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Fin Fang Foom On The Alex/Rob Thalydomide Brouhaha

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Leave it to a topic like this to drag my embalmed carcass out of the closet, dust it off and prop it up in the corner. When I saw this review pop up I immediately went to post something but it had been so long since I had posted (I know, I know, you've missed me desperately) that FFF was no more.


Never fear my little cyber-sandbox playmates, I'm back.


OK, to the topic at hand.


In one corner we have DC's Alex and Rob and in the other we have Bachdon. I've read the thread pertaining to this and some interesting points have been made but the Foom Pendulum swings in favor of Alex and Rob.


Bachdon feely admits that he told them that he was "unatttactive". Well THERE'S a news flash! An unattractive john - that's something these guys rarely ever see!. They're use to all of their clients looking like Rusty Joiner http://www.rustyjoiner.net


I feel sorry that Bachdon is disformed (there but for the grace of God go most of us), however, thalydomide deformities are in a league all of their own. "Unattractive" is, say, Bruce Vilanch or Helen Thomas. If you're deformed then you KNOW that it can be a problem - a BIG problem - and if you choose not to be specific about it, you have no business griping about it afterwards. Should a person who who has had his face burned off in a chemical fire share this with a worker bee before showing up? HELL YES! Anything that is "out of the ordinary" should be disclosed up front. Worker bees are use to clients being fat but if you're 600lbs you had better tell them that. Frankly, I think Bachdon should take the worker bees feelings into consideration. Like him, they're human too and they don't want to be put in an embarassing situation. By not being up front with them about something he was actually disingenuous about, he's putting them in a potentially awkward position. They know that disformities suck gigantic moose cock and they don't want you to feel worse by them freaking out or not being able to perform up to their usual standards.


The term "professional" is often thrown out at a time like this. Yeah, they're professionals - professional prostitutes. And we all know what that means....S-E-X. Thanks to modern science, the little blue pill has made it easier for the worker bees but the fact still remains that they're gonna have to be physically intimate with you and everyone has their limits, and shock of shocks, thalydomide deformities more than likely are gonna fall under that heading. Is that fair? No. But as Bette Midler once said: "Life sucks and then you die."


I feel that Bachdon has a little chip on his shoulder about this, and you know what? - he's earned it, however, if he's gonna be hiring worker bees, it's time to leave it on the dresser before hiring these lads. Otherwise, this little episode is going to repeat itself again and again and again.


Repeatedly yours,



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Welcome to the Message Center.

So good to have a "new" john on board.

Repeatedly indeed.


Seriously, we need you here.

It has gotten so dull that one more often

contemplates using the site for hiring.

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Dear Fin Fang Foom,


Thank god sensibility is back here at last. My point exactly. Bachdon continues to act as though he's got a chip on his shoulder and it's no longer sounding sympathetic.


Welcome back Fin...stop going away. The whole story was beginning to be hijacked as so many other discussions here are. You brushed away the the clutter, stuck the problem under your own xray vision and delivered your verdict. Case closed.

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Sorry Bachdon, but I have to disagree with you. I've been with Alex/Rob on two separate visits to the DC area. At 315 pounds, believe me I've encountered more than my fair share of folks who found me repulsive -- and thankfully a goodly number who found me attractive. While I am sympathetic to the challenges you face, simply telling someone that you are "unattractive" is nowhere near sufficient preparation. I'll not enter the argument over 15 mins/45 mins (both times I visited, the appointment lasted longer than an hour and I was never charged an additional sum). When setting up an appt, I am blunt to the point of obnoxious about my weight -- and I've kicked out an escort or two who tried to make a point of it when we met in person.


You have every right to desire the interactions with things of beauty -- but those men have every right to know what they're getting into as well. Honesty is the best policy.

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Thank you excelntsyc, Mouth, and FinFangFoom, for putting this entire discussion into persceptive. I haven't weighted in because I simlply didn't have the guts to get into an ugly fight that this type of thread can, and frequently does, engender.

