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Benjamin Nicholas comes clean

Rick Munroe
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I had not planned to post about this any further, but an email I just received from a prospective client has prompted me to do so now. More people read this message center than read Benjamin's blog, so not everyone knows that Benjamin recently ended his almost 2-week silence and admitted in his latest blog entry that he was not referring to Derek and me in his gossipy post about the HIV positive escorts (he also mentions that I sent him "an angry email," which isn't true, but that's moot). I don't have anything else to add to what I already posted in the other thread; we are super-safe, HIV-negative and STD-free and plan to stay that way. I just wanted everyone to know that this unfair and untrue rumor, at least where it concerns us, has finally been laid to rest by its originator.

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It is so good to know that you guys are free of that rumour at last. We know how important it is for us to keep a clean image of trustworthiness in order to thrive in this business.

I personally believe that our profession is absolutely imcompatible with gossip. To me, the perfect escort has absolutely no memory at all... But also, the perfect escort should always be free of any slandorous gossip, or suspicion about either his reliability, his health or his discretion.


Receive a tight hug and my best wishes, hoping that you two guys will thrive, with the excellent service that you continue to provide.

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That was sweet. Thanks, Juan. I get a true feeling of camaraderie, friendship and uncompetitiveness from escorts like you, Eric (ript4hire - yum), Franco, Rod, Anton, Jeff (Ohio), the two Stevens (Kesslar and Draker), Greg (seaboy4hire), Jim (btmstudnyc, wherever he is), newer guys like Brad Boyd and Tom Isern, and others that I'm probably forgetting to mention.


Even though I've never met some of you, you make me feel like escorting is a kind of brotherhood. Sounds sappy, but it's how I feel. I've said that I was thankful for the opportunities this site has brought me, but I rarely mention that I'm equally thankful for the friendships. :)

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Shouldn't you of all people be staying out of this?



Rick, I am sad that you and Derek have had to go through this. In my opinion you have every right to clear the air especially since you didn't start this mess by placing a blind item in a gossip column. And it's true, this site is read by more people. (in the tabloids and newspapers, salacious stories are always page one, retractions are ALWAYS back page).


Class response from Juan.

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Rick's posting should remind everyone that blind items can have very serious consequences. Not everyone on this site or EscortSpeak may like Rick, but I would guess that all would agree that he has handled this

nasty situation extremely well.

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Sometimes, it's better to ignore than to invite this into becomiong the kind of thread that's been implied. Rick's responses here & on the previous thread were to the point and what was needed as an appropriate response. It's probably best to leave it there, rather than inviting a trolling match...

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What is IT all about Alphie???


I am sorry to hear that many jumped on the band wagon and wanted to say that it was Rick and Derek and Adrian and Blake. But there were something missing. It said "Former", those guys are still active and working not to mention "Safe Sex" Oh well guess it is jut so easy to get on the Wagon. HUGS Chuck

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"I get a true feeling of camaraderie, friendship and uncompetitiveness from escorts like you, Eric (ript4hire - yum), Franco, Rod, Anton, Jeff (Ohio), the two Stevens (Kesslar and Draker), Greg (seaboy4hire), Jim (btmstudnyc, wherever he is), newer guys like Brad Boyd and Tom Isern, and others that I'm probably forgetting to mention."



A true Hallmark moment. I am sure that the others who you probably forgot to mention will be touched just as much. Group hug?

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Dirty laundry


I guess if it was your reputation, livelihood, and personal life (!) being made public, you might feel differently and not be so quick with the quips.


Your good friend bears the responsibility for this, not Rick and Derek. By putting this stupid piece of trash gossip as a blind item in his so called "column", he leaves everyone free to speculate about the identity of the unnamed couple. Very Mature.


Furthermore, if Ben's clients didn't so freely discuss what they learned about other clients from their sessions with Ben, maybe none of this mess with Ben would have gotten to this point.


I am just as tired of seeing people defend this kid for his bad behavior as you are of seeing threads calling him on it. If you have a pet that isn't house broken, you shove his nose in the mistake until he gets it.


Easy to dish it out, tough to take responsibility.


Is that clear enough?

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>I had not planned to post about this any further, but an

>email I just received from a prospective client has prompted

>me to do so now. More people read this message center than

>read Benjamin's blog, so not everyone knows that Benjamin

>recently ended his almost 2-week silence and admitted

>in his latest blog entry that he was not referring to Derek

>and me in his gossipy post about the HIV positive escorts


Actually Mr. Rick, you are the one that protested too much and called attention to the possibility that it might be you too--I doubt that anyone here ever thought it was you and Mr. Derrick until you brought it up--almost as if to self promote at BN's expense--certainly exploited the situation anyway. His blog made it very clear that he was referring to FORMER ESCORT COUPLE and that they had given him permission--neither of these key points fit you and yours, so give us a break.


