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Benjamin Nicholas comes clean

Rick Munroe
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RE: Dear jackhammer...


"You are a new voice ( I think)..."


I am, indeed, a new voice here, Mr. Hammer. The easiest way to tell if a poster here, or elsewhere, has his head up his ass (in other words, a complete nincompoop) is to see if they accuse me of being someone else in disguise. I hate double-posters.


One would think (I guess you need a brain first) that by giving Daddy permission to publicly say whether my IP address is listed under any other username in the MC would somehow put any accusations of double-posting to rest, especially when you consider that Daddy doesn't hesitate to warn readers of IP address issues in the review section of this site. Outside of publicly admitting who I am and posting my Passport pages to prove it, I don't see any way to shut down the assholes from spreading their self-serving lies and fictions. What more can be said of denial?


What do I do when some jackass accuses me of being someone else? I laugh. And then I take note of their ignorance: the fact that they can't analyze my writing, my voice, and my opinion well enough to determine that it's mine and mine alone.


Regarding your post:


"one of the great things about this site is that we are able to express our opinions each and every one"


We're in agreement here.


"I don't rail on people often, but when I get the bit in my teeth, I can give it a good run."


Me, too, as long as "railing" means creatively and constructively making your point. This does, of course, exclude calling someone an idiot asshole motherfucker, etc. (Not that I'm saying you have.)


Regarding your personal, first-hand knowledge of BN: I have no experience there so I'll pass on judgment. I've never met him. I've never talked to him. And I have no intention of hiring him. I know better.


I've also said I have no clue why he does what he does. That's his business and none of his decisions effect me in any way.


If you were a client and/or an escort who has had to endure the ugly side of BN's MO and you got burned, I can feel for you. But, seriously, a smart man has to consider, if you play in the line of fire, you just might get burned. If anybody wants to play life safe and fair, go live in a cave and shut the door behind you, permanently.


"But, Rockhard, I also have the right to address what in my opinion is unacceptable behavior by an escort, and nothing you say, write, or threaten will ever change that."


We're in agreement here, too, as well as wishing you a nice day. Thank you for reading my posts. :-)

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RE: Dear RockHard,


Hi Rockhard,


You surprise me.


Having another IP number doesn't say that much. I slide in a WiFi card in my notebook, pick up the Wifi signals from one of my neighbourgs, get an IP number related to their Internet connection, and whoopy ...

... I'm someone else.


If that's not enough, I can also make an old-fashioned dialup connection through the phone line to my internet provider and whoopy ...

... again I'm someone else.


There are even providers where you get another IP number every time you reboot your pc or local network, which all makes the IP number not the perfect source of information.


In addition, what most of all surprised me was that you instantly knew that Daddy keeps track of IP numbers of posters. It took me a year before I read that somewhere.


What I also noticed is that as soon as you posted you immediately knew how to make bold, italicand underlined text, while the trick how to do it is unlogical. I had to ask someone else how to do it. Again something I haven't seen a new poster do within a week.


Nevertheless, it's not up to me to decide if you are new or not. Have fun posting !!!


Warm regards, Anton.


email : antonM@antonamsterdam.com

mobile : +31 6 2523 1001

website : http://www.antonamsterdam.com

reviews : http://www.antonamsterdam.com/text-en/reviews.html

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RE: Dear RockHard,


>What I also noticed is that as soon as you posted you

>immediately knew how to make bold, italicand

>underlined text, while the trick how to do it is



Hey Anton,

If you look back to the previous threads you'll notice that he didn't know how to post in bold and italic right away. He used chevrons < > instead of square brackets. In addition RockHard has knowledge in html.


Steven Draker ~


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RE: Dearest Steven...


Steven Draker, is there a greater gift from God than a smart, sexy-looking man? I'm sure there are plenty equally great gifts but, oh, how I love stroking you. I hope Anton doesn't mind if I kill two birds with one stone here.


First, I'm not wireless but I hear what you're saying, Anton, and I believe you are correct. People who borrow their internet connection to make posts to forums can do so without revealing their own IP address, if they have one. I think the vast majority of forum bloggers aren't inclined and wouldn't bother with the time and inconvenience it takes to double-post, and do so successfully. Furthermore, what kind of life is that?


Second, from my personal experience (I lost my cable-modem connection once due to construction in my building) and the process to go back to dial-up was a royal pain in the ass. I just can't imagine anyone going through those hoops to create another alias. Who wants to call their local phone company for internet assistance? Again, what kind of life is that?


I've never heard about providers assigning new IP addresses upon rebooting. I've had to reboot my cable-modem service numerous times through the years and my IP address remains the same.


