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I have decided that between now and November, I am going to put my money where my mouth is, and I'm asking all you guys to as well.


I make at least $200 every time my mouth is on a client's lips, cock, ass, or someplace like that.


So, I have decided that I am going to put my money where my mouth is. I am going to give $25 from the fee of each client and every appointment to Equality For All until November. I am going to challenge each client who hires me to match my $25 with $25 of his own, over and above whatever my fee or his tip is. So every time I put my mouth to work, it will raise $50 for Equality For All.


I challenge every escort who reads this site to put your money where your mouth is. Fuck for freedom! I challenge every client who reads this site to challenge every escort to do so, and match him.


Given how talented my mouth is, this will add up to thousands of dollars by November from me and my clients alone. If every escort and every client who reads this site does the same (and I know some of you guys pack even more than I do) it will raise hundreds of thousands of dollars by November. Equality For All needs millions to win.


Equality For All is the name of the coalition that is fighting the effort to make same sex marraige in California unconstitutional. If Equality For All wins, gays keep the right to marry. If Equality For All loses, the rights gays have to marry today will be taken away.


To me, this is THE defining gay vote of my lifetime. And we all know how important it is for gay men to be defined. :p It will decide whether I can be both equal AND gay. This is not about marraige, or politics, or religion. Take the word "marraige" out and it sounds like this. If Equality For All wins, I keep my rights. If they lose, it is okay for the people of my state to take my rights away. And if they can take away my rights, the next thing they'll take is my 24 Hour Fitness card, and then I'll really be fucked!


It may be a stretch to make this comparison, but in my mind this is not about whether you like Obama or McCain, or are liberal or conservative, or like marraige versus civil unions. It is about whether you think it's fair that the Nazis could take the rights of Jews away, or whites could take the rights of blacks away, or my parents had the right to circumsize me. (Oops, forget that. Different issue). That's why a Republican State Supreme Court made the decision that gays can marry in California. It is about basic human equality and the affirmation of my right to be happy and whole as a human being. (Except for my foreskin, thanks to Mom and Dad. There. I said it). It is about whether a gay couple living in Fresno, California has the right to marry and have a cute kid that plays with the kid of the straight couple next door. It is about the fact that it is basically unfair that I could be, and was, married when I was "straight," but I can't be now because I'm gay. (At least not until last month. Hint hint.)


This is a great thing for escorts to get involved in. The fact is that I have made a fortune satisfying the sexual needs of men who married women or stayed single because they could not be openly gay. They could not marry. They could not have children. They have gone through their whole lives feeling some ambivalence about their choices, which in my mind were good choices, but tough ones. It's fair to say that as an escort I've indirectly made a lot of money off discrimination and intolerance against gays, or fear on the part of men who don't want to be seen as gay. So its time for us escorts to give a little bit of that back, so in the future gay MARRIED men can hire us and WE WILL MAKE A FORTUNE ANYWAY. :9


There are also escorts in all 50 states, and all over the world, and you are a great fundraising tool. You suck in money, literally, every day.


While this is a battle in California, it is going to affect everyone all over the world. I was at a meeting last night in a packed room where the Field Director of this campaign explained that she is from the South, and her Southern lesbian friends would eventually like to have rights, too. This is not a battle that can be won in the South today. But the polls show this is very close in California. We can win, and when we do, it is going to change what it means to be gay forever, and it will stop many future efforts across the US to take our rights away, and eventually lead to all of us having equal rights everywhere. If people in California decide the most fundamental rights of gays and lesbians, to be equal and to buy overpriced designer clothes for their babies, simply can't be taken away, it will change life for gays and lesbians across the world. Sorry, China! We beat ya to it.


But this is not really about politics.


This forum is called "The Deli" and it says it is "an area to discuss escorts" and not to talk about politics, or religion, or war. While this is about a tough job that has political and religious elements, I don't want to talk about that. I want to talk about sex. I want to discuss escorts, and just how good they are. I want to find out which escorts and clients are willing to put their money where their mouth is so that gays are equal in the eyes of the people of California, and of the world. Will you fuck for freedom? Can you perform? And can you do it every time? And just how much can you put out?


