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A disturbing new trend, etc.

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I've noticed a lot of escorts charging $300+; some even requiring appointments of 2 hours or more. What's up with that?!


Another observation; it seems like there are some escorts who are no longer in the business, yet their reviews per se do not indicate otherwise. Example, Miguel Leonn (NYC). His website is no longer up and his number is disconnected. Wouldn't you think it would be their responsibility to let the powers that be no?

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>I've noticed a lot of escorts charging $300+; some even

>requiring appointments of 2 hours or more. What's up with



I think this issue is pervasive throughout the marketplace. Individuals and companies are mispricing their products and services with total disregard for the marketplace.

I was just at the auto show in Philly and it was most obvious. It was a “black tie” charity event ($200 per person) and the convention center had half as many people as present in previous years. The American Manufacturers are continuing the trend of producing what the market is not demanding at prices that preclude any interest at all.

Clearly the $300 an hour guys (with multi hour requirements) facie a significant loss of business in this declining economy. Face it, there are a lot of guys out there that are not all that cute and don’t have stellar reviews that back up the money that they are demanding. Also, I am seeing a lot of “Suspect” reviews. While everyone is waiting for continued meltdown in the real estate market, I am sure it will happen soon in the escort market.

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I have noticed this unfortunate trend too. And a few "porn" star escorts who used to charge 250.00 to 300.00 are now asking for 350.00 per hour!. Arpad Miklos (sp) for example! I hope that trend does not continue and then they ask 400.00 and up. Seems like everything is going up except my salary to afford even the 200.00 escorts




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I agree with Lucky, this is not a new trend and has been around for several years. As a client, my preference is to start with a two hour appointment in the first place. A single hour just is not enough for a quality experience IMO.


Some escorts are now asking for two hour minimums for an outcall and I don't think that's unreasonable in some markets. Getting around Manhattan or LA is not exactly an easy jaunt. Plus it makes sure that the client is going to be more serious about such a booking.


That said it’s reasonable for clients to expect some type of discount for multi hour sessions from my perspective. Plenty of businesses and professionals offer such; even lawyers negotiate their hourly rate and this I know from personal experience in legal management. But ultimately it’s up to the, ahem, buyer and seller to determine a price that's mutually agreeable.


As with any commodity, and face it sex for money is a commodity, there's the "ask" the "bid" and the "settle" let's not fool ourselves here. There's always another guy out there that's available for a more reasonable rate, younger, better looking, with a bigger dick and just as good if not better in the service delivery. Some clients tend to forget this by getting worked up over a particular guy and many an escort fails to consider such simple market based facts.


Porn stars tend to have the illusion of being the top of the price pyramid but that's not necessarily the case. More than a few may not be worth that premium but again it's up to the individual client to decide if he's willing to meet that asking price.


As to a recession affecting prices, this could mean an influx of guys entering the market after layoffs or whatever. Price competition can certainly be affected by supply and demand principles even for escorts. I've seen more than a few well known guys with $300+ rates offering fire sale prices on Craigslist at the end of the month when the rent payment is due. }(

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I have never done less than a 2 hour appt. I never find an hour long enough. By the time you get both the business and the intitial get to know you out of the way you have little time left. I prefer 2 or 3 hours. If I like the guy, an overnight or weekend is planned.


I do believe you get what you are worth, however, I often wonder how many of these guys charging $300 or $350 an hour are sitting around with nothing to do when they could have filled those hours with $200 or $250 appts.


I had one guy who was charging $350 with a "discounted" second hour of $250 and I said no to that. The next day, just a couple of hours before when I had asked for the appt, I had a call from him offering the time to me for $500. By that time, I had made an appt for someone else.


I wonder if some of the "popular" guys on here who charge $200 per hour with additional hours at $100 or $150 are far busier -- and in the end make more money -- than the guys who charge $300 or $350 with little discounts on additional hours.


For another truism of the marketplace is that you sell a lot more product when you charge $200 for it than if you charge $300 for it ... and in a business like this it's more profit since there is not more cost associated with the "manufacture" of the product!