Third, there was no "instantly" knowing Daddy's record of IP research and commentary. I've written several times that I've been reading the review page here for many, many years, long before I knew the MC was actually a forum.


And finally, Steven Draker is almost correct. I did not know how to use html within the DCForum+ software immediately upon my registration here and I mentioned my frustration with it when someone accused me of double-posting based solely on my awkward use of quotes. All but one of my favorite forums uses greater-than/lesser-than symbols (or, angle brackets) instead of square brackets when writing html. Since I rarely post to that one forum, I forgot about the bracket issue.


I hope Steven won't mind if I correct him - this symbol ^ is a chevron. And the following is a quote from the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII):


"Similarly, for example, in many notational systems the less-than sign and greater-than sign are used as brackets due to the restrictedness of the character repertoire which was generally available when the notation was originally designed. (For example, in HTML they are used to delimit tags, as in <HTML LANG="en">.) But this does not make those characters into brackets any more than the letter l (el) was turned into digit 1 (one) just because many typewriters lacked the latter and the former was used in place of it. Consequently, it is appropriate to use the names "less-than sign" and "greater-than sign" for "<" and ">", even in contexts where they do not indicate the mathematical relations suggested by the names. Calling them by names reserved for other characters would lead to confusion, especially when support to large character repertoires becomes more and more widespread and people will be able to use real angle brackets, too."


With no fear of being accused of bragging, I proudly admit I know how to write in html. Web design is a hobby, sort of a business, and I tinker, which explains my need to escape every now and then and visit here. I also know a little BBEdit, Dreamweaver, and Flash. I do it for fun or if someone offers me a lot of money.


Thank you all, especially you, Steven, for reading my posts. :-)

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Kiss kiss.


>Regarding your personal, first-hand knowledge of BN: I have no

>experience there so I'll pass on judgment. I've never met him.

>I've never talked to him. And I have no intention of hiring

>him. I know better.



Nor do I. I had occasion to meet him at a Hooville gathering in L.A. He seemed pleasant, certainly not a hint of the arrogance and negativity he has displayed of late. But even with that meeting, he was not someone I would hire.



>I've also said I have no clue why he does what he does.


It is puzzling isn't it for someone in a service oriented business. But hey, my guess is he'll be out of that before much longer and on to being a world renowned gossip maven only.


>If you were a client and/or an escort who has had to endure

>the ugly side of BN's MO and you got burned, I can feel for

>you. But, seriously, a smart man has to consider, if you play

>in the line of fire, you just might get burned.



That simple logical fact seems to escape many in BN's legions.



. Thank you for reading my posts. :-)


My pleasure I assure you. No thanks required. ;)

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RE: No way am I always right...


...but I am willing to jump through hoops to get to the most accurate information. Blame the high-powered executive in me. I hope you'll forgive any pompous inflation. Anyone who works with me knows I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong. Failing is often the best way to acquire more knowledge.


Definitions do differ, depending on the source, and the subject in this discussion is html. This is the nature of the beast when discussing languages and context. The Chevron seems to originate with Asian usage, which commonly uses the symbol in an up or down fashion as stated at Wikipedia:


"Chevrons are part of standard Chinese, Japanese, and Korean punctuation, where they generally enclose the titles of books: ? and ? or ? and ? for traditional vertical printing, and ? and ? or ? and ? for horizontal printing."


Obviously, it can be used and defined in horizontal usage but there seems to be no html language for the "classic" chevron symbol, which is why my cut and paste turned the symbols into question marks.


Chevrons, traditionally, have their legs in the "fuck me" mode while greater-than/lesser-than symbols are more frigid. To my knowledge, it is not possible to create a true Chevron when writing html code and I respectfully remind everyone, the subject here was html.


« is mostly known as a Guillemet and is often referred to as a Chevron, although not in the classic sense.

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RE: Sun don't shine


I am tempted to say that that is the picture, though it is not, for fear that you also have on hand a picture of a person putting his head up someone else's bung, which is what I meant but definitely not what I wanted to see. Not that this is either, eh? }(

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RE: No way am I always right...


Chevrons (from the French word for goat) are like this "v" in the army, but like this "^" in heraldry, or just like the caret. The latter use predates the former. I would think of both as fuck me positions. In fact, "<" and ">" are also fuck me positions. Perhaps also "&". How erotic the keyboard is. But much as I love punctuation, I thought I would also add my condemnation of Benjamin's remarks, which were clearly intended to wound both personally and professionally. He should be censured, and I'm happy to join in the censuring. I read his blog a few times when I was new here but his prose style is so dreadful that I couldn't continue. If people don't mind a terrible prose style or if their love for gossip and breathless descriptions of musicals and lounge acts outweighs their love for English prose, that's their business.

