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A Brazilian Party in October!!!

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From my reading this board almost daily during the entire month as well as the preceding ones, I find there will be a lot of us Americans in Brazil. Who's going and when? Lets meet up somewhere for a nice introductory get-to-gether. Perhaps some of the vets can be mentors for us who are neophytes! I hope there will be some takers. AX


P.S. Would a seasoned traveler to Brazil be heady enough to spearhead this tame request?

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Guest Ernani

You told about a Brazilian party...

I think you mean, an American party in Brazil, since it won't play Brazilian music, or will have Brazilian food/drinks and the spoken language will be English.

Am I right ?

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Guest 100955

Well, I am tentatively planning October 10 - October 17.

If that suits, count me in! Whether it be a day at the beach, or an evening affair. You can't fuck the WHOLE time anyway, right?

Ernani, speak any language ya want sugar!

Music? Hmmm, how about fireworks??????

:7 :p }>

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Guest Ernani

Well, you can party and fuck at the same time . Just do the get-together in the gay nude beach in Barra, in the weekeday.

Just remember to wipe the sand off of your partner's dick, not to have your asshole sore, or have sand in your throat.

I hope I'm invited there, so I can give you a Brazilian show :+

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Guest Tomcal_

Guys, we (three of us from Calif. are here right now)are coming back on Oct. 23 to the 30th. will post tomorrow when we get to an internet cafe as the rates here at the hotel are $3.00 a min. so this will be short. this is my third trip here since last Oct. it's better then ever. Today at my Hotel(Marriott) I was walking to the elevator when who should get out but Bruno Gaucho with a guy who has the room next to me!! I met the guy tonight, he's from France, met him At Estacio. more later on that. All three have guys you would want(Rogers', Estacio, 117) but everyone agrees on this trip that 117 has the best facilities and the most boys(and the most gorgeous boys!) however we all found guys at all three that were UNBELIEVABLE!!

Last night at Maxims restaurant we ran into Lucas(roger's) who is no longer there, but came to the hotel today for a private, he is living in Rio now. Hands down the most gorgeous, best in bed award goes to Andre(Andrew) at 117. If you don't take anything else away from this post, DO HIM@!! STunning! Will give a full report tomorrow on different guys, the two guys who are here with me, called me from my posts on this board in April, we met last month and I have made two long term friends, great guys and thanks to this board for that opportunity. I love playing tour guide with them.. I asked them if the suanas lived up to their expectations from what they had read here. they both said, more, much more, unbelievable. they said this is not GAy Disneyland as i had previously posted, but GAY HEAVEN!!!

Also, while it is expensive, the Marriott is well worth it. great location and hotel. We also picked up some guy at Maxims restarant last night after we left the saunas and ate there at Midnight(our usual time here to eat. Another story for tomorrow.

So if you haven't made plans yet., there are already 4 or us coming here the end of OCT. Rios spring, no rain, highs in mid 80's, low humidity and night time low 70's }>

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Damn! I'm gonna be in Rio from Oct. 6th through the 16th. Sounds like you know the ropes and it would be great hanging with you guys. I'd love to hook up with other guys who will be exploring the city (or at least the guys) and would like to share some experiences. Am dying to check out the city but I think it would be more fun to meet up and compare notes over dinner, drinks, etc. Does anyone have plans to be in Rio on those dates? If you will be and are interested in connecting, email me at Robbguy1001@aol.com. Take care.

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One thing I would recommend to you all is that, if you have the time, you spend a couple of days in Sao Paulo. Friday is definitely the best day if you have a choice, but Lagoa, easily reached by Metro, is the reason. It really is the biggest and best of the Brazilian saunas and well worth a trip. Not the beach or beauty of Rio but fascinating all the same.

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Guest Tomcal_

2nd installment...