Did you ever see the movie with Nicole Kidmann and Sean Penn--the Interpreter? The very unpopular dictator that staged his own assassination at the UN building while giving a speech before the whole world and was "saved" at the very last moment reminds me of what you have done here. The line in the movie I really feel apropos was something to the affect that there is nothing like an attempted but failed assassination to make a dictator more popular--I think that principal worked well here for you and I doubt VERY seriously that BN's blog comment caused you one bit of discomfort--if it did, your exploitation of it more than paid you back with tons of attention!

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I love the appearance of these newly created screen names ("like it is mo") that have no purpose here and do nothing other than pop up in BN threads in order to write posts defending BN (or attacking those he hates, such as Vincent) when nobody else (other than a slavish Skrubber and VaHawk) will. Draw your own conclusions.


>Actually Mr. Rick, you are the one that protested too much and

>called attention to the possibility that it might be you

>too--I doubt that anyone here ever thought it was you and Mr.

>Derrick until you brought it up--almost as if to self promote

>at BN's expense--certainly exploited the situation anyway.


Actually, before Rick ever said anything in that thread, numerous people made clear that he and Derek were the obvious - or, at least, highly possible - "escort couple" to whom BN was referring with his malicious gossip. Additionally, Rick just said he received e-mail from a prospective client about this matter, presumably wondering or believing that they had HIV because of BN's sickening gossip item.


Therefore, you are lying when you say that it was Rick who called to attention to the possibility that BN might have been referring to him and Derek as the HIV-positive "escort couple". Rick only had to deny that it was him AFTER many people speculated that Benji meant them. Independently, it was obvious to anyone that people would think of Rick & Derek when reading BN's gossip - just as BN intended.


>His blog made it very clear that he was referring to FORMER

>ESCORT COUPLE and that they had given him permission--neither

>of these key points fit you and yours, so give us a break.


You are lying about what BN wrote because you can't defend what he actually wrote. He did NOT refer to a "FORMER ESCORT COUPLE." He called them a "former HIGH-PROFILE escort couple," and it was absolutely clear that the "former" modified "high profile" (as in: "these escorts USED TO BE high profile").


BN and people like you are embarrassed about what BN wrote and are now trying to claim that he only accused "former escorts" of having HIV, not current ones (as though that makes it better). But what BN wrote made clear that he was smearning current escorts, not former ones. Here is what he said:


" i will say that letting their clients know ahead of time is the professional and sane thing to do."


Benji is preaching to his fictitious HIV couple that they should tell their clients ahead of meeting them that they have HIV. It is clear from this that the "escort couple" he was sliming still sees clients. How could "former escorts" tell their clients "ahead of time"? Only CURRENT escorts are still seeing clients, by defintion.


None of this should obscure the obvious fact (obvious to any person unblinded by brainwashed, slavish loyalty) that Benji made up this whole thing in order to exact vengence against escorts whom he hates. His account of what happened made no sense whatsoever - as Anton pointed out in the questions Anton politely asked Benji which Benji rudely and revealingly ignored.


And, as Rick's post makes clear, the real point here is that when you run around desperately trying to draw attention to yourself by spitting out vicious HIV rumors which can only apply to a small group of people, doing so is actually worse than naming the people you are smearing, because these "blind" but specific gossip items have the effect of drawing numerous people - including innocent ones - into Benji's malicious character-smearing net.


Not that Benji or his handful of vapid slaves care about smearing and destroying people's reputations. Having Benji get attention is always the Prime Mandate, outweighing all other considerations. But, as one can see from the almost universal disdain for Benji's behavior, most people do care about unwarranted reputation-destruction.


Blaming Rick - one of Benji's intended victims - for what Benji did (as "like it is mo" just did) is to sink even lower into the cesspool than Benji sunk - and is to do so long after one thought that it was impossible to sink any lower in this rancid episode.


Finally, when it comes to BN and his "escorting career," a picture is worth a thousand words:



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Dude I think you are way off base here...


>Actually Mr. Rick, you are the one that protested too much and

>called attention to the possibility that it might be you

>too--I doubt that anyone here ever thought it was you and Mr.

>Derrick until you brought it up--almost as if to self promote

>at BN's expense--certainly exploited the situation anyway.


How does one protest too much when people are questioning one's health status, ethical business standards not too mention one's integrity. There were several people who wondered who it might be and since Rick and Derek are one of the most popular couples on this site it would be foolish to think their names would not have been mentioned or at least thought of. I thought Rick handled the situation with class and dignity considering his and Derek's livelihood had been threatened. He answered the claim publicly and also went to the source for clarification. Unless you escort yourself, I don't think you possibly can, or if anyone other than Rick and Derek, know the extent of damage that something like this can do to their business.


