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Clients Respecting Escorts & Vice Versa

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I'm interested in the feedback of my hiring peers. I'm sure someone will torch me for this.....go for it! The MC has been a good source of info for over 5 years. I have been drawn to some escorts solely because of their posts here, hired them, and had a great time. But perhaps as I age (nearing 4-OH!), my perspective is changing about hiring certain escorts. For years, the body and some sexual chemistry was all that mattered to having a blast, but now, I find myself evaluating prospective escorts based on respect for the client, as well as having a smoking hot bod. }(


Here's my point. I'm a social and political conservative, perhaps rare around here, but I know I'm not the only one. I'm not blind to some of the idiots and scammers who are on my side of the aisle. There are an equal number on the other side of the aisle too. Nevertheless, conservative I am. Yet, I am also respectful and tolerant of thoughtful, coherent debate by those who disagree with me. I can disagree without becoming nasty or disrespectful.


Of the many escorts I have hired, only one was solidly on my side of the aisle, to my knowledge. We hit it off in every possible way. :9 Most other escorts have been respectful and accommodating even when we disagree, but I am finding that some escorts, based on MC postings, not only lack mutual respect, but do not hesitate to belittle the opposition with all manner of raw emotional insults not based on factually dealing with the issues. As a result, I have recently eliminated two escorts from my 2006 Tour of the good ole USA because I know that no physical attraction would overcome my feelings that the escort views me with disdain simply because my perspective differs from his own. If I had not known what they really feel, it would not be an issue, but I do know, and so I'm now revising my list for 06. Perhaps, I'm just now learning what a powerful sex organ the mind really is.


Are there any other clients who have declined to hire an escort based on a mutual respect issue like this? Perhaps this is a sign that I am nearing the end of my hiring days and am ready to move on. I have always hired because it's been great fun, nothing more or less. When it is no longer fun, I will definitely call it quits. Thanks guys!

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Wellllllll,,,,you opened a real can of worms here as far as I am concerned-and this might have to be moved to the politics forum.


I have hired scorts in the past who have very different leanings from me in political and social issues.

If they keep their mouth closed and I do not find out-well I guess it is no big deal.However-once they start voicing opinions that are injurious to my good time with them,well I have to start thinking"do I really want to support this guy and his belief system"


This came up recently for me at a hooville meeting,a regular participent joined a party after dinner of a group of fellas who share beliefs that I am opposed to.This fella is a 'scort and as such his part of the dinner bill is picked up by the"johns"at the table.So I am in a quandry here-do I continue to chip in for his meal?He is an ok fella-but now that I know his political leanings I have issues with this.

I have also had to cut 'scorts becuase they held beliefs which were antithetical to my own.


Small minded of me?Perhaps,but it is my hard-earned money and I feel if the shoe was on the other foot they would not be spending their hard( :9 )earned money on people they had opposing opinions with.

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I normally hire escorts for an hour or two of sex, and I don't care to know in advance their politics, religion, philosophy or favorite contestant on American Idol. After the sex there is usually some conversation, and I may then discover things about the escort that would have made the sex less enjoyable if I had known them. If so, I don't hire them again. The invention of sites like this, however, have made it harder for me to avoid knowing some of those things, and certain escorts whose ads and pictures turn me on are nevertheless not on my hiring consideration list, simply because I can't fantasize that they are what I know they aren't. That doesn't mean that I can't be attracted to people whose political views, etc., are different from mine, as long as--like you--I don't feel that they are contemptuous of me because of the difference. In fact, jawjateck, you have struck me as someone with whom I would be quite as comfortable socially as I am with bigguy, although you and I are at different ends of the political spectrum; likewise, I have no problem with paying for sex with reasonable, respectful conservative escorts (and I don't mean just respectful towards me, but towards all decent human beings).

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RE: Clients Respecting Escorts & Vice Versa


This is where I think majority of people go wrong. How does a difference of opinion political, religious or philosophies on books or art pieces develop into disrespect? Better yet why?


