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My best orgasm ever

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Hey guys. You are about to have one of your best, most emotionally satisfying orgasms ever.


Do these three things RIGHT NOW:


1. Cue up your favorite porn video or a nasty, raw picture of a totally hot stud.

2. Whip out your cock and get it hard.

3. Whip out your credit card.


Now, as fast as you can say, "cum on my face" or "tighten that ass" I want you to click on this hyperlink:




And now, I want you to fill in the blanks for a $200 donation, stroke, click, and cum.


This is it folks. In a few weeks voters will either have said that it is cool to take our rights away, or its not fair to discriminate against us. Which way this goes will be decided by money and tv ads. Now is the time. I want you to shoot a real big load, and do it right now!


If you are an escort, your next appointment is worth at least $200. If you are a client, you are willing to pay $200 plus for a good orgasm. So dedicate your next orgasm to ensuring we have the same rights as everyone else.


Here's the deal. The campaign to put discrimination against gays in the Constitution in California is now a dead heat. By last week, 47 percent of Californians were for taking our right to marry away (Yes on 8), and 42 percent were opposed (No on 8). In late September, it was 44 percent yes, 49 percent no. In a few weeks, we went from five points ahead to five points behind.


What's happened is intolerant religious folks, led by the Mormon church, have outspent us so far. As of a week or so ago, they had raised $26 million, we were at about $9 million less. A few weeks ago they started flooding tv with commercials arguing that activist judges (Republican judges, actually, who supposedly know little about equality) are "mandating" tolerance (which apparently should not be mandated) and that as a result churches will be forced to marry gays (big lie) or lose their tax exempt status (bigger lie) and schools will be forced to teach kids about gay marraige (biggest lie). This is about TOLERANCE, not MARRAIGE. For example, our opponents can't tolerate the idea that gay kids in school might actually be able to feel as comfortable and proud of their sexuality as their straight classmates, who are less likely to be harrassed or sexually assualted. They want gays to get, at best, second class status, permanently, and God help us if our children don't know it!


In addition, of the 1 million LGBT Californians, only 30,000 have made a donation, compared to 57,000 donors for Yes on 8. If you are not one of those 30,000 people, NOW IS THE TIME TO DONATE. If you already donated, reload for a second shot for equality. I have cum for equality dozens and dozens of times. Cumming again always feels good.


Which would you rather do: cum in your face, or have religous zealots spit in it? That's the choice.




Here's the good news. The big switch in the polls was led by young voters, who in addition to being confused and horny and impressionable, are easily persuaded that taking people's rights away is wrong, if the argument is able to be made. In the last week, No on 8 has raised $1 million a day, the gay community is on red alert, our own ads attacking the lies being used against us are all over the air, and the race is a dead heat.


Every time I go into the No on 8 headquarters it is packed with gays and lesbians and our allies dialing our hearts out and speaking to lots of undecided voters. Having spoken to many of them myself, these are basically nice, calm, generally thoughtful people who feel uncomfortable about gays and lesbians and therefore feel entitled to take our rights away, until they are told that it is unfair and wrong. This is not an election we will win by counting on the kindness of strangers, or by ignoring them. We have to speak up for our rights, and in California that means one thing: TELEVISION ADS, which cost a lot of money. The ads are actually working, as long as people see them.


If you think that the people voting against us in droves care about our basic rights, you are dead wrong. This is not a debate about whether gays should get married, or have domestic partnerships, or exactly what type of legal protection for our relationships is best. It is about the fact that many people don't like gays, period, and they don't want to protect us or acknowledge we have rights at all, especially when it comes to falling in love with another man. That is exactly what the people voting against us are saying. They think it is "arrogant" that politicians and judges want to "force" equal rights on them, as if it is not arrogant for them to feel they can take our rights away. This is about whether we have the right to be tolerated and accepted, period.


I have never been more proud to be gay. My community is working their tits and cocks and asses off for freedom. Now is the time to act, folks. In two weeks, it will be too late. People are filling out their ballots today.


