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Guest wildboy

Why bar the door, is the topic too tough for both clients and escorts to acknowledge. Could be as most are blind to what is actually occuring and could care less about the consquences until it happens. I know many former escorts who have Aids today because they escorted. I also know that many escorts bareback and could care less about telling others. They are so depresed they could care less. It is interesting that we clinets searching for the ideal escortedwould not eat shit off of the street not eat garage out of a container outside a rest., however, we have no problem seeing an escort who god knows where he was the night before, and certainly the escort has no idea where we were thenight before. Like I said, the need to escort and see escorts is certainly more than about money and sex!!

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If we are going to get serious



I hire for multiple reasons--although don't think I was raped or abused as a child but maybe my repressed memories haven't showed up yet (i'm joking).


My mother was strict when I was very young--but eased up as I got older.

So reasons why I hire--


1. The internet makes it easy. I wonder if I had grown up in the pre-internet days--and all I had to go by were the newspaper/magazine classifieds, phone calls alone without e-mail--and since I don't live in a Mecca, paper airplane tickets with no access to e-tickets, would I ever have hired.


2. I am ostensibly in the closet. People probably realize--I mean a guy in his 50's with no history of having a girlfriend--I mean who do I think I'm fooling--never-the-less not brave enough to publically declare and have the talk with the parental units--even though at the very least my mother knows--by the way my admiration knows no bounds for those who are brave enough to come out.


3. I am --not to put too fine a point on it -- A)ugly and not in shape----both of which are the kiss of death in the gay community-- B)I am attracted to good looking muscular guys-- A & B do not go together.


4. Bad social situation--So I'm lonely--I usually hire for companionsip as well as sex if i didn't I'd be spending most of my time and vacations alone


5 Willing to concede there might be an element of sexual addiction


I have often asked myself--if I were out and in a relationship or dating--would I hire--and the answer is--i don't know--or possibly a better question would be would i have the urge to hire--whether I actually did or not--again--I don't know.


So these are some of my honest thoughts on the matter.



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> I have often asked myself--if I were out and in a

>relationship or dating--would I hire--


I know several long-term couples who hire -- either as a couple or (with the other's knowledge and approval) singly or both. Does this support the OP's assertion of sexual addiction? Don't know; don't care.


Oh, yeah, not because they're tired of each other -- they seem still to have active and fulfilled sex lives together.

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Guest scortlovr

I can't speak from the escort point of view, but from a client point of view, I'd say it's a lot like drinking - if you enjoy a drink here and there, it doesn't make you an alcoholic. So when I hire an escort, I never think of myself as a sex addict, more of a "bon vivant". I think the amount of clients who hire till they run out of money, or get arrested, or whatever are in a minority. I bet that most men who hire, do so once in a while (whatever that means) depending on depth of horniness and size of wallet!!!


In all honesty, for me, hiring an escort allows me to be physically intimate with someone and yet stay in control emotionally.

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There are undoubtedly psychological aspects to everyone's sexual practices, but to reduce so many people's urges to such pat answers in such a simplistic manner is just absurd.

I expect the original posting is merely an attempt to be provocative.

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There are undoubtedly psychological aspects to everyone's sexual practices, but to reduce so many people's urges to such pat answers in such a simplistic manner is just absurd.

I expect the original posting is merely an attempt to be provocative.

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>In each book it is shown that the escort probably suffers from

>sexual addiction


I am not addicted to sex, but I am addicted to TV-shows-on-DVD. I'm currently working my way through Laverne and Shirley Season Two and it has me on such a high. Bonus features like commentary tracks and bloopers and deleted scenes are like heroin to me. I know this is a serious addiction and I hope to seek help for it someday...but not before all 7 seasons of Mary Tyler Moore are released.


>In addiction, the need for both to go out lookign for sex- the

>escort with the clinet and the clinet with the escort is

>usually brought forth by some incident in childhood.


In my case, it was brought forth by watching the Brady Bunch episode where Peter has 2 dates on the same night.


>It could

>be the fact that it they were abused sexually as a child by a

>relative-family member or friend or they were actually raped.


