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NOW ON RENTBOY - 250 + 180 + 200 +

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So what's with this new deal on Rentboy - guys are

starting to add a + sign to their amounts. My

question is.....plus what? It seems to me that with

the number of rentboys in NYC getting smaller, maybe they

should consider a minus sign instead. Raising your price

when the economy is slow doesn't work. If you want your

cell to ring, maybe lowering the price would work.

When I first met Jon Vincent at Rounds in NYC, he said

his rate was $100. When I said "You're kidding, right",

he said "That way you'll see me again."

Am I missing something here? Other than Jon Vincent.

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Camshaft-just goes to show that there used to be smart fellas in the biz-and guys that I could hire on a regular basis.

On guy currently on rentboy in LA keeps comming up with very strange fees-I think his latest is 190!But it fluxiuates up and down all the time.

But If the fella is charging $200 well that is the top of my budget and I might hire him once-but I would consider it a treat and probably not hire him very often.

Now between $150-$175 would be more in my comfort level-that is still a lot of money for unskilled(but desirable)labor per hour.

$100-$150?Well that fella becomes a regular.

Am I cheap?Well not really-I know what I can spend and what certain things are worth to me.I know this puts certain fellas out of my league-but that is OK-I have fulfilled a lot of fantasies and been with a lot of great guys during my time so no loss.

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Exactly. And in my experience, there is absolutely no correlation between the amount of the fee and how much fun the experience is. None. Zip. Nada.


Expensive guys share only one thing in common with each other: they are expensive. That's it. You can find fun, interesting, hot guys at all price levels.



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RE: Supply and Demand




That's a common response. But it's a bit arrogant in that it assumes that someone who doesn't choose to pay a higher fee simply cannot afford it.


There can be many reasons why someone would make such a choice. To my way of thinking, the use of good common sense would be one such reason.


There are many things that I could afford without thinking that I don't buy simply because I don't think they represent good value. That's called being a smart buyer.


Many escorts have tried to make the case that higher-priced escorts must necessarily be better and more exclusive. The argument assumes that everyone must want them but if you cannot afford them, well, too bad -- move on. I think the logic underlying the entire line of thinking is false. As I posted earlier, I have found no correlation -- and, in fact, no real difference at all -- between guys at pretty much every price level.


I will stand by my original statement: the only thing expensive escorts have in common is that they are expensive. Everything else varies from guy to guy, at all price levels.




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Guest alanm

>Exactly. And in my experience, there is absolutely no

>correlation between the amount of the fee and how much fun the

>experience is. None. Zip. Nada.


>Expensive guys share only one thing in common with each other:

> they are expensive. That's it. You can find fun,

>interesting, hot guys at all price levels.




Sorry I could not resist, although I mostly agree.


Have you factored in the dollar value of the time you spend comparative shopping? From all the e-mails you send out to check availability,

as stated on this site recently, you could afford to hire Scott Adler & find out if your statement above holds up.


I likely frequented Rounds as much as Lucky and know that that $100 offer was welcome, but very unusual.

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I don't hire nearly as much as I used to. Part of that stems from having more non-paying sex which I am happy about of course. On the pricing vs quality issue, I have found that higher price doesn't always mean increased enjoyment. The guys who I continue to do repeat business with are guys that have a price structure that reflects an appreciation for repeat business. That is not to say I haven't hired (and wouldn't hire again) some of the boutique escorts. Those choices usually depend on their personality (sense of humor, intellect, etc) and the chemistry factor (do they make me rigid when I think of them or see a pic).


Every so often one of these threads comes along and more than once has started a firestorm of responses. The bottom line is, in a service industry, the provider may set the rates, but the buyer sets the market.

It's all good, and what's more, it's all fair. The problem arises when innuendo and name calling take the place of civil discourse. This thread hasn't become that yet, but from past experience it has all of the earmarks of becoming that.

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Guest empire

RE: Supply and Demand


>Many escorts have tried to make the case that higher-priced

>escorts must necessarily be better and more exclusive. The

>argument assumes that everyone must want them but if you

>cannot afford them, well, too bad -- move on. I think the

>logic underlying the entire line of thinking is false. As I

>posted earlier, I have found no correlation -- and, in fact,

>no real difference at all -- between guys at pretty much every

>price level.