Connecticut is the latest state to support gay marraige, but there is not yet a single state where a majority of voters have actually said gay marraige and equality is tolerable. If Yes on 8 passes, discrimination against gays will be legal, even constitutional, and religious bigots will have found at least one nice juicy target to attack where they can actually get a slim majority. I like getting attention, but not by sexually repressed Mormons who basically feel its sick I like to take it up the ass and want to attack my rights any way they can using any lie they come up with. PLEASE STOP THEM! FUCK THEM! THEN FUCK ME! :-)


So this is the moment. LET'S KILL EM WITH CUM. Get it out, men. $200 is all it takes, and every one of you is at least that loaded.




Point, stroke, click, cum. I just did, and I feel great about it. :-)

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Tyger here! Hey Steven! Just wanted to let you know that I followed the link and made a contribution. So... here is my confirmation letter: Keep up the good work!








men4rentnow.com tygerscent in Portland, Oregon

From: No On 8 <info@NoOnProp8.com>

Subject: Thanks for supporting No On 8

To: tygerkink@yahoo.com

Date: Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 2:11 AM




Thank you so much for your contribution to No On 8.

Together, we can work to stop and defeat any ballot measure

that intends to allow discrimination against LGBT

Californians and deny gay and lesbian couples the right to



But there's still one more thing you can do to help our

growing movement: Click on the link below to tell your

friends and family about No On 8 today!




Thanks again for your support,


The No On 8 Team

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Guest andrewd

Aaahhhh....damn that felt good! Computer screens a mess, keys are sticky, and neighbors got a great show, but man, it was worth it. Just did it. Whipped it out, stroked it, and then shot a wad of cash to https://secure.ga4.org/01/equalityforall


Come on guys, get behind Steven, whip it out and bust your nuts!


If that image doesn't work for you, try this: Here's two kids. They say, "These are my parents. They have been married 15 years. We love them very much." Two more kids. They say, "These are my parents. They have been together 15 years and just got married last month. We love them very much. Please don't take that away from them."


There are families like that all over this state, soon to be in Connecticut and many more across this country who want to be like that. If Prop 8 passes, those families may never get a chance to realize that dream.


It's about defeating hate. If this passes, it's a major blow (and not a good blow) to the rights of millions of people.


It's not just about those that live on the left coast, either. This prop will have far reaching implications if it passes. So even if you don't live in California, it will impact your life in your state as well.


Stroke, baby, stroke! Then donate, baby, donate!

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Well Steven since two escorts have responded to your thread I guess it is time for a client to jump in. The three major groups supporting the passage of Proposition 8 are:


Focus on the Family – Colorado Springs, Co – a right wing born again Christian religious and political force with tons of money


The Mormon Church – Utah- church members have been told that to remain in good standing in their church they MUST contribute to Yes on 8


The Knights of Columbus – Fronting for the Roman Catholic Church where special collections, for the passage of Proposition 8, are being taken in many churches.


We MUST NOT allow these three groups to subvert the political and the civil right of ALL people here in California. Proposition 8 is about a lot more the just same sex marriage. It is about equality of basic rights. A number of years ago similar groups supported a proposition to exclude gay and lesbian teachers from teaching in the public schools. It was defeated, but if Proposition 8 passes there is no reason to believe that these same three groups won’t continue to push their bigoted vendetta against gays and lesbians in the future. The only thing that will stop them is large amounts of money to buy the ads necessary to get the TRUTH out to the public.


Now if as a possible, closeted client, you guys are concerned about providing the information required on the donation form there is an alternative. In California ONLY contributions of over $100 must be documented with the donors name, occupation, and address. Simply place whatever amount you wish to contribute in cash (bills NO larger than fifties) in an envelope and include a typed note stating that no single contributor gave more than ninety-nine dollars. The note need not be signed. This is the method I used the first time I contributed and it is the method I am using again today.

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Isn't this the subject of a thread (or two) in the Lounge? Is Prop 8 really going to affect our hiring of escorts? Would Steven Kessler rather I spend $200 on Prop 8 than an hour with him? I saw the headline in the menu for the Deli-"My best orgasm ever" by Epigonos...well, I wondered if we were going to start discussing orgasms....

