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So RockHard is finally gone? Yay!

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It's wierd because I noticed his postings stopped right around the same time that Merv Griffin passed and I thought...hmmmm...could rockhard really have been Merv's evil,bitchy,alter ego screename persona unleashed here on the messege boards ? LOL. It kind of fits since he used to brag about his former "high profile" career in the entertainment industry and claimed to know all these celebrities and traveled to exotic locals. And didn't RH claim to have a full grown son? Like Merv did as well? hmmmm. LOL (unless I am confused with some other contributor to the messege boards that has a grown son). But, if you got an e-mail recently or after Merv passed, then I guess that shoots down my theory.

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Guest zipperzone

>>>He sent me this long and bitchy email concerning his

>>>departure. Thoughts?


>>One down, one to go...


>So, when are you leaving zip???? ;)


Somewhere around the 12th of Never - sorry to ruin your day:-(

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>He sent me this long and bitchy email concerning his

>departure. Thoughts?


>Im considering posting the message sans the large black cock




I doubt that we have heard the last from Rock Hard. Unfortunately.


My suggestion: post the e-mail only if he changes his mind and does post again.


Wonder why I didn't receive an e-mail too? Probably an oversight on Rock's part.

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New York City

August 2007

All good things must come to an end.

Soon after I joined Hooboy’s MC in 2005, a well-known escort advised me not to take the board too seriously.

Since I take everything seriously, especially the quality of my “fun,” I suspected the hot escort’s advice might be

better suited for someone else.

If by any chance you caught the “Mandingo” drama towards the end of my “What’s this, another FinFangFoom

fart?” Lounge thread, you might suspect that “ta-ta-for-now” deej deactivated my account after I challenged him,

once again, for calling me a liar. Well, deej did deactivate my account. It is the first time my account has been deactivated

and it will also be the last time.

For the record, I DID NOT post a pornographic image of Mandingo’s cock being sucked with knowing disregard

for Daddy’s legal concerns. I was entirely caught up in the possibility that many gay men had not yet seen Mandingo’s

14-inch pole and, since there aren’t many photos of him on the web, I picked the best-looking one and

posted it with quick fury and glee. I did not see any images of him with a flaccid cock on the internet, otherwise,

had I found a good one, I might have chosen it instead. My eyes and mind were being guided by choosing the

“best” linkable photograph for visual impact.

© JulesJordan.com

Throughout this desire-to-share, pic-posting frenzy, I completely forgot about the MC’s “no-erection” policy and

admin fears regarding USC 2257. And given the visual power of Mandingo’s fully-erect sausage, the woman in the

image (with eyes closed) trying to give Mandingo head, was (in my mind) irrelevant (meaning invisible). As insane

as it sounds, this is the truth. The photo selection, upload, and posting process took me less than five-minutes. I

wasn’t thinking about conservative values or Daddy’s fear of Alberto Gonzales. I was wrong to forget policy and I

apologized to Daddy three times.

The following exchange is from my recent private correspondence with Daddy (> is Daddy’s voice):

> I understand that my decision to be conservative in

> regards to USC 18

> 2257

> is not popular. However, It is my ass on the line

> for a potential

> $10,000 per

> occurrence, $50,000 per day fine.

I understand this and, again, it was an oversight. I

apologize. Let’s be clear, Deej did not deactivate my

account because I posted a pornographic image or that

I complained that it was deleted (which I did not do).

I have observed the deletion of many images from the

MC in the past several years. I don’t believe you’ve

incurred any fines from any of those oversights. I

also don’t believe anyone’s membership was deactivated

for posting an offending photo by accident. Obviously,

members need to be reminded. After all, this is human


> My wishes will be respected or the ability to link

> images will go away.

I have no problem respecting your wishes. I never

have. But, again, my account was not deactivated

because I accidentially posted a pornographic image.

> We’ve tried to be gentle but firm. But it is an

> issue that has been

> raised

> enough times that it shouldn’t need to be addressed.

Maybe. In a perfect world, perhaps. But your MC is a

quasi porn site, whether you like that

characterization or not, and with the blurry lines

that do exist, it’s easy to overlook your firm stand

on a daily basis without a headline reminder.