Three excellent responses...

*I completely agree with your above statement BostonGuy.

*I also fully agree with Jackhammer's comments about the market price.

*Plus I agree in full with BigGuyPasadena that clients can have fun within their personal budget and not feel as if they're missing anything.


An escort can set his fee at any amount he wishes and I have absolutely no issue with that whatsoever. It's his business and he determines how to run it.


However, I will be the one to determine if:

A) I'm attracted to that escort

B) I'm comfortable with that escort's ability to provide the service I want

C) I feel the escort's fee to value ratio is appropriate


I have not once found a difference in quality based on the escort's fee. In fact, many of the lessor known escorts who have very modest fees have been superior to some of the extremely high priced and well known escorts I've hired this year.

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RE: Supply and Demand


Boston Guy,


I think you are right about high-priced escorts. And when I'm hiring other escorts for 3-ways, I never assume that a higher price is a guarantee of a better time. The price is only one factor of many.


You seem to be a very smart shopper. Would you advise an escort to price lower to gain repeat business? He may just be selling himself short.


Repeat clients, for instance, are our bread and butter. But it's my impression that there are a lot of clients who seldom repeat. They are attracted to newness and adventure, the fresh face, the new ass. Dropping our prices would, in effect, give these guys a discount.


I had a regular client who I enjoyed seeing very much. After hiring me for a fairly long time, he seemed to lose interest PRECISELY WHEN I offered him a discount. I think the message he received was, at some level, that I didn't value my own services.


Very interested in this thread...thanks to all posters!

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RE: Supply and Demand


>How predictable ...

>Have you heard of the term "market".

>If you can't afford it then move on. :+


>With best regards,

>SD ~

Stephen-I am guessing you did not really mean that to sound the way you typed it.

I am sooooo glad there are fellas out there who can afford you-I think you deserve the most money you can possibly get out of this biz-you are definitly worth every penny.

And if I wanted to spend the kind of money you ask to paid I could swing it no problem,and I am sure I would have a grand time with you.

However-being able to afford something and being willing to spend that amount on that thing(or person,or experience)when I know I would be just as satisfied(personally)with something that cost less-well that is how those of us of more modest means have some sort of life.

So yes-market forces do play a part in it all-however if a fella needs $200 to pay his rent,but turns down an offer of $150-$200 because he feels it is beneath him-then who benifits in that situation?No one.

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I won't go into detail since people don't seem to approve of my unpopular opinion on this topic ...


But references to "being able to afford me" and Steven's comment drew me out.


I've obviously kept myself within a different rate class and structure than most other of my colleagues. The point being that's ME. You're welcome to love me or hate me as there apparently exists no middle ground.


I chatted with a client that met me over the weekend from AOL and knew me simply as Scott. I mentioned my working last name as we closed the meeting and his face lit up with shock, "You're Scott ADLER? Yeesh, you're nowhere near the asshole 'they' make you out to be. Had I known it was you I probably wouldn't have hired you."


I find that troubling that people create these obscene reputations based on unpopular opinions. It's unfortunate. Steve hit it right on the nose. If you can't handle the price tag, go to a different store. This topic of RATES has been discussed to DEATH and there will NEVER EVER EVER be a consensus that people can agree on. It just brings out the ugliest on both sides. I genuinely think it should be put to rest and that we should agree to disagree.

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RE: Supply and Demand


Determining the right price for a product or service can be quite difficult. Large companies with lots of resources to throw at pricing questions often screw it up. For the independent consultant or service provider, it usually becomes a question of making the best guess.


One way to do that is to see what other people charge for similar products or services. If you go to a small town, you'll probably find that most of the attorneys charge about the same hourly rate. But not all -- some will charge fees that are either quite a bit higher or quite a bit lower, for reasons they think are legit. You can see this at work on Rentboy: Clearly, some escorts think that a price of $180 will lure more guys than $200.


Any business is entitled to the highest price it can demand for its products or services. That's part of being in business in a free market. Another part, of course, is that most businesses do not have all of the customers they can handle. When a business gets to the point where it has too many customers, it will generally raise its prices. Some customers will go away and balance will be restored.