It is always wise, in my opinion, to error in the direction of too much information rather than too little when setting up an appointment with an escort. I, at age 65, would far rather be rejected by email than in a face to face confrontation.

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>I am truly sorry my life bores you. ill take my little

>flipper arms and disappear so you can get on with more serious

>discussions. With comments like these you think that maby a

>chip on the sholder might be a tad warrented?


BachDon if anyone deserves the occasional pity party it most certainly would be someone with birth deffects such as yours.

However,as I stated in my post in the other thread,I think you have done a great disservice to the escorts in question by posting your review.You ,Sir, were not upfront about a very upfront physical abnormality.This could be considered "playing dirty pool"by some-I certainly see your actions here as less than admirable.


I wonder what your response would have been if-as was suggested in another post-they would have told you"sorry,this is not going to work" and closed the door in your face.Of course you would have felt hurt.But do you feel this would have been a far more honest approach?


And I would also like to know how someone without two functioning arms and fully formed hands can undress,shower,and dress again in fifteen minutes-let alone do all of the above and have sex?Sorry but that just makes no logic and thus deprives the rest of your story,and the review you posted,of the honesty such a review and tale should have.Thus your tale brings your review into suspicion.


I would like to think that you were the victim here-and thus I could symathise with you.But,unfortunatly your post in this forum have brought your credibility into question and thus I think the real victems here are the 2 escorts in question.

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Guest alanm

Did you bother to read Alex and Rob's self serving response Fin Fang Foom? These guys have received 22 glowing reviews (often pointing out what nice guys they are) since 2002. Now we have finally heard from Alex and Rob. They brag about how nice they were to even take the client

#23, when he showed up at the door. It goes down hill rapidly from there; they ultimately accusing him of being cruel for trying to ruin the good situation they have. They even felt the need to mention that he was 30 minutes late. I have read some awful escort responses over the years, but never one this bad from escorts who have been reviewed very favorably so often for so many year.


FFF: Perhaps you should have read Alex and Rob's reviews before giving your opinion. Nearly every review mentions their beautiful house and beautiful bodies. There was nothing beautiful about their response, no word of concern about the client's feeling, just concern about how the review might impact on them.

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I swore to myself that i would not post anymore. This certainly is my first and last chatroom experience. i had to respond to this one however because it is so incredably insulting.

You can believe what you wish but if men with no arms can paint beautiful paintings with their feet then I most certainly have mastered taking off my clothes. Would you like to know how i masterbate?

i posted the review because I felt it was the right thing to do. It was personal and revealing about me in ways Im not real comfortable with but I felt it needed to be done. you people have been very quick to make assumptions and judgements and couch them in terms that are at best brutal and insensitive. A chip on my shoulder? Damn right because what is fastly becomming a boring discussion is for me my life. pity party? it has taken me years to come this far and if I balk at second class citizenship and am termed uppity in the process so be it.

Get over it? Yea most of the time but nobody with an ounce of mental health and self respect would, on occasion want to take that snotty nosed little kid staring up my sleeve and drop kick the bastard through the window.welcome to my world.

Do me a favor, replace the word handicap with FAT re-read your post and tell how you would feel? Maby a tad defensive?

And for the last time I ADMIT I screwed up in not telling them about my disability. Happy!? As a result do I deserve this treatment from them or you? Hell no!


This thread is a wonderful reminder why I hate the Gay community so much.

Good luck

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Sorry guy, but I just went back to re-read their response ... just to see if I was missing something ... apparently I am ... Alex and Rob were shocked at the unannounced handicaps of the client, but they attempted to provide him with the agreed upon interactions ... yes, the comment about the tardiness was unnecessary ... but their dismay at being given a bad review for the episode is undertandable, and all the more so because the client admits his dishonesty when scheduling the appointment


I wish all parties in the episode the best and remember one of the golden rules ... thou shalt not lie

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RE: Brouhaha


I still don't think the client was "dishonest" when booking the appointment. Sure, he could have told them, and, by not telling them risked a bad time, but still...the fact of the matter is that most escorts would not see him if he is upfront about being deformed. People in person are not so rude, so his chances go up if the escort actually meets him and sees the person behind the deformity.


