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Russia for Love???

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I'd seen the "freebee" (?) website before. Looks like they have some new additions. My Russian isn't as good as it used to be (hah!) but there are at least a couple of guys on the site who could ring my chimes: Kin (the first one) and Dzhin (the next to last one, who may actually have 25cm!).


My traveling friend from Buenos Aires was in Russia recently and said there seemed to be a lot available. The square in front of the Bolshoi Theater is a traditional cruising spot, and apparently there are guys hustling near the metro entrance there. From what I see in Spartacus, it also looks like there are lots of guys making themselves available in the bars/discos. It sounds like any foreigner is considered fair game, which is understandable when you know what local wages are and the value of the ruble to the dollar/euro.


Has anyone else been there recently with a real live report for us? If not, we're looking forward to your detailed descriptions, Adriano!

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Hello Tri,


I have found (stumbled across in my poor Russian) 3 more sites with possibilities...








However, that said, making contact with some of these places is near impossible. I write, no answer. Maybe I have to write only in Russian, which is unfortunate, as they are interesting.


Anyone out there ever try them?

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Well, there are certainly some possibilities on Man's Game. Gay.Ru doesn't seem to have any escorts (although look in the personals postings). The final site crashes my version of Explorer and is a mess on Netscape (probably because I use a Mac and they didn't design it to appear properly on both platforms) but doesn't seem to have any free pictures of their guys, always suspicious, in my book! But you've certainly been enterprising in your research! :-0

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The third place runs its site like the (in)famous PEOPLE in Amsterdam. You have to pay in advance to look in on the boys. They give helpful info (such as which hotels are less likely to hassle you... naturally all top of the line for Russia... and their rates are comparable, but, I agree, without seeing, why bother?


I find the boys at freemanbee to be the nicest in looks, and wish they'd get someone to answer their e-mail!!!


I'll keep you informed, but wonder if anyone has had success with escorts... where is Aaron Lawrence as he had quite a few of them in his recent video shot in both St. Petersburg and Moscow!


PS: I have contacted (successfully) Maks.

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After watching Russian Marat Safin here all week at the U.S. Open

Tennis Turnament, I'd like to know more about escorts in Russia also. When I did research some time back, everyone talked about the high crime rate, especially in St. Petersburg. Hey, Aaron we

need your help. Even if you are not a tennis fan, Check out Marat Safin on TV; he's better looking than Rickey Martin.

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Why don't you try e-mailing or calling Aaron and ask him to post some of his findings on this thread? Assuming he's back and hasn't ended up in the Lubyanka prison or something! :-)


One hears of crime, but I suspect it's like the stories of crime in Brazil. It certainly exists, but it's unlikely to happen to you if you exercise reasonable caution and common sense. Moscow and St. Petersburg are very large cities, there's a lot of poverty, and Westerners are rich compared to most Russians, and certainly to most of the guys who are hustling. Therefore, it's always best not to lead them into temptation by throwing money around, wearing expensive jewelry, etc. Keeping things low key makes you a less conspicuous target!

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you are one step ahead of me - I e-mailed him a day or so ago,. but no response yet.


Also I agree with what you have written. The only jewelry I wear is a servicable watch (I usually wear a sports watch when out cruising...!!!), and I dress down (jeans, casual) unless out to dinner.


I stay in slightly up-scale hotels for security (although some in Eastern Europe can be pains in checking guests - unless you are a nice generous tipper on arrival).


And, when I have a visitor... my room is swept of anything personal or of value, locked carefully away somewhere.


I have to say, seeing prices of some of the guys on the internet... they are substantially cheaper here, but also I have read of the high incidence of sexually transmitted disease and AIDS, and drug use here... so... I will be careful.

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Well, it sounds like you've got the routine down pretty well! I hope Aaron responds before long. Ask him to post his info here on the site so everyone else can see it.