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>Steven Kessler rather I spend $200 on Prop 8 than an hour with





Not that I wouldn't love to take it up the ass from you Lucky, but we are talking about people who really don't want me to take it up the ass period, if they had their way with me - which is of course not what you would do if you had your way with me. :-)


Honestly, I have clients who are Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives, and believe in everything under the sun, and I love debating things. But this is not really about debate to me. It is about people trying to take my rights away. That is not up for debate as far as I am concerned. There is only one choice: go on red alert, and fight like hell to keep my rights. If a client told me they voted to take my rights away, I really would not want to have sex with them.


I think it is appropriate to talk about every escort on this site and ask not only how hung is their cock, but how big is their heart, and how deep is their conscience. I know what the escorts I'm friends with are doing, and the ones that just blow this off ain't no friend of mine.

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I am all for equality and equal rights. I do support no on prop 8.

I mean you have to wonder about the validity of the marriage bad... segregating marriage capacities between hetero sexual couples and the rest who don;t fall into that catagory. The law provides provisions for only the hetero couple and not any other type? What is that based on? Children? If that were the case any married str8t couple with no children (don't want or can not have) should be annulled. Is it because of the way they have sex? Well, plenty of str8t couples play with toys, have anal sex, exchange oral sex, are not monogamous, practice bisexuality in their personal lives. So, it's not about that. Is it because gay couples do not follow any relious faith. Well... they do! They follow religious faiths of all kinds! So it's not about that either. SO, what is the marriage ban about? Is it another spin off of measures 9 and 13 that Lon Maybon tried to pass in Oregon in the early 90's, (saying that if someone found out you were gay and did not like that they could fire you from your job without notice or kick you out of your house if you were renting or deny you a loan or means to purchase a home)? Colorado passed therir version of 9/13, (Snapple was a huge supporter)but then they repealed it after national pressure and boycotting. Let's not plant the furrows for those seeds again~ Now these groups mean to limit economical restrictions to certain other groups nbot like them: no partnership tax breaks, no inheritance, no healthcare presence, ( shared insurance in some cases), for non-str8t couples.

So, what is prop 8 about? It's about some people not liking that two males or two females have partnerships and sex together in some way that the opposing groups don't choose to do or don't accept.

Sexuality is not illegal, (accept between an adult and minor and between humans and animals or when it is none conscentual as in the case of rape). So why should it now be the bases for attaining economic and legal privilages that only str8t couples are privy to?

That IS descrimination! Prop 8 suggests singling out str8t couples and saying that only they can have these legal special rights! That's wrong!

Those groups who have opposed representation of same sex sexuality by saying we have been trying to attain "Special Rights" In fact are simply trying to protect THEIR own special rights and not allow them to others! That's hippocritical! That's not the intended paradyme of this countries purpose... to segragate and discriminate. Prop 8 is another example of people using religion to navigate and control law. How constitutional is that?

You want to get married under your own terms of relgious faith, by all means go do that! Seek out your church and get married there and follow their rules. You want to use your own personal faith to restrict the freedom of others through controlling law that was meant for everyone? That's not okay.

In Native American terms, Holy Men and Women often practice bisexuality and can have no partner, a male partner or a Female partner. It's a valued healing force. It's part of the religious Faith. Since I choose to follow that heritage and move in my Life from the standpoint of being a Shamanm (and may someday have a male partner in life), this proposition 8 is unconstituional in that it says that should a person decide to marry a same sex partner that would not be permissable but illegal and for Shamans too! So, it does not allow me to practice my own Faith but regulates it. Where is my Freedom of Religion?

Please help to defeat this measure. It's dangerous to to everone except str8t heterosexual monogamous couples... that group that wants their own special rights and fights to keep equal rights to all within their control and personal belief. There is no legal justification for this measure. Let's defeat it!







men4rentnow.com tygerscent in Portland, Oregon

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We're back ahead!


Thanks guys for responding so well to this post. Just from the people that contacted me I know several thousand dollars more got raised. And I am hoping many many of you gave beyond those who posted here or emailed me.