Yesterday(sat)we(the three of us here from Calf.) decided to hit all three saunas and compare how they all do on the same weekend night. We went to 117 at 5:00 and stayed until 8:30, they had at least 25 + boys there and at least a dozen were outstanding, Anderson was there for the first time this week, so i grabbed him up fast(he~s coming to the hotel today at 5:00 )While the three of us that are here together have diffenent tastes in boys, we are all unamious in Andre(Andrew)as first choice, I also put Anderson up there, but the other two guys didn~t get to see him as he left, when we finished. but there are three others that if Anderson and Andre are 10´s then these other 3 are 9.99´s We alson like the facilities at 117 better then the other two, however, Estacio where we went at 8:30 is remodeling and putting 4 new cabines in where the stage/video room used to be. they will be much nicer then the existing rooms where the rooms are just about 6" bigger then the beds! I met Junior who owns Estacio and he would be the first guy i would want to do if he was available, about 30, muscular, goodlooking(or his boyfriend)but they do escort. very nice guy. He said they are trying to continually upgrade and take care of the customers, for example, after last April when they had a few complaints about overcharging(boys buying drinks onthe customers number) they set a policy where you have to personally show the bartender your key so only you can charge on it, this is already the policy at the other two saunas. Estacio also had about 20 to 25 boys, but not the overall quality of 117, some very stunning guys but only 4 or 5 out of 25 not like 117 where it was more like 15 out of 25 were so hot. The rest are still nice, however, only maybe 2 or 3 that were average or below. I did a 3 way at Estacio(and hopefully repeat it tonight) with one guy who was about 5´8" with a 9" x 7" dick and vglkg, and a taller lean Latin/European guy who was extremely passionate, sometimes threeways i have had at the saunas have not been good if the two guys are not really into each other, or if they don~t want their friends to know they are passivo(bottoms), but these two made me feel like i was the love of their lives! Unfortunatley i don~t remember their names but will get them tonight and post, i highly recommend them. I met a group of 6 local men at Estacio, all around 50 yrs old, two spoke English and they really helped us pick out guys, telling us which ones were great kissers(very important), etc.

They meet for drinks every Friday there and socialize and maybe do one boy each week. We then went to Rogers at 11:30 and while it was late and there were only about 8 boys there left. there were 4 that were very hot. More on Rogers later, sorry for the length of this post, also it is hard to type as the keyboards in Rio have some changes to what we are used to, so this is taking twice as long as normal to type. One last note, there is a restaurant on Hilerio, one block north of Sequeiro Campos and one block in from the beach, very gay, lots of boys go there at midnight - 2:00 to hook up very eclectic place, some really hot boys, older wealther Brazilians with there boys, tranvesties(really ugly!), good food, reaally fun, however LAShowiz, did not like it, i think he is more of a Westwood/Beverly hills restaurant type guy, but he was a good sport, but through most of dinner, we ate on the outdoor patio next to the street, he looked like a deer in headlights! I invited one boy who was leaning against a car next to our table to join us and then ran into two guys who i hadn~t seen this trip but who i had been with on previous trips, and took one of them back to the hotel where he spent the night. All three of us are going to post when we get back, so that you will get three differnt perspective, although i think mine is probably more in line with most of the guys reading this, LA showbiz probably has a perspective that is quite conservative(also there are no designer sandals at the saunas:-) (Those of you who read his previous post will get that joke) Will post the rest on tues or WEds. again, sorry for the lack of brevity! :9

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TomCal, honey, don't apologize for length or depth or brevity. What you've written has been enjoyable and will definitely be used. Do you remember the name of the very gayish restaurant of which you cited the description? It, from what you wrote, seems like a great possibility and a place to go over taking in the "heat" and the "steam"!


As an aside, and please excuse my naivete-- do the termas have saunas and steamrooms? Although I will not be wearing designer sandals or shoes to the bh's, would I be out-of-line if I decided to wear my black Chinese slipons? (I know this would be a tad bit conspicuous, but I'd find comfort in them; if they would NOT BE appropriate- I'll wear the sandals which have been provided...