When you mention AIDS and other STD's, it suddenly brought to mind another possible hazard we aren't facing yet in the West to any great degree: TB. Russia is rife with it. What's worse is that there's a high incidence of drug-resistant TB, and TB, of course, is highly infectious. Remember Mimi and Violetta? (Cough, cough, expire, expire.) On the other hand, TB is, to a significant degree, a disease of poverty, which means that people who are well-nourished and otherwise healthy usually have the immune resources to resist it. However, if you're a smoker and/or have a compromised immune system, the risk of contracting and developing an active case of TB is considerably greater if you are exposed to it.


You might want to get tested after you return just for your own peace of mind. Some people test positive because they've been exposed (I was, as a child in Mexico, I suppose) but don't actually have the disease and are not contagious. An initial positive test has to be followed up by a chest x-ray to be sure. WARNING: Some doctors or health systems seem to be urging people who test positive but don't have active TB to take the treatment regimen anyway. Recent articles in the U.S. suggest that may be a bad idea, because there have been some deaths from liver failure, especially among those prescribed a combination of drugs, which is apparently in vogue. If you don't have active TB, don't smoke, and don't have a compromised immune system, it may be better just to do nothing. In my own case, as I said, I was probably exposed as a child. I'm now 55, have never been treated, and remain healthy. However, I never smoked, except for the occasional joint, and my immune system isn't compromised.


I don't want to scare anyone away from visiting Russia, but it occurs to me that when visiting the more backwards parts of Eastern Europe or other developing nations it's important to be aware of health risks we don't commonly face in our own countries.

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Hey Tri,


Seems you and I read the same news magazines as I am more than aware of the TB in Russia (one just walks down a street and sees male versions of MIMI etc... with a terrible cough cough. And yes, I have been tested for TB and will be tested again by my company on a yearly basis.


One reason I prefer escorts who do NOT smoke is to lower the possibilities (I also seek men who are healthy, athletic to muscular, and who do not do drugs, and whose alcohol intake is limited to a glass or two of wine). After that list, I rule out most of the guys available there, unfortunately.


I have written Aaron, but no answer yet. I have also been surfing the web but come up with the same: some false advertisements, some half promises, and generally agencies which work for a few months then disappear, then reappear again.


All too confusing, and worse for anyone who does not read and write (and speak) Russian!!! And too bad as they have strikingly handsome men and boys here, and the going "rate" per hour is way less than anywhere wlse in North America or Europe.

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As to crime in Russia: I have been in Brazil without any problem.

Last year, I thought about taking a train from Berlin to St. Petersburg. People told me to barracade the door to my train compartment at night because roving thiefs routinely break in and rob all the passengers. If true (and I hope it isn't), that

is far worse than Brazil.

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Well, train service in Brazil ceased quite a long while ago, so crime hasn't been on long-distance passenger trains hasn't been much of a threat there. However, I've heard about this situation in Russia and even in (gasp!) Western Europe. You may be able to avoid violent crime, but thievery is alive and well in many places, and it's true that if you're going to be sleeping in a railroad compartment you need to be sure it can be well-locked/barricaded to keep people out while you're asleep. On the same subject, avoid accepting food and drink from strangers on the train. Modern pharmacology has made powerful hypnotics widely available, and you don't need a prescription to get them in many countries. A bit of food or drink with a "date rape" drug mixed in is all that's needed to be sure you won't wake up while your compartment is being rifled!


They may be urban legends (it's also never happened to me) but at least in Brazil one commonly hears warnings about accepting drinks from strangers in a bar. Buy your own drinks at the bar and watch them being poured. Otherwise, you could find you've invited someone home who will clean out your hotel room while you're in a three-day stupor. However, as I've said, this has never happened to me or to anyone I know personally in Brazil.

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I am sorry if I overdid the crime situation in Russia, but as with Brazil, people have to be aware of the danger. On a much more positive note, Russian tennis player, Marat Safin, won again tonight at the US Open. He is extremely goodlooking with a great body. I've seen him play in person 5 times and Marat is eye

candy of the highest sort. Check him out on TV in the quarter

finals on Wednesday.