I doubt VERY seriously that BN's blog

>comment caused you one bit of discomfort--if it did, your

>exploitation of it more than paid you back with tons of



It is definately obvious that Rick and Derek were NOT comforted by BN's blog comment. I am under the impression the when one exploits someone or something it is for personal gain. I fail to see how the kind of attention that they are receiving is gaining them anything. I hope it doesn't affect their business. It will be truly sad if it does because I think they are a great couple and provide much entertainment.


As unfortunate as this situation is with what was written, I find your post to be most wrank sir. Although you may have been lurking for quite some time, to post an attack on someone after 4 posts, especially one as mean spirited as well as baseless as yours, makes one wonder what your true motives are. Your credibility has been weakened, I wonder now about your integrity.

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RE: How shall we define clean?


On this board, the words "smearing" and "vengeance" (no matter how badly you spell them), remind me of the word "fabulous." Some words are just so over-used, usually for very dramatic impact, they end up having no reliable meaning. And with histrionics on proud display here, no wonder the drama is as over-bloated as some of the registrant's bellies.


The use of the word "exploitation" on this board is also a source for a hearty chuckle. It brings to mind that wonderful phrase, "Are you fucking kidding me?"


Furthermore, debating semantics with regard to the writing of someone who clearly lacks a well-honed talent is equally laughable. Can anybody, including Benjamin Nicholas, know for sure what the intended meaning of his words were?


Since anyone who's been to San Antonio more than once knows, it has only one "major" newspaper. I'm beginning to wonder more and more about Mr. Nicholas and his motives. A man who gives his enemies too much ammunition usually ends up with what he asks for: complete self-destruction. Hmm....


If one of my careers was male companionship, I don't doubt I would have seized the moment to clear up any salacious rumor or innuendo that had the potential to hurt my business. I probably wouldn't have been as defensive as Mr. Munroe but I do believe he has the right to set his record straight.


I don't blame Benjamin Nicholas and his column for the rumor, either. It's very clear to me that a user named, "woodlawn," planted the slanderous supposition elsewhere with the intent to do harm. Slander is not included in Freedom of Speech and maybe legal counsel wouldn't be a bad thing in this case, in spite of the obvious. An investigation could locate the ISP address in question.


Of course, one also has the right to notify escortspeaks' advertisers. Informing them of your refusal to purchase their products as long as they advertise on that site (whose sole purpose, it seems, is to foster and promote slander) could get them to take a second look. The actions of enemies typically effect both sides in a battle.

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>I just don't understand why this site allows the princess to

>say things like that and get away with it.


How, exactly, is this site supposed to control what is written on some other site? That would be like the Washington Post controlling editorial content at the Chicago Tribune. Not gonna happen.

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>How, exactly, is this site supposed to control what is written

>on some other site? That would be like the Washington Post

>controlling editorial content at the Chicago Tribune. Not

>gonna happen.


You are right that it's unreasonable to expect this site to control what Benji writes on his "blog." This site can't do that and shouldn't try.


But it's not unreasonable to complain about this site linking to (and thereby promoting) his "blog." As others have pointed out, it is quite odd that this site, devoted as it is to escorts and their clients, would promote a blog which violates client confidentiality and smears escorts with unfounded, vicious rumors -- including escorts who have been long-term contributing members of this site.


I believe that you have indicated previously that you agree that Benji's "blog" should not be linked by this site, and I agree with that. But given that this site does promote that blog, it is entirely legitimate to complain here about the vile and false things that are said by him on the blog.

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>How, exactly, is this site supposed to control what is written

>on some other site? That would be like the Washington Post

>controlling editorial content at the Chicago Tribune. Not

>gonna happen.


They can't control what is written on another site, but they can stop posting a link to the other site. BN has abused his favored status long enough, it's time Daddy stopped catering to him, and removed the link, on the front page of this site, to his 15 minutes column.

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>But it's not unreasonable to complain about this site linking

>to (and thereby promoting) his "blog."


I am in complete agreement that the site should not link to it. (My objection goes much deeper than just content.)


This is the wrong venue for your complaint. The MC runs independently of the M4M review site, where that link exists. If you want to complain about it, write to daddy@male4malescorts.com. I have, many times. The answer is always that the owners do not consider the issue important enough for consideration.


Perhaps if, instead of blowing hot air in public, you and others addressed your concerns in the proper venue that opinion might change. But that would deprive you of the opportunity to pound your chest and grunt, wouldn't it? And it would work against you if the link were removed, wouldn't it? You lose one of your reasons for kvetching in public.

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