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Dear Miami non Looker

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Oh Jeez. -DISCLAIMER- This is in obvious reply to the bullshit this guy has decided to run. Some may find it offensive, so if you are weak hearted and cant handle honesty, then please dont read.




First off, this is too Rick Monroe and the others who were honest initially and then backed off when called out. I understand your desire to keep up in good graces with your clients, but damn bro, way to backpedal. :(



To Miami non Looker.


Way to take shit out of context. :rolleyes:

Typical old Queen. Most of those were in response to the ever infamous RockHard jumping down people's throats on here. But you couldnt tell that by how you just grabbed those quotes and ran with it.


EVERYTHING I said, there was nothing wrong with any of it. Maybe for your POLITICALLY CORRECT, soft skinned, "worried about offending anyone" ears, but nonetheless. Fuck being politically correct.


Lets answer each other those shall we.




"Do I believe ALL blacks are bad etc? hell no. Do I believe the majority are? Yes.

I will not excuse the actions of many based off the actions of a few. I refuse to ignore reality and shit right in front of our faces because its not PC to do so. Its time you underprivileged, sheltered misguided and delusional people realized reality."


I still stand by them. More importantly, I stand by what not only statistics SCREAM, but what I have experienced through my life thus far. I have lived on both sides of the fence, and know what its like to be rich an poor. For the most part, blacks are all the same. Look in ANY major US city, and where you see the spots where blacks dominate, its trashy, drugged out and thugged out. Then, you can take a predominately white neighborhood/town and it will be, for the most part clean, upscale and virtually crime and drug free. Gee, why is that? Why do even the blacks move away from the inner city and major cities and move to the outside? Cause half the time they cant stand themselves. That is why, when the government tries to clean up these places and invents MILLIONS into them, 5 years down the road,it looks WORSE than it did prior. Fact. So, cry all you want that I am a racist, but at least I am a realist. And last time I checked, racist meant one that hates ALL races, except their own. I love how the word racist now only applies to blacks. Dont get me started on that shit.







I don't find Asians sexually attractive.

And I don't find dogs and cats sexually attractive.


Does that make me racist against those?



So now, in fear of being called a racist, I HAVE to change what I am sexually attracted to? Get the fuck outta here.







"Maybe he got tired of risking his health for some others fools mistakes or carelessness.

Maybe he realized welfare doesn't cover HIV/AIDS meds, and decided its not worth the risk.

Maybe he got ripped off one too many times."



Its a well-known statistic and fact that black men not only fall to HIV and AIDS virus then others, but they are more risky in their sexual behavior. So, what the hell is so bad about that? And its common knowledge that you take a bigger risk when seeing a black person on ripping you off then most any others.

Besides, its my fucking body, its my time, why should I be forced to do things I dont?





"Now, for some reason, people expect us to pay for our flight, hotel and rental up front. I don't know about the rest of us, but I do not have 1k to throw down just to sit there and hope someone calls.

And its the "circuit boys" who creates this. They literally do nothing except travel city to city and see 10 clients or as many as they can fit in the day and then move on. That right there is wrong in SO many ways. I could go on and on."


"The circuit boys ARE ruining it for the rest of us. Because of them, everyone expects us to pay our own travel expenses upfront.

Sorry, but if I have an extra 2k to spend on a trip just so that I can be in a town, where there is no guarantee that anyone will show up...I wouldn't even be doing this in the first place.


And for those of you who say you do this for the pleasure, and the fun and the Ect and NOT for the money are full of it. Yes, there is all the above included, but if that were the only reason why you do it, then stop charging for your time. Thats what I thought.


Got it>"


"But, when it gets to the point that clients expect me to front my own travel, well that is not acceptable. And the reason why is because others do it. Oh, and the comment about spending money to make money? That is just ridiculous. Its quite enough I am spending my time and body, why should I do more? The fact is, escorts should not have to do so. Its too easy to forget us escorts in this thing. Its not clients doing an escort a favor by hiring, nor is it visa versa. If I client wants to see an escort, he should pay for travel. Plain and simple. You and I shouldn't have to revert to going to towns, paying hotel, rental and flights. This idea is what is killing the escort biz."



Again, that is my opinion. I simply stated it. It DOES make it harder for guys like me who only have the ability to see people that LIVE in ones town, rather then be able to travel and see 10 people in a day.

As I pointed out, 90% of the time, that circuit boy that you are paying to see, probably hasn't taken a shower and you are probably the 4th that day. Quality goes down when seeing them.