Does mental abuse count? My mother was such a kvetch. :o


>In addition, it could be that they were reared by too much

>discipline in the family.


Personally, my rear can never get enough discipline. }(


>Escorts are probably

>lookign for annoyous sex when they are not being paid.


That is just not true. I don't ever look for "annoyous" sex; I don't even like Chaucer anyway. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=annoyous


>Be interested in the conversation that comes from this



Is that a direct order? :p

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Have I mentioned how much I love you lately?


In psychology the OP's writing is a very true and valid theory but I agree with other posters that making it so cut and dry is absurd.


There are exceptions to every rule. I've taken many breaks and gone back and forth. I do find myself sexually addicted but that's easily cured by a can of ID's Masturbation Cream and a week's worth of Corbin Fisher; it's just part of being a male in general in a society that allows for easy sexual contact.


There are plenty of escorts on these boards past and present that show that stopping escorting is merely a frame of mind. As to referencing the sexual addiction? Hello? Gay Men? Not being sexually addicted makes you part of the minority in that sub group.


Like the 10 Plagues of Egypt being started with red adobe clay in the water, the explanation of this theory shows a chain of events that can arise from MANY MANY MANY different variables. So again, it's all applicable and I agree on some premises but to make a wide sweeping assumption and generalization seems a bit much short of a LOT of diverse empirical evidence which is pretty hard to find in a mistrusting sex work and client world.

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Guest carter07

My situation is rather like Gman's.


It isn't easy for a child of the 40s and 50s to come out and I certainly didn't. Only in retirement, and largely because the Internet makes it easy, have I hired, perhaps three or four times a year as opportunity and money allow.


Sex addiction? Perhaps. But males (whatever their orientation) like sex; they're programmed that way, species survival and all that. But I also like the chance for a couple of hours (I've never hired long than that) to have a feeling of open, comfortable male companionship without the stresses of the real world intruding.


Yes, the question is provocative, and I suspect constructed to be so. (I thought we were going to be invited to a SAA (Sex Addicts Anonymous) meeting.) And I, for one, appreciate Gman's openness to being serious about it.

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There are a few reasons that I hire:


1) I am male; we are wired for sex.


2) Time -- I have no time to waste in bars trying to pick up a guy when it is easy to hire?


3) I am awkward in social situations. I get anxieties when I am in a social setting.


I am hard-of-hearing and I lip-read. I speak well enough for people to understand me but it is difficult for me to understand people. It takes concentration and effort. So when I am in social situations, I still have to concentrate in order to communicate. In bar situations where it is noisy and dark, it's worse to the nth degree. I want to relax in a bar situation but I can't.


There are deaf social groups where people use ASL (American Sign Language) but I grew up 'oral' -- I don't know much sign language. Its tough for me to socialize in those situations too.


So, I am stuck in-between. Hearing people are difficult for me and deaf people have difficulties with me.


I am just being practical; email an escort, explain the situation, and get your rocks off. So easy and no stress.


I am sure other people with handicaps have taken this practical route to hire escorts.




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I'm similar to Gman too. Still in the closet, though a few gay people where I used to live know about my orientation (no I'm not oriental). I am single and have never married.

The first time I had man to man sex it was with an escort. I wanted to see what it was all about. I primarlily hire an escort because I want to be beside someone in bed that looks good, and I want the physical contact. Sex plays a part but the physical contact plays a bigger part in my case. If you do not include that disasterous event I had in Winnipeg last fall, I have not been with an escort in two years. So its not an addiction thing, but at the same time I do want to have intimate times with people I feel I would be comfortable with, and an escort provides that with no strings attached.

I will be having a two day trip with a Canadian escort, however there are a few escorts that are on the message board here, such as Raul from Chicago, SA, and BN that have an appeal. (had I known about Raul before I made my plans for this summer, I probably would have hired him instead) The escort I will be seeing however was recomended by another escort, and has a body type that I like.

Raul is at the top of my list, because he has an interest in a hobby I have. He also has a fantastic body, and a personality that goes with it. So do I want to have intimate times with Raul?...yes, and I want to see just how good he is between the sheets, however I do want to have an experience with Raul where we do things away from the bedroom. So what Raul has to offer personality wise carries as much weight as his good looks. Its not all about sex.