P.S. Alan, well-said!

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I have no problem beliving you have mastered many everyday task in your world doing these things without the use of average hands and arms.However I cannot belive you undressed,showered,had sex,and got dressed again in fifteen minutes-this is a feat unreasonable(in the stated amount of time) for even a horny non-handicapped teenager,let alone myself-or you.

If I replaced fat with the word handicapped-would I be upset.Not if the fat person in the story pulled the same stunt as you did pal.

Thanks for admitting your mistake-hopefully you will learn from it and thus avoid setting yourself up for further disapointment.

and best wishes finding some of the escorts out there that are willing to be kind and good to you-everyone needs to be touched,and shown some respect-be more honest with them than you have been with this board and you should be fine.

My Best wishes to you

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>This thread is a wonderful reminder why I hate the Gay

>community so much.

>Good luck


Please don't hate all of us. That would be an empty life. You have learned quickly about the personalities of Hooville. Some are all-knowing; some are all-wise; some are infallible; some are irrefutable. You have already faced so many hurdles in your life; please don't add another one because you let a few faceless souls get into your head with internet ramblings. Use this board to learn, to express yourself, to contribute, but don't make the mistake of thinking you will ever find satisfaction engaging in serious dialogue on this board about really important issues. That's a black hole of frustration. I hope you don't drop out of here so soon.

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It never fails, I leave the room for a time and when I return desks are overturned, Sue Armstrong has had cockleburrs thrown in her hair and half of you have you skirts up over your heads.


Since the handicapped are always stressing that they're like everyone else and that they shouldn't be treated differently or with condescension or pity, I will take off the kid gloves and have a little talk with Bachdon like he was anyone else here.



>I swore to myself that i would not post anymore. This

>certainly is my first and last chatroom experience. i had to

>respond to this one however because it is so incredably



You think THIS has been insulting? This has been the children's hour compared to how things can really get around here.



>You can believe what you wish but if men with no arms can

>paint beautiful paintings with their feet then I most

>certainly have mastered taking off my clothes. Would you like

>to know how i masterbate?


I think I speak for everyone when I say: "NO". Nor do we want to know you mastUrbate.



>i posted the review because I felt it was the right thing to



Ah the piety of it all. Move over Mother Teresa.



>It was personal and revealing about me in ways Im not real

>comfortable with but I felt it needed to be done.


Interestingly though, you didn't feel the need to share with potential sex partners that there was something about you that you knew had the potential to repulse them and, by extension, embarass you.



>you people have been very quick to make assumptions and judgements and

>couch them in terms that are at best brutal and insensitive.


Welcome to the Message Center



>A chip on my shoulder?


Yes, a chip on your shoulder. Next question.



>Damn right


I'm glad we agree on something



>because what is fastly

>becomming a boring discussion


Becomme, actually.



>it has taken me years to come this far


Altogether now.......Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya.........



>and if I balk at second

>class citizenship and am termed uppity in the process so be it.


hmmmm, "uppity"......I don't remember that term being used.



> Get over it? Yea most of the time but nobody with an ounce of

>mental health and self respect would, on occasion want to take

>that snotty nosed little kid staring up my sleeve and drop

>kick the bastard through the window.welcome to my world.


Who was the girl who starred in the tv show by that name? Didn't it always start with line drawings? oops, I'm digressing........



>Do me a favor, replace the word handicap with FAT re-read your

>post and tell how you would feel? Maby a tad defensive?


Maby, maby not.



>And for the last time I ADMIT I screwed up in not telling them

>about my disability. Happy!?