I think a different kind of issue is at play with some clients in the escort world. It seems like some clients validate themselves by paying a high fee to an escort. If this is indeed true, it warps the normal market rules.


Most escorts I've talked to seem to get about as many clients as they want but most also go through dry spells. How an escort prices his services has to reflect what the escort is willing to offer and wants in return.


For example, if a great-looking guy had exactly one hour to spend with a client per week, he might be well-advised to take an ad in RB and charge something like $450. Since he is necessarily exclusive, by virtue of his available time, he only needs one client per week at that rate to fill up his time. If his goal is to make the maximum amount of money possible, he needs to determine the highest rate that will still give him very good confidence that, at the end of the week, he'll always have at least one taker. If he advertised a rate of $1,000 per hour, he might well have lots of weeks when he didn't earn anything. If he advertised $200 per hour, he might be leaving money on the table every week.


Then take the escort who wants to work every day. Suppose a guy's goal is to make $400 per day, which is $100K gross per year. Should he price himself at $200 per hour or $400? Well, that depends. At $200, he needs to spend an extra hour per day with clients. But, that doesn't represent a real doubling of his time spent, since there is at least some time spent before and after a session: traveling, showering, etc. Suppose he spends 30 minutes before and after each session. That means a one-hour session really takes two. Well, now, adding another hour means it takes three, so it's a fifty percent increase in time spent.


But, in some markets, $200 per hour for two hours would greatly increase the client base over $400 per hour. That might mean he's more likely to make his $400 per day -- unless there are enough clients in his market who are willing to pay the $400, in which case he should charge the higher rate.


What's my gut feeling? It depends. If someone is really seeking fairly guaranteed income and is willing to spend more than an hour per day, then I'd tend to price around $200 per hour with a slight discount for additional hours (i.e., $350 for two, $500 for three). On the other hand, if time is in short supply, I'd go for a higher rate and hope to find enough takers. And, finally, if I were looking for regulars, I'd do the same kinds of things other businesses do for repeat clients: I'd give occasional bonuses and find ways to let them know how much I appreciate their business.


For example, if I was an escort and had a loyal repeat client who was paying me $200 per hour, I might tell him that I won't increase his rate when I increase the rates for everyone else. Or, if I saw him really regularly (like weekly), I might give him a free session or a free hour every now and then "Just because I appreciate your business."


From a client's point of view, I generally would not pay $400 per hour for anyone. I say "generally" because I could envision meeting someone who so swept me off my feet that I couldn't resist. But normally I simply wouldn't pay nearly that much and find I can usually find guys I like at $200 per hour, with very little effort or time spent on the search. But -- and this is a big but -- I often happily pay $400 for a two hour session. So I wouldn't pay $400 for one hour but will for two hours. From the point of view of that escort who wants to make $400, is it worth it to spend an extra hour? For some yes, for some maybe no. But most people would think that making $100K for two hours of work five days per week to be pretty good. :-)



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RE: Supply and Demand


>You seem to be a very smart shopper. Would you advise an

>escort to price lower to gain repeat business? He may just be

>selling himself short.


>Repeat clients, for instance, are our bread and butter. But

>it's my impression that there are a lot of clients who seldom

>repeat. They are attracted to newness and adventure, the

>fresh face, the new ass. Dropping our prices would, in

>effect, give these guys a discount.


Totally true on so many levels. I have thus employed a frequent flyer program for my regulars. If I see them a certain amount of times every three weeks or so the overall rate is discounted.


How do I deal with people that are just lying about wanting to see me regularly to get a better rate? Simple. I don't allow the frequent flyer dicount to kick in until the THIRD meeting and thus when the arrangement begins. If they allow the time to lapse (unreasonably) and opt not to try and book until a MUCH later date they have to start as if they were a new client at the full rate.


I've found this to be VERY fair and efficient in providing some reward for loyalty and making sure that the business stays as business.

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Guest alanm

RE: Supply and Demand


Let me emphasize again the emotional (or very strong sex appeal) element in hiring escorts. Yes, it's usually a fairly straight (wrong word) business deal, but not always. Economic logic and sex are a combustible mix. Over the years, people have posted on this site about going into debt because of an escort addiction.