I hope I don't put anyone off by naming Raul, but I have been wanting to see him for quite some time, and feel that naming him and explaining why I want to see him, may help people understand why I want to hire him, or another escort who is similar to him.

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To be honest, I don't know why I hire escorts. I have had both paid and unpaid sex and I can truthfully say I have only enjoyed sex a few times. I tend to hire when I travel and the finding, contacting and setting up a meeting with someone tends to be the most exciting thing about most of my encounters. The sex act itself never really lives up to my expectations and my mind tends to wander on to other things. Maybe I'm one of those people who's just not wired to enjoy sex and by hiring escorts I kind of force myself to do something that society tells me I'm supposed to like, who knows?


Oh and by the way I have never considered psychology to be a true science, it's more of an art, so I don't believe we should read too much into these "findings" especially since they seem to perpetuate the stereotypes of the oversexed, abused, self hating and addicted gay man that many people still think about when it comes to our community.

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It seems as though my insightful and landbreaking treatise was posted to the ether. Rather than reconstruct that brilliant and at times moving piece, let me just say, the theory espoused is just ridiculous.



To the gentleman who is unsure why he is hiring and who is not enjoying it, might I suggest broadening your sexual horizons, letting your imagination run to unchartered areas and start living your wildest dreams. The best part of hiring is NOT in the paperwork.


I have never seen a purplekow;

I never hope to see one;

I can tell you anyhow;

I'd rather see than be one


Help there is a purplekow in my mirror

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This original post for this topic is just absurd. Not only are the ideas presented totally brain dead. From a client's perspective the entire treatise presented is so invalid. I was never sexually abused as a child and was certainly not the object of oppresive discipline - I was punished once when I was 7 years old by losing TV for a month. I was also never raped. When I started having sex, being gay was not accepted - so I hired.


I find hiring to be preferable to the bullshit many people go through having boyfriends or trying to pick up men at bars, etc. I know someone who was with his "domestic partner" for over 10 years and went through a bad break up because of his boyfriends continual drug use and obsession with spending way beyond the means of his income. I know of at least two occasions when this person I know had to refinance his house to pay off the credit bills his boyfiend ran up and had no hope of paying off. I don't have to deal with that - I pay for the session with the escort and there are no long time recurring charges.


And how serious can you take someone that can't spell "client" correctly?

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Guest wildboy

While my typing skills may not be the best, I think it would prove very beneficial for both escorts and those who hire escorts to read the two books mentioned by Patrick Carnes. I think both would find that they suffer from some form of sexual addiction. Matter of fact, within both books is a test that will reveal if a person sufferes from sexual addiction.


I have known several escorts on a very personable basis and the ones have have known clearly agreed with the majority of information contained in the two books. Matter of fact, one actually went to a thearpist for two years to help overcome his addicttion to sex.


I find it very interested that many of the responses to date indicate that gay men have such a high sex drive that their actions should prove to be acceptable. Matter of fact, some imply gay men are unable to maintain relationships thus just have hook-ups.


If you will read the books, you will find that in most cases the escort of the client can trace there sex urges and addictions back to an event in their childhood. And through escorting, which is simply a form of annoymous sex with the only difference they are being paid- they are trying to fulfill an ending to the event that occured in childhood. The same hols true for the person hiring the escort.


The bottom line is that there are deep psychological issues that must be dealt with and once they are dealt with the escort and the client can live in a very productive manner and have "Healthy" sexual relationships as well as healthy relationships in general.


I think it is important that the escort and well as the client understand that they are both participating in a form of prostitution. There is no other word to describle it.


In addition, the consequences are great.


First, the escort and the client are keeping form otheres what they are doing and do not desire for anyone to find out.


Secondly, what each is doing is having a negative effect on them.


Third, both are taking a risk of being arested in an undercover sting. One of the escorts that I know was caught twice. Once at 17 when he had to go through the pre-traila intervention program and the second time when he was 22 and got lucky when he was not piced out from a line-up.


Fourth, both are in denial of whatt hey are doing.


Fifth, many are depresed and could care less of the consequences.