What's good for the goose may not be what's good for the flying squirrel. Maybe I am naive but I have carry the philosophy that everyone is inherently good in lieu to the other way around. Thus everyone has it in them to one destination. What differs is the route to this one destination.


Somewhere some how, people forgot this and begin to take things more personal than they should and thus by doing so put the opposition on defense vowing to protect their belief under any means necessary.


I wonder where would the world be if they held this philosophy;

"Oh Johnny is a (insert noun)? Well good for him. (Capitalized insert noun) is not really for me but if he's happy with (insert noun) than it's none of my business. Now this is how Johnny and I can coexist."


Instead majority hold this philosophy;

"Oh Johnny is a (insert noun)? Well Johnny is wrong and I will let Johnny know how wrong he is. If Johnny knew what was good for him he will change his beliefs or, fine I wont hold the door for him next time he runs for the elevator."


Kind of immature no?

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RE: Clients Respecting Escorts & Vice Versa


Jay I think being civil and courteous to most(I cannot be civil and courteous to all)people is different than supporting an escort whose belief systems are opposite to my own.I will not knowingly support buisiness'that are supporting folks who would rather see me dead for sleeping with another man,why would I give cash to a scort who participates in the same practices.If anything it is worse because they are sex workers,and probably gay,and therefore there holding such beliefs,practicing certain religions or beliving in the political dogma of a political party is really nothing other than self inflicted homophobia?

Of course my life is more than whom I choose to have sex with.And I would hope the 'scorts in question have lives which involve more than their political,religilous,and social beliefs.

The OP is,of course,coming from a point of view that is 180 degrees opposite from mine.Will I be civil towards him and read/listen to what he says with respectful interest-of course.But I am not paying him-and my wallet has the power to make a difference.

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I have never encountered this problem. Like any good businessman, most escorts know to leave their religion or politics at the door and just do their job.


Recently, however, a lap dancer in Canada was performing for me and gratuitously offered his distress at George Bush and his policies. I immediately became very hard...rock hard, I dare say!:)

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Well, I'm pretty liberal, especially on social issues. Most of my friends are pretty liberal. But I have good friends who are very conservative and I respect them as much as the others.


The last time I looked, respecting the opinions of those with whom we differ was supposed to be an American strength (operative phrase=supposed to be). We value freedom of speech and fight battles over the right to speak our minds about all manner of things, most especially political issues. Since when did it become necessary for a man to agree with us on politics in order for us to respect him.


I hold my opinions for reasons that I believe are sound -- for me. But others can and do look at the same facts and come to different conclusions that they believe are sound -- for them. Does that mean one of us is wrong? Or do we simply disagree?


If everyone in a room is agreeing on some issue, they're probably all overlooking something, and quite possibly that something is important. A vibrant political dialogue is not a luxury in a democracy; it's an absolutely necessity. When government tries to stifle that dialog, it's a very unhealthy thing for the life of the nation. We as individuals should cherish our right to engage in a healthy political dialog on any issues that concern us and luxuriate in this fundamental human right.


When faced with someone they disagree with, many people immediately take the path of arguing with that person and trying to convince them to change their mind. This is the "I'm right so he must be wrong" syndrome. But that approach cuts off dialog and ends up with a "conversation" that's more like Crossfire than a real conversation.


When faced with someone who holds opinions different from your own, why rush to judgment? Do you feel that only Democrats or only Republicans are worthy of respect? Or do you believe that someone who is of a different political persuasion than you cannot possibly respect you?


Why not listen to the other guy? Instead of shutting him down, why not ask questions? Find out why he holds the opinions he does. Most people are decent enough, most are smart enough and most have through their opinions at least somewhat. And most aren't evil. So this person who holds opinions that differ from yours may have something to teach you, even if he's 30 years younger.


We come from very diverse backgrounds and most of us are not one-dimensional. We're complicated. And most liberals are not liberal on every single point and most Republicans aren't conservative on every issue. Instead of arguing, ask about his life experience. How did he come to hold his opinions? And why? Does he question them at all? And, if given a chance, explain how you came to hold yours.