If you haven't given yet, please do now:




Good news! One poll has No on 8 ahead by eight points. Another new poll says we are still three points behind. But the momentum has been shifting our way. The ads are flooding tv and debunking the lies the religious bigots are spreading:





I just gave my last $400 donation and I am on a redeye tonight for Asia. I get back the day after the election. (But I made sure to Vote No on 8 absentee).


Looks like I will be coming back to an America that feels comfortable electing a black President, and in which we almost elected a woman as the Democratic nominee, and in which a lot of conservatives accepted the idea of a woman Vice President. It's actually been quite a year for equality. That's a triple, but the real home run will be coming home to a place where finally, legally, we are equal, in everything that matters, from the kind of sex we have to the kind of guy we can marry.


I'm crossing my fingers, but not my legs! :-)


And don't forget:



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Thanks for your post and emails i finally have a day off to catch up on things that are pressing and giving more money to this cause was on my very short list of things to do.

I have contributed several times already and do so with much pride and admiration for all the work you have been doing to make this thing happen in our little world.

travel safe and enjoy asia

here is the confirmation edited receipt for the post ( i guess I am supposed to do this?) now please everyone that has not given please even give a few bucks to stop the fear and hate before its too late.



Thanks again for your help and sacrifice.




The No On 8 team


Payment Information:


Transaction ID: 365xxxxxx

Date: October 25, 2008

Time: 1:46pm (ET)


Campaign: Contribute | No On 8

Name: david-sf


Billing Information:


Address: xx xxxxx

City: san francisco

State: CA

Postal Code: xxxxxx

Country: US



:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

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Armegeddon or Arthur?


This just in, courtesy of page 4 of the International Herald Tribune:


The most recent poll on Proposition 8 shows 52 percent against it, 44 percent for it, and 4 percent unsure. There is a 3 percent margin of error. The money is working!


And heres what the dildos in favor of 8 have to say:


Charles Colson (of all people) of the Prison Fellowship Ministries: "This vote on whether we stop the gay marraige juggernaut in California is Armageddon." California, they say, sets cultural trends for the rest of the country and even the world.


Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council: "It's more important than the presidential election ... we will not survive if we lose the institution of marraige."


These idiots want to blame the victim and tell us we are taking away from them the very thing they want to take away from us.


Meanwhile, I am still fucking for freedom, even in Asia. This has now become an international effort. Last night my client and I picked up Arthur, aka # 48 at Tawan muscle bar, who will be compteing in this year's Mr. Thai muscle contest. Arthur and I fucked valiantly for freedom, and there was cum everywhere to prove it. One more donation to liberty in these final last days.


So keep it cumming men. It's Armageddon, or Arthur. My choice is clear. :-)

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Guest andrewd

RE: Armegeddon or Arthur?


Oh, so that's how they sticky rice! Yaauumm!! Fuck, Fuck, Fuck for Freedom Stevie!!


The counter ads to the lies are working, but the evil hate mongers just put out a call to raise a million dollars yesterday to be matched by an unnamed donor. They will use this to put forth even more ads that lie in hopes of spreading hate!!


This is an excerpt from a No on 8 email:


"If lies don't work, then maybe threats and blackmail will.

Yesterday, donors and supporters of Equality California began receiving threatening letters for their support of the statewide organizations efforts to protect LGBT youth and seniors from the "Yes on 8" campaign leadership.

These letters threatened to "expose" the donors listed on Equality California's website if they don't donate to the "Yes on 8" campaign and refrain from supporting LGBT equality in the future.


That's how low the other side is willing to go."


That should outrage you and make your blood boil!


Stroke, baby, stroke and then donate, baby, donate!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm back from my first trip to Asia and as happy to be home as ever. After spending several days in Cambodia, and seeing what it is like when a lot of people live in tiny thatched huts over filthy rivers, and how much it does for an economy to have first-class hotels going up and tourists coming in, America and capitalism are looking pretty good to me these days, despite our current problems. And after seeing firsthand the results of Pol Pot's efforts at ethnic cleansing, America is looking particularly good after electing a President that demolishes the idea that we are a close-minded, bigoted country.