I'm personally moved by the spirit in which the apology is tendered.



>As a result do I deserve this

>treatment from them or you? Hell no!


Ah victimhood, it's so attractive.



>This thread is a wonderful reminder why I hate the Gay

>community so much.


And therein lies the rub.



>Good luck


Call me a cynic but I don't think he means it.


Now that I've gotten that out of the way, lemme calls it as I sees it.


Look, Bachdon is obviously pissed off about being deformed and frankly, who the hell wouldn't be? However, playing the victim is a big snore and renders someone totally unsympathetic.


The fact that you posted a negative review about two guys you blind sided with your deformity and then played the victim afterwards says that, contrary to what you say otherwise, you haven't come to terms with your deformity and on some level you get back at the "gay community" that you "hate.....so much" by slamming two "hot" guys. If Alex and Rob had really been pricks they wouldn't have even tried to go through with it. Instead they sucked it up (if you'll pardon the expression) and gave it the old Hooker University try.


Bachdon, as you well know, it's a cruel cruel world. Every one of us has gotten it right between the eyes at some point. And when that happens, we have to make the decision to play the hand life has dealt us (HELP! I'm drowning in metaphors!) or fold our cards and bitch and moan about how life sucks, and how people are mean, and how unfair things are, and blah blah blah. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz......


You came onto a hooker website and expected to find a bunch of guys who would be sympathetic. WRONGO little one. Alot of the guys here are one or more of the following: old, fat, scrawny, ugly, small-dicked, ugly-dicked, bald, short, or even worse.....DONNIE. They know how the game is played and they've navigated the hooker waters. They've faced rejection from the "gay community" and know how mean it can be. So, when someone comes in and gripes about he didn't get "professional" service from worker bees who weren't informed ahead of time that he had "flippers", the reaction he's gonna get isn't one of deep understanding. Because of your deformity, these nasty faggots, and I mean that in the most loving and supportive way, were quasi-nice for a change.


Well, ask around and these evil queens will tell you I'm NOT nice so I'll tell it like it is.....


Life dealt you a pretty crappy hand (but not as crappy as alot of other people were dealt) and if you wanna have sex with hot guys you're gonna have to pay for it. And before paying for it, you better start telling them about the arms or else you're gonna feel even shittier than you already do.


I'm sure the "flippers" aint fun, but it could be worse: you could live in New Jersey.


Understandably yours.



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Guest ihpguy

Answer: Who is Lisa Gerritsen?


Today's Jeopardy Question: Name the girl who starred in the TV series "My World and Welcome to It"

By the way, she also played Bess, the daughter of Phyllis and Lars Lindstrom. And what awful things would Phyllis have had to say about gay hustlers and the deformed johns who engage them for various sundry diversions?

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Guest alanm

>You think THIS has been insulting? This has been the

>children's hour compared to how things can really get around



Insulting for absolutely no good reason, since you made no effort to

look at this objectively or, even worse, read the other thread. You

have no obligation to treat Bachdon differently because of his

disability, but you should have done your homework.


On the other thread, Bachdon wrote:


"Since the Alex/Rob episode I have had several encounters that have been beautiful. There are way more sexual healers among escorts then are given credit for. People like MikeATL out of Atlanta, Rick and derrick out of New York,Craig Elliot out of orlando and Mick Powers out of Columbus among others (Ive been busy)are people I have the highest respect for..."


Bachdon has hired at least five escorts in 2006, four out of five were great, one wasn't. He is hardly a newbie to hiring escorts. Bachdon has every right to review that one bad experience.

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>There are way more sexual healers among

>escorts then are given credit for.


"Sexual healers"????


(insert sound of cat hacking up a fur ball)


Please, don't get me started.



>Bachdon has hired at least five escorts in 2006, four out of

>five were great, one wasn't. He is hardly a newbie to hiring

>escorts. Bachdon has every right to review that one bad



Oh yes, a "right".