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RE: Dearest Steven...


Hi Rockhard,


Thank you for responding, it's a pleasure exchanging thoughts with you.


To me it was just surprising that you mentioned yet once more that the IP number proved that you were new on the MC, while I knew that the IP number doesn't say everything.


You are correct that most providers assign their curstomers the same IP address again and again. Here most of them do, but some don't. The only thing I wanted to clarify is that the IP address is not rock-hard.


Anyway, thank you for the explanation that you've been reading the review pages for many, many years, long before you knew the MC as a forum, but do you mind if again I'm surprised?


Because the review pages don't say a thing thing about the MC forum. You cannot find in the reviews that on the Message Center IP numbers are stored.


And nope, I'm not attacking you, I'm expressing curiosity.


Lol, can I assume that on your turn, you'll like a smart, sexy-looking escort? :-)


Again, welcome to the board, and I'm looking forward to your answer.


Warmest regards, Anton.


email : antonM@antonamsterdam.com

mobile : +31 6 2523 1001

website : http://www.antonamsterdam.com

reviews : http://www.antonamsterdam.com/text-en/reviews.html

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RE: Dear Anton


"Because the review pages don't say a thing thing about the MC forum. You cannot find in the reviews that on the Message Center IP numbers are stored."


Sorry, Anton, I'm not really sure what these words are asking. There is no hidden calculation/agenda here and I speak from simple, honest experience. Even though I've read hundreds of reviews here, I never felt motivated to explore this site beyond the review section. Blame that on design issues or fear of pop-up porn hell.


I recall reading a note on numerous occasions from Daddy, HooBoy, whomever - an addendum to the questionable reviews, which stated the suggestion that the IP address of the review-writer was somehow in question.


I've designed numerous websites and I'm familiar with all the information a CP reveals. I also have cursory knowledge of how an investigator goes about finding a serious criminal hacker. Nothing is black and white or fool-proof but internet access does provide a single IP address, mostly static (versus dynamic), for each line and each computer has its own network card, its own fingerprint.


Now, there's nothing illegal about double-posting and, it's true, an IP address by itself offers several inconvenient workarounds, as you pointed out, but an IP address remains the easiest way for a site owner to question a suspicious user.


ps The true bottom line for me is the ability to read someone's voice. Most double-posters don't say much for fear of being detected. So many slip up so easily, and it's funny to see it happen. Frankly, if I'm going to take the time to write something, I want to guarantee the readers a high level of credibility. Changing names provides no credibilty. If you get caught, your words and opinion die. I have too much self-respect to let that happen.

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RE: Dear Anton


Hi Rockhard,


I assume that you had seen the review page of Marco Bravo in Boston (after your remark I got curious, did a search and found the page).


But just to explain: just consider the reviews and the message center two completely separate websites. If one website stores IP numbers, then the other website may or may not store IP numbers. The note on Marco Bravo's page simply doesn't say a thing about the message center. Since you've designed websites yourself, I had expected that no explanation would be needed.


Anyway, if your goal also is to offer the readers of the forum a high level of writing, then we may like each other. I already noticed that I agree with you on some point, but very much disagree on other points, and we may have fun debating. I don't need to have the last word, but I do ask nasty questions. :p


Enjoy the forum.


Regards, Anton/Amsterdam.


ps: Once a client asked me "there was this other escort who said that you couldn't trust escorts, so can I trust you?" and I replied "nope, I'm nasty". The next time I saw him the told me that when he drove back home, he had to laugh because of the remark.


email : antonM@antonamsterdam.com

mobile : +31 6 2523 1001

website : http://www.antonamsterdam.com

reviews : http://www.antonamsterdam.com/text-en/reviews.html

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RE: Dear Anton 2...


Anton, I haven't kept any lists so I can't help locate specific reviews. Marco Bravo's review is a good example of what I meant even though I typically don't click on names with no picture. I never shop with blindfolds on.


I can consider anything but, the Message Center is part of the HooBoy review site. I always assumed the DCForum+ software is located within the site's Control Panel and whoever has access to the Control Panel should have access to IP addresses for people who click on the link to the Message Center, post on the Message Center, and/or register with the Message Center.