I'm "up" for at least $2000 if my clients will match me, dollar for dollar, stroke for stroke. My cock is good and hard and ready to fuck for freedom. So how many of you escorts are willing and able to join me in this tough, sweaty, and rock hard job? This is a matter of size, guys. There are lots of us. And its more fun when escorts do it together. And I want to know how many clients are willing to use their mouth not just to suck an escort's cock, but to spend a few minutes talking about why this is important and to do something about it. How many escorts will you hire between now and November? And will you ask them to go deep and push hard into ..... um, their wallet? :-)


I want to find out what other people's ideas are about what naked, hard, hung, buffed and horny escorts can do to support our legal right to be equally, openly, and lovingly gay.


If you are willing to put your money where your mouth is, the most important thing is this: HAVE FUN! The next most important thing is this: USE YOUR HANDS, TOO! One of you has to take out a check and write the words "Equality For All" on it. Every time! (Carry a check with your lube and rubbers guys). Or you have to go to a computer and type the words "www.equalityforall.com" into the cursor. With a few clicks (or spurts), you can contribute $25 each, or whatever else you choose. You can do this while you are both wiping the cum off your body and buzzing in the afterglow, knowing that you have just made not only yourselves feel good, you have made gay men everywhere feel good too. How's that for an orgy? But please, don't get cum on the check, or on the keyboard!!! :-(


If you are a "straight" or bi married man (isn't it cool, there are now GAY married men) who needs to be discreet, and doesn't want to make a contribution by check or credit card, have the escort do it for you, in his name. If he doesn't want you to see his name, have him put your head in his crotch while he goes to the website. Remember: type, suck, click, fuck! Equality can be great foreplay.


If you are an escort that doesn't make a lot of money - is there such a thing???? - then just use your mouth. You can sign up to phone bank, for example, or go talk to people. Thanks to modern technology, you can make calls to undecided voters in California from any state. (Sorry, no phone sex.) Just go to http://www.equalityforall.com and sign up. But what escorts really have to bring to to the table (or bed) is money - duh! - and size. Every inch counts, cause it will take millions to win.


Like I said, I'm "up" for at least $2000. I will let you know how I did before election day. For those of you that will personally accompany me in my Fuck For Freedom, I can't wait! And I would love to hear what the rest of you studs think you are capable of. Thanks to recent posts on this site, many of you know I'm in my 40's, and have a hernia and a gap in my teeth. Surely you young bucks can fuck circles around me!


So prove how good an escort you are. Fuck for freedom! And if you are a client, challenge the escorts you hire to prove their stamina. We have to keep it up all the way to November. Have fun and let's win!

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I've bee with Boober for a little over 10 yrs now. Last time around we tried to get married but it was called off by the Ca supreme court. I was crushed and balled my eyes out. Steven I'll stand with you! For every client I see from now till Nov I'll pony up $25.





http://seaboy4hire.tripod.com http://www.daddysreviews.com/newest.php?who=greg_seattle


I need a holiday!

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Well Steven, I rarely hire anymore but in this case I will pretend to hire once a week until the vote in November and contribute $25 for each of those weeks. This is not just a California issue. There will be a lot of $$ infused on the other side and we need to fight this with anything we can.



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OK i am sending 100 dollars tonight right after this post to support this cause


and honestly if my boyfriend would marry me

i would retire and live as a nice little house boy running around naked playing with myself all day

screaming really loud "WANNA SEE MY PENIS!!!!" as i jump all over the furniture giggling like a 3 year old......


but since he knows this information my chances are not so good anyway.


HOWEVER..... i do want to express how extremely honored and completely grateful I am. I want to acknowledge how much it means to me that many other generations suffered just so I could have rights just like Jack and Sue down the road.