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>As an aside, and please excuse my naivete-- do the termas

>have saunas and steamrooms?


The three termas I visited in Rio and the one in Salvador all had steam rooms, dry saunas, and a few pieces of equipment.


The flip flops are required. In fact, if you try to take so much as a step in bare feet, someone will point to your feet.


You also need to know your metric size. Check http://www.statuesque.com/Sizing.htm (This site is also helpful in finding your equivalent woman's size for next Hallowe'en. ;-) )



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>One last note, there is a restaurant on Hilerio, one block

>north of Sequeiro Campos and one block in from the beach,

>very gay, lots of boys go there at midnight - 2:00 to hook

>up very eclectic place, some really hot boys, older wealther

>Brazilians with there boys, tranvesties(really ugly!), good

>food, reaally fun,


Could you be talking about the Curojinha? The cafe facing the park? You are right about the assortment of types there. It was an eye-opener for a tourist from quiet Connecticut! ;-)



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I think Dick is correct on the name of the restaurant - we were there together last month. It looks sort of like an open air pizza restaurant. Another word of warning, though, DO NOT put yourself in a potentially dangerous position with a boy off the street - take him to a sauna or a sex hotel.

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Guest Tomcal_

Yes, that is the restaurant! Yellow awning, LAShowbiz, sat through most of dinner with his hand over his mouth looking agast!! I loved it! Both my self and the third person in our group who is from S.F. found it to be very intersting and more fun to sit late and eat at then Maxim's. Three of the boys that were there, where from the suanas, i think it is getting popular with the "boys" if they haven't had a busy night at the suanas. I ran into Evander there, he is the one i met last Oct. at 117, I did take him back to the hotel for the night, and then he came back yesterday morning(unexpectedly)rang me from the lobby, came up had sex went to sleep and then I left for lunch, while i trust him(and it proved right) i still have all my cash, tickets, passports locked up in the combination safe, so their is nothing for him to steal, except mayby clothes:-) I had quite a few boys up to the hotel, as it is more comforable then the sauna if you are doing more then an hour with someone, I do recommend that you have them check in at the desk, they take their I.D. and they don't give it back until they call the room and check to see if everything is all right, or you walk them out. Works very well, and actually both Evander, and Juan(more on him in a min) and Anderson, said it's for your protection!! They said they don't want to lose business and the boys that steal hurt all their reputations(these boys are pretty smart businessmen)They also told me if you pick up a boy on the street and believe it's easy to do!! if he says "no I.D." move on right away, those are the ones that will try to steal as they think you will want them enough to get them past security. OK enough serious talk, back to the boys! Last night was our last night and we all agreed on several things.:

1) there were boys at all three saunas that we really liked, but Rogers has moved up to our favorite this trip, because, while having the fewest boys(10 last night on Mon.) 7 out of the 10 were HOT!~ 117 Has the most boys everynight, and has all types and has the most comfortable rooms! Estacio I had the best sex at this trip because

of a three way i did with the same two guys, two nights in a row. I said before if you do a three way, ask the guy you wnat the most who he will do a three way with(i don't speak portuguese, i just hold up three fingers and they know) If his first choice is not your type, have pick a second. I didn't do this the first trip last year, just picked out the two i wanted most, and they were great individually but not together. these two at Estacio, were fantasitic, Also, my friend from San Francisco had been waiting all week to do the twins but they were not there until last night. He went left directly from the sauna to the airport. He said they were great!! I sat and had a drink with them afterwards. He also brought a digital camera and the boys loved it, I mean all the boys at all the saunas, they loved seeing their picture afterwards, most of them were willing to pose naked in the rooms and really got into it. I got one of Evander, which is great, and Andrew and Anderson, etc. btw, the camera is a sony p51 model and I highly recommend it, you can zoom in on the pic after you take it in the viewbox to see ALL the details, it's under $300. He took over 80 pics, all of boys!!