"Silly old man, you haven't a clue do you? I wasn't going to even bother. I mean, every time I type in response to the shit that spews from your immature, wrinkled mouth I feel sick. I understand that there are those of you who are reading this wondering why i do this. heres why. I am tired of this old fool being allowed to run his mouth to everyone. I wont put up with it, and if he doesn't chill, I bet his account mysteriously stops working."




Again, I believe this was in reply to RockSoft or one of his many accounts. That guy was a tool, again, that was in defense of that moron screwing with someone for no reason. I tend to take up against bullies.








As far as the CO comment, I dont understand.





Again, thats my opinion.



Edited out personal attack/name calling. [/font color]

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>First off, this is too Rick Monroe and the others who were

>honest initially and then backed off when called out. I

>understand your desire to keep up in good graces with your

>clients, but damn bro, way to backpedal. :(


I have no idea what you're talking about, "bro." I thought your comments were repugnantly bigoted before, and my opinion hasn't changed.


>In ending, ML, you are a tard.


I must admit my ignorance when it comes to the latest hip jargon, and that I had to look up "tard" in my online dictionary. I couldn't find anything, but I was redirected to the Acronym Finder, where TARD stands for Technical Architecture Requirements Database. If that's true, then Miami Looker, I'm impressed. :p

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>>First off, this is too Rick Monroe and the others who were

>>honest initially and then backed off when called out. I

>>understand your desire to keep up in good graces with your

>>clients, but damn bro, way to backpedal. :(


>I have no idea what you're talking about, "bro." I thought

>your comments were repugnantly bigoted before, and my opinion

>hasn't changed.


>>In ending, ML, you are a tard.


>I must admit my ignorance when it comes to the latest hip

>jargon, and that I had to look up "tard" in my online

>dictionary. I couldn't find anything, but I was redirected to

>the Acronym Finder, where TARD stands for Technical

>Architecture Requirements Database. If that's true, then

>Miami Looker, I'm impressed. :p



How fitting.

BTW< its short for "retard".

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>BTW< its short for "retard".


Even though I know it means "by the way," I just checked "BTW" in the Acronym Finder, and these are some of my favorite results:


Below the Waist

Balls to the Wall

Booker T. Washington

Biological and Toxin Weapons

Breast Test Wales (the breast cancer screening organization of the National Health Service in Wales)

Blood Thirsty Warriors

Buried Transuranic Waste


Learning is fun. :p

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This is all, of course, my observations and opinion. This message board is the first on which I’ve participated—became a member a few months ago. I enjoy and support the ability to express opinions, seek and find answers to questions, and make new friends. Writing is, of course, a process. It’s obvious that some of us tend to write without going through a process—that’s fine, this isn’t a composition class. However, it can be difficult to define the line between where one individual’s freedom ends and another’s begins. Having said that, and having read through many of the referenced threads, I find myself seeing where ignoring the “over the top” ignorance of a poster could prevent lending credibility to what is written. Yet, I can also see where silence would imply agreement with the respected postings….what to do? Let’s go back to writing, there is always an improved way to express one’s beliefs without necessarily provoking hostility from others. By not taking the time to do that, we “invite” responses such as ones in this, and other, threads. So be it, that’s life with a diverse group of individuals…it’s all about choices: do we choose to participate; do we choose to risk alienating ourselves from the escort group; do we choose to risk alienating ourselves from the client group; do we choose to respect the right of others to express their opinion, even if it doesn’t respect the feelings of those that may be affected by the post?


As a client, I am offended by several of your postings, 2hard2tame. I’m glad, however, that you made them—it reassured my initial impressions of you when considering your services (i.e. not to hire). It appears, given your good reviews, that there is a market for your demeanor and abilities. Good for you; and, good for the clients. But honestly, given the attitude expressed in postings, was it fair for you to blame declining business opportunities on the traveling circuit boys? If I were an escort, I would have been offended by those postings as well.


I’m sure that MiamiLooker needs no defense, but I would like to point out that he was not posting anything behind your back, 2hard2tame. You made it quite clear that you were not leaving the forum: “As for now, I am off the escort scene, but I cannot resist this site.


And for the couple of kill joy's who MUST reply with something sarcastic...



*plugs ears* I CANT HEAR YOU!”


I’d also like to point out that you are the one who “invited” responses that may be considered negative: “Haha, true.

Besides, this is the only time I wouldnt want to be confused with the definition of RockHard.


See def of Troll.”