Frankly, this email is the first time I’ve read and

understood your “firm” position on this issue. I can’t

read every post. I would also add that Alberto

Gonzales’ future is tenuous at best. I accept the

possibility that a fine exists but I suspect it’s

highly unlikely, without blatant abuse. One could

argue “overly cautious” but it’s your 10G’s, not mine.

Plus, I mean no disrespect.

I think Deej would have been smarter to write me

privately, stressing your “firm” concern. His decision

to belittle my, “Sorry, I forgot,” on the board is not

an appropriate way to handle an honest, albeit,

serious mistake.

I believe deej deactivated my account because I pissed him off, challenging him on a private, anonymous email that

I’m convinced he sent me.

These two screen shots display my version of the truth. I’ve circled the data that matter.s. Corresponding IP addresses

are identical: one is Adelphia’s server address, the other is deej’s. Emails were sent two weeks apart. It is

my conclusion that BigGulpLA is deej. (I will keep the contents of the BigGulpLA email private.)

I honestly don’t know or care what deej’s motives were with his anonymous email. There is a slight chance that the

identical data could be a coincidence and I am wrong. However, I have three IT people who would put money on

BigGulpLA being deej. (The content of the anonymous email contained information pertinent to an admin of an

escort review site competing with MER.)

Daddy asked me long ago for suggestions on how to improve the MC and I offered plenty through the years. I

discreetly asked him, on occasion, to define deej’s admin role but maybe I was too discreet because I never received

a specific reply to that query until now. I tried to respect Daddy’s loyal, veteran relationship with deej and,

frankly (in real life), I avoid judging anyone’s friends or loyalties. Relationships are complicated and they’re deeply

personal. For a long time, I bit my tongue, tolerating deej’s troll-like board behavior while keeping an open mind.

That is, until deej deactivated my account on 8/14/07 in a spiteful, childish forum power-play.

I realize some people volunteer their time and think nothing of the time that passes. Not me. I value every minute.

It is my personal policy to NOT participate on any internet forum where admin members are permitted to

behave like trolls.

Here’s another section from my recent exchange with Daddy:

> Everybody else including Deej and yours truly are

> effectively

> volunteers.

> This is especially true for the M/C which I have

> always maintained at

> arms

> length since the beginning per both Hooboy’s and My

> wishes.

Arm’s length maintenance will buy you a used car with

little life left.

I feel it is safe to deduce from Daddy’s recent response that the MC is basically deej’s to run. Since I would never

knowingly join or participate in any “deej” enterprise, my leaving the board is the appropriate response.

I have enjoyed many of you through the years, in spite of perceived drama and/or flair-ups. I will miss you all. If

anybody shows up anywhere on an escort forum with the username “RockHard,” you’ve just heard from the

horse’s mouth, it won’t be me. (Yes, that means I won’t be joining MER.)

Best wishes to you all and thank you for reading my posts.



ps The following is my final correspondence with Daddy:

(Written and sent August 18, 2007)

Dearest Daddy,

I write this letter with sadness and disappointment as I request my account with the username, RockHard, be deactivated

permanently, effective immediately.

On August 14, 2007, in response to my email entitled, “Please tell me it isn’t so!,” you wrote:

“Deej has the same rights as anybody else does to be rude

and/or call people liar. Deej is an administrator of the M/C and has

my explicit permission to deactivate accounts as needed. It is my policy

to deactivate until I can review the situation if I am not available.”

As you know, I’ve been hinting at a “deej/admin” problem for a very long time but I put off posing any direct

questions to you because I didn’t want to hear “the truth.” I always felt the answer would mean an end to my MC


I’ve been studying newsgroups for several years, mostly for business reasons, and I’ve consulted on more than a

few business websites with forums, stressing the merits of great customer service (especially to fight trolldom). I

understand the power-play aspect of forum life and the difficulty in moderating a wide range of personalities. I’ve

observed many forum-loving volunteers moderate with gracious hospitality and discreet professionalism, always

with good intent, and often in the midst of very tense words-of-war. I’ve also witnessed a few failures.

My formula for newsgroup success remains unwavering: I firmly believe it is completely unacceptable for any

member of admin to maintain any right to behave like a troll. Admin members are NOT regular members, regardless

of any longing to be “like everybody else.” Admin behavior, on-the-board, must set the standard AT ALL

TIMES. Admin members, volunteers or not, who are permitted to behave like trolls, must never have the power to

deactivate member accounts. If you, as a newsgroup owner, grant the right to any member of admin to maintain

such power, you also grant that admin the right to destroy your newsgroup.