Angry and committed dedicated people marched and fought and stood up proud enduring the pain and isolation of years of being told they were criminals and freaks they lost their lives their jobs their families and friends .....

so i could could come to SF and hold hands with my boyfriend .......kiss him proudly ......make love loudly,...

and feel good about it.

I never have to fear that i am going to be jailed or beaten or lose my job or home or be killed because i am gay.

so many brave GAY AND STRAIGHT men and woman stood up and demanded that i be treated with respect and dignity.

I feel that this is just another big step towards that which i receive every day.

I know its not like that in most of the world and SF is a world of its own but this is important and meaningful to many people everywhere.


I know,,, I know,,, I tend to go on about this stuff but i live a charmed life and I feel proudly obligated to give back to the people that have given me so much.

i hope that those people that have waited for years and years that have been married in life just not on paper can have it validated and accepted and not taken away again,

i hope that my many friends some that have been together most of there lives will be able to have the benefits that every American gets from the idea and courage and commitment of marriage for all people.

I really hope that this amendment gets turned down by a landslide victory sending a message to the rest of the country.


Love is way more than marriage but....

to have been committed for years ....

and always be different

always be unaccepted

always be turned away at the alter because your love is not equal

......... Its just not OK anymore.


this world is a mess lets have some good news for a change.


I support it 100% .....I will do my part,..... i will do my best,.... i hope it helps.


and BTW any controversy or negative responses to my post about how my left political mind is blinding me from a balanced truth......


I will just say it right now and not have to respond to any of it later




oh yeah and thanks Steve great post and wonderful idea.

Much love David/SF

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Guest pussyfoot

This may shock some people including "Mr. Kesslar:" but I actually agree with him on this issue. "Steven" and I have had many disagreements but in this cause I will not argue with him because the issue is too important and the bottom line too crucial.


How the money is made to give to this cause is not my concern. I neither have the right to condemn or condone "Mr. Kesslar's" methods of raising funds. The end of the line statement is that money is needed by any and all of the groups that are fighting Proposition #8 on the November ballot here in California.


35 years ago gays were considered to have a mental illness until the APA removed us from that list, 30 years ago Anita Bryant fought to destroy our basic civil rights and during the Reagan administration Jesse Helms and his associates sought to marginalize us and treat us as criminals and a plague on society. We have made it through all those people and issues and now have the chance to move forward in achieving equal rights in the marriage arena. I urge you to give your financial support to this cause. I don't want more rights than any other citizen of this state but I am requesting, no demanding, that I be given equal rights.


Last night my niece gave birth to a baby boy. My first thought was that no matter is this child grows up to be gay or straight he should not have to fight the battles again that have been fought over the past 40 years. I welcome him into the world - a better world - where we tolerate and even celebrate our differences.


I recently attended a speech about change. "Can you spare some change" was the title. I thought it was simply about giving the homeless money but what it really focused on was can we accept the change in ourselves and in others. I used to tell my staff that the only person that likes change is the baby with the dirty diaper. However, I want the change to be able to marry someone in the future if I decide that choice is for me. Heaven help the other person - lol.


Harvey Milk, the inspirational leader of the gay community in the 70's, had a theme. That theme was "You have to give them hope." I want more than just hope now - I want substance. I want the people of this state to say that they believe that gays have the same civil rights as straights. I want equal - not more - just equal treatment under the civil law of the state.


"Mr. Kesslar" had one gap in his story (besides in his teeth - sorry but could not resist that). Every person living in California needs to register and vote in November. Every person living outside the state of California needs to call their friends and relatives in the state and encourage them to vote down Proposition #8. Tell your individual story to the friends and family you have in California. As long as we stay on the margins and do not become real we can be easily tossed aside. But when people see that we are really quite normal and are not asking for more rights than they have but are just asking for simple equal rights they will support the correct cause.


"Steven Kesslar" I thank you for bringing forth this important topic.