Bottom line for me…I’m glad that you post here, 2hard2tame. I’m also glad that others respond—it allows me to make my own observations and decisions about hiring prospective escorts. Which, after all, is my primary reason for joining the forum. The fact that these controversial issues become topics of discussion is just “icing on the cake.” I hope that more people, clients and escorts, participate more often…

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"Some may find it offensive, so if you are weak hearted and cant handle honesty, then please dont read. "


So much for a warning. But alas, for some, they dont get it that if what I have to say is so offensive and off base, they dont have to reply nor do they have to read it. Yes, i used name calling ect to display my displeasure with the arrogance and whatnot of this ML guy, but he DID draw it upon himself. He is the one who made the post in the first place and knew it wasnt nice. So you get mad at me for replying?


Let me ask you, A_nice_guy....What about me, other than you disliking my posts, made you not interested in my services?

You are right, I had never had a bad review, and some of this boards more prominent members have seen me and we had a blast. So I do get what that it is about me that you couldn't like. Well, let me rephrase. Aside from the very real fact that I am just not your type, what is it that "turned you off" OTHER than my tendency for BLUNT honesty? Or is it because you are racist against Latin Jews? *tongue in cheek. Yes, that was a joke and a reference to one of my infamous quotes above.


So lets recap. Other then my self admittedly, but justified childish display of name calling...what is so bad? Alls I see is what I have always expressed. My opinion. Alot of you have showed you do the same and continue to do so. There is nothing wrong with that. My point is, thats why this is America. We have the right to express them. And this being the internet also, you have the choice to read or not to read what I have to say. If it bothers you that much, then get the hell out of my thread:)

There i go again being blunt. I could have just said "if this offends you, then you have the choice not to read", but that isnt me. I refuse to limit myself or hold back JUST because its not popular, or because it "might hurt business". I call it like I see it, and that is one of the few good things my arsehole father taught me.



As for the others, I respect your decision to hide your feelings and opinions rather then speak your mind. I understand why you do so, but also i dont know how you can live like that.



besides, who is the ignorant one? The person who speaks the truth and does so without fear or worry of others feelings?

Or the one who says quiet for fear of ruffling's someone's feathers.

In the end, the person who started all this COULD have just ignored me and we never would have had this, but he HAD to open his mouth, and i just HAD to reply.

Who was wrong? Well, that doesnt matter. This is a forum. Its where people can come and express their opinions and things of such nature.




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>>BTW< its short for "retard".


>Even though I know it means "by the way," I just checked "BTW"

>in the Acronym Finder, and these are some of my favorite



>Below the Waist

>Balls to the Wall

>Booker T. Washington

>Biological and Toxin Weapons

>Breast Test Wales (the breast cancer screening organization of

>the National Health Service in Wales)

>Blood Thirsty Warriors

>Buried Transuranic Waste


>Learning is fun. :p



Another favorite abbreviation/acronym used by the OP is "ect." Look that one up at WIKIPEDIA or an acronym finder. It certainly explains a lot.

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>"Some may find it offensive, so if you are weak hearted and

>cant handle honesty, then please dont read. "

>So much for a warning. But alas, for some, they dont get it

>that if what I have to say is so offensive and off base, they

>dont have to reply nor do they have to read it.


Yes, 2hard2tame, I read your disclaimer. I can handle honesty, and I am not weak hearted; therefore, it was ok for me to read your post(your rule). However, are you supplementing your disclaimer by saying your threads are “one way” streets (i.e. if you agree with me, feel free to post, otherwise, move on)? Did I not support your right to post your opinion? Will you not allow the same courtesy and respect for me to post mine?


>He is the one who made the post in the first place and knew it

>wasnt nice. So you get mad at me for replying?


Dude, I’m not mad at you for replying to any posts…in fact, I’m an advocate for interaction. Did I not make that clear? I know it is often difficult to understand the true tone and meaning of emails, posts, etc., so I try to cut slack when making a response to the posts of others. Which brings me to your question:


>Let me ask you, A_nice_guy....What about me, other than you

>disliking my posts, made you not interested in my services?

>You are right, I had never had a bad review, and some of this

>boards more prominent members have seen me and we had a blast.

>So I do get what that it is about me that you couldn't like.

>Well, let me rephrase. Aside from the very real fact that I am

>just not your type, what is it that "turned you off" OTHER

>than my tendency for BLUNT honesty?


First, I did not dislike your posts…I disagreed with some of your opinions. Secondly, it all boils down to "different strokes for different folks." A long time ago (before I knew about this forum), I approached you through your M4RN ad. After the first few emails we exchanged, I could tell your personality and my personality were not ones that would meld well in a client/escort relationship. Please understand that is not a criticism of you, nor a direct attack on your personality. I’m sure there are lots of business relationships that do not move forward because of differing personality traits. In fact, after reading your reviews, I can imagine that you and I would get along fine in a social gathering—I enjoy wit, sarcasm, and humor…I just didn’t feel it was appropriate for initial contact between an escort and potential client. That is my feeling/opinion, and I “own” that (again, "different strokes for..."). Seriously, though, look back at your very first post on the forum (3/16/06). Can you not see how many may be “put off” by your comments:


>>>>John--you have to tell us where you are based--do you

>>>>advertise on any of the escort sites??