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I'm just back from Moscow. Upon my arrival I called Freemanbee and have had a good conversation in english with them. We agreed that Kin shall visit me at the hotel for two hours. (US$ 150.00) Kim was on time, not a clock watcher, his english is ok for a conversation and the time we had together was very hot, I will remember this meeting all my life.


I can recomend Freemanbee as well as Kin.


I never had the feeling to be in danger and I was out in the city day and night. Moscow is safe.

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Thanks for the info.


I found another site which I am trying to contact:


[http://www.geocities.com/russiancadets]I suspiect that they are based in St. Petersburg, but am not sure.


They look promising too, and have some interesting people. I have the feeling freemanbee is more legitimate as their site was recently updated with more info. Thanks for your input.

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As I already said, it was a extremely nice time together with Kin and therefore I don't like to talk about the details. I may meet 4 escort in one year, but never before I've had such a good time. It may was just the tow personality of Kim and myself which took fire.


Kim is a good looking boy, actually he looks younger then he is. He is more a bottom, but with the right person he would be a top.


If you meet him, treat him as a friend and take care about him.




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  • 2 weeks later...

To All,


I have gotten some good info on both "freemanbee" and "russiancadets" with both places answering my inquiries. Althought they have different telephone contacts, I noticed about 4 men are listed at both places in Moscow. Still nothing regarding St. Petersburg it seems... Too bad.


I'll keep people posted on the Moscow news.

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Guest wolverine

Just back from Moscow and St. Petersburg with excellent news to report. Both cities are fast, clean, sophisticated and filled with opportunities to hook up with rentboys. Indeed, most of the population seems to be scrambling for sex and dollars.


In Moscow I met with Maks (see his review and web site, http://www.esc4men.com/maks) for a tour of the bars and sex afterwards. The bars were disappointing--far from the city center and packed with females. But beautiful, versitale, English-speaking Maks was fantastic, and a bargain at $100 per hour/$500 overnight.


In St. Petersburg I toured the bars with Sergei, whom I had contacted via the Internet at ps@peterlink.ru. English-speaking Sergei was an excellent guide at $20 per hour. Sadly, the bars were again female-filled, and slow on the Wednesday night of our visit. Still, the club called Sinners (Greshniki) featured muscular, young, male strippers (down to nothing, though they covered themselves with their hands) and a roving character in a peculiar costume with a headdress in the form of a battery-operated lantern. This was the Messenger, Sergei explained, whose job it is to carry writen notes between customers--including rentboys and clients on busier weekend nights.


Especially in Moscow, the teenage boys are stunners. They're unusually leggy and have improbably clear, rosy complexions, straight out of Renoir. My hotel, the Intourist, was overrun with aggressive, female prostitutes, speaking passable English. Though I avoided them I'm sure they'd be supremely happy to arrange dates with boys, for dollar commissions.


Don't be embarrassed. Just be sure to bring lots of crisp, new U.S. currency. That's the only kind anybody wants.


Visitors who exercise ordinary, big-city caution should find both Moscow and St. Petersburg safe. They're also bright and inviting, with none of the dinge or eeriness of Cold War days.


Enjoy, and remember to post reports and updates.

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I came, I saw, I conquered... and was conquered!!!


Visited both Moscow and St. Petersburg, like Wolverine.


I will write reviews later, as I had a long flight back to US.


However, I did experience a few of the escort agencies in Moscow (and one provided a friend for St. Petersburg, which was fortunate as there is little available there).


All I can say is... these guys outshine everything I have had in the past: they are sexy, handsome, muscular, sculpted, enormous foreskins, insatiable kissers (and RIMMERS!!!), and by European and American standards, great value for the $$. Watch the reviews later.


Still recovering!


Also, had a wonderful experience with Nikita, webmaster of gay.ru, who is an excellent tour guide (without excorting, although he has a look which attracts, and more than once wanted to grab his ass in some of the art museums(.

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An addendum,


If anyone is flying into Moscow and is not fluent or comfortable in Russian, I can highly recommend without hesitation getting in contact with Nikita Ivanov, the English-speaking webmaster of the [http://www.gay.ru] site.