Sixth, both risk losing their jobs if they are caught.


Seventh, both risk catching STD's or actually getting Aids. As I said earlier, most could care less as they are suffering from a form of depression and denial. I said earlier that I doubted that we would eat from a garabe container outside or pick up shit from the streets in eat, however, that is what each is doing- both the escort and the client- you have no knowledge of who the client was last night andt hey have no idea where you were.


Matter of fact, neither knows if the other is HIV positive are not. Yep, most try tto practice safe sex, however, many an escort or client has practiced safe sex only to find out they have AIDS.


Finally, if caught, many face jail time. I know an escort in Boston that sepnd 2 years in jail for escorting.


It is so sad that both the escort and the client have such a desire for sex that they have to receive it in this manner- rather than engage in a healthy relationship that involves healthy sex.


Instead, most do not even no the meaniong of healthy sex and a healthy relationship.


Everyone that reads this can come up with some excuse for their actions, however, take time- go to the bookstore- read the two books and then offer your thoughts in an honest truthful way.


You never know, your honesty may indeed help someone else.


Hopefully, a few more escorts will offer there opinions in a truthful honest way.

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I doubt that most people who hire have the $ to also be sex addicts. As for escorts, I'm guessing that most have a higher sex drive than the rest of us, but an "addiction", I'm not sure. Addiction involves compulsion at some physiological level and it's a bit incompatible with waiting for the phone to ring or an email to pop up from a prospective client. A real addict would be too busy hanging around bathhouses, internet hook-up sites or cruising spots to be a truly successful escort. I'm sure there are some exceptions to the rule who can manage their addiction well enough to run a successful business, but most escorts who are truly addicted or become so through drugs or whatever usually crash and burn as business people. Younger guys are going to have a higher sex drive than older guys and that, combined with the appeal of youth is always going to create an age gap between clients and escorts.


For many, escorting is a way to turn a sex drive into a quick way out of debt. And some are simply hustlers who want the money and lack the high or adaptable sex drive. For others, it's probably a way to explore sexuality but from a position of some control. A smart escort is always going to have more control over the situation than a client (although we clearly have clients here who have serious "control issues" and problems with the stigma of hiring and sex work that to which they expect escorts to submit). But someone plodding through sexuality issues isn't going to do well in the long run as an escort. Then there is the money...and exposure to men who often have access to resources and power of some sort. Sex work has always been a way of obtaining mentoring and different forms of social mobility. In other words, the motives are sex work I've observed, go beyond something as rudimentary as an "addiction".


I think some of the most insightful things about escorts and clients were written by John Preston. Matt Adams is another, although less reflective and articulate than Preston. Basically, they describe escorts as more highly sexed than the norm and recognize the varied needs of clients. One or the other described clients as having "relational needs", which I think captures the waterfront, which ranges from the need for simple human contact to stuff that probably creates security problems for escorts. Clearly, some clients become devoted, even if they never meet the objects of their crushes and some of the biggest flames here have been directed at people who are underwhelmed with someone like Tony Cummings who has a devoted following.


For me, hiring is something I typically do when I travel. I've done it to explore different aspects of sexuality, although I sometimes think I haven't fully made use of the range of guys available. I'm told I'm good looking by people who have no need to flatter me. OTOH, I cam e to an understanding of my sexuality in my 30s and its been a slow complicated process. Hiring is easier than trying to work through this with random guys at a bar and I've never really cared for that kind of atmosphere anyway.

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Isn't desire part of obsession and obsession part of desire? When these feelings and attitudes become destructive is difficult to define. Considering how great I feel the morning after I get laid, I could care less. I leave it to the second rate MSWs who line West End Avenue.


I'm good looking and have a swimmer's body that's really a swimmer's body. Young, sinewy men turn me on. Because I'm of a certain age, hooking up with one of them on the free market is higly unlikely -- unless he wants a daddy, something I'd rather not embark upon.


So I rent occasionally and enjoy it. The only thing driven in the transaction are the client's and escort's butts.




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So I’m a widowed old fart who started hiring because I have always been attracted to virile men and their bodies, and wanted to experience the intimacy of sex with such men while I still can. I have been blessed with the means and the opportunities to do so.