>>>errrr I think I did that in my profile. Unless I am going



>>Yes, you did - but would it have killed you to include the

>>word "Baltimore" in your response? Makes you sound like a

>>wiseass and not too accomodating.



>An ass I have, but an ass I am not..LOL

>You made an mistake my friend...


>I figured that being the info he requested is only one link away >that he may have missed it.


I believe you can see that, 2hard2tame. Mainly because of a later posting by you (3/17/06), titled “Clients reading escorts profile…:”


>“is there any polite way of telling a potential client when he >email you and asks you all the questions that you answered had he >read your profile in the first place?


>For instance. My ad says i am ALL top, (usually that means I dont >bottom) and that I am a DOMINANT top. And that I cannot do incalls >nor do I lower my rates because someone thinks they are "hotter" or >better looking....


>Or my personal favorite." I only want an HALF hour, so how much for >that? I can do all I need in an half hour".

>last time I checked, escorts dont charge for whatever they do in >the time, its the TIME THE ESCORT IS SPENDING WITH THE CLIENT that >you gentleman pay for.


>Now Please forgive me, I need answers to this question, and I >frankly dont know how to handle this. I could just sarcasticly(sp?) >tell them to reread my profile, but I dont like doing that. What is >a good way to help curb this?


>I do not mean to be an asshole,but I really want to know how to >handle these things PROPERLY.


>Anyone thinking I am being rude, and want flame this, I am sorry, >but I will ignore you.

>Those of you who can help, it would be MUCH appreciate “


That particular post, and responses throughout that thread, told me you were sincere about wanting to learn to be more diplomatic with your responses to prospective clients. BTW, that posting was after my initial contact with you. Yet, subsequent posts told me you chose to be your own person, and say whatever you like no matter how it is perceived. More power to you for that. You are being your self and I would not presume to ask you to change or conform. I just don’t believe it is fair to express your self in an open forum and then try to suppress those who also exercise their right to express an opinion. I would expect that you could understand why someone may choose to “move on” if they don’t feel the “chemistry” will “mesh.” More simply stated, it wasn’t necessarily the content of your posts, but how they were presented, that reassured me that you were not “client oriented;” therefore, not an escort that I would hire. Quite honestly, it is soooo difficult to truly get to know someone without meeting in person. I try really hard not to pass judgment solely based on writing messages back and forth. However, one needs to make the best informed decisions as possible when debating on whether or not the experience of an escort will be worth the expense. I hope I’ve answered your question.

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>So lets recap. Other then my self admittedly, but justified

>childish display of name calling...what is so bad? Alls I see

>is what I have always expressed. My opinion.


>No longer escorting, at the time I am pursuing other career options.


Sounds like you could have a promising career on Fox News. :p

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We know where you stand on various issues. You are not worried about being politically correct. I think that at time policital correctness has brought on reverse discrimination. I have seen it several times in the past few years. I understand where you are coming from when you express various opinions.

I have no doubt that you were an excellent escort, and to me at least, it would have made sense for someone not to hire you solely because you have expressed yourself in a way that's not politically correct.

Many people have the same views you do, but don't express them because of fear, or because of timidity for one reason or another, or they are just very polite people who never express their thoughts to others.

Most people on the list here are anonymous, you having been an escort, are not anonymous, so when you do say things, people know who's saying it. That takes guts.

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Guest zipperzone

>So much drama over a washed up hooker.


Ain't that the truth!


I had a run-in with him several months ago although for the life of me I have no recollection of what it was about.


His various posts to me on that occasion were rife with language that he probably picked up in some of the harborside bars in Baltimore where he was then residing.


Out of curiosity, I checked out his website - Great pics - he is obviously a hottie if you go by looks alone. But one's "hotness" is definded by more than just looks. The mind is just as big a component as the body, and it is in this area he is quite deficient.


Will he reply to this post - maybe? probably? who knows? (who cares?)

If he does reply, regardless of what he may say, it will evoke no response from me.


I don't have the time or the inclination to deal with bottom feeders.

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To A_nice_guy.


Bravo. You have single handedly become one of the best people I have ever "met" on the internet. I can assure you, I have "met" alot of people and that means alot to me at least. +10 respect points in my book for replying with a concise, honest answer. Much respect to you.

Thank you.




Mr Monroe:


I dont think even Fox could handle me:)



Mr Louis.