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I used to charge $300/hr and later realized that $250 was quite enough for my lifestyle. I do not, however, offer a discounted rate for additional hours. Maybe I would get more business if I did offer multiple hour discounts, but I am not a factory farm animal that can be "milked" to death by having more business. I know my limits, try to give a good experience, make it worthwhile for myself, and try to stay grounded in this very dicey industry.



Michael Vincenzo


Phone: 321.287.4568

Email: MichaelVincenzo@aol.com


Photos: http://www.men4rentnow.com/ds/index.asp?cmd=view&id=175770&Login=MichaelV


Reviews: http://www.daddysreviews.com/area.php?loc=61531-1-25-10&who=michael_vincenzo_orlando

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Guest ncm2169

Everytime someone here bitches about the price of tea in China (that's an expression), I am reminded that this is a marketplace and if people don't like the goods and their prices, well, don't partake. Like Michigan man said," A simple truth of economics....you're worth whatever anyone is willing to pay you!


As far as I'm concerned, the only thing more pitiful than a complaint that, "I can't find anyone to fuck me for free," is, "I can't find anyone to fuck me for what I'm willing to pay."


Both are looking for bottom dollar (pun DEFINITELY intended), and both get what they deserve. x(

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Guest ncm2169

<I've noticed a lot of escorts charging $300+; some even requiring appointments of 2 hours or more. What's up with that?!


At the risk of being rude, DCGuy, 98% of the escorts to whom you refer don't read this Message Board, and the other 2% don't give a fucking rats ass what you think about pricing.


To paraphrase Jack Nicholson: That's reality! Can you take it?


Like it or not, escorting is in the mainstream of capitalism = supply and demand. If you can't handle that, don't come here whimpering about prices. x(

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<<<<I've seen more than a few well known guys with $300+ rates offering fire sale prices on Craigslist at the end of the month when the rent payment is due>>>>>



Erik Rhodes, for one, had an ad on Craigslist just the other day - complete with his name in the headline and pic and (legit) phone number in the ad "body/copy". No rate listed, but made me wish I was in NYC at the time for sure. (I was 'surfing' for offerings for an upcoming trip there, even though I have never actually hired from C/L, it is fun to peruse sometimes.)

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I must have missed "all the whining" that one poster talks about. What I see in this thread is a discussion of why some escortings are charging so much more and requiring 2 hour appointments.


What's wrong with a discussion of that? Why characterize a good discussion about a subject near and dear to many of us as "whining?"


I find an even more "disturbing trend" these days in almost all discussions that when one doesn't like another person's opinion and wants to shut them down without an actual debate or attempt to refute the points another makes is just to call them names or accuse them of "whining." It's a dimissive that I find not appealing in some.


Debate the facts; don't name call or dismiss people.



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Guest scortlovr

At the risk of dating myself, I remember, back in the stone age, when escorts charged $150.- The times, they are changin' and if we have to live with high gas prices (at least for now), we may have to adjust to higher prices for escorts as well. However, as we all know, higher prices don't necessarily mean better quality of service . . . ;)

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>Like it or not, escorting is in the mainstream of capitalism =

>supply and demand. If you can't handle that, don't come here

>whimpering about prices. x(


Where was the whimpering? It was an honest question that brings up good points for discussison from both the client and escort point of view. Oh I forgot, you "represent" a couple of guys so maybe your words would be the perspective from the pimp point of view. ;-)

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It appears someone around here, takes a "Rate Discussion" which there always has been and will be around here.."Waaay to Personally" for a Guy who isn't Working It?


We all know there's one type of Individual who doesn't like this kind of talk. A Graduate of the "David Forest School of Introductions"! LOL


For those Freelancer's who keep Raising Rates..

I'm sure the Guys who are realistic in their rates, much appreciate the Extra Biz which leads to Regular Clents..Rather than Sporadic..High Roller One Shot Deals that come with a 300-350 Price Tag! IMHO of course. ;-)

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RE: Erik Rhodes


He shouldn't need craigslist if the Page Six column today is accurate:

February 3, 2008 -- MARC Jacobs kicked off Fashion Week with a documentary on the behind-the-scenes life of a designer - although many viewers would have likely been more interested in the secret tryst he's been having with a porn star.


Jacobs has been quietly seeing adult film actor Erik Rhodes and whisking him away to secret locations, sources told Page Six. The new fling is likely the reason things have cooled again between Jacobs and former male escort Jason Preston, whom he's dated on and off since 2005.