The bittersweet part of this election is of course that the results of the gay marraige equality initiatives shows how closed minded America still is. It doesn't surprise me that right wing religous bigots voted against my rights. It is a little more surprising and disappointing that blacks who finally got a chance to show in a big way that racial equality is possible apparently feel that marraige equality shouldn't be. If its cool for an African American to be President, it ought to be cool for a gay to be married, but it isn't. Yet. According to exit polls, 70 percent of blacks voted Yes on 8, and that alone was enough to create the margin of victory against gay equality.


So a few closing thoughts.


Thanks to everyone of my clients and fellow escorts who put time and money into this campaign. It was a good fight, and a close one --- we came very close to winning. Every poll shows that old people fear gay marraige, and young people support it. Last time I checked, old people die quicker than young ones, so time is on our side. The only question in my mind is which will come first: whether I find the guy I want to marry, or whether I have the legal right to marry him. Check back with me in 2010. :-)


Meanwhile, we have more work to do. One magazine I read calls this a "huge setback" for gay rights, but I don't believe that. This was a battle over rights that we had just won. And its a good lesson that if you don't fight hard for your rights, you lose them, and you never win every time. I was a community organizer for a long time before I became an escort (and Sarah, it is as hard as being a small town Mayor, ya know) and more often than not a setback that pisses people off becomes the building block for victory. And gays and lesbians are really pissed off right now, as they should be.


I've already decided one way to channel my anger. Every practicing religious person I meet from now on is gonna get an earful from me, whether they like it or not. I majored in religion in college, so I know a little bit about the subject, and any so-called devout person who feels that religion condones intolerance and bigoted thinking ought to be doing a check on both their logic and their moral compass. Gays did an incredible job organizing, phone banking, and raising somewhere around $35 million for this campaign, but there is a limit to what a 30 second commercial can do to educate and move people. As far as I am concerned, every Mormom, every practicing Catholic, and every African American I meet is gonna get an earful about how "their people" voted.


There will be a next step, and hopefully the leadership of the gay community will think it through carefully. My own hope is that we all say "Shame on you, California" and take this right back to the state ballot in two or four years. If we lost 48/52 this time, there is no reason we can't win 52/48 next time, and the religious bigots who paid a lot of money to tell us we are not equal deserve to keep paying to make their opinions stick. Otherwise, we win, which we will eventually do anyway. And I am sure that gay lawyers will have a field day on this, and hopefully the Mormom church will have to keep spending lots of money in court to defend their right to take away my rights. The U.S. eventually outspent the Soviet Union, which ended that party. The gay community is blessed with many talents and riches, and if we have to spend years outspending backwater religious bigots, we are sure up to the task. I will do my part, and fuck for freedom as long as my cock stays hard! :-)


My other hope is that we don't repeat 1992. Whatever gays think of Bill Clinton, and a lot of us felt he was a sell out, his efforts on gays in the military backfired, and Republicans used that brilliantly to take back what they lost in 1992, plus some. An overreaching effort to win some big national gay victory because the Democrats are running the show will yield the same results, as the ballot initiatives in Arizona and Florida as well as California show. The majority of Americans oppose gay marraige, period. If the Democrats try to shove this down people's throats, history suggets there is no reason to hope the results will be pretty. (Of course, I'm not against shoving things down people's throats in general. You just have to know how to do it).


Having said that, someone like President Barack Obama has a little bit of cache with African Americans, and they alone could put this ballot initiative over the top next time out. In a democratic country (small d), at some point people actually have to broadly support public policies in order for them to stick around, and if an effort is made to do so, most blacks would probably be open to condoning equal rights to other people in their political coalition. This election proves that for the first time we are close to actually having majority public support for gay equality, in some parts of the US if not all, and with some good leadership, we really don't have much longer to wait.


The No on 8 campaign sent out an eloquent letter to volunteers that put this defeat in context, and for those of you who didn't get the email, I think its worth repeating what they said:


There is no question this defeat is hard.