As others have mentioned, I was not abused or raped either as a child or later. I came from a loving, supportive family environment – both mother and father. Sure I grew up in an era when the word “gay” meant happy, so there were not the opportunities to explore. If one wants to get psychological, I suppose one could say it’s because of my “repressed youth” and adult life. However, any who have met me would undoubtedly deny any self-loathing or depression on my part.


I went through a period of loneliness after my wife died until I realized that nothing and no one were coming to me – I had to get out and do something myself to enjoy this new life. And I don’t mean just in this area, but meeting people, traveling, and having all kinds of new experiences. On this topic, I have tried the bar/club routine, but it’s not me – I tend to be invisible in such venues, it appears to be for a younger crowd, and I really am not interested in one hour episodes, even with escorts. Interestingly, I have been totally oblivious to whether someone may have been “hitting on” me. Because of my admitted vanity, I don’t think of myself as unattractive, but “… at your age …” (as doctors are wont to say) I’ve not been attracting them in droves, or at least I’m not aware of it.


I like “looking” as well as the next guy (I do like to watch male strippers!), but when it comes to intimacy I prefer an evening, an overnight, or longer with an opportunity to get to know the man. This site opened a whole new world for me. Look at all the wonderfully beautiful men from whom to choose! And I have met and been with several enticing and entertaining men, some whom I would not have selected initially because I did not think of them as my “type”. I have become decidedly eclectic, however.


Am I addicted? I have sometimes wondered that myself. But in that introspective mode, I don’t think so. I generally hire only when I travel (admittedly I DO travel a lot!) - the best ones are elsewhere. And I am not addictive in other aspects of my life. Frankly I am just enjoying all facets of life and the beauties of nature while I still can.


The best men I have hired are comfortable with themselves, mature enough to have had other experiences and careers, and generally well adjusted. Do they like sex? Of course, that’s part of their attraction, especially so for those I want to see more than once. But there is more to them than just that.


I note that the OP (“wildboy”) is new to the board and I welcome him and thank him for introducing a provocative thread. However, I find it intriguing that one who looks on both escorts and “clinets” with abhorrence and disdain spends time at a site for escorts and clients. Do we have an incarnation of “taylor”?

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My initial reaction to the basic premises of this thread was -- OK so what!!!!! My second response is -- oh well here we go again with another physchologist marketing a new "revolutionary" theory in order to promote book sales and bring in clients.


Frankly I didn't begin hiring escorts until I was nearly 62 because my career would have been in jeopardy had the fact that I did so been discovered. At 62 I was hardly in a position to hook-up with the type of guys I was looking for so fortunately I discovered escorts. Dealing with top quality escorts is easy, fun and for me fills a desire I have for physical contact with a certain type of guys. Damn it is fun to touch and play with guys who in the past I could only admire from afar.


I also believe that truly outstanding escorts are not into escorting simply for the money. Most like the idea of being an independent contractor able to set their own work schedule. Several have commented to me that the idea of being paid to have "great" sex, travel, and meet interesting people is unbelievable FUN. YES and to be an outstanding escort the guy must really like, enjoy, and relish sex -- is that adiction -- who know and who cares!!!!!


Now in conclusion let me state further that the very idea that "ALL" escorts and clients are pschologically ill and in serious need of counseling is PURE BULL SHIT. As far as I'm concerned as long as an individual knows who and what he is and is happy with who and what he is that is all that counts.

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>There are undoubtedly psychological aspects to everyone's

>sexual practices, but to reduce so many people's urges to such

>pat answers in such a simplistic manner is just absurd.

>I expect the original posting is merely an attempt to be



I tend to agree, especially when the original poster's statement includes:

>Both escorts and clients need help to chnage their life style

>and in many cases this type behavior leads to loss of job,

>getting AIDS, being arrested, going to jail, failing in

>relationships, etc. Many escorts suffer from depression and

>really don't care about the above.


The first line sort of gives it away. There are undoubtedly some escorts and some clients whose choices are self-destructive resulting from psychological issues that need addressing and treatment. But linking such symptoms and concluding that a common set of universal psychological causes applies to the entire population of escorts and clients who then need 'help' is either unbelievably simplistic or masking a different agenda.