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PF thanks for reminding me and us about contacting folk we know in CA about voting no on #8. I just sent out a text to my family down there and friends asking they vote NO. As stated before this prop will effect the rest of the nation and it must be voted down with a strong message to those that think our relationships are of a lower standard that our relationships are EAQUAL! When ever someone finds out that Boobers and I have been together over 10 yrs they're shocked but happy that we've made it this far. Honestly I'm not an easy person to be in a relationship but we work hard at it daily and it shows.through the years.





http://seaboy4hire.tripod.com http://www.daddysreviews.com/newest.php?who=greg_seattle


I need a holiday!

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>Last night my niece gave birth to a baby boy. My first

>thought was that no matter is this child grows up to be gay or

>straight he should not have to fight the battles again that

>have been fought over the past 40 years. I welcome him into

>the world - a better world - where we tolerate and even

>celebrate our differences.



>"Steven Kesslar" I thank you for bringing forth this

>important topic.




>You're welcum!


And congratulations on the new addition to your family. He will have a wise uncle to help him grow up, gay or straight.


And hopefully he'll turn out to be more handsome than me (couldn't resist!) }(







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Tonight I volunteered for my first campaign phone bank. There were about 30 people, and between us we raised over $6000 and got about 60 new volunteers. This thing is moving, as in speed.


And its moving, as in heart. One of the guys I got $50 from is getting married to his partner in October. It was so cool talking to him, you could feel the hope and joy and love in his voice. It was like an orgasm, just hands free. I think it is the stories of all the little people who just want their little piece of love to cherish that is going to be why we win.


And a client called me today after reading my post and said it moved him and he gave $1000 online. And I called another client from my phone bank, since I probably won't see him until after November, and he gave $200. THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS!


It was more than a grand day, as in over $1000. I have never felt so good about being a slut. :9

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WOW! Steven, thank you for everything you're doing for all of us. I've been meaning to do a follow-up to my silly post above, because I didn't want anyone to think I was poking fun at your enthusiastic, really excellent call-to-arms. Keep up the good work, and we'll keep it up on our end, too.


And P.S. Thanks for the really sweet email...I was already in a great mood but you totally made my night. :)

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Guest andrewd

I'M IN!! Figuratively and literally! This is an amazing year and you really can feel, touch and taste that change is coming (and cumming!) not only in Cali, but across the country. So count me in!


Also hosting a fundraising party with some friends in conjunction with Pride. Every party participant who attends is donating a minimum of $20.


Two sets of couples, who are great friends of mine, are tying the knot in the next couple of months. I am very happy to be able to help ensure their marriages will not only withstand the test of time, but also the ill will of those who would deny them the same rights they enjoy merely because they were born straight.


Gotta go 'milk' out another 25 bucks! ;) "Clean up on isle EQUALITY!!"

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I was already in

>a great mood but you totally made my night. :)


THANK YOU for being a great role model for how gay guys stay in a loving relationship for decades DESPITE having to contend with inequality and discrimination.


Btw, have you ever noticed that my little icon shows a hard cock, and yours shows a hot ass. Do you think that is just a coincidence Rick? :p


Someday I would like to TOTALLY make your night. If its okay with your (not quite yet) husband.



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Guest soccerstud

Steven--Ever since the anti-marriage initiative qualified for the November ballot, I've wanted to make a pledge. After reading your post and some of the responses (David SF), I knew I had to do it. I pledged $500 and urge EVERYONE to pledge something. This is a watershed for gay rights and civil rights. The right wing defeats marriage equality, and there's no telling what they'll go after next.


So do it. Pledge something. Here's the link.




At your suggested pledge of $25 per fuck, I'm paid up for 25 pokes!


Thanks to everyone. Get involved! Money, time, or both.

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>Btw, have you ever noticed that my little icon shows a hard

>cock, and yours shows a hot ass. Do you think that is just a

>coincidence Rick? :p


I've noticed. Do you believe in fate, Steven? :p


>Someday I would like to TOTALLY make your night. If its okay

>with your (not quite yet) husband.


Well, Derek says it's OK, so let the night-making begin. When are you coming to NYC? :9

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On my way to Sardinia (gee now who do I sound like -- anybody hear from the Rock anymore?) but told Steven I'd make one a rare appearance in the sandbox to support a worthy cause.