(sticking finger down throat)


Yes, Bachdon is welcome to leave a review and we also have the "right" to tear it to pieces like a wolverine with a newborn kitten.


I never said he didn't have the "right" to, I said he was a putz (well, I didn't quite use that word) not to tell the worker bees he had "flippers" (his word choice, not mine).


As for Alex/Rob's response - frankly, who gives a shit? They should have merely said: "he didn't give us a full picture ahead of time and we did our best but it wasn't good enough" and everyone would have nodded in agreement. Instead, they ended up on their high horse which wasn't necessary and you guys can take that into consideration when choosing to hire them. However, it was Bachdon who intentionally withheld crucial information and then got all bent out of shape when it crashed and burned.


Release and move on.


Definitively yours,



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>It never fails, I leave the room for a time and when I return

>desks are overturned, Sue Armstrong has had cockleburrs thrown

>in her hair and half of you have you skirts up over your



Ahhh…the smell of FFF in the morning….


>… I will take off the kid gloves

>and have a little talk with Bachdon like he was anyone else



God help you Bachdon….


>Altogether now.......Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya.........


OK….the giggles started here…


I’m all ready for a good old fashion witch burning and you break out the marshmallows and s’mores…typical.


>>and if I balk at second

>>class citizenship and am termed uppity in the process so be



>hmmmm, "uppity"......I don't remember that term being used.


Don’t you love it when someone labels themselves and then blames it on us?


>> …. how you would feel? Maby a tad defensive?


>Maby, maby not.


OK…now I’m laughing so hard I’m wetting my pants


>>Good luck


>Call me a cynic but I don't think he means it.


I tell you that FFF isn’t as dense as he looks….


> Alot of the

>guys here are one or more of the following: old, fat, scrawny,

>ugly, small-dicked, ugly-dicked, bald, short, or even



Whew…missed me!


Love the youngish, lean, built, nice looking, average size but pretty dicked, tall with a full head of hair…nycman!


But I’m most thankful that I’m not DONNIE!


> these nasty faggots,

>and I mean that in the most loving and supportive way…


How could YOU mean it any other way?


>Well, ask around and these evil queens will tell you I'm NOT

>nice so I'll tell it like it is.....


Don’t bother….I’m happy to testify on FFF’s behalf….he’s NOT nice….


>Life dealt you a pretty crappy hand (but not as crappy as alot

>of other people were dealt)


What are we playing here?...deformity poker?


I’ll see you’re two flippers and raise you a club foot….


>I'm sure the "flippers" aint fun, but it could be worse: you

>could live in New Jersey.


Spoken like a true New Yorker…yet another reason to love/hate FFF!


>Understandably yours.


Funny thing is….I honestly believe this last statement. FFF does understand…perhaps too well for his own social well being on this board, but like it or not…he understands most situations extremely well. That’s one of the reasons a small group of us love him….and many hate him.


Fuck, I’m not going to pretend I like everything he writes. But if I’m brutally honest with myself…the stuff I don’t like is the stuff that hits the closest to home…the mirror gets too close…and I get uncomfortable.


Thank you FFF for making me uncomfortable. Although I often laugh out loud at your posts…it’s the times that I start squirming in my seat that I know I need to re-read the post REALLY think about why I feel that way.


You humor is insightful and your wit is worth a year of psychotherapy.

Please don’t ever stop…although you seem to every other fucking week….


Analytically yours,



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>It never fails, I leave the room for a time and when I return

>desks are overturned, Sue Armstrong has had cockleburrs thrown

>in her hair and half of you have you skirts up over your



Ahhh…the smell of FFF in the morning….


>… I will take off the kid gloves

>and have a little talk with Bachdon like he was anyone else



God help you Bachdon….


>Altogether now.......Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya.........


OK….the giggles started here…


I’m all ready for a good old fashion witch burning and you break out the marshmallows and s’mores…typical.