I paid big bucks to hire 20-year old Billy Brandt after seeing his first Falcon video "Absolute Arid" and do not regret paying a penny of that money. I feel much the same way about Scott (if we are ever in the same city at the same time). Others clearly feel that way about well known escorts like Talvin, Ben, Kristian (retired) and Tristan Waters.


Billy Brandt was a terrible businessman, because he kept changing his cell phone number without warning when he lived here in Philadephia. Scott Adler seems to know what he's doing.


Hey, Easter bunny, any comments?

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RE: Supply and Demand


>>Repeat clients, for instance, are our bread and butter. But

>>it's my impression that there are a lot of clients who


>>repeat. They are attracted to newness and adventure, the

>>fresh face, the new ass. Dropping our prices would, in

>>effect, give these guys a discount.


>Totally true on so many levels. I have thus employed a

>frequent flyer program for my regulars. If I see them a

>certain amount of times every three weeks or so the overall

>rate is discounted.


So, a "mere" 20 times of "flying you" in a 24 hour period, doesn't qualify the "pilot" to a discount??? Well, no need to reply to that query, as we all already know the answer, based on that NYC thread of yours.


>How do I deal with people that are just lying about wanting to

>see me regularly to get a better rate? Simple. I don't allow

>the frequent flyer dicount to kick in until the THIRD meeting

>and thus when the arrangement begins. If they allow the time

>to lapse (unreasonably) and opt not to try and book until a

>MUCH later date they have to start as if they were a new

>client at the full rate.


Good policy! Real good!, as such a policy, means that you most likely have never had to give discounts?!


>I've found this to be VERY fair and efficient in providing

>some reward for loyalty and making sure that the business

>stays as business.


Kind of like it was all business with that NYC thread???


OOOPS, sorry, no offense intended, as I guess I'm just in "New York state of mind" tonight! :7

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RE: Supply and Demand


Before I begin pointing out how idiotic your statements are I believe I need to establish something that will probably be over your head and is just a refresher for a great deal of posters (mainly my naysayers) on this concept:




con·text Pronunciation Key (kon'tekst) n.

The part of a text or statement that surrounds a particular word or passage and determines its meaning.

The circumstances in which an event occurs; a setting.



>So, a "mere" 20 times of "flying you" in a 24 hour period,

>doesn't qualify the "pilot" to a discount??? Well, no need to

>reply to that query, as we all already know the answer, based

>on that NYC thread of yours.


I don't know where you get twenty times but you keep spinning whatever interpretations you need to in your head. Of course someone paying for a weekend or an overnight is getting a discount. Hell someone doing a session or dinner date is getting a discount. I think I would get a heart attack looking at the price tag of a weekend if they were charged hourly. I know it's difficult but try to use your bird brain to interpret information instead of looking at it for its face value.


>Kind of like it was all business with that NYC thread???


>OOOPS, sorry, no offense intended, as I guess I'm just in

>"New York state of mind" tonight! :7


Is there any particular reason (aside from stirring the shit) that you felt the need to bring up a bad experience? Is schaudenfreude the only thing that keeps you going in life? If so, it's sad and pathetic. Don't feel smug thinking you hit a nerve, it just disgusts me how a "grown man" can be so amazingly childish and petty.





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RE: Supply and Demand


>I paid big bucks to hire 20-year old Billy Brandt after seeing

>his first Falcon video "Absolute Arid" and do not regret

>paying a penny of that money.


Awww I wish I had seen him back then because *I* would have paid whatever he was asking being given the chance.


Last year I ran into a relatively attractive shorter beefy tattooed and pierced cutie at Starbucks and randomly made polite conversation. After said cutie walked away, my friend was like, "You were just being cruising Billy Brandt." After taking another look in his general direction I realized that the shaggy indy rock boy with the pierced lip and the skateboard was none other than my wet dream. Wow. What a difference a couple of years makes. I guess he was so eager to escape his image that he went all out. Such a shame but as long as he's happy :)


>I feel much the same way about

>Scott (if we are ever in the same city at the same time).

>Others clearly feel that way about well known escorts like

>Talvin, Ben, Kristian (retired) and Tristan Waters.