Instead of thinking badly of the person, you may well come away respecting him more than ever. A good man who has thought through his politics carefully and come to judgments that differ from our own is not evil incarnate. He's just another of those varied political voices that we desperately need if our political culture has any chance of staying healthy.


Lots of people talk about respect. But it's funny how few people really do grant others real respect, including respect for their freedom to hold differing political opinions. I guess the current political scene makes it too easy to see everything in terms of white hats and black hats. But we all lose in that scenario.


Finally, do you choose your grocer, your banker and your barber based on their political views? Or do you choose them because they provide good service at a fair price?



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at first glance I thought your icon was Ratzinger/Benedict :-)



I dont think I would hire an escort if I knew he was a Nazi/neo-Nazi


Im not particularly enlightened so I dont expect others to be either :-)


Bottom line for me is that is someone is seething with hatred for whatever reason, and its obvious, I dont want to be around him. If someone loves Bush (or bush for that matters), that does not affect me in the least


Like Jay said, i think all people are inherent good, and if they dont agree with me, ot doesnt make them bad...just misguided :-)

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Guest Jesse Dane

This is a very interesting topic. I think that everyone who has said that mutual respect is the most important thing is dead on!


My most regular client who I have seen since the month I started escorting and myself hold polar opposite political beliefs. It came up at our very first meeting in coversation and has been something we have talked about now for hours on end. The fact of our disagreeing and the debates we have had about our opposing views I think is something that has become a very bonding thing. We debate, we laugh about the fact we will never agree, and then we fuck. Always a good time in my opinion.


I think that a respectful and intelligent conversation can bring people closer even when they have different viewpoints.

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So True Lucky..Leave the Religion & Politics, IF you like getting into it,in the first place... at the Bedroom Door!

I seriously doubt EITHER topic ever really gave anyone a GOOD Hardon! At least not in Brooklyn! Most Guys will not even have this stuff on their minds, for the 1 or 2 hours they are hooking up, Great Sex does take a little concentration! :7

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Most other escorts have been respectful and accommodating even when we disagree, but I am finding that some escorts, based on MC postings, not only lack mutual respect, but do not hesitate to belittle the opposition with all manner of raw emotional insults not based on factually dealing with the issues.




You’ve started a topic that is very dear to my heart. A majority of the escorts I hire I’ve found on this site. I rely heavily on their reviews and also consider their MC participation to determine who I will hire.


It’s fairly common knowledge that I prefer younger escorts with tight, fit bodies and a cute little bubble butt. I usually don’t hire for less than 2 hours and most sessions are 4+ hours or overnight. In these instances it’s very difficult for our time together to be purely sexual and we usually spend some time talking and interacting on a variety of topics.


The majority of the escorts I’ve hired have been wonderful and very respectful to his old man. Usually these guys have beliefs or political leanings that are vastly different from mine. For example, one guy indicated he was a supporter of PETA and I responded, “You mean People Eating Tasty Animals?” Another guy, when he learned of my current job and veteran status, indicated he was anti-military and we had a lengthy and meaningful discussion (not argument) on our different beliefs.


But, with a majority of the guys, there has been the mutual respect that you have mentioned. For that I’m very grateful.


Unfortunately, I’ve also had some very negative experiences. This usually happens when I’ve hired someone not reviewed on this site or have decided to overlooked their MC rantings. Those sessions were disasters.


One particular guy did resort to belittling me and even included some name calling. Not a smart move since I ended the encounter at dinner and only paid him for the non-sexual hour we spent together. He appeared clueless that his behavior was unacceptable or even offensive. After all, what could more important than his uninformed and non-factual opinions?


In the past year I’ve diverted approximately 25% of my yearly escort budget from MC “ranters” that I decided not to hire. Instead of trying someone new, I’ve become a repeat customer of the younger escorts who treat me with respect.


Now, if I were only hiring for 1-2 hours and planned to keep their mouth stuffed full of something long and juicy, }( I might try a “ranter”. But, so far, I’m not willing to risk my hard-earned money on a date that might be more stressful than enjoyable.