It is my opinion that deej behaves like a troll, is an admin failure, and is a newsgroup destroyer. His sanctioned

behavior is the reason I’m leaving the board.

Deej has behaved like a troll and has been permitted to call me a liar ever since I joined the MC in 2005. With this

recent confirmation that his board behavior is, in fact, sanctioned by you, I can no longer support his admin trollantics

or your endeavor.

I thank you, sincerely, for giving me the opportunity to have much fun on the MC. It was a terrific ride while it

lasted. You provided a generous rope-of-words and I lassoed-a-plenty with my fellow escort-loving compadres.

You’ve always been gracious, kind and professional in all your private correspondence with me. I hope you realize I

did my best to support you through these recent years of change and transition. As always, I spoke from my heart

and I have no regrets. I wish you well.

Considering how long deej has been calling me a liar, there’s delicious, sweet irony in speaking the truth. Even if

you erase all the color and heat from my writing on the MC, what remains is all true. Most people are in denial

about their own truth which explains why I’m never surprised when someone denies mine.

Yours truly,


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"All good things must come to an end. Soon after I joined Hooboy’s MC in 2005, a well-known escort advised me not to take the board too seriously. Since I take everything seriously, especially the quality of my “fun,” I suspected the hot escort’s advice might be better suited for someone else."


Now I understand why you wanted to post his comments. I do not agree,

but it does provide a private, frightening insight into a person whom I never understood.


Rock Hard should have taken the "hot" escort's advice. Deej is just the latest in a very long list of people whom RH demonized on this message board.

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The rules of discourse are such that we all have an opinion but it should not be taken as superior to someone else's based upon who that person is but what facts are they based upon and such should someone present factual evidence we all have to be open to change that opinion should the arguement present itself as that. I do not believe Rockhard was open to that. Sorry but sometimes we are wrong. We should all be willing to admit it.


This site was put together first for information sharing. It is great when discussion arises from that for it allows the reader to make infromed choices. But when people stand pat and continue to push an agenda that is not factually supported it becomes a folly and the writer becomes irrelevant. It is too bad that Rockhard followed that path. He was certainly opinionated. Hopefully we al learn from this.

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Guest zipperzone

>but it does provide a private, frightening insight into a

>person whom I never understood.


>Rock Hard should have taken the "hot" escort's advice. Deej is

>just the latest in a very long list of people whom RH

>demonized on this message board.


I think many of us got a frightening insight into RH over the years.

His posturing was probably 99% bravado and showed a portrait of a very lonely man.


His constant need to never miss an opportunity to brag, impress us with his "success", his $100 knickers, his vast array of ever so important friends, not to mention his superiority in all his business dealings, was nothing more than a tortured soul's cry for help.


Ultimately he was defeated by none other than Rock Hard.

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Naturally I hate to say anything mean, but Rockhard was exceptionally irritating, wasn't he? His missives were characterised by pontification without intelligence and prolixity without grace. And don't get me started on his boasting about money, which I always thought was odd at this website, where there are clearly many very rich men. Now everything is just lovely and there will be no more problems ever.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest zipperzone

>I don't miss rockhard but I wouldn't miss 2hard2tame either.

>Nasty guy.


Lucky - I couldn't agree more. Not only nasty, but not too swift, either.

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>>I don't miss rockhard but I wouldn't miss 2hard2tame


>>Nasty guy.


>Lucky - I couldn't agree more. Not only nasty, but not too

>swift, either.




Ever stop to think that there may be posters who would not miss the likes of either of you? As long as 2hard2tame lives within the rules of the TOS he has just as much right to participate on this board as anyone.


Message boards require a diversity of personalities in order to remain vibrant, IMHO. Some posters are nice others not so nice and a few just down right caustic. None of us are forced to read any particular poster's comments. Nor are we required to engage in baiting or tit for tat exchanges that can become prevalent around here amongst a few.


Just what was the purpose of resurrecting this thread with such a rude comment other than to bait 2hard2tame into some heated exchanges with others? Kind of a "let's you and him fight" scenario from my perspective. Post such a comment then stand back and watch the fur fly. What fun!