>>and if I balk at second

>>class citizenship and am termed uppity in the process so be



>hmmmm, "uppity"......I don't remember that term being used.


Don’t you love it when someone labels themselves and then blames it on us?


>> …. how you would feel? Maby a tad defensive?


>Maby, maby not.


OK…now I’m laughing so hard I’m wetting my pants


>>Good luck


>Call me a cynic but I don't think he means it.


I tell you that FFF isn’t as dense as he looks….


> Alot of the

>guys here are one or more of the following: old, fat, scrawny,

>ugly, small-dicked, ugly-dicked, bald, short, or even



Whew…missed me!


Love the youngish, lean, built, nice looking, average size but pretty dicked, tall with a full head of hair…nycman!


But I’m most thankful that I’m not DONNIE!


> these nasty faggots,

>and I mean that in the most loving and supportive way…


How could YOU mean it any other way?


>Well, ask around and these evil queens will tell you I'm NOT

>nice so I'll tell it like it is.....


Don’t bother….I’m happy to testify on FFF’s behalf….he’s NOT nice….


>Life dealt you a pretty crappy hand (but not as crappy as alot

>of other people were dealt)


What are we playing here?...deformity poker?


I’ll see you’re two flippers and raise you a club foot….


>I'm sure the "flippers" aint fun, but it could be worse: you

>could live in New Jersey.


Spoken like a true New Yorker…yet another reason to love/hate FFF!


>Understandably yours.


Funny thing is….I honestly believe this last statement. FFF does understand…perhaps too well for his own social well being on this board, but like it or not…he understands most situations extremely well. That’s one of the reasons a small group of us love him….and many hate him.


Fuck, I’m not going to pretend I like everything he writes. But if I’m brutally honest with myself…the stuff I don’t like is the stuff that hits the closest to home…the mirror gets too close…and I get uncomfortable.


Thank you FFF for making me uncomfortable. Although I often laugh out loud at your posts…it’s the times that I start squirming in my seat that I know I need to re-read the post REALLY think about why I feel that way.


You humor is insightful and your wit is worth a year of psychotherapy.

Please don’t ever stop…although you seem to every other fucking week….


Analytically yours,



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A very unsatisfactory escort appointment took place. A review, with some positive but mostly negative points, was written, that raised some questions in reader's minds (including mine). The escorts wrote a response that struck many people (including me) as nasty and self-serving. Then lots of people, including the reviewer and me, got into the act in this forum. Finally, FFF, who is either practicing his version of tough love or just showing off for fun, revived the topic in this thread. The client admitted that he realized from some of the early comments that he had made an initial mistake in the way he handled the affair, but people still seem to be beating him over the head about it. The escorts have, perhaps wisely, kept their mouths shut, but they're probably not too happy about many of the comments that clients here have made about them. The client now seems more upset about the way many Hoovillers have reacted to him than about the event that started it all. Everything worth saying seems to have been said, and now people are just rubbing salt in wounds that need to heal.


Can we move on, or are we going to beat this horse truly to death?

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A very unsatisfactory escort appointment took place. A review, with some positive but mostly negative points, was written, that raised some questions in reader's minds (including mine). The escorts wrote a response that struck many people (including me) as nasty and self-serving. Then lots of people, including the reviewer and me, got into the act in this forum. Finally, FFF, who is either practicing his version of tough love or just showing off for fun, revived the topic in this thread. The client admitted that he realized from some of the early comments that he had made an initial mistake in the way he handled the affair, but people still seem to be beating him over the head about it. The escorts have, perhaps wisely, kept their mouths shut, but they're probably not too happy about many of the comments that clients here have made about them. The client now seems more upset about the way many Hoovillers have reacted to him than about the event that started it all. Everything worth saying seems to have been said, and now people are just rubbing salt in wounds that need to heal.


Can we move on, or are we going to beat this horse truly to death?

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