I’m sure the “ranters” will be relieved that this old, fat man won’t be hiring them. But, I personally think some of the guys here are missing out on some big bucks because of their on-line persona.



"We need to have more respect for each other. Things have just gone really crazy, out of control. ... We're on a very weird kind of cycle." Stevie Wonder

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The idea of respect should not be restricted to political beliefs here as well. How you handle yourself in all situations is of concern. I do believe it goes both ways. I have had an escort decline my offer to hire him because he disagreed with my viewpoint regarding a review. I chose to email him privately to discuss his problems with my viewpoint; I think we were able to come away from it agreeing to disagree. I think what was important was that I did not want to make a public display of the argument. Some of the subject matters do seem to bring the ire of some right to the boiling point like barebacking or age of the escort. Believe it or not these subject matters do have differing views; we are all raised differently with families, culture and religion. These subjects can change the viewpoint of clients for hiring. That said I think I appreciate escort more for how he handles an argument and the basis for his reasoning.


I do agree a great deal with your opening line regarding appreciation for intelligent escort. I have had the privilege of having several of those over the last several months and since I do longer appointments, rarely less than 3 hours, the conversations have been wonderful. I can easily spend 45 minutes of my 3 hour meeting just in conversation. I really have a wonderful time.

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When I think of the issue of "respect" between escorts and clients I do not think of politics, but of whether the escort has enough respect for the client to show up on time, to refrain from using his cellphone, to show some interest in whether the client is having a good time -- in other words, to behave with the respect that the customer in most business transactions wants and deserves. I don't care whether an escort agrees with or respects my views on political or social issues any more than I care whether the waiter who brings me my lunch or the woman who cuts my hair does. What does one thing have to do with the other?

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It is interesting that this subject is being discussed. I occasionally participate at a site where political matters are sometimes raised even though the particular message board has absolutely nothing to do with politics. People from one side or another of the political spectrum get absolutely violent in their reactions and display an elitist attitude that is beyond belief. In other words, they have absolutely no respect for people who express opposing viewpoints. I was actually disheartened by the entire name calling and suggested a more well-mannered and civil approach when posting. I was shot down as a total idiot… and as a person lacking in passion. I then suggested that political arguments be relegated to a specific area as is done on this site. For that I was pilloried for espousing censorship and it was suggested that I be horse-whipped… Well if they only knew that I probably would have enjoyed it I’m sure that it would have not been suggested!


My point is this. Most of us participate on message boards (and hire escorts) to avoid not only politics but also the often depressing news items of the day. If politics is your thing there are plenty of sites catering to every possible political viewpoint where matters can be discussed or frustrations can be vented. That this site has such a forum is a good thing. I choose not to view it.


In my own business dealings I NEVER raise political subject matter. Very often people will bring up the subject. In such instances I listen courteously and then proceed to the matter at hand. A SMART escort will do likewise. If he is not smart enough to realize that fact, at least he should show RESPECT… after all it is his JOB to make the client feel as RELAXED, PLEASED, and AT EASE as possible.


Likewise I don’t care to discuss politics with an escort. Like most guys I do my couple of hours and even stay for a post session chat on occasion… If the guy has “second head” on his shoulders there are infinite numbers of subjects that can be discussed… If the subject of politics arises I usually fluff it off. If the guy has political views that are opposed to mine and he is good at what he does will I hire him again? Hell yes! If his beliefs are in sync with mine and he can’t deliver the goods will I hire him again? Hell no! Not everyone will feel that way. I can see how a person may not want to deal with a person touting an opposing viewpoint. That is why I never discuss any controversial subjects. I like to think that such a philosophy has helped contribute to my success in business. Again, the smart escort will act accordingly!


For guys that do longer sessions involving dinner or overnights I can see where personal matters may unavoidably or unintentionally creep into the conversation. My advice to both escorts and clients: If you don’t agree with the other person show respect and learn to be a good listener…You may actually discover something in the process that may reinforce or actually change you own beliefs. Then try to tactfully change the subject while still respecting the other individual’s penchants.