You are 100% correct sir. People are SO dam worried about being labeled a racist or not being PC, that they will take shit that is way and above the call of duty. It kinda goes along with the work "####" being Horrible and Wicked, but being called a "cracker" is quite ok. Not to mention, as Chris Rock once said..." Why is it ok for a black man to use the word ####, but a white man cant? And to think, thats saying someone cant do something BASED ON THE COLOR OF HIS SKIN.

He went on to further say, that people shouldn't use such words at all, regardless of skin color.

I obviously spoke my honest opinions when I was escorting, and I will do it now. Needless to say, any potential "clients" I lost from this board, I didn't miss too much *wink I would trade a few crap sessions any day for the knowledge I spoke my mind regardless. In other words, for those who have the comprehension of a 5 year old...

I am GLAD you didn't waste your time attempting to hire me, because I am sure if you are in real life as you are on here, I would have walked out on you.






Sigh. I couldn't resist. Someone angry because they didn't get their supply of dick this year? Sorry I left before you could save your pennies up for me *wink. I know of some good references if you need them, im sure they can cater to your...financial needs.

Needless to say, washed up is just as harsh as anything, so dont get your panties in wad sir.


-edit- Being I have never seen your name on here, could this be one of the multiple alternate accounts of some long time queen who is not to mention famous for this? Cmon, use your real account. Its SO much more satisfying.

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If that is how you feel fine what ever but why hate the races? It isn't the race that is bad it is the individual person. Or am I really dumbing it down and being too pc?





http://seaboy4hire.tripod.com New page for reviews http://www.daddysreviews.com/newest.php?who=greg_seattle


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Seaboy you hit the nail on the head. Its the individuals that make up the race. Every race has good apples and bad apples. People tend to talk about the bad rather than the good. If a person used blanket statements then, every Italian would be in the moffia, every person from the middle east would be a terroist, everyone from Germany would be anti-semetic.....and we know that's not the case.

There tends to be pockets of bad apples so to speak. Jane and Finch in Toronto is a pocket that has a lot of bad apples, a large percentage of the people in the gangs there are not caucasion. That area is constantly in the news because of the gangs.

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>We know where you stand on various issues. You are not

>worried about being politically correct. I think that at time

>policital correctness has brought on reverse discrimination.

>I have seen it several times in the past few years. I

>understand where you are coming from when you express various


>I have no doubt that you were an excellent escort, and to me

>at least, it would have made sense for someone not to hire you

>solely because you have expressed yourself in a way that's not

>politically correct.

>Many people have the same views you do, but don't express them

>because of fear, or because of timidity for one reason or

>another, or they are just very polite people who never express

>their thoughts to others.

>Most people on the list here are anonymous, you having been an

>escort, are not anonymous, so when you do say things, people

>know who's saying it. That takes guts.




You posted on a thread about suicide that you've lost several relatives and friends to suicide, so it's somewhat surprising that you would be commending a poster that made the following suggestion to another poster "I recommend suicide. just remember, slit UP, not across". In post after post 2hard2tame has violated the TOS of this site with personal attacks and name calling. He's posted about his personal communications with Daddy, and how Daddy has been so helpful to him, and, yet, he shows his respect and appreciation by continually thumbing his nose at the TOS of Daddy's site. If you think this is admirable, gutsy, and a good example of not being PC, perhaps you should send Daddy an email asking him to suspend the TOS so we can all post in such a manner.

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I guess my post was not as specific as it should have been, or maybe I should have worded things better.

I don't think that statements like "I recommend suicide. just remember, slit UP, not across" are appropriate, and I don't think personal attacks or putting down people is appropriate either, but people know who he is. He did express views that were not politically correct, but those views "may" have "some" truth to them. Its very easy to say things when a person is anonymous....he was not.

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>He did express views that

>were not politically correct, but those views "may" have

>"some" truth to them.


Which ones had some truth? Was it one about most blacks having unsafe sex and getting AIDS? Or the one about most blacks being "bad" thugs and criminals? or was it the one that compared sex with Asians to bestiality? Or the one that said the Jews control and dominate the world? Or the one that said that traveling escorts like Mr. Draker don't bathe? Which of these statements have some "truth" for Louis? Please share.

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"No longer escorting, at the time I am pursuing other career options."



Regardless of the encouragment from the likes of Louis, if you happen to be pursuing a career choice in the field of law enforcement, please reconsider. There are already enough of those with your politically incorrect viewpoint (as Louis might call it) that contribute to racial tensions making it more difficult for the others that are actually working to improve race relations.





"16 years old. I want to start out famous. They blew me off."

"You'll be famous. You're gonna be famous."

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