, Renato Russo, Milton Nascimento, Cássia Eller, Maria Bethânia, Gal Costa, etc.? The same country that's currently eating up the details of the break-up between Xuxa and Marlene Matos? The same country where there are influential gay groups in cities as traditional and conservative as Salvador and Juiz de Fora? The same country whose courts have been ruling in favor of gay relationships, including rights of inheritance, parenting, and immigration of non-Brazilian partners? The same country whose Congress is debating legalizing gay civil unions?


Please! You make Brazil sound like Iran! Maybe you live in Brazil, but you don't do it any service by describing it in a way that's distant from reality. There's certainly room for improvement in the way Brazil treats its sexual minorities, but attitudes towards gays have changed dramatically in Brazil in the past twenty years, and, for the most part, in the larger towns and cities gay people can and do live open and fulfilling lives.


Maybe a really small town would be constricting and limiting for someone gay, like in the twins' situation, but that's not uncommon anywhere. Most people in that situation do what the twins have: move to a bigger city where they can lead their own lives. This happens in the U.S. every bit as much as in Brazil, by the way! So let's not overdramatize the situation in Brazil. Compared to many truly homophobic countries, Brazil is light-years ahead.

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Guest BicepsLover

RE: For Tri


Tri, I do not live in Brazil, unfortunately. I just love Brazil and I go there as often as I can, which means 3-4 times a year (the best years !) . As you, I can speak portuguese and I strive hard to master this beautiful language. I decided to learn this language the very first day I was there and I cannot stand the men who ask "how does xxx speak english ?". Poor shits ! What do they think ? That they spent their youth in a high-school ?

I do not agree with what you say about Bzazil being a land of freedom for gay people. In a way, you're right : things are pretty difficult everywhere. All what I know is that guys like Anderson and the Twins live in remote suburbs of Rio - places where Nicola917 wouldn't dare to show his ass - and places where it is certainly not good to be the boy that works as an escort for men !

Tri, how can you support the bastard above mentionned ?


Ps : Coco, you're great. I like you !

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RE: For Tri


Thank you. I am with you in this matter but I dont want to continue this polemic...I am going to Brazil at the end of this month and thanks God I will be spending some time with the twins since I am very taken with them and I do believe that we have become friends or if we have not soon will be.


Thanks again and cheers,

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RE: For Tri


BicepsLover, I am neither for or against Nicola917. I haven't visited his BrazilNut site, so I don't know what pictures are on it that you find objectionable. As I said earlier, my comments here only have to do with the straightforward nude shots of the twins that were published in magazines. Those wouldn't raise eyebrows in any suburb of Rio. I'm sure, though, the twins don't discuss their means of making a living back in their own neighborhood with their old friends and families. In fact, I doubt that any of the escorts on this site, from any country, does that.


I'm glad you've made an effort to learn Portuguese. It's a wonderful language, incredibly poetic and full of sly usages that show an incredible sense of humor and irony. However, I don't think there's anything the matter with guys on this site asking whether (or how well) an escort speaks English. Let's face it, Portuguese isn't a language most people have an opportunity to learn. It isn't taught practically anywhere, except at the university level, where it tends to be a specialist subject. People from other countries who visit Brazil usually use English, Spanish or Italian to communicate, as they're the foreign languages most widely understood in Brazil. It's only natural that a foreign visitor would want to know how easy or difficult it will be to communicate with someone they're interested in. As much as I wish it were different, most people aren't multi-lingual, let alone in Portuguese, so communication issues are a real concern for foreign visitors to Brazil, and especially for those going for the first time. Once they get there, I think they find out quickly enough that, one way or another, it's not that hard to communicate with people they'd like to know! ;-) Love, or lust, always seems to find a way!

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RE: Coco going Coo-Coo


You be their sugardaddy. Coco. If they are that poor, even your Social Security pension will seem like a lot. So you move to Brazil, live with them and support them.


At the risk of sounding cynical, I wonder how much they laugh on the way to the bank with what you suggest you have shelled out for them.


The poor sweet babies probably have a motto : "FUCK 'EM & LEAV 'EM.

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RE: Coco going Coo-Coo


Hope this closes this chapter. As to your remarks I dont know where you get your information. Ido know who you are and that you write with several alias in the internet. I thought you were a friend but how wrong I was. So good riddancc and sorry that you are green with envy... Ciao you creep.


I am sorry to use the word creep as I never use foul language but this is too much. Close this matter please and go to something more interesting and healthy for all of us.

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RE: Coco going Coo-Coo


I have tons of photos of the twins... and many of the hot newer guys. Will I post them on the internet? Absolutely not. Why? Because a few of them specifically said "Please, no internet". Yeah, only a few said that, but still... even if one person said it, I will respect the boys enough to not publish photos for the world to see. I can also summize that the ones that didn't say anything probably thought they were for PERSONAL scrapbooks... not for the internet. Yeah, they might be "hookers" and we might be "johns", but there's a certain fine line that doesn't need to be crossed.

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RE: Coco going Coo-Coo


LA...you're all right. I've read everything that you've written on 09/19.

...appreciated and liked everything you wrote except some of the pointers in the first thread which I might address to you personally in your private box. Then again-- I just may leave it alone...)


My motto is to respect one's opinion but feel free to disagree (tactfully). I made a grave mistake a few years ago with a colleague/very good friend and supporter of mine. I will never forget although I believe he has as well as forgiven me!

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