Nikita offers his services as a competent tour guide for $15 to $20 hour, and he is well worth the money, especially if you want to cover a lot of area.


He also has other guys working with him and they are all worth a look.


I found that most escorts in Moscow get between $75 and $100 for two hours (and up to $150 for the two-hour period if working through an agency). Overnights are maximum $300 except for Maks, who is on the higher end of the market.


While you can pick up guys on the street for less, getting them into the hotel is more difficult as most hotels have heavy security guards (not bad looking either) at the door. BUT if you stick to the 4 and 5 star places, they turn aside when you pass.


Much of the info on gay places in Russia has to be constantly updated and one cannot assume anything. That said, I found the guys I met to be exceptionally kind, warm, and passionate - and far better than any I met in the States.


My only complaint was that generally they ALL like to take a good 10-minute hot shower before any sex. I like clean, but... I wish I was invited to rub their back. That said, they are NOT clock watchers so it is not a way of wasting the time away.

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Thanks for the info.


The two guys I met through the agencies mentioned above were quite good.


I also have a link to another very good escort who works out of Moscow but also can do work in St. Petersburg when he is there on bsuiness. His name also is Alexei and I will send out a review on him too. He has a pic at




He speaks English very well, is highly educated and interesting to be around.

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I feel like I am running a second agency for Russia here, but since a few have e-mailed me privately let me take this opportunity to bring the list up again, and up-date information and recommendations:


1) Strictly for a good guide who speaks English fluently and who qualifies as a competent guide (if only he did more!!!):

Nikita Ivanov, one of the webmasters as [http://www.gay.ru].


As far as independent escorts and guides go, Nikita has advertisements of a few on the English part of his web, and Sergey [http://www.gaydar.nl/tumano] and Dima could be of use:


check out [http://www.gay.ru/english/travel/russia/guides.htm]


2) Another independent escort/guide I can recommend, as mentioned earlier, is Alex


check out [http://www.facelink.com/a207]


His rates (as are other under an "agency" are


100$-escort for gayplaces per evening

100$-sex per hour

250$-sex per night



The guy who contacted me and sent me Alex's photo is also called "Alex" and his e-mail is :: a-t-b@mail.ru (note the entire address which seems to disappear in copies here. Again it is : a-t-b@mail.ru



Write and tell him exactly what you are looking for and he will send you various photos of escorts/guides who suit your taste.




On the agencies, I found I received positive information from the following:




web site : [http://geocities.com/russiancadets]


Roman, the webmaster (I think) at least responds in detail and in English. Rates are quite good. Just be explicit on what you want and expect, knowing only a few guys speak English.



Another agency was : [http://freemanbee.com]


The guys are really good, and prices are similar to russian cadets. The only problem is the webmaster (Sam) does not write in English, but seems to depend on one of the English-speaking escorts to come in... they also seem to prefer reservations ONLY on the day of the meeting. Every e-mail was met by the same response... "Call us when you get to Moscow!"


BUT, that said, they have some really spectacular guys.


If you read Russian, the Russian version of their site is much more informative, and note some of the escorts have gone independent (perhaps not as versatile???).


A third agency is: [http://www.mansgame.com]


Their own boys appear younger (twinks) but of the same quality. I have not tried them, but have seen some of the pics of guys elsewhere and they appear reputable.


The agencies I thought were in St. Petersburg (see my first note above) appear to be strictly models for photos and videos - no escorts, unfortunately!


There are a few independent escorts too who might interest people and whose names have come up here:


There is the beautiful, talented Maks [http://www.esc4men.com/]


and then there is Maxim [http://home.gay.com/playboyru/max.html]


My only note is that their fee is slightly (very slightly) over the rate for other escorts as they have a more international appeal and experience. BUT one should mentioned in the same sentence that escorts rates in Russia are well below European rates (and WAY BELOW the exhorbitant rates in the States... where most guys do less for more money).


If I left out an agency or individual, my apologies. I write more from my experience and from knowing a small bit of Russian.


That said... you can enjoy yourself when here - especially in Moscow.



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