::evil grin:: Checking off the list ;)


>Billy Brandt was a terrible businessman, because he kept

>changing his cell phone number without warning when he lived

>here in Philadephia.


Hence why I find email to be so much more efficient.


>Scott Adler seems to know what he's


>Hey, Easter bunny, any comments?


I always have comments but you summed it up pretty well. I was too busy hunting buzzards. I'd like to think I know what I'm doing. I love my regulars and to some degree don't even consider them regulars anymore just friends with benefits. Not the conventional friends with benefits but the title definitely works. I've never been in this business for the "Wham Bam Thank You Sam" meeting and I really hope I never get there.

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Guest zipperzone

RE: Supply and Demand


>Then take the escort who wants to work every day. Suppose a

>guy's goal is to make $400 per day, which is $100K gross per



I assume by "every day" you actually mean 5 days a week. EVERY day (which many escorts aspire to) would give him $146,00 per year.


>But, that doesn't represent a real

>doubling of his time spent, since there is at least some time

>spent before and after a session: traveling, showering, etc.

>Suppose he spends 30 minutes before and after each session.

>That means a one-hour session really takes two.


I've heard that argument before but I can't really buy it. I don't care what your job is, you still would take a shower (one hopes) before going to work. In fact you would even take a shower if you were unemployed, so I can't see where that is a factor.


And even if you were a part time ribbon clerk at Macy's earning 20K a year, you would still have 30 min travel time each way, which I can assure you Macy's wouldn't pay for.


And what about the guys who don't travel and prefer incalls? Should they give discounted rates because they don't spend time on subways, or perhaps they should charge more because they have to get the sheets laundered and boy do those votive candles evey cost money!


Any escort who is so focused on max return for min time expended, is to me nothing more that a cash register on wheels. And as Dolly Levi said "it's a little lumpy - but it rings" But they sure as hell won't be ringing in my house.

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Completely agree with you here. There's a guy over on Men4RentNow with a huge endowment and an equally huge fee he demands for anyone who wants swing on that endowment. I just laughed. Over $800 for a one-hour session! Pass. That's why it's a free market for anyone to partake. And I'm sure there are size queens out there who will pay for the privilege. Good luck, I say and I don't mean that saracastically.


As someone who has hired regulars over many year's time, I'm also always checking out new guys that come across my radar. Once an escort has set a rate with me, I'd never ask them to discount that rate. In the case of one guy I've seen for more than 10 years now, it started out at a low fee and without his asking, I've upped it periodically over the years to the point where it's competitive. To be fair, none of the escorts I've seen over the course of a few years have ever asked me for a "cost of living" raise. There are guys out there I'd love to make an appointment with, but the fees are beyond what I think I can comfortably pay. My loss (their's too!). Every once in a while I'm tempted and have indulged. Had a lot of fun too.


We all have our money issues, but I think bitching about the high cost of some escorts is a waste of time. There are plenty of price points to suit almost every need. Move on.

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RE: Supply and Demand


I have to admit I find this topic more than just a trifle repetitious. As Scott Adler aptly said we have been down this road over and Over and OVER again. Escorts certainly have a right to set rates they consider appropriate and clients certainly have a right to hire escorts with rates they consider appropriate. That says it all PERIOD!!!!!

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>Exactly. And in my experience, there is absolutely no

>correlation between the amount of the fee and how much fun the

>experience is. None. Zip. Nada.


>Expensive guys share only one thing in common with each other:

> they are expensive. That's it. You can find fun,

>interesting, hot guys at all price levels.



BG, your 100% right. I learn my lesson after the last expensive guy and not feeling like I got ripped off because the escort feels like he is special with his high rates. Now I have move on to the more reasonable guys price levels. I'm learning they are more fun at a common rate and I can see more of them.



When in doubt I whip it out :+

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RE: Supply and Demand


I'm not sure I agree with that.


Long-time regulars here will have seen most topics come and go. And I guess the human thing is to say "Oh, not that old thing again!" But the escort market is constantly changing, with lots of news guys coming and going, as escorts and clients.


What may be old hat to you may well be a breath of fresh air to someone who is new to M4M.



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