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Brock Lachey, caught again!

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I remember the movie Liar, Liar with Jim Carrey. In the movie, he couldn't tell a lie, no matter how much he might want to. Well, part of the review reads:

"I will say that after we got started, I wished I could have done a little more with Brock, BUT..... I did not bring up doing more with him while he was here, because I didn''t discuss doing it in our pre-meeting conversations. Should I get a chance to meet Brock again while I am in town, which I most definatly hope to, I will be sure to discuss exactly what I would like to do with him BEFORE we meet up."


Well, another immutable, positively unchangeable fact is that no escort can correctly spell "definitely"! I have followed this website probably since its inception, and have yet to see an escort spell this word correctly once. I am thoroughly convinced that if I put a dictionary in front of an escort's face and a gun to his balls, and told him that if he spelled the word correctly, I would give him $100 million, and if he misspelled it, I would blast his testicles to kingdom come, he would still misspell it.

So, Brock, you can pretend being a client all you want, but by the eternal curse placed on all escorts, you can never, ever spell "definitely" correctly! }( }( :+

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Sieg heil heir commandante.


LOL. Lighten up. There are definitely a lot of people who spell that word wrong in the client realm as well as the escort world. We've had the grammar and spelling pissing contest before.


Doesn't usually result in ANYTHING productive. Daddy has gotten REALLY good at spotting fakes with IP Addresses etc. Beside, if his goal was a fake review, do you think he would have made it so bland?

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>LOL. Lighten up. There are definitely a lot of people who

>spell that word wrong


LOL! I do believe that you meant to use the word "wrong" as an adverb to describe the verb "spell", and as such you should have stated: "spell that word wrongly"???!!!



In a wrong manner; mistakenly or erroneously.


See, I too!, can cut and paste from online dictionaries!


I posted this bird-brained response, as an honorarium to you, as I couldn't possibly offer any other recompense to you other than bread crumbs (and I could unconditionally offer those only on Sundays when all the old ladies come out of church services). :7

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Ok, I guess I'm clueless. Why do you disregard all "First Time" reviews? I can understand giving such reviews a degree of skeptical scrutiny, but to just disregard all such reviews would truly be unfair to the person who is making their first review. I've only reviewed one Escort. I had a great time with him. But is my lone review, therefore, worthless simply because I've not reviewed others? Or, did I misunderstand something in your post?


As for the review in question ... I do agree that, after reading hundreds of reviews here, it smells "fishy." Sad ... I'd love to try Brock but, thus far, he doesn't look to promising.

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Well, it's not too difficult to come up with novel e-mail addresses and IP addresses. So an escort can write a review using an e-mail address and IP address that isn't his own and pretend he's a client. I suppose he could use that e-mail and IP address to write some flattering reviews of other escorts, and assume the other escort won't protest, then write his own glowing review. This is somewhat difficult to do in practice, however. My original post was written tongue-in-cheek, but there does seem to be something unique about the word "definitely" which escorts for some reason seem incapable of spelling correctly.

Most people probably don't discount first reviews completely, but they are scrutinized more carefully. That review was particularly fishy coming on the heels of multiple bad reviews. I'm particularly suspicious of escorts with tons of reviews written by first-time reviewers. That's why the system was put into place to help determine the reliability of reviews.

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Welcome to the message center.


I am very wary of first time reviews almost to the point of ignoring them. Let me explain. I am sure you understand that we all form biases of one type or another. Armed with those preset beliefs, we will read any new information and filter it through our preconceptions. As a result, we almost always find evidence to support our thinking. It isn't fair to the new guy's first review, I'll agree.


But having spent a few years here (my member since date is actually three years longer than the date listed) I have found that many, many first time reviews are suspect (not all, many) so I am always happy to see a first time reviewer post his SECOND review.


Get busy buddy, heheh

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Immutable, positively unchangeable fact... (...!?)


I had wrotten a long, infurated responze inceinsed by whot I read as sily prejudece, and than I thaght to myself:


"Myself, tha man is wright, were all not much bright up their. Are minds are not what their lokking for."


And then -of course- I forgot my point in the middle of the thought because I began playing with my engorged, pulsating, ever so demanding-of-attention schlong.


By the time cum was raining from the ceiling after I shot half a littre of jizz in long, powerful explosions, my mind -or what should constitute as such- was at ease.


Escorts were still stupid.


Black men were thugs.


Muslisms were evil. (And they're out there to get my sorry ass.)


Jews were conniving.


White were rich and always had it easy.


Latinos were lazy...


Which reminds me...


"Maria! it's almost one o'clock and you haven't served me breakfast!"


Ah, yeah... women are stupid too.

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I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

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Definately be tolerent of indiscrete orthographic errors


>Well, another immutable, positively unchangeable fact is that

>no escort can correctly spell "definitely"!


>So, Brock, you can pretend being a client all you want, but by

>the eternal curse placed on all escorts, you can never, ever

>spell "definitely" correctly!


Many escorts, but also many clients and/or posters. I don't think you can use that as proof positive that he (or another escort - maybe his bf also listed here) wrote the review (though I'm not saying he didn't write it either). The word in that spelling is all over this site and others, more often that way, it seems, than the correct way. :-(


Another word like that is "discrete" for "discreet," as has been pointed out here by Luv2play. I'm sure all escorts are discrete, or at least I have never heard of one who is also a conjoined twin. :7


And we shouldn't overlook "tolerent," which had widespread use of its own, even before HooBoy enshrined it as one of the drop-down choices when writing a review, thus forcing some authors to misspell it even when they know better. x(

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Atlanta, the land of sissy-mary queens with tons of unwarranted and unearned attitude. I always thought it had something to do with centuries of conservative oppression and their frigid attitude toward the enjoyment of sex. Gay life in Atlanta is just plain weird. Always has been.


An escort showing up for customer without a clean asshole and having the audacity to charge $300 an hour? I DON'T THINK SO. Some of you jerks deserve what you ask for.

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>no escort can correctly spell "definitely"!


But some can definitely spell "correctly"! :p


Btw, I am really good at spelling and grammar (I'm not known as the King of the Semi-Colon for nothing) but I don't see what that has to do with being good in bed (or the kitchen or living room or men's room or wherever you choose to do it). I won the spelling bee a few times in elementary school (I still remember my winning word in 4th grade: "insubordinately," which my father thought was very ironic) but I would never put that on my escort resumé.


>I am

>thoroughly convinced that if I put a dictionary in front of an

>escort's face and a gun to his balls, and told him that if he

>spelled the word correctly, I would give him $100 million


Can I take it in a lump sum or do you prefer to spread it out? :7

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>Can I take it in a lump sum or do you prefer to spread it out?


There are just so many witty comebacks to a line like that. Are you playing the straight man now?


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