Sources said Jacobs' affair with Rhodes - who describes himself as "Addictive. Wild. Open" on his ManNet.com profile - began last year when the designer invited Rhodes to join him and Preston for a three-way. Jacobs allegedly continued the fling with Rhodes one on one after that.


"Jason thought he and Marc were exclusive again," said our insider. "But Marc is sleeping with this porn star behind his back, and sneaking him to Paris for hot sex."


Rhodes seems an unlikely partner for the flamboyant fashionista, who counts Winona Ryder and Ashley Olsen as close friends. The guy-on-guy actor proudly wrote on his profile that he is "full-blown gay" and starred in adult movies such as "Flesh," "Flex," and "Beefcake."


When we saw Preston Thursday night at the Cinema Society bash sponsored by W magazine for the documentary "Marc Jacobs & Louis Vuitton," he was keeping his distance from the designer.


The two were on opposite ends of the room, and a fellow party guest noted the duo seemed to be avoiding each other.


Jacobs has done a couple of stints in rehab for drug abuse, and Preston made waves when he had Jacobs' full name tattooed on his forearm. The boytoy told HX magazine last year they were "engaged."


Despite the hot designer's extracurricular activities, we hear Preston still plans to attend tomorrow's Jacobs show with Aly Hilfiger as his date.


Asked about Rhodes, Jacobs told Page Six through a spokesperson, "He's a really nice guy and we are just friends."

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RE: Erik Rhodes


Eirk has been the subject of some discussion on Muscleservice as well. It appears he's not in a very good place right now. He's got a very extensive blog that's pretty open about his issues with depression.


He posted the following on his site yesterday referencing the Page Six item. Given what's on his blog, I'd put little trust in that Page Six item.


"Rumour Control:


Hi Erik


Im a reporter for Page Six at the New York Post. I was hoping I could speak with you about your recent relationship with designer Marc Jacobs. We have some information that involves you -- including the fact that he flew you to Paris and you were involved in a threesome with him and his partner Jason Preston.



Hi, page 6, but your info is incorrect. I am just friends with Marc and Jason. We go to the same gym. Thats it. Shit i dont even know where my passport is!"

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>At the risk of dating myself, I remember, back in the stone

>age, when escorts charged $150.-


Some still do! My experience isn't extensive, but I've found some excellent guys at that price in Montreal, among other places. (PS: and in Canadian dollars, no less, even back when the Canadian dollar was quite a bit lower than it is now.)


And some others discount the second hour so you end up paying $300 for 2 hours.

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RE: Erik Rhodes


Looks like Erik has read Page Six today and posted the entire item. Here's his response to the alleged scoop. From his blog....



"Well page six, thanks for running the story without having any credable information. This is just one of those instances where you can't believe everything that you read. I do however like that fact that a silly story like this is the top gossip news of the day... i guess it was just a slow week. Where is crazy britney when you need her! I guess it will be an even better story when i show up for his show this Friday. Drama drama drama. Jason Preston and i will just have to get into a cat fight while Marc's Fall collection comes down the runway."

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Arekk - Albuquerque (02/01/08 New Review) has a monthly rate... If I did my math correct you can average $10.41 per hour if you book him for the whole month! Wow, what a sale! I assume you have to feed him as well, so doulbe your food bill for that month... Wonder if he is willing to do laundry as well???

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Well, as we've all been saying, it's purely a matter of what one can charge and still get customers. But as for me, I decided that $300 is my upper limit, and I'll only pay that for a guy I really, really have the hots for. I hired Arpad for $300 and he is top quality, no doubt about it. But I won't pay his current price. I understand that he's a big name and can probably have plenty of clients, but that's just too much for an hour's pleasure imo.

There are some very good NYC escorts for $200 and $250, in fact, they are just as high quality as those costing more. It all depends on your tastes of course, but I don't find that the ones who charge more are any more responsive, or better looking, or better hung, or whatever.

I also would like to know about the original post's question concerning Miguel Leonn. No one has commented on him. He was a very hot escort on the NY market for a long time, but has disappeared. Just when he became a porn star and could have charged more, he stopped.

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