Remember, the best conversationalists are not only good listeners, but always speak in terms of the other person’s interests.

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RE: Clients Respecting Escorts & Vice Versa


>Nicely said.


>We often hear someone referred to as a "good listener", in a

>positive way. But when was the last time you heard someone

>complemented for being a "good talker"?


Nicely said yourself.


"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." -- Abraham Lincoln



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RE: Clients Respecting Escorts & Vice Versa



Thanks for the Lincoln quote. How appropriate given the impending holiday. It was any excellent summarization of this entire thread. I consider Mr. Lincoln one of the greatest men to have ever lived. He left mankind with a rich history of respect and how to handle oneself under the most difficult of situations.

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Guest Don Cast

Hmmmmm... While I make it a hobby to respect and honor all viewpoints, Jaw has posed food for a bit of extra thought here.


First of all, what's a nice social and political conservative doing in a place like this?


Secondly, one of the Higher Truths is that a stiff prick knows no conscience.


Or is it?


One of the more trusted remedies against the risk of premature ejaculation (or even untimely erection) is to focus the mind on the Bush Administration. Never fails.


Of course it would be a problem if the escort of the moment suddenly began descanting on the joys of the free market or the irresistable charms of Dick Cheney and Karl Rove. But, surely, easily solved? It's impossible to talk with ones mouth full...


Now, who's for starting the Log Closet at the next GOP convention??



:+ :+ :+

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Guest skrubber

Once I hired an escort who I had hired before during the Primary contests and he showed up wearing a Clark for President hat. A young man, he was fervent about his political views. He pressed me saying he thought I was a Bush supporter and when I said I was going to vote for him he got up and said let's go. End of story - We had sex and I never hired him again.

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I saw a sign this week posted in someone's office that reminded me of this post. It said:


"I was always taught to respect my elders. I have now reached the point were I have to respect no one".


I'm not there yet but I'm getting closer all the time. x(

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RE: Clients Respecting Escorts & Vice Versa


It is this Republican administration, more than any other in recent history, which has consistently branded its detractors anti-American and unpatriotic. And that's when they are being nice, and not exposing their opponents' CIA credentials (Valerie Plame) or maliciously spreading lies about their personal history (John McCain). And then there are their other favorite tactics: race-bating (how Bush Sr. won the White House) and gay-bating (how Bush Jr. did). I could go on all night...so let me just say this:


For a gay person to be a Republican is unconscionable. When it comes to sleeping with one of them, I'd borrow Nancy's philosophy: JUST SAY NO.

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RE: Clients Respecting Escorts & Vice Versa


"For a gay person to be a Republican is unconscionable."


Note to self: check conscience! Whew....yup...it's still there!


"When it comes to sleeping with one of them, I'd borrow Nancy's

philosophy: JUST SAY NO."


This kind of information is helpful. It has been said often by the experienced posters in the MC that detailed communication is one of the most important keys to a successful escort/client experience, making sure all expectations and issues are addressed before meeting. I appreciate that about Tom's openness and clarity before setting up an appointment. He will not lower his standards or sacrifice his integrity, and I will not waste money. Communication really makes win-win situations happen.

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Guest TNT Ted

RE: Clients Respecting Escorts & Vice Versa


>For a gay person to be a Republican is unconscionable. When

>it comes to sleeping with one of them, I'd borrow Nancy's

>philosophy: JUST SAY NO.



I think Mr. Isern has now crossed the line. Any continued discussion of his remarks belongs in the political issues forum.

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RE: Clients Respecting Escorts & Vice Versa


"For a gay person to be a Republican is unconscionable. When it comes to sleeping with one of them, I'd borrow Nancy's philosophy: JUST SAY NO."


I am always disappointed to be crossed off someone else's list. Having different points of view is usually stimulating to me. I am really sorry to lose you as a potential escort and possible friend, Tom.

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