Thousands of people have poured their talents, their time, their resources and their hearts into this struggle for freedom and this fight to have their relationships treated equally. Much has been sacrificed in this struggle.


While we knew the odds for success were not with us, we believed Californians could be the first in the nation to defeat the injustice of discriminatory measures like Proposition 8.


And while victory is not ours this day, we know that because of the work done here, freedom, fairness and equality will be ours someday. Just look at how far we have come in a few decades.


Up until 1974 same-sex intimacy was a crime in California. There wasn't a single law recognizing the relationships of same-sex couples until 1984 -- passed by the Berkeley School District. San Francisco did not pass domestic-partner protections until 1990; the state of California followed in 2005. And in 2000, Proposition 22 passed with a 23% majority.


Today, we fought to retain our right to marry and millions of Californians stood with us. Over the course of this campaign everyday Californians and their friends, neighbors and families built a civil rights campaign unequalled in California history.


You raised more money than anyone believed possible for an LGBT civil rights campaign.


You reached out to family and friends in record numbers -- helping hundreds of thousands of Californians understand what the LGBT civil rights struggle is really about.


You built the largest grassroots and volunteer network that has ever been built -- a coalition that will continue to fight until all people are equal.


And you made the case to the people of California and to the rest of the world that discrimination -- in any form -- is unfair and wrong.


We are humbled by the courage, dignity and commitment displayed by all who fought this historic battle.


Victory was not ours today. But the struggle for equality is not over.


Because of the struggle fought here in California -- fought so incredibly well by the people in this state who love freedom and justice -- our fight for full civil rights will continue.


Activist and writer Anne Lamott writes, "Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don't give up."


Thanks again to everyone who spent their time and money on this, and looking forward to seeing you next time!

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My one regret, having sent hundreds of dollars to support the effort, beginning last spring, over the summer and accelerating through October, is the thought that the TV advertising campaign was not very well handled. Although I live in NY and thus did not see the ads on TV, many of them were accessible on-line through the No on 8 website and other places. I thought the ads were timid, oblique, ambiguous and obscure. With many of them, if you were not knowledgeable about the pending California initiatives, you wouldn't have the vaguest idea what they were about, apart from some generalized idea that some good-looking, usually well-dressed white middle class people, thought that Prop 8 was unfair for some reason that they didn't feel necessary to explain.


We were told again and again that this ad campaign was professionally designed to appeal to the "swing" voters, but if so it clearly failed. Perhaps a future effort of an affirmative initiative to repeal the Prop 8 amendment should include a hard-hitting ad campaign that is not coy and generalized. Perhaps we only get our rights by asking for them simply and directly.

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Guest TBinCHI


Once again, very well said. Thank you for taking the time to deconstruct what was a very big disappointment on Election Day. I agree with much of your reasoning on the many points you raise. And, while I support your idea of engaging in discourse with those who don't support our causes, I won't be surprised if your "earfuls" fall on deaf ears. Last, your post reminded me greatly why some of my "best orgasms ever" were with you.

Peace, my friend....

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Guest andrewd

Here's the next step...




Please forward this to everyone you know. And while you are at it forward them this as well for some amazing perspective:


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4xfMisqab8 (Thanks to josephga & Rick for posting this in the Lounge, it cannot be posted too many times as it deserves much attention & all should see)



I have never before participated in a grass roots movement. I thank our next President for inspiring me to want to get involved and people like Steven Kessler (granted his inspiration cums with a different 'method' of delivery! ;) ) The link above is an important move in the start of a grassroots movement and the next step in defeating ignorance, hatred, and injustice so that we are all equal when it comes to the rights of marriage.


"Even Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger knows that it will take a grassroots movement -- neighbors talking to neighbors across California -- to make marriage equality history. As the Los Angeles Times reported on Sunday"


If you have friends and family that live in California, please forward them the link and urge them to sign the pledge.


This is one of those posts that I hope never goes away, unlike some that keep popping up with flames as a 'Hot' topic. I hope this attains that level of interest, as it deserves much attention and discussion. At least I hope it continues to garner interest until a just resolution to Prop 8 is achieved!

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