I know everyone has different types, so to rate them by my standards could be alot different then someone reading this post my like, but won';t be that far off!! they are all so hot!

At rogers', Juan Carlos, cute , sweet, passionate, versitle, not usually my type, i am not into to twinks but this is an exception!!as he is 23 but looks 18, but very toned with a bubble butt, He came to the hotel every aftenoon before going to Rogers' Great teeth, smile, and like all the boys , kisses incredibly.

Lucas, he's back at Rogers, short, muscular, blond highlights, aver. size dick, but knows how to use it.

Antonio, European looking,i.e. Spanish, Port. Italian, like the previous two, big dick, also versitle.

Two others i don't know their names, but one is a paratrooper, very hairy, manly about 30, very hot.

117 - Rodrigo, short, black, shaved head, handsome, biggest dick of anyone we saw, very passionate, did three way with him. will definitly go back for thirds.

Bruno, friend of the twins, ditto on previous comments, virsitle, etc.

Three are three more but their names were Carlo and Juan, and their are several with the same first names. btw, all the guys will give you their phone numbers so they can meet you at the hotel, and i pay the same $50. per visit hotel or sauna.

117 -- Well by now you guys know this list, Anderson, Andre, ********

don't miss either, but there are plenty more, a muscular, but not steriod type black guy with very handsome face, named Davyol(his spelling) really sweet and fun, bottom, great kisser.

Warning, some guys that were down there not with our group are starting to wreck a good thing for us, they are paying $100. reyas per visit, and the boys can't wait to tell each other and now some are asking that much, I don't know if it's guilt from paying the $200. U.S. that they are used to or what. But i had several tell me , that the other Americans and Canadians here are paying So and So $100, becasue they say in America you pay more. If you want to tiop give them a $10 on top of the $50 reyas bill. More to come but will post tomorrow when my memory banks recharge!! L.A.Showbiz said i should bring a Air Traffic Controller with me next time has there were several boys overlapping some afternoons at the hotel. I would forget who i had said what time to come and double stacke d afew. Guess too many Caprinhas!!(I love those drinks!) I am checking for airfares for the Oct. 23 trip now and will post. thanks, Tom

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Guest Tomcal_

correction on the last post, it says 117 lists some boys and then shows 117 again. the first 117 should be Estacio - Rodrigo,

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TomCal, thanks again. In regard to fares to Brasil-- United has a sale going on now; I read something yesterday in the SF Chronicle that the going rate until early December is four hundred something!


Your account has been indeed worth reading, and I do appreciate it!

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Guest Tomcal_

Yes you can have boys to your room i am told at most hotels as long as they check in at the desk(for your protection) However at the Marriott, the security guards were gettting very supicious as i started to have one in the room and another would show up in the lobby due to miscommunication(probably mine) and i didnt' want to wait at the desk to them sign in as it was busy so I would circumvent security, they knew i did and where trying to figure out how i was doing it, but they never did. This was with boys i knew well and who had previously stayed the night with me. I asked a couple of them if some hotels were more difficult for them to go to the guest's rooms and they said, that it was not usually a problem. LAshowbiz like the California Otheon which is next door to Marriott, and a lot cheaper, doesn't have the ammenities and is a 50 yr. old hotel like many of them down there are, but if you are only in your room to sleep, it would be great. I am thinking of staying there next time. He said there no problem bringing someone to your room there. I think he was paying about $70. U.S. a night, as opposed to the Marriotts' $230. U.S. a night. and it's the same great location....across from the beach, 6 blocks to Estacio, 8 blocks to Roger's and a 11. Reyas cab ride to 117

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>Three of the

>boys that were there, where from the suanas, i think it is

>getting popular with the "boys" if they haven't had a busy

>night at the suanas.


One of the boys from Estação rode in my cab with me late one night. He'd had a mediocre night at the sauna and didn't have enough for his rent. So, he was going to the cafe to try to raise the rest.



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