None of the sites I've designed offer forums but I was considering one for one of my own sites. I've done a good deal of research on forum software and custom development. I don't have all the information I want, yet, but it seems to me most up-to-date forum software programs provide access to IP address information, and it makes sense. The laws regarding internet libel and hate speech are under constant scrutiny, especially now that we live in the age of terrorism. I expect the laws to change and NOT fully guarantee absolute anonymity as we move into the future. I know it won't be easy and fool-proof but this seems to be the direction of choice.


"...if your goal also is to offer the readers of the forum a high level of writing, then we may like each other."


I never said I would offer "a high level of writing." That's not what I meant by credibility. Nothing I write here goes through any serious edit process. I write as if I'm speaking aloud and I write very fast. When I write for professional review and/or publication, I always put my manuscript into the hands of a trusted editor. My degrees are in art history and design. Language and writing are just hobbies that, sometimes, offer income.


To me, credibility means more than the simple act of writing. Credibility is the key to retaining readership trust. The words of a credible username are worth much more than the words of a double-posting, negative-attention-seeking asshole. Like I said, if I'm going to take the time to write, I want readers to know that the information and opinion I provide is credible. Some people will view my writing as blowhard bragging while others will view it as an entertaining resource. I don't care as long as they take the time to read it.


I can't force readers to believe me and/or like me and nor do I care to. I have members of my own family that are in denial about the life I lead and they love to talk dirt about me behind my back. It's a safe place for them. I suspect they're afraid to get to know me better because, getting to know a happy, successful gay man means letting go of your fears, beliefs and preconceptions. Some people work very hard at clinging onto fear and I expect most new people I meet to be negative, cynical, and pessimistic. And on those rare occasions when someone will surprise me, I find myself drawn in his/her direction.


I don't need to have the last word, either, but if I'm passionate about the subject, I will always be able to find one more word to say. :-)

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Another YAWN.


It's not necessary to hire escorts to post on this site, but after 150 posts I have yet to read anything that would indicate RockHard has even talked to an escort. Guess he is the kind who does not kiss and tell.

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RE: Am I boring someone? Too bad!


Since I have nothing to do with this subthread, why on earth is some poster complaining about me boring him? I didn't take irishguysbos' post personally and, if it was aimed at me and my contribution here, so what? Does anyone really think I care? Naps are healthy. Use whatever non-narcotic you can to help you get sleep.


I have no intention of rewarding rude posters with cherished information. I don't believe in putting a gift in the hand that slaps you. The kinder MC registrants have already received private messages from me. I expect that friendly exchange will continue. If you don't hear from me, here or privately, it's safe to assume you're on my "IGNORE" list.

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RE: Am I boring someone? Too bad!


>Am I boring someone?


Lots of people here have made quite clear that they find you unbelievably boring and repulsive. And that's just in the short time that you've been posting here. Don't you read the Board - or, like those wretched people offline who can't stop talking about themselves but never listen to anyone else, do you just post and post and post without reading what anyone writes?


I ask this because if you have been reading what others are writing, you wouldn't have to ask if you are boring someone. You would know.


>Since I have nothing to do with this subthread, why on earth

>is some poster complaining about me boring him?


Because you're deathly boring, and I can understand completely if someone was bulging so uncontrollably with boredom that they had to spit it out without regard to whether it was in the right sub-thread.


>I have no intention of rewarding rude posters with

>cherished information.


Sadly, it's not just those on your Special List who are exposed to your "cherished information"; anyone who reads the Board is slimed with your self-absorbed rantings, and the crap you spew here is anything but "cherished." It's imbecilic, boring trash.


I don't believe in putting a gift

>in the hand that slaps you. The kinder MC registrants have

>already received private messages from me.


Those pour souls - it's not enough that they have to read these megalomaniacal, pathological lies over and over and over on this Board. They also get inundated with more of it in their in-boxes.


And oh, how the rest of us un-chosen ones can only regret that we are not privy to the private edition of these pathologies. Reading 150 posts per month just isn't enough!!!


>If you don't hear from me,

>here or privately, it's safe to assume you're on my "IGNORE"



One can only imagine how many people are near suicide to learn that they did not make it off this creature's ignore list.

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RE: Poor, poor Douglass...




...or should we call you Hanna Hypocrite with a penile affliction. Considering how many times you've been told to take a hike (shall we count the years), I see you're still here. What's the matter, dear, does Roy Cohn get lonely over at that four-member website - you know, your home away from home?


I'd rather be boring than evil any day.

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Actually, "former" does modify "escort couple"--to give the meaning you have deduced, BN would have to have said "formerLY HIGH-PROFILE". Not that I think that BN would understand the grammatical difference, especially if you don't, so I don't know which meaning he intended. In any case, BN shouldn't have said anything at all.

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