Premium donations for premium rates! This is a serious cause for everyone on either side of this board and I will donate about 10% of all my hourlies and a comparable size (but not quite 10% ;-) ) on extended trips like the one I'm on!


So at the close of this trip I will be donating $200.

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This is a serious cause

>for everyone on either side of this board and I will donate

>about 10% of all my hourlies and a comparable size (but not

>quite 10% ;-) ) on extended trips like the one I'm on!



Ten percent! I'm impressed. Thanks Scott!


Now to really get this campaign slamming, is there anybody out there who wants to donate ten inches? :o

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>This is a serious cause

>>for everyone on either side of this board and I will


>>about 10% of all my hourlies and a comparable size (but


>>quite 10% ;-) ) on extended trips like the one I'm on!



>Ten percent! I'm impressed. Thanks Scott!


>Now to really get this campaign slamming, is there anybody out

>there who wants to donate ten inches? :o



I can donate 5 inches twice but that probably isnt the same

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>This is a serious cause

>>for everyone on either side of this board and I will


>>about 10% of all my hourlies and a comparable size (but


>>quite 10% ;-) ) on extended trips like the one I'm on!



>Ten percent! I'm impressed. Thanks Scott!


>Now to really get this campaign slamming, is there anybody out

>there who wants to donate ten inches? :o




Boobers has 10 inches uncut to donate.





http://seaboy4hire.tripod.com http://www.daddysreviews.com/newest.php?who=greg_seattle


I need a holiday!

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>Now to really get this campaign slamming, is there anybody out

>there who wants to donate ten inches? :o


I'll give Ben Andrews a call. Lord knows he's got it to spare -- length and girth wise. Question Steven is are YOU willing to donate your ass to THAT cause?

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>I'll give Ben Andrews a call. Lord knows he's got it to spare

>-- length and girth wise. Question Steven is are YOU willing

>to donate your ass to THAT cause?


Oh yeah sweetie, anytime. Try me.


Besides I know most people in LA are sex perverts, and I know you guys have these pervert sex parties poolside in Palm Springs (are you listening, Oliver?) so I will gladly cum down there and offer up my ass and you can all fuck it for $200+ a pop (I may charge a premium for anything over eight inches) and every penny, as well as every drop, will go to Equality.

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Guest pussyfoot

"Mr. Kessler,"


I am glad to see you are getting the compassion that I so admired back in your life. Giving to another is great and giving to a cause greater than oneself is wonderful.


Congratulations on doing such a great job in raising funds for a wonderful cause and for a beneficial purpose. There are only about 120 days left before the election and you would need 80 dates at $200 a piece to reach your goal of $2000. Good luck. That will keep you busy.


Oh, and don't worry about anyone taking away your 24 hour gym membership. If the authorities ever tried to take away gym membership from the gays then riots would ensue that nobody could handle. Those riots would make the Stonewall riot and the Democratic convention riot of 1968 seem like a walk in the park. lol.


In order to combat homophobia I have been told and I have read that one "needs to put a face to it." That is the reason I asked people to contact their friends and relatives in California. The face of a gay man or a lesbian you know is so very different than just speaking of those terrible gays and the awful homosexual political agenda. Cash will feed the beast but votes will get the job completed for November.


I do not believe that just retaining the right for same sex marriage will immediately change the entire landscape of the U. S. We need to be practical as well. Leslie Jordan named two types of gays: " the fabulous and the fearful." The fab gays live where it is safe and can easily show their gayness while the fearful may live in the rural part of the country or in the South where being gay may mean increased discrimination, prejudice, job elimination and certainly no gay marriage. But if we win in California we can at least be that beacon of light on the hill giving hope to all those who need it.


The old Spanish saying indicates that it takes two to have an argument and one to end it.

"Mr. Kessler," I am ended the fight. Your choice.


A man just needs to live by his code. I am doing that.

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