Putting it another way, there are 'many' people who drink and also exhibit depression and self-destructive behavior. That doesn't mean that everyone who has a drink is an alcoholic who needs 'help to change their life style'. Moreover, the subsequent demand that we should "go to the bookstore- read the two books and then offer your thoughts in an honest truthful way" with its Orwellian tendency to say the opinions of 'some animals are more equal than others',tends to reinforce the red flags here.

In this animal's opinion anyway... ;)

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>While my typing skills may not be the best, I think it would

>prove very beneficial for both escorts and those who hire

>escorts to read the two books mentioned by Patrick Carnes. I

>think both would find that they suffer from some form of

>sexual addiction. Matter of fact, within both books is a test

>that will reveal if a person sufferes from sexual addiction.


>I have known several escorts on a very personable basis and

>the ones have have known clearly agreed with the majority of

>information contained in the two books. Matter of fact, one

>actually went to a thearpist for two years to help overcome

>his addicttion to sex.


>I find it very interested that many of the responses to date

>indicate that gay men have such a high sex drive that their

>actions should prove to be acceptable. Matter of fact, some

>imply gay men are unable to maintain relationships thus just

>have hook-ups.


>If you will read the books, you will find that in most cases

>the escort of the client can trace there sex urges and

>addictions back to an event in their childhood. And through

>escorting, which is simply a form of annoymous sex with the

>only difference they are being paid- they are trying to

>fulfill an ending to the event that occured in childhood. The

>same hols true for the person hiring the escort.


>The bottom line is that there are deep psychological issues

>that must be dealt with and once they are dealt with the

>escort and the client can live in a very productive manner and

>have "Healthy" sexual relationships as well as healthy

>relationships in general.


>I think it is important that the escort and well as the client

>understand that they are both participating in a form of

>prostitution. There is no other word to describle it.


>In addition, the consequences are great.


>First, the escort and the client are keeping form otheres what

>they are doing and do not desire for anyone to find out.


>Secondly, what each is doing is having a negative effect on



>Third, both are taking a risk of being arested in an

>undercover sting. One of the escorts that I know was caught

>twice. Once at 17 when he had to go through the pre-traila

>intervention program and the second time when he was 22 and

>got lucky when he was not piced out from a line-up.


>Fourth, both are in denial of whatt hey are doing.


>Fifth, many are depresed and could care less of the



>Sixth, both risk losing their jobs if they are caught.


>Seventh, both risk catching STD's or actually getting Aids.

>As I said earlier, most could care less as they are suffering

>from a form of depression and denial. I said earlier that I

>doubted that we would eat from a garabe container outside or

>pick up shit from the streets in eat, however, that is what

>each is doing- both the escort and the client- you have no

>knowledge of who the client was last night andt hey have no

>idea where you were.


>Matter of fact, neither knows if the other is HIV positive are

>not. Yep, most try tto practice safe sex, however, many an

>escort or client has practiced safe sex only to find out they

>have AIDS.


>Finally, if caught, many face jail time. I know an escort in

>Boston that sepnd 2 years in jail for escorting.


>It is so sad that both the escort and the client have such a

>desire for sex that they have to receive it in this manner-

>rather than engage in a healthy relationship that involves

>healthy sex.


>Instead, most do not even no the meaniong of healthy sex and a

>healthy relationship.


>Everyone that reads this can come up with some excuse for

>their actions, however, take time- go to the bookstore- read

>the two books and then offer your thoughts in an honest

>truthful way.


>You never know, your honesty may indeed help someone else.


>Hopefully, a few more escorts will offer there opinions in a

>truthful honest way.







Ok--some of the things you describe do apply to me--so I will also assume that some of these things apply to some escorts. I do not however think that all of these apply to me--or at least not all the time. Same for escorts.


There are multitudinous reasons for someone to hire--does this mean that every client since the beginning of time has had issues--or likewise that every escorts does? "All" is just too inclusive a word.


After "all" in the words of the great Sigmund Freud--"Sometimes a banana is just a banana"--ok I'm kidding I know Freud didn't actually say this.



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