Pompous as he was Rock Hard was certainly not a milquetoast. His posts were over the top and seemed delusional from time to time. All in all they were entertaining just to see what higher level of pomposity they could reach. Similar could be stated of Fin Fang Foom. FFF may have been caustic to no end but let's face it he could produce some really creative writing at times. And FFF was a master of Photoshop to a degree. I, for one, miss both of them.


These boards require a diverse set of characters in order to remain interesting. People come here for information and entertainment. The vast majorities lurk and never post. We've had posters come and go over the years. Some have become bored or had life changes and leave. Others have stormed off in a huff only to return a while later. Still others have been "kicked off the island" due to an inability to remain decorous and follow the rules. And unfortunately a few posters on this board have died.


But at the same time new people have joined here and their participation on whatever level adds to the vibrancy of this board. Taking the plunge here requires a strong stomach - there be lots of sharks in the water. You might not like what 2hard2tame (or anyone else here) has to say but he's got every bit the right to participate as you do.

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ArVaGuy for what it is worth I am in TOTAL agreement with everything you have just posted. Many of the guys who, for whatever reason, no longer post here were some of the ones who were the most fun and interesting to read. Yes some of them were, at times, down right rude but they were not often dull. A couple of these guys took me apart at various times but so what I'm still alive and my ego is still intact. As far as I'm concerned a little Tabasco in the diet makes life all the more interesting.

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Guest zipperzone

>Ever stop to think that there may be posters who would not

>miss the likes of either of you?


I'm sure there are - and it sounds like you would probably be leading the palace revolt. I wish I could tell you I care, but that would be a lie.


>As long as 2hard2tame lives

>within the rules of the TOS he has just as much right to

>participate on this board as anyone.


Oh, but there's the catch. He didn't live within the rules. If you don't believe me, read his posts. Many of them put down other members in the vilest of terms. I wonder what it says of you that you want to champion him?


>Nor are we required

>to engage in baiting or tit for tat exchanges that can become

>prevalent around here amongst a few.


No it's not a requirement, any more than it's a requirement that you read them.


>Just what was the purpose of resurrecting this thread with

>such a rude comment other than to bait 2hard2tame into some

>heated exchanges with others?


Don't ask me, I didn't resurrect it, I only agreed with someone who did.


>Kind of a "let's you and him

>fight" scenario from my perspective. Post such a comment then

>stand back and watch the fur fly. What fun!


Once again, if you don't think they are fun, why in God's name would you waste your time reading them?


>Pompous as he was Rock Hard was certainly not a milquetoast.

>His posts were over the top and seemed delusional from time to

>time. All in all they were entertaining just to see what

>higher level of pomposity they could reach. Similar could be

>stated of Fin Fang Foom. FFF may have been caustic to no end

>but let's face it he could produce some really creative

>writing at times. And FFF was a master of Photoshop to a

>degree. I, for one, miss both of them.


Why are your interjecting RockHard and FFF into this? What do they have to do with any comments about 2Hard2Tame?


>These boards require a diverse set of characters in order to

>remain interesting. People come here for information and



There are those who would tell you that the verbal exchanges you find so appauling, are entertaining. Once again - if you don't like them, don't read them.


>You might not like what

>2hard2tame (or anyone else here) has to say but he's got every

>bit the right to participate as you do.


Please don't put words into my mouth. I never questioned his RIGHT to participate. I do however question the persona he presented. Rudeness and name calling by the use of foul language and racial slurs are not my idea of what should be expected from a man who had tried to make his living by offering his company to other men in exchange for money. Perhaps there is a good reason as to why he is now trying a different career.

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Guest zipperzone

>As far as I'm concerned a little Tabasco in the diet makes life all >the more interesting.


So long as it doesn't give you an ulcer


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Zippersone the interesting thing regarding the type of ulcer about which you speak is that, in the final anaylsis, it is caused NOT by the speaker but BY the listener. I am frequently amazed by the way in which so many of us allow others to control our lives. Why are we so concerned about what people we don't even know or give a damn about think or say about us on a board like this? The vast majority of the posters around here, for example, do not know anything about me. They may have an impression of me formed by my posts BUT god damnit my posts are not the whole me. I simply don't understand why people with extemely thin skin involve themselves in situations where their tender feelings might get bruised. Furthermore, I sincerely believe that the old cliche "If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen" is valid.

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